Change default joomla Backend Language programaticly - joomla

I need to change the default backend/admin language of an Joomla site programmaticly.
I know how to change in Backend, but in this case it is nessesary to change it in the code.
Do anyone know a solution or has an code snipet on how to change the default admin language?


how do I add '/en' or '/fr' after all the base url in laravel 5.8 routes

I created a project in Laravel 5.8. I just started working on adding multiple languages in my website. How do I make it so if I click on the language button to choose french the website will load every page as /fr/<rest of the url
Like this
when selecting english language
when selecting bangla language
When the button is clicked you should set the desired locale, this can be done using App::setLocale($locale)
The documentation of Laravel explains how you could do this, for your exact use case:
Laravel Configuring The Locale

Why prestashop is adding a lang particel at the end of a multistore shop url?

I have a prestashop 1.6 installation, in multistore mode. I have some stores already running ok, but now I created a 'german' store with /de url, and have the following issue:
the shop url is something like, visible and saved in admin
when I navigate to, automatically I'm redirected to
I really cannot understand the reason why... All the other shops (fr, es) do work properly. This one does not. No way to keep it simply /de. I already setted a default language for it, I just copied all the settings from the other shops, seems all the same. I cannot spot the error. I also regenerated the htaccess. No way. Could you please suggest me why it is behaving that way?
Ah, funny thing: with firefox will go to as described above, while with chrome will go to!!! No one simply stay
Thank you, regards
Have a check the settings of the german store, probably you have multiple languages enabled / active in Localization > Languages and Prestashop , once you reach the shop homepage, performs a 301-redirect to the default language URL (default behaviour with multiple languages and URL rewriting).
About the funny thing : check the Localization > Localization setting "Set language from browser", this can lead to different language redirects depending of the browser language.

Joomla alert message title change

I will change joomla java alert message see this image
But i dont come forwad...
My joomla is version 3 and this is on module mod_s5_quick_contact
If you want to change the title then I suggest to do a language override as described here If you want to alter the output at all, then do a template override of the module.

Magento PayPal Express not showing

I have a pretty standard Magento installation (Magento ver. and I have enabled PayPal Express settings (Including API username. password & Signature all filled in). I have set the default theme to blank so that it doesn't use any of my template files but the button is not showing on any pages (product, basket or checkout - These options are set to show in the admin).
So even with the default Magento theme non of the paypal buttons show up.
Anyone seen this before? Can anyone shed any light on this?
edit p.s. Mage_Paypal & Mage_PaypalUk both enabled in Advanced.
its seems like you have enabled paypal with another configuration scope ..Not in Default configuration scope or may be you have disabled paypal exp in your current configuration scope. It will override Default configuration scope even you enabled in Default configuration scope. Make sure about this..
Just go to your database. open core_config_data table enable to view all datas with one page. Here you can see all your paypal configs. If you see any paypal configs with websites or something not like default in scope field then you have configured paypal for your current configuration scope.
Update :
consider your current config scope is website. In your core_config_data table set value to "1" for this payment/paypal_express/active for only the other config scopes (website) not the default. Just have a look at the following image. Then check again..It should be work now..!

Joomla 2.5 language code in URL. How to disable?

I have Joomla 2.5 with built-it multilanguage system. Main language is russian and second is english.
In 2 specific articles I have iframes with src="/freeflight2/form.php". In russian version of the site the iframe loading correctly. But in english I get URL of iframe with language code: http://xxx/en/freefligh2/en/form.php which causing 404.
I also tried to write full url, but Joomla again inserting language code.
Is there any way to fix it?
Is this custom or within Joomla? If custom have you tried using JPATH to get the base path? If within Joomla are you using an editor like JCE to create the iframes?
