How to override the defined task order in a yocto recipe? - embedded-linux

First some context with my problem:
I am trying to add some patches to modify some device trees from the source code used in recipe (which can be found in the meta-qti-bsp layer).
My linux-msm-4.4_git.bbappend looks like this:
FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := "${THISDIR}/files:"
SRC_URI += " file://0001-patching-dts-stuff_1.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0002-patching-dts-stuff_2.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0003-patching-dts-stuff_3.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0004-patching-dts-stuff_4.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0005-patching-dts-stuff_5.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0006-patching-dts-stuff_6.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0007-patching-dts-stuff_7.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0008-patching-dts-stuff_8.patch"
SRC_URI += " file://0009-patching-dts-stuff_9.patch"
But when I add my layer to the build/conf/bblayers.conf the recipe fails during the task do_shared_workdir because it doesn't find the certs/signing_key.pem file.
Trying to solve that error I found the following information:
meta-qti-bsp is slightly modified from the one that can be found in it's repo (I received the code in a zip file, so I don't know how many changes to externally maintained layers are made).
I followed all includes, inheritances and requires from the recipe in order to know what was happening:
Here is an image of that.
And I discovered that do_shared_workdir is overridden from kernel.bbclass.
When my layer is not included and I launch bitbake linux-msm-4.4, the execution order of the tasks is:
When my layer is included shared_workir and kernel_link_images are always swapped in execution order.
So I tried if doing "addtask shared_workdir after do_compile before kernel_link_images" in my .bbappend overrides the "addtask shared_workdir after do_compile before do_compile_kernelmodules" from kernel.bbclass, to enforce the task order that doesn't end in error, which did not.
Modifying it in kernel.bbclass did solve the error, but I would rather not have to make changes in layers that are not maintained by me.
My main question:
Is there a way to enforce the correct task order from my layer?
Another question which I would like to know the response in order to further understand the yocto framework:
If I created the layer using the command bitbake-layers add-layer meta-mylayer. I just added the same structure of recipes-*/recipe-name/recipe.bbappend that in the original layer, and this bbappend and it's files/patches are the only thing added by me. This patches and recipe do not define changes to task execution order.
Why adding my layer causes the change of order in which this tasks are executed?


Yocto Transaction Test, two recipes install the same file

I am adding a custom recipe to my image. It is bases on DBCPPP. This project is built using cmake. My issue only comes to light when I include a new layer meta-swupdate. It seems meta-swupdate alters the kernel in a way that conflicts with dbcppp. My full error is:
Error: Transaction test error:
file /usr/lib/ conflicts between attempted installs of dbcppp-1.0+gitr0+fa8ce17468-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon and libxml2-2.9.10-r0.cortexa7t2hf_neon
To build and include dbcppp I added the recipe:
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
SRC_URI = "gitsm://;protocol=https;branch=master"
PV = "1.0+gitr${SRCPV}"
DEPENDS += " boost"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
inherit pkgconfig cmake
FILES_${PN} += "/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/lib*.so.*"
SOLIBS = ".so"
INSANE_SKIP_${PN} += "dev-so"
I have read a few other questions and attempted two solutions by adding a do_install_append step.
Change folder permission level install -d 0755 ${D}/usr/lib
Remove the folder rm -rf ${D}/usr/lib
Neither solution worked. I need both libraries in my application and I unsure how to proceed.
Edit: After some further reading I found a suggestion to delete the tmp, cache, and sstate-chace folders. I did this but I receive the same error.
Edit: My local.conf has PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= 'package_rpm' defined. if I remove this I still get a do_rootfs error, but the error message is not helpful.
Edit: In my recipe for dbcppp I have attempted to remove the file in question. This gives me the same error. Makes no difference.
do_install_append() {
rm -rf /usr/lib/

