is OAuth2 Authorization server supported by Spring WebFlux? - spring

is OAuth2 Authorization server supported by Spring WebFlux? I mean is it possible to develop a reactive OAuth2 Authorization server in Spring? if no, when it will be added to the framework?

I think no, Authorization server is out of their roadmap. Starting from november the 13th every class in spring security which worked with Authorization server features become deprecated.
Spring Security OAuth 2.0 Roadmap Update (here the answer on you question)

#mhrsalehi, please checkout my repo. I added an implementation of old OAuth2 Authorization server for webflux. Currently only support /oauth/token if you want support for any other endpoints please submit a ticket or PR.
Github: spring-reactive-authorization-server


Extend OAuth2 Authorization Server with OpenID Connect

I'm trying to extend my home made OAuth2 Authorization Server with the OpenID Connect. At the moment, the Server works fine and successfully issues an access token.
What I need is that the token endpoint returns an id_token along with the access_token.
The Authorization Server is a Spring boot (2.5) app, which implements the authorization code flow using following oauth dependencies.
Is there some standard way to configure an OAuth2 Spring Server so it provides the OpenID Connect features?
Thanks in advance for an example code and/or useful documenation.
The Spring team are working on a new OAuth server, that provides OIDC capability. It's still very early days, but it is useable.
See here for the code, that includes a set of samples:

Is there a Spring boot SAML client for integrating SAML with spring boot application?

I am developing a spring boot application that integrates with multiple Idp's. I have checked many examples over the internet on integrating Spring application with SAML, all of them show how to integrate with IDP's via application properties.
In the case of OAuth 2.0, we had Clients provided by MSAL libraries, we integrated as below.
.builder(decryptCredential(adClientId), clientSecret)
Is there a similar way in Spring boot, to have a Client call to ADFS SAMLIDP and get the user authenticated?
Based on the request, fetch IDP details from Database and invoke a call to the appropriate IDP to get the user authenticated.
thanks in advance.
I explored coveooss library, which has clients and it is easiest one to invoke ADFS to fetch SAML assertions. Here is the link for COVEOOSS git link

EnableAuthorizationServer 2.4.0 migration

We have recently updated our Spring Boot application (OAuth server). Since Spring Security OAuth 2.4.0 RELEASE EnableAuthorizationServer seems to be deprecated.
We read migration guide but we haven't found any section about authorization server.
Do you have any details about the migration? Is migration recommended, or can we keep the code?
In Spring's Roadmap, they don't have a plan for authorization server support anymore.
No Authorization Server Support
In October 2012, RFC 6749, the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, was published. Subsequently in May 2014, Spring Security OAuth released its 2.0.0 version with support for Authorization Server, Resource Server, and Client. This made a great deal of sense in the absence of OAuth 2.0 libraries and products.
Since #han-lee posted, a new Spring project has been created to fill this gap:
See the news post here.

AuditEvent AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS not fired in OAuth2 Resource Server

According to this article, and many others on the web, Spring Boot Actuator provides out of box support for Security Auditing, by using the Actuator endpoint /auditevents and by listening to the AuditApplicationEvents.
Im testing the Spring Boot v2.1.0.RC1 with Spring Security v5.1.1 and the OAuth2 Resource Server for validation of JWT and user authentication, see the code at Github ismarslomic/spring-security-resourceserver-example.
The authentication/authorization part work as expected, with use of Google as IDP. However, AUTHORIZATION_SUCCESS event is never fired from Spring Boot Actuator. The only event fired and caught by LoginAttemptsLogger is the AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, when I drop adding JWT in Authorization header.
Anything Im missing?
This showed to be a bug in Spring Security, which has been resolved in version 5.1.2 and 5.0.10. See more info at

how to add spring security oauth2 with web security

I can build REST services with spring-security-oauth2
I can build website security with spring-security
And as you know, oauth2 has oauth-server, resource and client side. But I cannot put them together. I want to know how to build oauth2 website that I can login(session) with browser and I can use it as secure REST services(with access token). Any help? Thanks very much.
I'm not expert in Spring, but Spring security examples link has some examples how to implement OAuth2.0 servers and resource servers.
