I understand that Greenplum Database will separate data into different segments according to table distribution key. And furthermore, from the documentation it says:
To achieve local joins for large tables commonly joined together, distribute the tables on the same column.
Assume there are tables as follow:
T_1 contains key external columns (a,b)
T_2 contains key external columns (a)
T_3 contains key external columns (b)
So if I distribute T_1 by both (a,b), how should I distribute T_2 and T_3 in order to achieve maximum localization of a join?
You can't distribute T_2 and T_3 the same way as T_1, because you are missing columns in each table.
In your scenario you can either optimize T_2 by distributing T_1 by (a), or optimize T_3 by distributing T_1 by (b). And you have to use the same data types as well.
When we should not use bucketing in hive? What is the bottleneck of this technique?
I guess you don't have to use bucketing when you can't benefit from it. As far as I know among main benefits of bucketing: more efficient sampling and map-side joins(see bellow). So if your table is small or you don't need fast sampling and map-side joins just don't use it because you will need to remember that you have to bucket you data before insertion, manually or using set hive.enforce.bucketing = true; There is no bottleneck, it's just one of possible data layouts which allow you to take advantage in some situations.
Hive map-side join example (see more here):
If the tables being joined are bucketized on the join columns, and the number of buckets in one table is a multiple of the number of buckets in the other table, the buckets can be joined with each other. If table A has 4 buckets and table B has 4 buckets, the following join
SELECT a.key, a.value
FROM a JOIN b ON a.key = b.key
can be done on the mapper only. Instead of fetching B completely for
each mapper of A, only the required buckets are fetched. For the query
above, the mapper processing bucket 1 for A will only fetch bucket 1
of B. It is not the default behavior, and is governed by the following
set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = true
Update Considering the data skew when bucketing.
Bucket number calculated using hash_function(bucketing_column) mod num_buckets. If your bucketing column is of int type then hash_int(i) == i(see more here). So if you have skewed values in that column, one value appears much more often then the others for example, then many more rows will be placed in a corresponding bucket, you will have disproportional buckets, this harms the query speed. Hive have build-in tools to overcome data skewness(see Skewed Tables) but I don't think you should use a column with skewed data for bucketing in the first place.
Bucketing is method by which we distribute the data into files. which would otherwise be unevenly distributed.
When to use Bucketing: When we know that query will use column such as "customer_id" which is sequencial or evenly distributed.
When Not to use Bucketing: We would not use bucketing when we know that most use case of the table involve reading subset of data.
For Example: although we keep historical data, we only process last 2 weeks data to determine something. In this scenario we would use partition by weekno.
You should not prefer bucketing when cardinality of partitioning field is not too high. In that case partitioning is more beneficial.
And bucketing can only be done on one field whereas partitioning can be done on multiple fields , with an order like(country, city, state).
I want to optimize a query in vertica database. I have table like this
CREATE TABLE data (a INT, b INT, c INT);
and a lot of rows in it (billions)
I fetch some data using whis query
SELECT b, c FROM data WHERE a = 1 AND b IN ( 1,2,3, ...)
but it runs slow. The query plan shows something like this
[Cost: 3M, Rows: 3B (NO STATISTICS)]
The same is shown when I perform explain on
SELECT b, c FROM data WHERE a = 1 AND b = 1
It looks like scan on some part of table. In other databases I can create an index to make such query realy fast, but what can I do in vertica?
Vertica does not have a concept of indexes. You would want to create a query specific projection using the Database Designer if this is a query that you feel is run frequently enough. Each time you create a projection, the data is physically copied and stored on disk.
I would recommend reviewing projection concepts in the documentation.
If you see a NO STATISTICS message in the plan, you can run ANALYZE_STATISTICS on the object.
For further optimization, you might want to use a JOIN rather than IN. Consider using partitions if appropriate.
Creating good projections is the "secret-sauce" of how to make Vertica perform well. Projection design is a bit of an art-form, but there are 3 fundamental concepts that you need to keep in mind:
1) SEGMENTATION: For every row, this determines which node to store the data on, based on the segmentation key. This is important for two reasons: a) DATA SKEW -- if data is heavily skewed then one node will do too much work, slowing down the entire query. b) LOCAL JOINS - if you frequently join two large fact tables, then you want the data to be segmented the same way so that the joined records exist on the same nodes. This is extremely important.