do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch -- running bitbake

I am using yocto build a linux image that integrates some layers of wlan and a specific wifi chip, but seems like patching of one of the files is failing (details below)
Steps that I did:
Created a working directory
initialized a repo for kernel 4.14.98 via:
repo init -u -b imx-linux-sumo -m imx-4.14.98-2.3.3.xml
sync the repo via repo sync
created a tmp folder outside of the current working dir, and download the specific code for wifi via
repo init -u git:// -b release -m CHSS.LNX_FSLS.1.0-01200-QCAAUTOHOSTHZ.xml –repo-url=git:// –repo-branch=caf-stable
repo the sync
copy the meta-qti-connectivity and wlan-opensource folders into the source folder of the working directory
Download the files for a specific wifi chip and copy over meta-qticonnectivity-prop and wlanproprietary into the source folder of the working directory
So now we have added additional 4 directories into the source folder of the working directory
Set up the build environment
Run bitbake core-image-minimal
and I see the following error:
ERROR: wpa-supplicant-git-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc <working_directory>/linux_image/build/tmp/work/imx8qxpmek-poky-linux/wpa-supplicant/git-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 0 Output:
Applying patch 0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch
patching file src/drivers/nl80211_copy.h
15 out of 20 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file src/drivers/nl80211_copy.h
Patch 0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)
ERROR: wpa-supplicant-git-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch
I'm new to yocto, and from the looks of it, it seems the patch 0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch didn't apply, but does that mean the issue is with the patch file or the way it's referenced.
This patch file resides in the meta-fsl-bsp-release layer under wpa-supplicant sub directory, which I DID NOT add manually. This sub-directory has a .bbappend file that refers to these patch files via SRC_URI variable, but it doesn't contain any .bb file.
One of the meta layers that I added has wpa-supplicant sub-directory as well but it only has .bb file and no .bbappend.
I'm confused as to how are these two subdirectories different or could they conflict in anyway? Also, shouldn't the subdirectory have both the .bbappend & a corresponding .bb file?
The SRC_URI variable is used to locate the applicable patch files and do_patch isn't needed in the respective .bb file of wpa-supplicant, right?
the respective bb file wpa-supplicant has the following:
SRC_URI = "file://wlan-opensource/wpa_supplicant_8/"
SRC_URI += "file://hostapdconf \
file://supplicantconf \
shouldn't patch files be defined with .patch at the end?
Also, I see in the yocto documentation that the path defined in file:// is relative to the FILESPATH variable, which in the bb file is defined to be "${BSPDIR}/sources:" - not certain of BSPDIR itself but I think it's referring to <top_dir>/sources, but does that mean hostapdconf is supposed to be at <top_dir>/sources? I don't see it there but in other sub directory
To me it looks like you have added a .bbappend for the wpa-supplicant recipe in a version that does not match the recipe. Likely the .bbappend is from one of the meta layers you copied into your source tree manually (meta-qti-connectivity or wlan-opensource).
I'm new to yocto, and from the looks of it, it seems the patch
0009-Sync-with-mac80211-next.git-include-uapi-linux-nl802.patch didn't
apply, but does that mean the issue is with the patch file or the way
it's referenced?
Likely the patch is targetet at a different version of the source file.
The SRC_URI variable is used to locate the applicable patch files and
do_patch isn't needed in the respective .bb file of wpa-supplicant,
Right, if you don't see it explicitly ly in the .bb. The default do_patch task will be used.
the respective bb file wpa-supplicant has the following:
SRC_URI = "file://wlan-opensource/wpa_supplicant_8/" SRC_URI +=
file://supplicantconf \ shouldn't patch files be defined
with .patch at the end?
The .patch file is probably referenced by name in a .bbappend if you dont see it in the .bb file.

How to write a BitBake driver recipe which requires kernel source header files?

