Referencing fields in BI Publisher RTF template conditional regions - oracle

I'm putting together a report in the BI Publisher Word .rtf plugin with very specific layout needs. One of those needs is the ability to switch company logos depending on parameters entered. I've been using conditional fields to selectively display each logo, but for some reason I can't reference data fields in the conditional code.
I've used these methods:
<?if: column_name = 'desired_value'?> [logo1] <?end if?>
<?choose:?><when: column_name = 'desired_value'?> [logo1] <?end when?>
Both of these methods seem to work when given raw values (i.e. instead of column_name = desired_value, I used 1=1 and it printed) but not when I use the name of the column I'm trying to compare.
For a more concrete example:
<?if: p_jno_in > 0?>
is always false, as if p_jno_in is null rather than having a value. (this variable represents the job number of the report and will never be null, even in my test data/sample xml.)
EDIT: Here is an example of what I've used, and the output.

If you host the image on the server, you can do all sorts of stuff with BI Publisher logic and concatenating an image path string. Make sure you or your DBA makes the path readable by BI Publisher. They can also map it to an FTP connection so you can edit/add images without being in Unix.
Insert any dummy placeholder image in RTF template (Insert Picture)
Right click on image and click “Edit Alt Text” and enter dynamic path. (See below for example)
Other older versions of Word may have this data stored in the Size/AltText or Format Picture/Web menus

I looked around a bit and found the answer to my question. Turns out I was actually using the correct format the whole time! The issue was actually that I was referencing fields inside a for-each grouping, which I think might limit the scope. So, for example, if my BI Publisher data model has a query block A that has been split into two groups AA and AB, trying to reference a field from AA when you're in a for-each looping on an element from AB will not work.


Can I use expression builder to return a SQL query result to a variable?

I am using a software, pc/mrp, which appears to have a built-in Visual Fox Pro editor for FRX files. It also has an external usage of an ef file. Based on some usage of Google, the report designer seems standard, not custom. The ef file usage may be a custom thing. Now, I need to find a way to get access to a value from a SQL statement inside the report. The statement needs to run per-line in the report.
This file has sections:
In these sections, I can run code, but if there is a ~perline~ type section, I don't know how to access it. I can use the ~in~ to try to create a relationship between the databases, as shown in the following example:
But, for this I don't know how to join the databases. I have two databases (A,B) I need to connect them based on two fields (pono,line). If (A.pono and a.line) = (B.pono and B.line) then they would be linked. Is this possible?
Report Designer:
The other way I see this working is to do the query inside the report designer. Inside report properties is a variable tab. I can use this to assign to variables using expressions. I need:
SELECT field from B where B.pono = pono and B.line = line; INTO ARRAY varArray;
But, it gives me an error, likely because this is trying to create a new variable as opposed to actually assigning to the variable in the report. I tried editing a field inside the designer to use the preceeding code as well, but that also failed.
Is there a way using the report designer or the ef file to grab the data I need per line?
The sample code you show is doing something like a join with the SET RELATION command. To use SET RELATION, there has to be an index on the relevant field (expression) in the child table. So, if your table B has an index on PONO + LINE (or, if those are numeric, STR(PONO, length) + STR(LINE, length)), you can SET RELATION TO PONO + LINE INTO B, again, using the more complicated expression if necessary.

Match part of the text and replace with another text in excel

I've data table with list of names which are having few differences. I am trying to change those text to similar name within data table as image in below.
If part of the text in cells in data table are matching with the "Abbreviations" list(Col-AK) then Data table text must replace with the text in "To be replaced" (Col-AL) into "Expected Return Table". I've tried using may different functions to accomplish my ultimate target, but none of them is giving perfect answer.
Can anybody help me with this problem.
I found an answer to my problem. I could do this using below formula.
Step 01:- I've used below static formula at first to identify the dynamic formula
Step 02:- Then I've used Index function to return the first text in abbreviation list which is Iodine by only changing partial of the formula to return only single value avoiding others. Ex: Firstly I considered only about the Iodine in the list. This will only replace Iodine into the expected data table.
Step 03:- Then row_num turned into dynamic and expanded the return text data into range($AL$2:$AL$11) from single($AL$2) using Match & Left function as below.
Step 04:- Finaly ignore errors using IFERROR Function.
Expected Return Data Table as shown below.

