Groovy/Grails caching on function/closure - caching

I would like to know how to add caching capability to a groovy function. Should it go in the Controller or the Service? Example: How would I cache myService.getData() result for 10 seconds?
class myController {
def getDataAsJson {
String result = myService.getData(id) // returns JSON
render result
class myService {
def getData(String id) {
return '{"hello":"world"}'
I am using Grails 3.3.2 and Groovy 2.4.13.


Quarkus #CacheResult is not working properly

I am trying to use quarkus-cache by following the appropriate quarkus doc. I have the below code setup
class MyClass {
public result doSomething() {
String remoteData = getRemoteData(url);
#CacheResult(cacheName = "myCacheName")
public String getRemoteData(String url) {
return remoteCall(url);
// Grpc impl class
// call to Myclass.doSomething()
Execution is not proceeding further when getRemoteData() is called the first time. Also, not getting any error.
Am I missing something?

How to configure Selenide remote grid url in Selenium-Jupiter test framework?

I am trying to configure a Selenide driver within the Selenium-Jupiter framework, to use my remote grid url but it keeps ignoring the configuration, and just runs the local installed browser. Here is how I am trying to configure it. Any idea what might be wrong here?
import com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration;
import com.codeborne.selenide.SelenideConfig;
import io.github.bonigarcia.seljup.SelenideConfiguration;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Browsers.CHROME;
public abstract class ChromeTest extends BaseTest {
SelenideConfig selenideConfig = new SelenideConfig();
private String getSeleniumRemote() {
System.getProperty("selenide.remote", "");
public ChromeTest() {
if (getSelenideRemote().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Configuration.timeout = 6000;
Configuration.remote = getSelenideRemote();
I know the regular RemoteWebDriver works and I can get that working but I am hoping to use Selenide in the above example:
void testWithRemoteSelenide(#DriverUrl("http://127.1:4444/wd/hub")
#DriverCapabilities("browserName=" + CHROME) SelenideDriver driver)
I can get it to work with the annotation, but the problem is that I need that annotation to be conditional on passing a param to the tests. I want to be able to easily switch using grid or local. Thanks for your help anyone.
Ok, after almost 48 hours an no reponse, I finally figured out the solution. Here it is:
test {
ignoreFailures = false
beforeTest { descriptor ->
logger.lifecycle("Running test: $descriptor.className")
systemProperty "env", System.getProperty("env")
def remote = System.getProperty("selenide.remote", "")
if (!remote.isEmpty()) {
systemProperty("selenide.remote", remote)
Then, in my test base class:
public abstract class ChromeTest extends BaseTest {
SelenideConfig selenideConfig = new SelenideConfig();
* This config is equivilant to the documented method:
* Example: test(#DriverUrl("http://127.1:4444/wd/hub")
* #DriverCapabilities("browserName=chrome") SelenideDriver sd)
public ChromeFormTest() {
if (getSelenideRemote().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Configuration.timeout = 6000;
Configuration.remote = getSelenideRemote();
Then, when I execute, it looks like this:
gradle clean test -Denv=sys -Dselenide.remote=http://127.1:4444/wd/hub
--info --tests*
And the constructor of each test looks like:
public void testWhatever(SelenideDriver sd) {

How to write unit test for HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers

Below is an Example.
public class MyController : Controller
public int ID()
return somecontroller.getID(ID);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Above it the controller that is fetching the ID from the below controller.
Below is the controller that it is inherited.
public class Controller : ApiController
public int ID
return int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["ID"]);
How do i write unit test case for the following.???
Oh, unit testing HttpContext.Current. That's one of my favorites :-)
You can't write a unit test for something that depends on HttpContext.Current. So if you want to write testable code the first step is to search in your entire solution for the HttpContext.Current keyword and simply wipe them out from existence.
In this particular case you would of course replace them with the corresponding abstraction:
public class Controller : ApiController
public int ID
return int.Parse(Request.Headers.GetValues("ID").FirstOrDefault());
Now it's completely trivial to unit test your Web API controller properly:
// arrange
var sut = new MyController();
sut.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
sut.Request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("ID", "5");
// act
var actual = sut.SomeControllerAction();
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(5, actual);