I have a do_install task in a BitBake recipe which I've written for a driver where I execute a custom install script. The task fails because the installation script cannot find kernel source header files within <the image rootfs>/usr/src/kernel. This script runs fine on the generated OS.
What's Happening
Here's the relevant part of my recipe:
SRC_URI += "file://${TOPDIR}/example"
DEPENDS += " virtual/kernel linux-libc-headers "
do_install () {
( cd ${TOPDIR}/example/Install ; ./install )
Here's a relevant portion of the install script:
if [ ! -d "/usr/src/kernel/include" ]; then
echo ERROR: Linux kernel source include directory not found.
exit 1
cd /usr/src/kernel
make scripts
./install_drv pci ${DRV_ARGS}
I checked changing to if [ ! -d "/usr/src/kernel" ], which also failed. install passes different options to install_drv, which I have a relevant portion of below:
cd ${DRV_PATH}/pci
if [ ${ARG_NO_INSTALL} == 0 ]; then
if [ `/sbin/lsmod | grep -ci "uceipci"` -eq 1 ]; then
./load_pci DEBUG=${ARG_DEBUG}
The make target build: within ${DRV_PATH}/pci is essentially this:
make -C /usr/src/kernel SUBDIRS=${PWD} modules
My Research
I found these comments within relevant:
# You're probably looking here thinking you need to create some new copy
# of linux-libc-headers since you have your own custom kernel. To put
# this simply, you DO NOT.
# Why? These headers are used to build the libc. If you customise the
# headers you are customising the libc and the libc becomes machine
# specific. Most people do not add custom libc extensions to the kernel
# and have a machine specific libc.
# But you have some kernel headers you need for some driver? That is fine
# but get them from STAGING_KERNEL_DIR where the kernel installs itself.
# This will make the package using them machine specific but this is much
# better than having a machine specific C library. This does mean your
# recipe needs a DEPENDS += "virtual/kernel" but again, that is fine and
# makes total sense.
# There can also be a case where your kernel extremely old and you want
# an older libc ABI for that old kernel. The headers installed by this
# recipe should still be a standard mainline kernel, not your own custom
# one.
I'm a bit unclear if I can 'get' the headers from the STAGING_KERNEL_DIR properly since I'm not using make.
Within kernel.bbclass provided in the meta/classes directory, there is this variable assigment:
# Define where the kernel headers are installed on the target as well as where
# they are staged.
KERNEL_SRC_PATH = "/usr/src/kernel"
This path is then packaged later within that .bbclass file here:
PACKAGES = "kernel kernel-base kernel-vmlinux kernel-image kernel-dev kernel-modules"
FILES_kernel-dev = "/boot/* /boot/Module.symvers* /boot/config* ${KERNEL_SRC_PATH} /lib/modules/${KERNEL_VERSION}/build"
Update (1/21):
A suggestion on the yocto IRC channel was to use the following line:
do_configure[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"
which is corroborated by the Yocto Project Reference Manual, which states that in version 1.8, there was the following change:
The kernel build process was changed to place the source in a common shared work area and to place build artifacts separately in the source code tree. In theory, migration paths have been provided for most common usages in kernel recipes but this might not work in all cases. In particular, users need to ensure that ${S} (source files) and ${B} (build artifacts) are used correctly in functions such as do_configure and do_install. For kernel recipes that do not inherit from kernel-yocto or include, you might wish to refer to the file in the meta-oe layer for the kinds of changes you need to make. For reference, here is the commit where the file in meta-oewas updated.
Recipes that rely on the kernel source code and do not inherit the module classes might need to add explicit dependencies on the do_shared_workdir kernel task, for example:
do_configure[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"
But I'm having difficulties applying this to my recipe. From what I understand, I should be able to change the above line to:
do_install[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir"
Which would mean that the do_install task now must be run after do_shared_workdir task of the virtual/kernel recipe, which means that I should be able to work with the shared workdir (see Question 3 below), but I still have the same missing kernel header issue.
My Questions
I'm using a custom linux kernel (v3.14) from which inherits the kernel class. Here are some of my questions:
Shouldn't the package kernel-dev be a part of any recipe which inherits the kernel class? (this section of the variables glossary)
If I add the virtual/kernel to the DEPENDS variable, wouldn't that mean that the kernel-dev would be brought in?
If kernel-dev is part of the dependencies of my recipe, wouldn't I be able to point to the /usr/src/kernel directory from my recipe? According to this reply on the Yocto mailing list, I think I should.
How can I properly reference the kernel source header files, preferably without changing the installation script?
Consider your Environment
Remember that there are different environments within the the build time environment, consisting of:
in the case of kernels, a shared work directory
target packages
kernel-dev is a target package, which you'd install into the rootfs of the target system for certain things like kernel symbol maps which are needed by profiling tools like perf/oprofile. It is not present at build time although some of its contents are available in the sysroots or shared workdir.
Point to the Correct Directories
Your do_install runs at build time so this is within the build directory structures of the build system, not the target one. In particular, /usr/src/ won't be correct, it would need to be some path within your build directory. The virtual/kernel do_shared_workdir task populates ${STAGING_DIR_KERNEL} so you would want to change to that directory in your script.
Adding a Task Dependency
do_install[depends] += "virtual/kernel:do_shared_workdir
dependency like looks correct for your use case, assuming nothing in do_configure or do_compile accesses the data there.
Reconsider the module BitBake class
The other answers are correct in the recommendation to look at module.bbclass, since this illustrates how common kernel modules can be built. If you want to use custom functions or make commands, this is fine, you can just override them. If you really don't want to use that class, I would suggest taking inspiration from it though.
Task Dependencies
Adding virtual/kernel to DEPENDS means virtual/kernel:do_populate_sysroot must run before our do_configure task. Since you need a dependency for do_shared_workdir here, a DEPENDS on virtual/kernel is not enough.
Answer to Question 3
The kernel-dev package would be built, however it would then need to be installed into your target image and used at runtime on a real target. You need this at build time so kernel-dev is not appropriate.
Other Suggestions
You'd likely want the kernel-devsrc package for what you're doing, not the kernel-dev package.
I don't think anyone can properly answer that last question here. You are using a non-standard install method: we can't know how to interact with it...
That said, take a look at what meta/classes/module.bbclass does. It sets several related variables for make: KERNEL_SRC=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}, KERNEL_PATH=${STAGING_KERNEL_DIR}, O=${STAGING_KERNEL_BUILDDIR}. Maybe your installer supports some of these environment variables and you could set them in your recipe?

