Use For and save and saa in diferent files - bash

I'm trying to take 2 files from one command, in one file I only put 1 entries and the other complete a list, this is the example:
I tried various commands
for i in range 4
echo "test" >one >>list
I need what in the "one" save the last one loop and in the "list" everyone.

You can use the tee for this, since tee will still write to stdout you can do something like
for i in range 4
echo "test" | tee one >>list
or this if you want to see echos when you run it, the -a flag tells tee to append rather than truncate
for i in range 4
echo "test" | tee one | tee -a list


How do I use for command to give me an output by file?

I have a folder named Chapters which contains 20 files with 1 chapter of a book per file.
I have a file named book_chap.list which contains the list of chapters. It contains something like this:
I have a third file called book.names10 which contains a list of names. It contains something like this:
What I need from the output is a file that indicates by chapter the times each name has been said in each chapter. Something like this:
I am using this:
for a in chapters/chap_* ;
echo -n $a;
ggrep -F -f book.names10 -w -o $a | wc -l ;
but the only thing I got is a list of the number of times the names were used in each chapter in general. I don't know where to integrate the file book_chap.list on this command.
Quick and dirty (you might want to prettify the output):
for chapter in $(ls chapters/chap_*); do
echo "Chapter ${chapter}:" >> nameOccurences.txt
for name in $(cat book.names10); do
echo -n "${name}: " >> nameOccurences.txt
grep -o ${name} ${chapter} | wc -l >> nameOccurences.txt
echo "" >> nameOccurences.txt
If you want to group the result by name rather than chapter, you have to exchange the loops and output accordingly.

Bash Terminal: Write only specific lines to logfile

I'm running simulation with lots of terminal output, which would exceed my disc space, if I'd save it to a logfile (e.g by "cmd > logfile"). Now I would like to follow the entire terminal output, but at the same time I would like to save specific data/lines/values from this output to a file.
1) Is there a way to that in bash?
2) Or as alternative: Is it possible to save the logfile, extract the needed data and then delete the processed lines to avoid generating a huge logfile?
If you want to save into logfile only the output containing mypattern but you want the see all the output at the terminal, you could issue:
cmd 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty | grep 'mypattern' > logfile
I also assumed that the output of cmd may be directed to the standard output stream as well as to the standard error stream, by adding 2>&1 after cmd.
What criteria are you using to decide which lines to keep?
One common filter is to just store stderr.
cmdlist 2>logfile # stdout still to console
For a more sophisticated filter, if you have specific patterns you want to save to the log, you can use sed. Here's a simplistic example -
seq 1 100 | sed '/.*[37]$/w tmplog'
This will generate numbers from 1 to 100 and send them all to the console, but capture all numbers that end with 3 or 7 to tmplog. It can also accept more complex lists of commands to help you be more comprehensive -
seq 1 100 | sed '/.*[37]$/w 37.log
/^2/w 37.log'
c.f. the sed manual for more detailed breakdowns.
You probably also want error output, so it might be a good idea to save that too.
seq 1 100 2>errlog | sed '/.*[37]$/w patlog'
For a more complex space-saving plan, create a named pipe, and compress the log from that in a background process.
$: mkfifo transfer # creates a queue file on disk that
$: gzip < transfer > log.gz & # reads from FIFO in bg, compresses to log
$: seq 1 100 2>&1 | tee transfer # tee writes one copy to stdout, one to file
This will show all the output as it comes, but also duplicate a copy to the named pipe; gzip will read it from the named pipe and compress it.
You could replace the tee with the sed for double-dipping space reduction if required -
$: mkfifo transfer
$: gzip < transfer > log.gz &
$: seq 1 100 2>&1 | sed '/.*[37]$/w transfer'
I don't really recommend this, as you might filter out something you didn't realize you would need.

How to limit output from a potentially too verbose command?

I am looking for a bash snippet for limiting the amount of console output from a shell command that could potentially become too verbose.
The purpose of this is for usage in build/CI environments where you do want to limit the amount out console output in order to prevent overloading the CI server (or even client tailing the output).
Full requirements:
display only up to 100 lines from the top (head) of the command output
display only up to 100 lines from the bottom (tail) of the command output
archive both stdout and stderr in full into a command.log.gz file
console output must be displayed relatively in realtime, a solution that output the result at the end is not acceptable as we need to be able to see its execution progress.
Current findings
unbuffer could be used to force the stdout/stderr to be unbuffered
|& tee can be used to send output to both archiver and tail/head
|& gzip --stdout >command.log.gz could archive the console output
head -n100 and tail -n100 can be used to limit the console output they introduce at least some problems like undesired results if number of output lines is under 200.
From what I understand you need to do limit output online (while it's being generated).
Here is a function that I can think of that would be useful for you.
limit_output() {
FullLogFile="./output.log" # Log file to keep the input content
typeset -i MAX=15 # number or lines from head, from tail
typeset -i LINES=0 # number of lines displayed
# tee will save the copy of the input into a log file
tee "$FullLogFile" | {
# The pipe will cause this part to be executed in a subshell
# The command keeps LINES from losing it's value before if
while read -r Line; do
if [[ $LINES -lt $MAX ]]; then
echo "$Line" # Display first few lines on screen
elif [[ $LINES -lt $(($MAX*2)) ]]; then
LINES=LINES+1 # Count the lines for a little longer
echo -n "." # Reduce line output to single dot
echo -n "." # Reduce line output to single dot
echo "" # Finish with the dots
# Tail last few lines, not found in head and not more then max
if [[ $LINES -gt $MAX ]]; then
tail -n $(($LINES-$MAX)) "$FullLogFile"
Use it in a script, load it to current shell or put it in .bash_profile to be loaded on user session.
Usage examples: cat /var/log/messages | limit_output or ./configure | limit_output
The function will read the standard input, save it to a log file, display the first MAX lines, then reduce each line to a single dot (.) on screen, then finally display the last MAX lines (or less if output was shorter then MAX*2).
Here is my current incomplete solution which for convenience is demonstrating processing a 10 lines output and that will (hopefully) limit the output to first 2 lines and last two lines.
seq 10 | tee >(gzip --stdout >output.log.gz) | tail -n2
One way I use to achieve this is:
./configure | tee output.log | head -n 5; tail -n 2 output.log
What this does is:
Write the complete output to a filed called output.log using tee
Only print the first 5 lines using head -n
In the end print the last two lines from the written output.log using tail -n

