Multiple subscriptions nested into one subscription - rxjs

I find myself puzzled trying to set a very simple rxjs flow of subscriptions. Having multiple non-related subscriptions nested into another.
I'm in an angular application and I need a subject to be filled with next before doing other subscriptions.
Here would be the nested version of what I want to achieve.
subject0.subscribe(a => {
this.a = a;
subject1.subscribe(x => {
// Do some stuff that require this.a to exists
subject2.subscribe(y => {
// Do some stuff that require this.a to exists
I know that nested subscriptions are not good practice, I tried using flatMap or concatMap but didn't really get how to realize this.

It's always a good idea to separate the data streams per Observable so you can easily combine them later on.
const first$ = this.http.get('one').pipe(
The shareReplay is used to make the Observable hot so it won't call http.get('one') per each subscription.
const second$ = this.first$.pipe(
flatMap(firstCallResult =>'second', firstCallResult))
const third$ = this.first$.pipe(
flatMap(firstCallResult =>'third', firstCallResult))
After this you can perform subscriptions to the Observables you need:
second$.subscribe(()=>{}) // in this case two requests will be sent - the first one (if there were no subscribes before) and the second one
third$.subscribe(() => {}) // only one request is sent - the first$ already has the response cached
If you do not want to store the first$'s value anywhere, simply transform this to:
flatMap(firstCallResult => combineLatest(['two', firstCallResult),'three', firstCallResult)
).subscribe(([secondCallResult, thirdCallResult]) => {})
Also you can use BehaviorSubject that stores the value in it:
const behaviorSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>(null); // using BehaviorSubject does not require you to subscribe to it (because it's a hot Observable)
const first$ = behaviorSubject.pipe(
filter(Boolean), // to avoid emitting null at the beginning
flatMap(subjectValue => this.http.get('one?' + subjectValue))
const second$ = first$.pipe(
flatMap(firstRes =>'two', firstRes))
const third$ = first$.pipe(
)'1') // second$ and third$ will emit new values'2') // second$ and third$ will emit the updated values again

You can do that using the concat operator.
const first = of('first').pipe(tap((value) => { /* doSomething */ }));
const second = of('second').pipe(tap((value) => { /* doSomething */ }));
const third = of('third').pipe(tap((value) => { /* doSomething */ }));
concat(first, second, third).subscribe();
This way, everything is chained and executed in the same order as defined.
const first = of('first').pipe(tap(value => {
// doSomething
combineLatest(second, third).subscribe();
const second = of('second').pipe(tap(value => { /* doSomething */ }));
const third = of('third').pipe(tap(value => { /* doSomething */ }));
This way, second and third are running asynchronously as soon as first emits.

You could do something like this:
subject$: Subject<any> = new Subject();
switchMap(() => subject0),
tap(a => {
this.a = a;
switchMap(() => subject1),
tap(x => {
// Do some stuff that require this.a to exists
switchMap(() => subject2),
tap(y => {
// Do some stuff that require this.a to exists
if you want to trigger this, simply call this.subject$.next();
Here is an possible approach with forkJoin, that shout call the subjects parallel.
subject$: Subject<any> = new Subject();
switchMap(() => subject0),
tap(a => {
this.a = a;
() => forkJoin(
tap([x,y] => {
// Do some stuff that require this.a to exists