How do I generate loadable modules during Linux kernel build?

I seem to successfully build a kernel image, but I can not generate all the modules I expect. I expect more modules since I see them enabled in the gconfig window. Here is a copy of my make session. Seems like make goes into the devices directories. I can not figure out why it is not create the .ko files. I expect to see .ko files. I have checked the Makefile in /drivers directory, and I can see that it is configured with a number of lines like
obj-$(CONFIG_PCI) += pci/
Which directs make to build the pci module for instance. I think this implies that I should see a number .ko files. But I do not. I have seen just one .ko file for scsi module. I like to be able to build all of modules selected.
I also verified that a number of mudules are enabled when I issued:
make VARIANT_DEFCONFIG=msm8974_sec_hlte_spr_defconfig msm8974_sec_defconfig SELINUX_DEFCONFIG=selinux_defconfig gconfig
But as I said, I do not see any of them. What am I missing please?
#Subin - Thanks. I just tried make modules_install. I have to mention that I am cross compiling this for an arm target. I believe modules_install is for the purpose of installing the driver for the machine you are on? I got a message about needing to be in root, and I did not proceed. I have been wondering when I need to run it. What does it do exactly please?
Re: the make modules; I have run it before. I'll run it again and post the result. Since I got one .ko file I figured the issue is something different between that one module, and every other one enabled in my config. Here is what I got when I ran make modules:
sansari#ubuntu:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ make modules
CHK include/linux/version.h
CHK include/generated/utsrelease.h
make[1]: `include/generated/mach-types.h' is up to date.
CALL scripts/
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
Re: your comment on the location of .ko files, I am doing a find to see if perhaps I am not looking at the right place, it only finds the one which was built. Not the other ones. Here is the output:
sansari#ubuntu:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ find . -type f -name "*.ko"
Should I perhaps run make v=1, in verbose mode that is? Would that provide more information on why the other modules are not built?
#Gil Hamilton - Thanks. You are right. Here is an excerpt of the .config file:
# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM)
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set
# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_OSST is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set
This entry is the only one set to 'm'.
Most device driver modules in the linux kernel build system use a tristate (3-valued) configuration setting. The options are
'n' (don't build at all),
'y' (build and link statically into the main kernel object), and
'm' (build as module for dynamic loading).
The values are determined by the content of .config. The values in .config are usually generated from an existing config file (look in arch/<ARCH>/configs for your <ARCH>). Also check the output of 'make help' for interesting configuration targets.
If you're not seeing the .ko files being created, that indicates the corresponding configuration variable is either set to 'y' or 'n'.

How to "make" existing Linux kernel module driver after modifying the driver source code

I have made some trivial modifications to a Linux USB Wi-Fi card driver to insert some logging (printk statements). I am loosely following a guide on how to recompile/load the module, which states that I need to execute make in order to build the .ko file. There is an existing Makefile in the working directory (/usr/src/linux/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/), which reads:
rtl8187-objs := dev.o rtl8225.o leds.o rfkill.o
obj-$(CONFIG_RTL8187) += rtl8187.o
ccflags-y += -Idrivers/net/wireless/rtl818x
When I execute make inside this directory, I get:
make: *** No targets. Stop.
According to this, this means "that some makefile was found, but it didn't contain any default goal and none was given on the command line. GNU make has nothing to do in these situations."
So my question is, what does this mean in the context of what I am trying to do, and how do I go about generating the .ko file which I am purported to need for the next step?
You must run make from the top directory of the Linux source (/usr/src/linux/). Be sure that your driver is included in your /usr/src/linux/.config file. So, build the kernel with your driver.
If you don't want to rebuild the entire kernel, read more :)
If you want to re-build all modules inside the directory:
make M=drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/
If you want to re-build a single module inside the directory:
make M=drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/ CONFIG_RTL8187=m
The *CONFIG_RTL8187* name can be found in drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/Kconfig (CONFIG_ + RTL8187)
It should works also this:
make drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8187/rtl8187.ko