2) ORDER BY: If you are performing frequent FILTER operations in the where clause, such as in your query WHERE a=1, then consider ordering the data by this key first. Ordering will also improve GROUP BY operations. In your case, you would order the projection by columns a then b. Ordering correctly allows Vertica to perform MERGE joins instead of HASH joins which will use less memory. If you are unsure how to order the columns, then generally aim for low to high cardinality which will also improve your compression ratio significantly.
3) PARTITIONING: By partitioning your data with a column which is frequently used in the queries, such as transaction_date, etc, you allow Vertica to perform partition pruning, which reads much less data. It also helps during insert operations, allowing to only affect one small ROS container, instead of the entire file.
Here is an image which can help illustrate how these concepts work together.
I am learning hive and came across skewed tables. Help me understanding it.
What are skewed tables in Hive?
How do we create skewed tables?
How does it effect performance?
What are skewed tables in Hive?
A skewed table is a special type of table where the values that appear very often (heavy skew) are split out into separate files and rest of the values go to some other file..
How do we create skewed tables?
create table <T> (schema) skewed by (keys) on ('value1', 'value2') [STORED as DIRECTORIES];
Example :
create table T (c1 string, c2 string) skewed by (c1) on ('x1')
How does it affect performance?
By specifying the skewed values Hive will split those out into separate files automatically and take this fact into account during queries so that it can skip (or include) whole files if possible thus enhancing the performance.
x1 is actually the value on which column c1 is skewed. You can have multiple such values for multiple columns. For example,
create table T (c1 string, c2 string) skewed by (c1) on ('x1', 'x2', 'x3')
Advantage of having such a setup is that for the values that appear more frequently than other values get split out into separate files(or separate directories if we are using STORED AS DIRECTORIES clause). And this information is used by the execution engine during query execution to make processing more efficient.
In Skewed Tables, partition will be created for the column value which has many records and rest of the data will be moved to another partition. Hence number of partitions, number of mappers and number of intermediate files will be reduced.
For ex: out of 100 patients, 90 patients have high BP and other 10 patients have fever, cold, cancer etc. So one partition will be created for 90 patients and one partition will be created for other 10 patients.
I hope this will answer your question.
I've been having some difficulty scaling up the application and decided to ask a question here.
Consider a relational database (say mysql). Let's say it allows users to make posts and these are stored in the post table (has fields: postid, posterid, data, timestamp). So, when you go to retrieve all posts by you sorted by recency, you simply get all posts with posterid = you and order by date. Simple enough.
This process will use timestamp as the index since it has the highest cardinality and correctly so. So, beyond looking into the indexes, it'll take literally 1 row fetch from disk to complete this task. Awesome!
But let's say it's been 1 million more posts (in the system) by other users since you last posted. Then, in order to get your latest post, the database will peg the index on timestamp again, and it's not like we know how many posts have happened since then (or should we at least manually estimate and set preferred key)? Then we wasted looking into a million and one rows just to fetch a single row.
Additionally, a set of posts from multiple arbitrary users would be one of the use cases, so I cannot make fields like userid_timestamp to create a sub-index.
Am I seeing this wrong? Or what must be changed fundamentally from the application to allow such operation to occur at least somewhat efficiently?
If you have a query: ... WHERE posterid = you ORDER BY timestamp [DESC], then you need a composite index on {posterid, timestamp}.
Finding all posts of a given user is done by a range scan on the index's leading edge (posterid).
Finding user's oldest/newest post can be done in a single index seek, which is proportional to the B-Tree height, which is proportional to log(N) where N is number of indexed rows.
To understand why, take a look at Anatomy of an SQL Index.
The leafs of a "normal" B-Tree index hold "pointers" (physical addresses) to indexed rows, while the rows themselves reside in a separate data structure called "table heap". The heap can be eliminated by storing rows directly in leafs of the B-Tree, which is called clustering. This has its pros and cons, but if you have one predominant kind of query, eliminating the table heap access through clustering is definitely something to consider.
