Chromecast CAF v3: Shaka Player - Widevine, I can't configure the certificates - chromecast

I am migrating an application developed in sdk v2 to v3 I understand that it uses shaka player,
but I can't find a way to configure the preferences of the player, specifically I am looking to configure this in the player:
drm: {
servers: {
'com.widevine.alpha': media.server_url,
advanced: {
'com.widevine.alpha': {
videoRobustness: 'SW_SECURE_CRYPTO',
audioRobustness: 'SW_SECURE_CRYPTO',
Without succeeding, I would appreciate if someone could guide me a little.
If this is not possible, I would like to know how I can set my own player in the framework.


How to properly implement and test homepage in editor (Docs) addon

I am creating Google Workspace Editor add-on for Docs and Slides. My add-on is rejected by Google Workspace Marketplace team with message No homepage card is provided for the host app: Google Slides/Docs
According to documentation the homepage card is optional, therefore I initially did not implement it as my addon has no sense outside to document or slide.
Now I am trying to add it in appscript.json:
"addOns": {
"common": {
"homepageTrigger": { "enabled": true, "runFunction": "onHomepage" },
And my onHomepage trigger is not called when I run the add-on functions or install it.
Please advise on where the homepage is displayed in Docs/Slides and how to test this function.

What is the correct way add a protocol to the macOS info.plist using electron-builder?

I need to be able to launch my Electron app from the the browser (like sign in to Slack does). I know that I can add my protocol name to my Electron app using app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient(protocol[, path, args]) in Electron.
Then in electron-builder, I can use the package.json config build.mac with the extendInfo property to define "The extra entries for Info.plist". This however is the only instructions the docs give on how to use it.
What is the correct way add a protocol to the macOS info.plist using electron and electron-builder config build.mac.extendInfo and be able to use it as described?
(Posted a solution on behalf of the question author to move it to the answer space).
It now works with the following - I have added this to my Electron package.json:
"protocols": {
"name": "my-app",
"schemes": [
"mac": {
"target": "dmg",
"extendInfo": "my-app"
I have this in the electron.js:
And this in my React browser client app code to launch the application from the browser:
document.location = 'my-app://open?url='
This question relates to how custom schemes are used to receive OAuth responses, as in my code sample which you can run locally, then use deep linking etc:
Blog Post
Points of interest:
An interstitial web page returns control to the browser app - see this page
My package.json exposes the scheme for Electron deployment
This should give you something to compare against. Here is the key code:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var redirectUri = 'x-mycompany-desktopapp:/callback';
if ( {
redirectUri +=;
document.getElementById('continueButton').onclick = function() {
window.location.href = redirectUri;
This gets picked up by Electron packager and included in platform specific binaries, resulting in OS specific registration:
"build": {
"protocols": {
"name": "finaldesktopapp",
"schemes": [
This enables the following code to work in the main side of the app, as specified in the main.ts file:
Finally you register a callback that can parse the URL and take whatever is the appropriate action - completing a login in my case.
private _receiveNotificationInRunningInstance(privateSchemeUrl: string) {
The mechanics are a little tricky and the notification is received differently on macOS to Windows / Linux. See this source file and its comments which explain the details.

add a share button in Firefox OS application

I am creating a firefox OS application, I want the user to be able to share a link through any application installed and eligible (facebook, twitter etc). I saw android has this kind of feature and firefox OS has it as well, as I saw it in one of it's built in applications. Went through Web API, didn't find a suitable match,
Any ideas how to do it?
This is the intended use of the Web Activity API . The idea is that applications register to handle activities like share. The Firefox OS Boiler Plate app has several examples of using Web Activities. In that example a user could share a url using code like:
var share = document.querySelector("#share");
if (share) {
share.onclick = function () {
new MozActivity({
name: "share",
data: {
number: 1,
url: ""
Any app that handles the share activity will be shown allowing the user to pick the proper app to handle the share.

Access the Add-on SDK from within a traditional XUL-based add-on?

I have a large and complex XUL-based addon for which I need to use a few functions from the Add-on SDK. Is this possible? If so, does anyone have working sample code, preferably using the page-worker module?
The following is the way devtools does it, but certain modules will choke (the obvious candidate being self). I think you will have better luck with low-level modules.
let {Loader} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js", {});
let loader = new Loader.Loader({
paths: {
"": "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/"
globals: {},
let require = Loader.Require(loader, { id: "myaddon" })
// now you can require addon-sdk modules

Titanium chat implementation

I have an task to implement an chat based application to access private data available at server using web service api call.Show all available users from web server and to chat with those persons.Is't possible with titanium development to support on iPhone/Android chat application. If possible let me guide to implement the same.
Yes, of course it's possible. And there are a million ways to do this, your question is not very clear.
If its totally web services based then just use this.
Heres a quick example of posting to a webservice and sending a JSON object:
var getChatMessages = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient({
onload : function(e) {
var doSomethignWithThis = this.responseText;
onerror : function(e) {;'SelectActivityStepsByKeyList webservice failed with message : ' + e.error);
});'POST', 'http://yourchatserver/GetChats');
getChatMessages.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
getChatMessages.send({"message" : "How is everyone today?", "user" : "});
This is not difficult with titanium, the hard part is on the server side.
Here is an example project that accomplishes chat through the use of the library. This may be a better approach for you. The link has a video of how it works as well as the full source code.
