How can a windows executable be of only 128 bytes - windows

Look into this post which describes a technique to put an executable code in the first 128 bytes of a DICOM file i.e. in the preamble section. This way the DICOM can be viewed as both a DICOM and an PE executable file.
This git repo demonstrates the same. However they don't show the code, instead only has the binaries.
Now my question. How can an executable be kept only in 128 bytes because I understand a minimal exe will take at least a few KBs from this, this and this SO posts?

From looking at image 1 it appears pretty simple, the valid DOS header is placed in the free area while the full PE image is embedded later in the file, the author put it between two legitimate DICOM meta entries for example. The DOS header is really short and has a field named e_lfanew which holds the file offset to IMAGE_NT_HEADERS. In other words you don't actually need 128 bytes for the full image, you can embed it anywhere in the file as long as it doesn't interfere with DICOM, all that's needed at the start is the dos header.

Before answering how to put an executable in 128 bytes, we need to understand a few things first.
A dicom file must have the characters DICM (File extension) on the bytes 121-124 (Prefix section) to be recognized as a dicom file
A windows executable file must have the DOS Header in the first 64 bytes of the file to be able to be executable as per the PE(Portable Executable) File Format.
Combining the above 2 points a new file format is created called PEDICOM which is both a dicom as well as an executable. The PEDICOM has the architecture as shown in the image above.
The PEDICOM contains both the header and content of the executable file in different sections because an entire executable can’t be fit inside 128 bytes.
Windows provides a list of structures and Win32 APIs to read/write these PE files section by section in winnt.h header.
Creating a PEDICOM file:
DOS header (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) has 1 field named e_lfanew which contains the offset of the actual PE content. This allows to keep an entire executable code in at least 2 memory locations.
The PE Header (IMAGE_NT_HEADER) has the number of sections and the pointes to the sections (Code, Data, Stack etc.)
Now to answer the original question, an entire executable can't be kept in 128 bytes. However 128 bytes of data are sufficient to declare a file as executable i.e. the dos header and the dos stub can be kept in the 128 bytes while the rest of the executable can be kept somewhere else, in this case in a private dicom tag and a field in the header can point to this. Make the containing file a valid and legitimate executable.


The most appropriate way to check if PE file in memory dump has already been mapped or "raw"

I have a memory dump with different PE files inside. There are two types of PE files:
"Raw"/Not mapped - the same as on the disk (probably, program just read/decrypted it in memory).
Mapped image. Here we have aligned/increased section/header sizes.
I'm looking for such PE files using signatures MZ + PE + some other checks inside PE header. Later, I'm going to extract them. However, this works fine for "raw" images, but failed on mapped if virtual size is different from the raw size.
My question is: how can I determine with the greatest certainty that I am dealing with raw or mapped image?

DOS stub in a PE file [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What's this extra bytes?
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
Lately, I analyzed some Windows executable files using a hex editor. The PE header starts at address 0x100, so there are 256 Bytes of data before the PE image actually starts. The first 256 Bytes:
I know the following about the file structure
0x00 - 0x3F: This is the MZ header (64 bytes long).
0x40 - 0x4D: These 14 bytes encode seven x86 (16 bit mode) instructions, which are used to print "This program cannot run in DOS mode.\r\r\n" to the screen, using a DOS system call (interrupt 0x21).
0x4E - 0x78: This is the string "This program cannot run in DOS mode.\r\r\n" with a dollar-sign at the end, which tells DOS that this is the end of the string.
0x79 - 0x7F: These are NULL bytes; I guess that they are inserted for alignment.
So I know what the first 128 bytes are for. My question is: What are the next 128 bytes (0x80 - 0xFF) used for? (The PE image starts after them at 0x100.)
It's the so-called undocumented "Rich header". It's a weakly encrypted block of data inserted by the Microsoft linker that indicates what Microsoft tools were used to make the executable. It includes version information from the object files linked, so includes information on what compilers, assemblers and other tools were used.
To decode the Rich header search for the Rich marker and then obtain the 32-bit encryption key that follows. Then working backwards from the Rich marker, XOR the key with the 32-bit values stored there until you find a decoded DanS marker. In between these two markers will be a list of pairs of 32-bit values. The first value of the pair identifies the Microsoft tool used, and the second value indicates how many linked object files were created using this tool. The upper 16-bit part of the tool id value indicates what kind of tool it was, and the lower 16-bit part identifies the build version of the tool.

