object isn't recognized anymore when my screen is in fully expanded modus - hp-uft

I have following problem. After spying an object my object isn't highlighting anymore within the application. However I noticed the following: when my application is in fully expanded modus, the object isn't highlighted and when my application is not in fully expanded modus the object is highligted (so recognized)! Even spying in expanded or not expanded modus, the object is only highlighting in not fully expanded modus. Problem is when running the script, it's open my appliation it seems in fully expanded modus.
Anybody an idea how this can be solved? Are there for example properties in the object I can set that it will not take care about fully or not fully expanded mode?
display settings is 100%
browser is chrome
version is UFT 14.51

Founded. The zoom in the chrome browser must also set on 100%. Was 110%


Webstorm debug session - Variables view

When I am debugging from the IDE using the Chrome addin
It starts up and I can set breakpoints and edit the code live which is really great, but when I try to inspect the current state using the Variables view, I can't see all of the object members. For example, if I debug using the Chrome Developer Tools I see...
...I have live access to the entire object structure.
But in Webstorm I can only see this...
It seems like it only works for user defined properties and the __proto__ object. Is this the case or is there a setting somewhere to enable this? There is nothing I can find in the Webstorm documentation indicating that this is a limitation of the tool...
I just want to know if this is a limitation or not.
Just in case the pics are not clear, here are the pics of the document node in the WS IDE, Watches window...
And here is what I expect to see and what I do see in the Chrome Dev tools...

Xcode doesn't display "Callers" in Assistant Editor when using conditional preprocessor directive

I recently ran into an issue where I would go to check the callers of a method using the Assistant Editor, but it would display as if there were no callers of the method in question.
I narrowed it down to that method being inside a conditional preprocessor directive. When I removed that, I was able to find the callers of the method.
Is there a way I can get Xcode to recognize the callers without removing the conditional preprocessor directives? Or do I need to continue with the work around every time?
I was experiencing this issue but with a different cause. In my case, callers was greyed out because I had a device connected that was somehow preventing it working. Disconnecting the device caused the code coloring to work and populated the callers list
Edit: deleting device data under Window/Projects (Xcode 6.3.1) permitted code coloring to work again while the device was connected and callers list was again populated

How are Inspect.exe/UI Accessibility Checker causing my program to gracefully resume after null pointer access and what else can I do about it?

The accessible objects in my custom table control are stored in a doubly linked list in the table itself (so they can be invalidated when the table window is destroyed). Right now, my WM_GETOBJECT handler contains the following erroneous code sequence (where t is the table and ta is the new accessible object):
ta->next = t->firstAcc;
t->firstAcc->prev = ta;
t->firstAcc = ta;
This is an error because when the linked list is empty, t->firstAcc will be NULL, so the second line will lead to a null pointer exception.
...except not. When Inspect.exe queries my table's accessible object, it seems to "intercept" the null pointer exception, bringing my program back to a stable state and repeating the process all over again a few times before finally giving up and just grabbing the standard accessible object instead. The program still runs and seems to run quite well!
And it's not just Inspect.exe; UI Accessibility Checker also exhibits this behavior too.
This is Inspect.exe and UI Accessibility Checker 3.0, both running on Windows 7 64-bit. I forget if both came with Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop or not (with one of the Windows SDKs instead). The accessible objects are MSAA IAccessible objects because Windows XP compatibility is still required.
Obviously this makes debugging bugs like this problematic. So my questions are simple:
How are Inspect.exe and UI Accessibility Checker doing this? Is it special code that they share or is there something about MSAA or OLE or COM that does this?
Is there anything I can do about this? Neither of these programs have options to turn off the behavior. Could I just get the accessible object myself (posing as a client) to test this behavior? (That would work for the top-level object, but doing thorough tests for navigation would be a bit more painful.) And if so, would I need to initialize COM (for something in the same process) or run as administrator (because of UIPI)?

Understanding SystemParametersInfo SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT

My App needs to get the focus when it get's called by an external tool (via an API), i know that the default is, that it should just flash in the Taskbar, but in this case this is absolutely not the behaviour that i want. In this case i try to get the focus by "this.Activate()" (C#).
This is where the ForeGroundLockTimeOut comes into play.
However, I got a little problem understanding the SystemParameterInfo SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT.
I know that it's used to set the ForeGroundLockTimeOut which defines how long your app has to wait until it gets the focus it requested.
(for further information the variable "val" is an IntPtr that is set to 0)
this one will change the Registry key that that handles the timeout (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ForeGroundLockTimout)
Since this will change the behaviour of all apps, it's really the last resort to use.
Now i thought what if i don't update the registry key. So i tried this:
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, val, 0);
However it doesn't change the behavior of my app in any way, but
What i do not understand is why this only works for my app, which is absolutely what i want, but i do not understandit .Why do i have to broadcast a change, that only works for my app, when there has been no change made to any registry key or whatsoever, and why does this work only for my app.
Note: If you want to test this behavior, test it when Visual Studio is not running, while it's running (even if this Solution is not loaded) it changes the behavior of the App into getting focus in any case.
This is not a per-app setting, it is a global system setting. There's no way to set it for just your application, so when you call SystemParametersInfo with 0 for the last parameter, nothing happens.
On the other hand, when you use SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE, the new setting gets broadcast in the form of a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. (Which is why manually editing the registry is the wrong thing to do; always call the documented API.)
Aside from that, this code is wrong:
To concatenate two flags, you must use the boolean OR operator (|), not the addition operator (+). In this particular case, because 0x1 + 0x2 and 0x1 | 0x2 are both equal to 3, it seems to work, but that's just an accident.
The real solution to this problem needs not involve manipulating global settings (because you surely don't want to do that on client machines, even if you're OK with it on your own). You need to work with the system, rather than trying to work against it. In the system's model, the process that currently has the focus is the one with the privilege of setting/changing the focus. So there are basically three options:
Just have the external tool call SetForegroundWindow itself and pass your application's window as the parameter. This altogether avoids your app having to activate itself.
Use the AllowSetForegroundWindow function to delegate the external tool's foreground-window-setting privileges to your application. It should call this function, passing the ID of your app's process as the parameter. That way, when your app calls SetForegroundWindow, it will work as expected.
Depending on how your tool and application are designed, you could just have the external tool launch the application. Like the documentation says, if a process is launched by the foreground process, it is allowed to set the foreground window.
SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE--Writes the new system-wide parameter setting to the user profile.
SPIF_SENDCHANGE--Broadcasts the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message after updating the user profile.

VS2010 debugger: in a class, 'this' is not showing it's members. Why?

I'm trying to debug a C++ class. It's a class that gets SWIGged for Python, then I attach debugger to python.exe. No problems there. Breakpoints are hit fine.
But in the 'Locals' window 'this' is completely empty apart from its _vfptr (which does not look right either, just values, no function names). 'this' should have a few member variables!
Function parameters are showing fine. Functions appear to, well, function properly.
Trying to 'Watch' or 'Quickwatch' a variable from the editor window gives 'inaccessible!'.
What foul Visual Studio crime have I committed? This was working fine earlier on!