RxJs - how to make observable behave like queue

I'm trying to achieve next:
private beginTransaction(): Observable() {
private test(): void {
this.beginTransaction().subscribe((): void => {
this.beginTransaction().subscribe((): void => {
beginTransaction can be called concurrently, but should delay the observable until first or only one beginTransaction finished.
In order words: Only one transaction can be in progress at any time.
What have I tried:
private transactionInProgress: boolean = false;
private canBeginTransaction: Subject<void> = new Subject<void>();
private bla3(): void {
this.beginTransaction().subscribe((): void => {
console.log('beginTransaction 1');
this.beginTransaction().subscribe((): void => {
console.log('beginTransaction 2');
this.beginTransaction().subscribe((): void => {
console.log('beginTransaction 3');
private commitTransaction(): void {
this.transactionInProgress = false;;
private beginTransaction(): Observable<void> {
if(this.transactionInProgress) {
return of(undefined)
tap((): void => {
console.log('begin transaction');
this.transactionInProgress = true;
return of(undefined);
What you've asked about is pretty vague and general. Without a doubt, a more constrained scenario could probably look a whole lot simpler.
Regardless, here I create a pipeline that only lets transaction(): Observable be subscribed to once at a time.
Here's how that might look:
* Represents what each transaction does. Isn't concerned about
* order/timing/'transactionInProgress' or anything like that.
* Here is a fake transaction that just takes 3-5 seconds to emit
* the string: `Hello ${name}`
function transaction(args): Observable<string> {
const name = args?.message;
const duration = 3000 + (Math.random() * 2000);
return of("Hello").pipe(
tap(_ => console.log("starting transaction")),
switchMap(v => timer(duration).pipe(
map(_ => `${v} ${name}`)
tap(_ => console.log("Ending transation"))
// Track transactions
let currentTransactionId = 0;
// Start transactions
const transactionSubj = new Subject<any>();
// Perform transaction: concatMap ensures we only start a new one if
// there isn't a current transaction underway
const transaction$ = transactionSubj.pipe(
concatMap(({id, args}) => transaction(args).pipe(
map(payload => ({id, payload}))
* Begin a new transaction, we give it an ID since transactions are
* "hot" and we don't want to return the wrong (earlier) transactions,
* just the current one started with this call.
function beginTransaction(args): Observable<any> {
return defer(() => {
const currentId = currentTransactionId++;{id: currentId, args});
return transaction$.pipe(
first(({id}) => id === currentId),
map(({payload}) => payload)
// Queue up 3 transactions, each one will wait for the previous
// one to complete before it will begin.
beginTransaction({message: "Dave"}).subscribe(console.log);
beginTransaction({message: "Tom"}).subscribe(console.log);
beginTransaction({message: "Tim"}).subscribe(console.log);
Asynchronous Transactions
The current setup requires transactions to be asynchronous, or you risk losing the first one. The workaround for that is not simple, so I've built an operator that subscribes, then calls a function as soon as possible after that.
Here it is:
function initialize<T>(fn: () => void): MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T> {
return s => new Observable(observer => {
const bindOn = name => observer[name].bind(observer);
const sub = s.subscribe({
next: bindOn("next"),
error: bindOn("error"),
complete: bindOn("complete")
return {
unsubscribe: () => sub.unsubscribe
and here it is in use:
function beginTransaction(args): Observable<any> {
return defer(() => {
const currentId = currentTransactionId++;
return transaction$.pipe(
initialize(() =>{id: currentId, args})),
first(({id}) => id === currentId),
map(({payload}) => payload)
Aside: Why Use defer?
Consider re-writting beginTransaction:
function beginTransaction(args): Observable<any> {
const currentId = currentTransactionId++;
return transaction$.pipe(
initialize(() =>{id: currentId, args})),
first(({id}) => id === currentId),
map(({payload}) => payload)
In this case, the ID is set at the moment you invoke beginTransaction.
// The ID is set here, but it won't be used until subscribed
const preppedTransaction = beginTransaction({message: "Dave"});
// 10 seconds later, that ID gets used.
() => preppedTransaction.subscribe(console.log),
If is called without the initialize operator, then this problem gets even worse as would also get called 10 seconds before the observable is subscribed to (You're sure to miss the output)
The problems continue:
What if you want to subscribe to the same observable twice?
const preppedTransaction = beginTransaction({message: "Dave"});
value => console.log("First Subscribe: ", value)
value => console.log("Second Subscribe: ", value)
I would expect the output to be:
First Subscribe: Hello Dave
Second Subscribe: Hello Dave
Instead, you get
First Subscribe: Hello Dave
First Subscribe: Hello Dave
Second Subscribe: Hello Dave
Second Subscribe: Hello Dave
Because you don't get a new ID on subscribing, the two subscriptions share one ID. defer fixes this problem by not assigning an id until subscription. This becomes seriously important when managing errors in streams (letting you re-try an observable after it errors).
I am not sure I have understood the problem right, but it looks to me as concatMap is the operator you are looking for.
An example could be the following
const transactionTriggers$ = from([
't1', 't2', 't3'
function processTransation(trigger: string) {
console.log(`Start processing transation triggered by ${trigger}`)
// do whatever needs to be done and then return an Observable
console.log(`Transation triggered by ${trigger} processing ......`)
return of(`Transation triggered by ${trigger} processed`)
concatMap(trigger => processTransation(trigger)),
You basically start from a stream of events, where each event is supposed to trigger the processing of the transaction.
Then you use processTransaction function to do whatever you have to do to process a transaction. processTransactio needs to return an Observable which emits the result of the processing when the transaction has been processed and then completes.
Then in the pipe you can use tap to do further stuff with the result of the processing, if required.
You can try the code in this stackblitz.