What parts of a PE file are mapped into memory by the MS loader?

What parts of a PE file are mapped into memory by the MS loader?
From the PE documentation, I can deduce the typical format of a PE executable (see below).
I know, by inspection, that all contents of the PE file, up to and including the section headers, gets mapped into memory exactly as stored on disk.
What happens next?
Is the remainder of the file also mapped (here I refer to the Image Pages part in the picture below), so that the whole file is in memory exactly like stored on disk, or is the loader more selective than that?
In the documentation, I've found the following snippet:
Another exception is that attribute certificate and debug information
must be placed at the very end of an image file, with the attribute
certificate table immediately preceding the debug section, because the
loader does not map these into memory. The rule about attribute
certificate and debug information does not apply to object files,
This is really all I can find about loader behavior; it just says that these two parts must be placed last in the file, since they don't go into memory.
But, if the loader loads everything except these two parts, and I set the section RVA's suffiently high, then section data will actually be duplicated in memory (once in the mapped file and once for the position specified by the RVA)?
If possible, link to places where I can read further about loading specific to MS Windows.
Finding this information is like an egg hunt, because MS always insists on using its own terminology when the COFF description uses AT&T terms.
What parts of a PE file are mapped into memory by the MS loader?
It depends.
All sections covered by a section header are mapped into the run-time address space.
However sections that have an RVA of 0 are not mapped and thus never loaded.
Each debug directory entry identifies the location and size of a block of debug information. The RVA specified may be 0 if the debug information is not covered by a section header (i.e., it resides in the image file and is not mapped into the run-time address space). If it is mapped, the RVA is its address.
Memory contains an exact replica of the file on disk.
Note that executables and dll's are mapped into virtual memory, not physical!
As you access the executable parts of it are swapped into RAM as needed.
If a section is not accessed then it obviously does not get swapped into physical RAM, it is however still mapped into virtual memory.
You can read up on everything you might ever want to know about PE files (and more) on MSDN.
Your quote is lifted from the documentation of the COFF file format.
The critical part is:
The rule on attribute certificate and debug information does not apply to object files.
Size: Size of the optional header, which is included for executable files but not object files. An object file should have a value of 0 here.
Ergo: executable files or not object files, they are image files.
as such the exception to the rule does not apply to them.

Dumpbin file offsets for system binaries

So for system32 binaries, dumpbin will report:
6178 entry point (0000000140006178)
.text name
63E6 virtual size
1000 virtual address (0000000140001000 to 00000001400073E5)
6400 size of raw data
400 file pointer to raw data (00000400 to 000067FF)
But the entry point at RVA 6178 maps to file offset 6178-1000+400 = 5578h (21,880), but the file opened in a hex editor only goes up to 4A00h (18,944).
Also, the file size is reported as 38,400 bytes by the shell.
So it seems that the .text section is encrypted or some other magic for system binaries. Anyone know what's going on?
As far as I can see, the Entry point is not pointing to the .text section. This is not unusual for encrypted binaries. Using CFF Explorer or other tools like PeStudio, PE Explorer, etc, you might take a look at the mapping of the Entry Point and the pointed Section.

Which of the MS-DOS header fields are mandatory/optional?

The above is the complete list of MS-DOS header fields, but I don't know which of them are mandatory and which are optional, does anyone know?
If you're trying to create PE Image, e_magic(Magic number) and elfanew(File address of new exe header) are the only mandatory fields that you have to fill in. elfanew should point to the PE IMAGE_NT_HEADER structure.
Well back in 2006 someone wanted to create the world most tiny PE. For this he wrote a small PE Fuzzer. With the smallest codebase posible.
return 42;
He managed to get the following sizes of PE's
you are too busy to read the entire page, here is a summary of the results:
Smallest possible PE file: 97 bytes
Smallest possible PE file on Windows 2000: 133 bytes
Smallest PE file that downloads a file over WebDAV and executes it: 133 bytes
You can check his work here:
He also states the required header values. These are:
For MS-DOS, all of the headers are mandatory.
For Win9x and above, e_lfanew must be the offset from the start of the image to the start of the IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, and e_magic must be IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE ('MZ').