In this particular case, the table could be created like this:
posterid int,
`timestamp` DATETIME,
data VARCHAR(50),
PRIMARY KEY (posterid, `timestamp`)
The MySQL/InnoDB clusters all its tables and uses primary key as clustering key. We haven't used the surrogate key (postid) since secondary indexes in clustered tables can be expensive and we already have the natural key. If you really need the surrogate key, consider making it alternate key and keeping the clustering established through the natural key.
For queries like
where posterid = 5
order by timestamp
where posterid in (4, 578, 222299, ...etc...)
order by timestamp
make an index on (posterid, timestamp) and the database should pick it all by itself.
edit - i just tried this with mysql
CREATE TABLE `posts` (
`id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
INDEX `id_ts` (`id`, `ts`),
INDEX `id` (`id`),
INDEX `ts` (`ts`),
INDEX `ts_id` (`ts`, `id`)
I filled it with a lot of data, and
select * from posts where id = 5 order by ts
picks the id_ts index
Assuming you use hash tables to implement your Data Base - yes. Hash tables are not ordered, and you have no other way but to iterate all elements in order to find the maximal.
However, if you use some ordered DS, such as a B+ tree (which is actually pretty optimized for disks and thus data bases), it is a different story.
You can store elements in your B+ tree ordered by user (primary order/comparator) and date (secondary comparator, descending). Once you have this DS, finding the first element can be achieved in O(log(n)) disk seeks by finding the first element matching the primary criteria (user-id).
I am not familiar with the implementations of data bases, but AFAIK, some of them do allow you to create an index, based on a B+ tree - and by doing so, you can achieve finding the last post of a user more efficiently.
To be exact, the concept of "greatest" element or ordering is not well defined in Relational Algebra. There is no max operator. To get the max element of a table R with a single column a one should actually create the Cartesian product of that table and find this entry. There is no max nor sort operator in strict relational algebra (though it does exist in SQL)
(Assuming set, and not multiset semantics):
MAX = R \ Project(Select(R x R, R1.a < R2.a),R1.a)
I have a number of tables comprised of facts and foreign keys ('dimensional' and 'key-value' type). For example, ENCOUNTER:
ID - primary key
I don't have the option to create a data warehouse
I would like to simplify the data structure for reporting
My approach is to create a number of pseudo-dimensional views ('D_LOCATION' based on the DEPARTMENT and LOCATION tables) and pseudo-fact views ('F_ENCOUNTER' based on ENCOUNTER table). In the pseudo-fact view, I would JOIN the key-value tables (e.g. STATUS, PATIENT_CLASS) to the fact table to include the name fields (e.g. STATUS.NAME, PATIENT_CLASS.NAME).
If a query selects a subset of all of the fields from F_ENCOUNTER (i.e. not all of the key-value.name fields), is the Oracle 10g optimizer smart enough to exclude some of the key-value table joins (i.e. the ones that aren't included in the query)?
Is there anything that I can do to optimize this architecture (other than indices)
Is there another approach?
** edit **
Goals (in order of importance):
reduce query complexity; increase query consistency; decrease report-development time
optimize query-processing
minimize administrator burden
decrease storage
One optimization suggestion is not to use key-value pair tables. The concept of a Dimension table is that each record should contain all information about that concept without needing to join to normalized tables - i.e. turning a star schema into a snowflake schema.
While values might be repeated across dimension table records, it has the advantage of fewer joins in your reporting queries. Denormalizing tables in this way might seem counter intuitive but where performance is paramount it is usually the best solution.
I don't believe Oracle would exclude any joins done in the view, because the joins can impact the number of rows returned. (As when an inner join fails to match any rows, making the whole result set empty.)
What are the goals of your optimization? Query speed? query simplicity? storage efficiency? If you can sacrifice storage efficiency for better query performance, then replace the key-value references with the values themselves (TYPE_NAME instead of TYPE_ID, PATIENT_CLASS_NAME instead of PATIENT_CLASS_ID, etc.).
[Edit:] If the original architecture cannot be modified, consider using a materialized view. It would essentially pre-compute the joins and store the result set, giving you speedy query time at the cost of extra storage space and possibly-not-fresh data. You can control the latter by specifying an appropriate refresh policy. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materialized_view and http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10500_01/server.920/a96520/mv.htm for further details.