RxJS: Use shareReplay to POST HTTP request once, then use ID returned to queue updates

Essentially I need:
const saveObservable = new Subject().asObservable();
const create$ = of("ID").pipe(tap(() => console.log("executed")), shareReplay());
const subscription = saveObservable.pipe(
concatMap(({ files = [], ...attributes }) =>
tap(id => console.log("queue updates to", id))
This will make it so my initial save operation: of("ID") only executes once. Then, all further executions of this save will use the ID returned and queue up.
What I'm struggling with is that I can't put create$ inside my concatMap because it creates a new instance of the observable and shareReplay is effectively useless.
But I basically need it within the concatMap so that I can use attributes.
How can I do that?
concatMap(({ files = [], ...attributes }) => {
const create$ = fromFetch("", { attributes }).pipe(tap(() => console.log("executed")), shareReplay());
return create$.pipe(
tap(a => console.log(a))
const create$ = fromFetch("", { attributes?? }).pipe(tap(() => console.log("executed")), shareReplay());
concatMap(({ files = [], ...attributes }) => {
return create$.pipe(
tap(a => console.log(a))
Not sure if this is the best approach, but here's what comes to mind.
You can use a ReplaySubject as a subscriber. When used this way, it will cache the emitted values that come from the source.
So you could have something like this:
const replSubj = new ReplaySubject(/* ... */);
concatMap(({ files = [], ...attributes }) => {
// We first subscribe to `replSubj` so we can get the stored values
// If none of the stored ones match the condition imposed in `first`,
// simply emit `of({ key: null })`, which means that a request will be made
return merge(replSubj, of({ key: null }))
// Check if we've had a request with such attributes before
// If yes: just return the stored value received from the subject
// If not: make a request and store the value
// By using `first` we also make sure the subject won't have redundant subscribers
first(v => v.key === attributes.identifier || v.key === null),
v => v.key === null
? fromFetch("", { attributes }).pipe(tap(() => console.log("executed")))
map(response => ({ key: attributes.identifer, response })), // Add the key so we can distinguish it later
tap(({ response }) => // Store the value in the subject
: of(v.response) // Emit & complete immediately
Note that ReplaySubject can have a second parameter, windowTime, which specifies how long the values should be cached.
I solved it with:
let create$: Observable<EnvelopeSummary>;
const [, , done] = useObservable(
concatMap(attributes => {
if (create$) {
return create$.pipe(
concatMap(({ envelopeId }) =>
updateEnvelope({ ...userInfo, envelopeId, attributes }).pipe(
} else {
create$ = createEnvelope({ ...userInfo, attributes }).pipe(
return create$.pipe(mapTo(attributes.status))
takeWhile(status => status !== "sent")

rxjs subscription being called more often than expected

I have a BehaviorSubject stream of functions. I have an initialState object represented as an immutable Record. Those functions are scanned and used to manipulate the state. The code looks like this:
const initialState = Record({
todo: Record({
title: "",
todos: List([Record({title: "first todo"})()])
const actionCreator = (update) => ({
addTodo(title) { => {
console.log({title}); // for debugging reasons
const todo = Record({title})()
return state.set("todos", state.get("todos").push(todo))
typeNewTodoTitle(title) { => state.set("todo", state.get("todo").set("title", title))
const update$ = new BehaviorSubject(state => state);
const actions = actionCreator(update$);
const state = update$.pipe(
(state, updater) => updater(state), initialState()
// share() without share weird things happen
I have a very simple test written for this
it("should only respond to and call actions once", () => {
const subscripition = chai.spy();
const addTodo = chai.spy.on(actions, 'addTodo');
const typeNewTodoTitle = chai.spy.on(actions, 'typeNewTodoTitle');
map(s => s.get("todo")),
map(s => s.get("todos")),
expect(subscripition).to.have.been.called.twice // error
expect(subscripition).to.have.been.called.exactly(3) // error
The first strange behavior is that subscription has been called 3 times and then 4 instead of 2 and then 3 times. The second strange behavior is that even though each action has only been called once, the console.log has been called twice. I can fix this problem by adding share() to the pipeline, but I can't figure out why that's required.