How to remove the "_embedded" property in Spring HATEOAS

I'm using Spring Boot and HATEOAS to build a REST API and when my API returns a collection, it is wrapped inside a "_embedded" property, like so:
I want the response to be like this:
My TechnologiesController:
#RequestMapping(value = "/technologies")
public class TechnologiesController {
#ResquestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/vnd.xpto-technologies.text+json")
public Resources<Resource<Technology>> getAllTechnologies() {
List<Technology> technologies = technologyGateway.getAllTechnologies();
Resources<<Resource<Technology>> resources = new Resources<Resource<Technology>>(technologyResourceAssembler.toResources(technologies));
return resources;
The configuration class has the annotation #EnableHypermediaSupport(type = EnableHypermediaSupport.HypermediaType.HAL).
What is the best way to produce the response without the "_embedded"?
As the documentation says
application/hal+json responses should be sent to requests that accept
In order to omit _embedded in you response you'll need to add
I close HAL feature, because it is hard to using Resources/Resource by restTemplate. I disable this feature by following code:
public class SpringRestConfiguration implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {
It work for me. HAL is good if there are more support with restTemplate.
Adding this Accept header to the request:
Accept : application/x-spring-data-verbose+json
For those who use Spring Data, and consider it as a problem - solution is to set = application/json
in application properties.
There still links will be available, but no _embedded any more.
What you're describing in the produced and expected results are semantically different things. The former thing is the HAL representation of a Collection<Technology>. The latter, which you expect is the representation of:
class Wrapper {
Resources<Technology> technologies;
Note how this is how we actually create the top level technologies property that you would like to see in your response. You don't create any of the latter in your controller. A top-level Resourcesinstance is basically a collection and the only way to represent a top-level collection in HAL is _embedded. Apparently you don't want that but that's what you have written in your controller method.
Assuming you have Wrapper, something like this should work (untested):
Wrapper wrapper = new Wrapper(assembler.toCollectionModel(technologies);
EntityModel<Wrapper> model = EntityModel.of(wrapper);
PS: As of Spring HATEOAS 1.0, Resources is CollectionModel and Resourceis EntityModel.
You can use this code in the service
private httpClient: HttpClient
) { }
return this.httpClient.get<any[]>(`http://localhost:8080/students`);
This will deal with the _embedded part of Json and extract the desired data.
export class ListStudentsComponent implements OnInit {
// declaring variables to be used
student: Student;
students: Student[];
message: string;
// injecting student service into the constuctor
private studentService: StudentService,
) { }
ngOnInit() {
response => {
this.students = response._embedded.students as Student[];
For latest versions in Spring RepositoryRestConfigurer doesn't include the method public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) you'd need to override the default method on RepositoryRestConfigurer which include cors parameter.
public class RestConfiguration implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config, CorsRegistry cors) {

Using AOP in Grails is not working for service

I use Grails 2.2.3 and type following codes in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy
beans = {
xmlns aop:""
config("proxy-target-class": true) {
aspect(id: "beforeService", ref: "loggerAspect") {
before method: "beforeMethod",
pointcut: "execution(* com.test.DemoService.serviceMethod())"
aspect(id: "afterService", ref: "loggerAspect") {
after method: "afterMethod",
pointcut: "execution(* com.test.DemoService.serviceMethod())"
then, create an aspect class under src/groovy/com/test/aop/aspect
package com.test.aop.aspect
class LoggerAspect {
def beforeMethod(JoinPoint jp){
println '-- Before Method.'
def afterMethod(JoinPoint jp){
println '-- After Method.'
And create a service class under grails-app/services/com/test
package com.test
class DemoService {
def serviceMethod() {
println 'In DemoService.serviceMethod()'
And create a controller to call service for testing
package com.test
class DemoController {
def index() {
println 'In DemoController.index()'
def demoService = new DemoService()
render 'Hello World'
Finally, I test the aop through url:
and the aop is not invoked. Following is the result:
| Server running. Browse to http://myhost:8080/grails-spring-aop/
In DemoController.index()
In DemoService.serviceMethod()
I add the following line to the service class:
static transactional = false
And, it's still not working for me.
Anyone an idea how this can be solved or is this not possible.
Or I do the something wrong.
You need to inject the service (spring bean) in the controller instead of creating an instance of it.
package com.test
class DemoController {
def demoService //Autowired, not required to specify in resources.groovy
def index() {
println 'In DemoController.index()'
render 'Hello World'
Moreover, the aspect can be made annotation based as below:
package com.test.aop.aspect
class LoggerAspect {
//A more generic advice would be as below
//#Before("execution(* com.test.*.*(..))")
def beforeMethod(){
println '-- Before Method.'
//A more generic advice would be as below
//#Around("execution(* com.test.*.*(..))")
def afterMethod(){
println '-- After Method.'
And resources.groovy could become:
beans = {
xmlns aop:""
config("proxy-target-class": true) {
aspect(id: "loggerAspectService", ref: "loggerAspect")