Duplicate stdin to stdout

I am looking for a bash one-liner that duplicates stdin to stdout without interleaving. The only solution I have found so far is to use tee, but that does produced interleaved output. What do I mean by this:
If e.g. a file f reads
I would like to execute
to obtain
If I use tee - as the command, the output typically looks something like
Any suggestions for a clean solution?
The cat f command is just an example of where the input can come from. In reality, it is a command that can (should) only be executed once. I also want to refrain from using temporary files, as the processed data is sort of sensitive and temporary files are always error-prone when the executed command gets interrupted. Furthermore, I am not interested in a solution that involves additional scripts (as stated above, it should be a one-liner) or preparatory commands that need to be executed prior to the actual duplication command.
Solution 1:
<command_which_produces_output> | { a="$(</dev/stdin)"; echo "$a"; echo "$a"; }
In this way, you're saving the content from the standard input in a (choose a better name please), and then echo'ing twice.
Notice $(</dev/stdin) is a similar but more efficient way to do $(cat /dev/stdin).
Solution 2:
Use tee in the following way:
<command_which_produces_output> | tee >(echo "$(</dev/stdin)")
Here, you're firstly writing to the standard output (that's what tee does), and also writing to a FIFO file created by process substitution:
>(echo "$(</dev/stdin)")
See for example the file it creates in my system:
$ echo >(echo "$(</dev/stdin)")
Now, the echo "$(</dev/stdin)" part is just the way I found to firstly read the entire file before printing it. It echo'es the content read from the process substitution's standard input, but once all the input is read (not like cat that prints line by line).
Store the second input in a temp file.
cat f | tee /tmp/showlater
cat /tmp/showlater
rm /tmp/showlater
As shown in the comments (#j.a.) the solution above will need to be adjusted into the OP's real needs. Calling will be easier in a function and what do you want to do with errors in your initial commands and in the tee/cat/rm ?
I recommend tee /dev/stdout.
cat f | tee /dev/stdout
One possible solution I found is the following awk command:
awk '{d[NR] = $0} END {for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) print d[i]; for (i=1;i<=NR;i++) print d[i]}'
However, I feel there must be a more "canonical" way of doing this using.
a simple bash script ?
But this will store all the stdin, why not store the output to a file a read the file both if you need ?
while read line
echo "$line"
printf $full
The best way would be to store the output in a file and show it later on. Using tee has the advantage of showing the output as it comes:
if tmpfile=$(mktemp); then
commands | tee "$tmpfile"
cat "$tmpfile"
rm "$tmpfile"
echo "Error creating temporary file" >&2
exit 1
If the amount of output is limited, you can do this:
output=$(commands); echo "$output$output"

Pass Every Line of Input as stdin for Invocation of Utility

I have a file containing valid xmls (one per line) and I want to execute a utility (xpath) on each line one by one.
I tried xargs but that seems doesn't seem to have an option to pass the line as stdin :-
% cat <xmls-file> | xargs -p -t -L1 xpath -p "//Path/to/node"
Cannot open file '//Path/to/node' at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/XML/ line 53.
I also tried parallel --spreadstdin but that doesn't seem to work either :-
% cat <xmls-file> | parallel --spreadstdin xpath -p "//Path/to/node"
junk after document element at line 2, column 0, byte 1607
If you want every line of a file to be split off and made stdin for a utility
you could use a for loop in bash shell:
cat xmls-file | while read line
do ( echo $f > /tmp/input$$;
xpath -p "//Path/to/node" </tmp/input$$
rm -f /tmp/input$$
The $$ appends the process id number, creating a unique name
I assume xmls-file contains, on each line, what you want iterated into $f and that you want this as stdin for a command line, not as a parameter to the command.
On the other hand, your specification may be incorrect and maybe instead you need each line
to be part of a command. In that case, delete the echo and rm lines, and change the xpath command to include $f wherever the line from the file is needed.
I've not done much XML so the do command may need to be edited.
You are very close with the GNU Parallel version; only -n1 missing:
cat <xmls-file> | parallel -n1 --spreadstdin xpath -p "//Path/to/node"