Using variables in From part of a task flow source

Is there any way to use a variable in the from part (for example SELECT myColumn1 FROM ?) in a task flow - source without having to give the variable a valid default value first?
To be more exact in my situation it is so that I'm getting the tablenames out of a table and then use a control workflow to foreach over the list of tablenames and then call a workflow from within that then gets data from these tables each. In this workflow I have the before mentioned SELECT statement.
To get it to work properly I had to set the variable to a valid default value (on package level) as else I could not create the workflow itself (as the datasource couldn't be created as the select was invalid without the default value).
So my question here is: Is there any workaround possible in this case where I don't need a valid default value for the variable?
The datatables:
The different tables which are selected in the dataflow have the exact same tables in terms of columns (thus which columns, naming of columns and datatypes of columns). Only the data inside of them is different (thus its data for customer A, customer B,....).
You're in luck as this is a trivial thing to implement with SSIS.
The base problem for most people is that they come at SSIS like it's still DTS where you could do whatever you want inside a data flow. They threw out the extreme flexibility with DTS in favor of raw processing performance.
You cannot parameterize the table in a SQL statement. It's simply not allowed.
Instead, the approach that people take is to use Expressions. In your case, assuming you had two Variables of type String created, #[User::QualifiedTableName] and #[User::QuerySource]
Assume that [dbo].[spt_values] is assigned to QualifiedTableName. As you loop through the table names, you will assign the value into this variable.
The "trick" is to apply an expression to the #[User::QuerySource]. Make the expression
"SELECT T.* FROM " + #[User::QualifiedTableName] + " AS T;"
This allows you to change out your table name whenever the value of the other variable changes.
In your data flow, you will change your OLE DB Source to be driven by a query contained in a variable instead of the traditional table selection.
If you want an example of where I use QuerySource to drive a data flow, there's an example on mixing an integer and string in an ssis derived column
Create a second variable. Set its Expression to create the full
Select statement, using the value of the first variable.
In the Data Source, use "SQL command from variable" option for the
Data Access Mode property.
If you can, set a default value for the variable you created in step
That will make filling out the columns from your data source much easier.
If you can't use a default value for the variable, set the Data
Source's ValidateExternalMetadata property to False.
You may have to open the data source with the Advanced Editor and
create Output columns manually.

Crystal Reports Setting Global Subreport Variable

I am trying to set a couple of global variables in a subreport so that it pulls and stores the data I need in each.
Say I go into the formula workshop and create a new formula. Right now I have
Global numbervar name:= ;
I have a single table with multiple fields. I have one field named {table.order} and another named {table.amount}. Both of these are numbers. How do I assign to this variable the amount in the associated amount field when the order is -1? I'm really not familiar with crystal syntax at all.
After this, where would I need to drag and drop this formula in the report to pick up this data or is simply creating the formula in the formula explorer enough? If it needs to be physically dragged into the report, will anything show up or will I need to suppress it so it is not visible and if that is the case, will it still work suppressed?
Thanks for any help you can give.
Are you trying to pass the value in this variable back to the main report? If so, you'll need to make this a Shared Numbervar, not a Global Numbervar.
To answer your question; create this formula:
global numbervar name;
if {table.order} = -1 then name := {table.amount}
...and drop it into your subreport's details section. Note that any formulas, summaries, running totals, SQL expressions, etc. that you create but are not placed in the actual report won't be run. However, after placing it in the report, it will display. To prevent this, right click on the field, go to the 'Common' tab, and then check 'Suppress'. The formula will still work when suppressed.
One other thing to keep in mind is that if your subreport(s) contain more than one row of data, the variable will be overwritten for each.

VB6 and data-bound MSHFlexGrid, moving and populating columns

I'm working on a VB6 program that connects to a SQL Server 2008 R2 database. In the past I have always used the MSFlexGrid control and populated it manually. Now, however, the guy who is paying me for this wants me to use data-bound grids instead, which forces me to use the MSHFlexGrid control because I'm using ADO and not DAO. So, I have two questions...
First, how would I move a column in a MSHFlexGrid? For example, if I wanted the third column to appear as the sixth column in the grid, is there a simple single line of code that would do that?
Second, believe it or not, I've never had to do anything in a grid other than display the data, as is, from a recordset. Now, however, I have a recordset with some fields that contain just ID numbers that refer to records in other files - for example, a field containing an ID number referring to a record in the Customers table, instead of the field containing the customer's name. What is the easiest way to, instead of having a column showing customer ID numbers from the recordset, having that column show customer names? I thought I read somewhere that there's a way to embed a sql command in a MSHFlexGrid column, but if there is I wouldn't know how to do it. Is this possible, or is there a simpler way to do it?
The column order would typically be handled by your SELECT statement.
Say you have a Pies table that has a FruitID foreign key related to the FruitID in a Fruits table:
ON Pies.FruitID = Fruits.FruitID
This returns 3 items: ID, Pie, and Fruit in that order.
Moving columns after the query/display operation is rarely used, but yes ColPosition can be used for that.
Wow! VB6.... Back to the future! :-)
You can move Columns using the ColPosition Property.
This article shows how you could setup the grid to display hierarchical data.
If you just want to display the customer name on the same line as the main data then that is doable as well by just creating the proper SQL for your data source. For that matter you can control the column order the same way as well.
Now, how about considering upgrading to .Net? Just kidding..... No, I'm not. OK. I am, maybe. :-)
