JMeter Synthesis Report generates incorrect data - jmeter

I'm not sure if JMeter Synthesis Report generates incorrect data or I don't understand something about JTL files. The situation is that I run distributed JMeter test in nonGUI mode with command
jmeter.bat -n -t my_test.jmx -l my_results.jtl -j info.log -r
After test finishes I generate summary report using following command (I have jmeter-plugins-synthesis-2.2.jar in my classpath)
JMeterPluginsCMD.bat --tool Reporter --generate-csv summary.csv --input-jtl my_results.jtl --plugin-type SynthesisReport
It produces nice report, but I'm not sure if I can trust it. E.g. for one test step which is Transaction controller I see max response time 21720. But when I filter all sample tags containing my step name in JTL file, I see that max value in t attribute is 11183. Do I need to add any extra values to t value to get real response time?

Synthesis Report should be accurate enough, you can double check it by opening your my_results.jtl file using Aggregate Report and/or Summary Report
Transaction Controller is summing up all its children execution time, so you need to sum up all Transaction Controller's children, not only take the longest sampler response time.
It might also be the case the Transaction Controller is configured to include time taken by PreProcessors, PostProcessors and Timers so if you have any of them - the difference may be due to these elements.


How to print timestamp/different name in Jmeter test results csv

I have a performance test plan in Jmeter. As a constant running test plan, I need to generate execution summary in CSV format with a timestamp.
In the View Result Tree, I have provided a csv filename with timestamp variable as '${__time(YYYY-MM-DD-SS,time)}' (Please see image below). But this doesn't work for me as it is not generating any files after the run.
Or is there any way we can generate summary report csv with different name for each run?
It is not recommended to use Listeners for anything but tests development and/or debugging, they don't add any value and consume a lot of resources because all the thread context is being passed to the listener when any Sampler occurs.
So I would recommend:
Removing all listeners from your test plan
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode
If you need to include the timestamp into the .jtl results file you can use Windows date and/or time commands
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%.csv
You can control what is being stored in the .jtl results file using properties responsible for the Results File Configuration

JMeter error rate too high despite successful requests

Update - Deleting the Aggregate report and rerunning the test now gives an error rate of 0. Why is this required?
I am using JMeter 4.0 to hit a REST web service with 20 thread groups by sending a POST request with a JSON body. All 20 requests succeed and give proper response (200 with a correct JSON body). Why is the error rate above 99%? (See image below). Also, why is no of samples is 10063 in report even though View Results Tree tab shows 20 HTTP requests (each with error count 0).
If you run JMeter test which assumes 20 HTTP Request and seeing > 10 000 in the listener - most probably you are opening an incorrect .jtl results file in the listener.
Double check that "Filename" input field is empty
Prior to running a new test make sure to clean "in-memory" results by choosing Run -> Clear All from JMeter's main menu (or click Control+E)
Be aware that using Listeners is a some form of a performance anti-pattern, they don't add any value but consume valuable system resources which can be either used for something else or left intact to save the trees. So:
Remove all the listeners from the test plan
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
When your test is finished either open JMeter GUI and inspect the result.jtl file with the listener of your choice (you can load it using aforementioned "Filename" tab)
Or generate an HTML Reporting Dashboard out of the result.jtl file - it will contain statistical information, tables and charts outlining your test results.
View Results Tree since few versions only keep last 500 SampleResult and only refreshes every few seconds.
So the number of samples in view results tree is not the total.
Besides, you should never run a load test in GUI mode as it impacts negatively performances of Jmeter injection.
see this for best practices :

Injecting custom fields into JMeter report

I have a JMeter test that is invoking an API (send API) in an asynchronous manner. The result of the invocation is then available via the other API call (results API). When I consume results, I do have a metrics about several phases of processing in the JSON response, which I would like to push into the resulting JMeter report.
I would like to get averages for that data, not just average times on the overall end-to-end test.
Is it something that can be implemented in JMeter?
Injecting custom fields into .jtl results file can be done using sample_variables property
Given you have 2 JMeter Variables, i.e. foo and bar you can "tell" JMeter to add them to the results file by either adding next line to file
or passing the values via -J command-line argument like:
jmeter -Jsample_variables=foo,bar -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
Once your test finishes you will see 2 extra columns in the .jtl results file holding the values for foo and bar JMeter Variables, hopefully getting average for this data will not be a problem.
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
This is a job for the Summary Report:
The summary report creates a table row for each differently named request in your test. This is similar to the Aggregate Report , except that it uses less memory
See example:
Average: It is the average time taken by all the samples to execute specific label. In our case, average time for Label 1 is 942 milliseconds & total average time is 584 milliseconds.

jmeter aggregation listener not producing aggregated results

I have a jmeter test plan that is composed of a single threadgroup a number of custom java request samplers as children of the thread group and an aggregation listener.
The aggregation listener is writing to a file which includes a row for each invocation of each one of the java samplers. However it is not performing or writing any aggregations.
The default summary however is being produced and written to the log and that contains the aggregated requests/per second etc that I would expect from the aggregation listener.
Can anyone tell me how to either :a) Get the aggregation listener to produce aggregations rather than just a csv file containing rows with the results of each java sampler request? b) Redirect the output of the default test summary to another file?
Don't use listeners as they don't add any value, they just create memory and disk IO overhead. You should be running your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode telling JMeter to store the results in a file using -l command-line argument like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l results.jtl
Once your test is done you should be able to open results.jtl file with the listener of your choice and see the results and export them into a file if needed. See Greedy Listeners - Memory Leeches of Performance Testing guide for detailed explanation regarding why you should not be using JMeter Listeners for anything but tests development and/or debugging
If you need to generate the Aggregate Report in unattended manner without interim manual step you will need JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool, using it you will be able to generate different tables and charts from the .jtl results files
For the moment you have only 2 options of storing summariser output: [stdout] (console)5 and jmeter.log file. You can play with JMeter log4j configuration to choose what you want to store there.
To get summarized results add to your test plan Generate Summary Results:
Generates a summary of the test run so far to the log file and/or standard output
Update interval in to your needs
# interval between summaries (in seconds) default 3 minutes

Autosaving Jmeter reports summary form non GUI

I'm using Jmeter for various performance and load tests and would like to save summary of Summary report and aggregate report automatically when test is done.
Usually summary table when you running form GUI looks like this :
Label | Samples | Average | Min |Max |Error |Throughput |etc.
When I use Write results to file/ Read form file filed , generated report will contain all http requests I generate, it can be millions. File would be huge and even then, no summary on the end . **No average time **
Same situation for aggregate report, I can not auto generate Summary of aggregate reports same as when you use GUI mode. Saved file contain all requests which is not useful at all.
Can I force Jmeter to save those two summaries when test is over ?
thanks in advance
First of all, don't run your test using GUI. Run your JMeter test using command-line non-GUI mode as
jmeter -n -t /path/to/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/results/jtl
Second, disable all the listeners during test run. Once test execution is finished you will be able to open JMeter's GUI, add Listener of your choice to Test Plan or Workbench and use "Browse" button to locate your results.jtl file.
JMeter cannot display only summary as all the "Total" fields are being calculated.
№ Samples - is count of all executed requests
Average - is arithmetical mean of all requests time (sum of all samples elapsed time divided by count)
etc. See JMeter Glossary for metrics explanation
So you got the idea right, it is better to store the necessary minimum, but you need to store something in order to be able to perform results analysis.
You can control what to store by amending properties which names start with See file in bin folder of your JMeter installation for the details.
