How to close JDBC Connection in jmeter - jmeter

I'm using JDBC connection configuration and JDBC request sampler to fetch test data from database for large set of data for my test requirement.
My question is, if we connecting to database through connection configuration and JDBC sampler to fetch data from database then how we can close the connection from database like we are having other performance testing tool Neoload.
As of now what i'm seeing from total number of active connections in sql server using sp_who2 or below query is that JDBC connection not closed after jmeter test execution completed.
Question is, How to closed JDBC connection if my purpose to use is completed within the script execution?
Any help would be appreciated.

If this is something you really need, you can invoke DataSourceElement.getConnection() function from any JSR223 Test Element which will return an instance of java.sql.Connection so you will be able to call Connection.close() function.
Something like:
where foo is your connection pool variable name.

There's an issue with JDBC Connection Configuration when using connection pooling
Maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. In most cases, set this to zero (0). This means that each thread will get its own pool with a single connection in it, i.e. the connections are not shared between threads.
If you set 0 connections and problem still persist, open an issue for JMeter


how to preserve database connection while thread is blocked

The database i'm integrated is configured as if a connection is idle(not being used for a while), then connection is dropped. Since im using spring batch in persistent configuration, there is always an active database connection on running threads.
One of my spring batch job is dependent to data from external web service which takes long time to execute. Thats why i already lose the database connection when i get the result.
I tried to use taskscheduler to register a heartbeat query(select 1 from dual) before the web request occurs, which executes the queryevery 5 minutes to keep the connection alive but even if the query executes periodically, i guess it executes the query on a seperate connecyion since it runs on another thread.
Does anyone have an alternative suggestion to keep the connection alive while on locked thread?
I use JPA's EntityManager for the haertbeat query
If you use Spring then you also use HikariCP. The recent JDBC standard defines method isValid() so you do not have to call SQL to check whether Connection is alive.
More over there is one more mechanism you can use. It is called TCP keepalive.
If you insert stanza ENABLE=BROKEN into your JDBC url Oracle JDBC drivers will enable TCP Keepalive feature on a TCP connection
Then it will be Linux kernel who will be sending keepalive probes over TCP connection even if your thread is blocked.
Beware: The delay for 1st probe and frequency is determined by Linux kernel parameters.
# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl
# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes
By default the 1st keep alive probe (TCP window carying 0 bytes) is sent after 2 hours.
While Cisco/Juniper usually cut off TCP connection after one hour.

Sql Azure and JDBC connection pool

Does SQL Azure allow 3-rd party connection pool like HikariCP or BoneCP?
We configured HikariCP it works when we just run app but later db doesnt response on request. Is it HikariCP issue or it's common connection poool issue and no need spending more time on investigation?
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
config.addDataSourceProperty("cachePrepStmts", env.getProperty("jdbc.cachePrepStmts"));
config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", env.getProperty("jdbc.prepStmtCacheSize"));
config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", env.getProperty("jdbc.prepStmtCacheSqlLimit"));
config.addDataSourceProperty("useServerPrepStmts", env.getProperty("jdbc.useServerPrepStmts"));
See this SQL Azure page re: Connection Constraints.
Maximum allowable durations are subject to change depending on the resource usage.
A logged-in session that has been idle for 30 minutes will be terminated
automatically. We strongly recommend that you use the connection pooling and
always close the connection when you are finished using it so that the unused
connection will be returned to the pool. For more information about connection
pooling, see Connection Pooling.
See if any of these errors match up to your logs. Search that page for "terminated" and "busy" to find error codes that might be relevant to your issue.
I would suggest setting the maxLifetime property in HikariCP to 15 minutes, and the idleTimeout to 2 minutes.
There is nothing on the SQL Azure side that would prohibit you from using a 3rd party connection pool. My guess is that the connection failed between the server and the client and the client didn't remove the connection from the pool.
Moving forward, I'd ensure that whichever 3-rd part connection pool you end up using tests that the connection exists before taking it out of the pool for use.
Hope that helps.

How to configure connection pool of H2 when starting from command line?

I start H2 DB with TCP server. Looking at documentation I found how to set connection pool from java code.
I wonder: is it possible to create a connection pool from command line and set max number of connections in the pool?
As I unterstand it a connection pool is a kind of a separate "client" that sits in front of the database and has one or more connections open. Your program asks the connection pool - and not the database - for a connection to the database. The connection pool looks if there is an unemployed connection hanging around and returns it to your program.
You just start the database as a "normal" TCP server as documented in But it's still up to you to write the connection pool program.

tomcat jdbc connection pooling with Oracle database

We are using tomcat jdbc connection pooling with Oracle database.
Recently, we encountered problem that there are too many inactive session in Oracle database from JDBC THIN CLIENT.
Can anyone help us in this? Why is it causing inactive session in the database and what can be the solution to this.
Thank you.
Adjust settings of your pool, following the documentation. Setting maxIdle and minEvictableIdleTimeMillis to low values would ensure that idle connections are evicted fast, and that few idle connections stay open. Obviously, it will also make your pool less efficient, since connections will be closed and opened more frequently.
If you are getting SQLExceptions because connections have timed out, you should set a validationQuery (to something like SELECT 0 FROM DUAL) and your connections will be tested before they are checked-out of the pool. Any connection that has failed will be replaced by a working connection and then returned to your code.

Oracle OLEDB Connection Pooling and Invalid Connections

We are using ADO to access Oracle 10g release 2, Oledb provider for Oracle 10g. We are facing some issue with the connection pooling. The database reside on the remote machine and connection pooling is occuring as it should. But if the remote machine goes down for some reason, the connection is returned from the pool and query on that connection fails. When this connection is closed, it is returned back to the pool instead of being invalid. The subsequent connection opening requests are sucessfull but query fails. This is strange behaviour, according to OLEDB specifications, provider must support DBPROP_CONNECTIONSTATUS property, thus in case of invalid connection, it would not be returned back to the pool.
Things get weired when the remote machine comes up. The connections in the pool are still invalid and although the connection opening succeeds, query on the connection fails. Oracle OLEDB is unable to connect to the server anymore and we have to restart our application. Well this is undesired cause our application is a critical application.
Any ideas on how to get over this.
If you are doing this programmatically, use a try block, so that if something does happen, it won't fail. With a try block, you can catch an exception and ignore it, so that the errors are shushed.
You could tell the pool to not accept invalid connections, by marking the connection invalid before it is returned to the pool.
Connections are recovered after 10 minutes by default. Time can be set by the registry key SPTimeout under the oledb provider's root key.
Actually the default connection pool timeout is 120 seconds at least for this Oracle 11 32-bit OLEDB installation. You can find the registry settings at:
Where KEY_orac is the KEY_<oracle_home_name>
The key name is ORAMTS_CONN_POOL_TIMEOUT and the default value is 120.
It does not appear that you can set connection pool parameters at the connection string level.
In most connection pool implementation it is possible to check the connection before using it. For example: you define a check query like select * from dual and if you pick up a connection from the pool this query will be executed. If it fails, then the connection will be excluded from the pool and a new one will be opened.