Have multiple operations on a single event

Trying to have a event triggering multiple switchMap with the initial event data.
Each actions creates a promise to some transform that is then written in the file system. The actions are independent and unrelated, but uses the same data, just for different purpose, so they should not be merged.
Currently using taps instead of switchMap, that can lead to multiple event running the at the same time.
const SomeApiCall = () => {return {some: 'data'} }
const AllowsDoAction = () => {console.log('Parsing API and writting some things to FS -- PLACEHOLDER')}
const SomeTimeDoThisActionTo = () => {console.log('Parsing API and writting some other things to fs, by asking more data from the API and first, so it is long thing to do, so a new event can arrive first -- PLACEHOLDER')}
const deepEqual = (prev, cur) => prev === cur // normally a proper deepEqual...
const taps = [tap(AllowsDoAction)];
if (someCondition) taps.push(SomeTimeDoThisActionTo)
const observable = timer(0, 500).pipe(
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => deepEqual(prev, cur))
I would return the filesystem write observables (edit 2)
const SomeApiCall = () => {
return of({ some: 'data' });
const AllowsDoAction = () => {
console.log('Parsing API and writting some things to FS -- PLACEHOLDER');
return timer(100).pipe(map(() => 'write 1 finished'));
const SomeTimeDoThisActionTo = () => {
'Parsing API and writting some other things to fs, by asking more data from the API and first, so it is long thing to do, so a new event can arrive first -- PLACEHOLDER'
return timer(1000).pipe(map(() => 'write 2 finished'));
And then use concatMap to wait for all filesystem operation to complete.
const deepEqual = (prev, cur) => prev === cur; // normally a proper deepEqual...
const taps = [(AllowsDoAction)];
const someCondition = true;
if (someCondition) {
const reduxStorageEvent$ = of('replace this with real event');
const observable = merge(timer(0, 500), reduxStorageEvent$).pipe(
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => deepEqual(prev, cur)),
// use switchMap to cancel previous writes (edit 2)
// await latest write operations, before starting new writes
concatMap((someData) => {
const writes = => {
return tapFx(someData);
// wait for all writes
return forkJoin(...writes);
concatMap is like a queue. The first one in this queue has to finish before the second one can start.

Any reason to use shareReplay(1) in a BehaviorSubject pipe?

I'm using a library that exposes data from a service class using a pretty common BehaviorSubject pattern. The only notable difference with the implementation and what I have seen/used myself is the addition of a pipe with a shareReplay(1) operator. I'm not sure if the shareReplay is required. What effect, if any, does the shareReplay have in this case?
// "rxjs": "^6.3.0" = new BehaviorSubject({});$ =
Note: I've read a number of articles on shareReplay, and I've seen questions about different combinations of shareReplay and Subject, but not this particular one
Not in your example but imagine if there was some complex logic in a map function that transformed the data then the share replay would save that complex logic being run for each subscription.
const { BehaviorSubject } = rxjs;
const { map, shareReplay } = rxjs.operators;
const bs$ = new BehaviorSubject('initial value');
const obs$ = bs$.pipe(
map(val => {
return 'mapped value';
shareReplay({bufferSize:1, refCount: true})
obs$.subscribe(val => { console.log(val); });
obs$.subscribe(val => { console.log(val); });
<script src=""></script>
Compare without the share, the map happens twice.
const { BehaviorSubject } = rxjs;
const { map } = rxjs.operators;
const bs$ = new BehaviorSubject('initial value');
const obs$ = bs$.pipe(
map(val => {
return 'mapped value';
obs$.subscribe(val => { console.log(val); });
obs$.subscribe(val => { console.log(val); });
<script src=""></script>
With this pattern (use of shareReplay(1)), the service protects itself from the user using the next() function of the BehaviorSubject while sending the last value of the BehaviorSubject (which would not have been the case without shareReplay(1)).
