How Do You Draw Concentric Squares? - processing

-Create a sketch of 10 concentric squares of different colors
-Incorporate user input when the mouse or keyboard is pressed changed the colors of the squares
-Code must use variables/ loops/ and decision structures.

If your problem is having them be concentric, use rectMode()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
rect(width / 2, height / 2, 10 * (i + 1));

The term concentric, while usually used for circles, is actually just based on the Latin for "same centre". Hence concentric squares are just those that have the same center (where the diaganols meet).
So, let's say you need the upper left corner (where X increases across to the right, Y increases down to the bottom) and side length. To work out the center of an existing square:
centX = X + length / 2
centY = Y + length / 2
Then to work out the upper left co-ordinates for a new square of given length (that's concentric with the first):
X = centX - length / 2
Y = centY - length / 2
You can wrap that up in a function (pseudo-code) with somwething like:
def makeConcentricSquare(origX, origY, origLen, newLen):
newX = origX + origLen / 2 - newLen / 2
newY = origY + origLen / 2 - newLen / 2
return (newX, newY, newLen)
This is, of course, assuming your squares are horizontal in nature. You can do similar things to rotate them but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader, especially since the specifications make no mention of allowing for it :-)


Generate random position with uniform distribution inside rounded rect

Can't invent something acceptable.
My first (and sole) approach is pretty awkward:
Calculate area = non_rounded_area + area_of_rounded corner * 4. Let's consider this area as pixel count in the rect.
Get random number from range [0..area), so to say a pixel index.
Somehow get x and y coordinates from that index.
The main embarrassment is how to perform step 3?
I reckon it's even enough to consider 1/4 part of rect (and one corner) and just rotate result for other quarters.
Ok, suppose I know what number of pixels belongs' to the given corner.
And it's easy to get x and y coordinates from index that belongs to non-rounded area.
But how to do this for pixels that belongs to corners?
My thoughts are flying about "determine whether pixel belongs to circle" but can't formulate them plainly.
Here's a way to do it for one quadrant that you can generalize to a full rectangle:
First compute the total number of pixels in the quadrant (red + orange + green):
int totalPixels = w * h;
Then compute the red area (the pixels in the corner that are outside the rounded rect):
int invalidCornerPixels = (int)((float)(r * r) * ((4.0f - PI) / 4.0f));
The orange area is equal to the red area. You can sample pixels in the red + green area, and if they are in the red area, sample a random pixel in the orange area instead.
int redGreenArea = totalPixels - invalidCornerPixels;
Assume randomValue(n) returns a random int from 0 to n - 1:
int pixelIndex = randomValue(redGreenArea);
int pixelX = pixelIndex % w;
int pixelY = pixelIndex / w;
Test if the sampled pixel is in the red area and resample if necessary:
if((pixelX < r) && (pixelY < r))
int circleX = r - pixelX;
int circleY = r - pixelY;
if(((circleX * circleX) + (circleY * circleY)) > (r * r))
pixelIndex = randomValue(invalidCornerPixels) + redGreenArea;
pixelX = pixelIndex % w;
pixelY = pixelIndex / w;
This requires a maximum of 2 random number generations (usually only 1), and isn't any more complicated than rejection sampling, because you have to implement the same test for that too. The calculation of totalPixels, invalidCornerPixels and redGreenArea can be done once and stored for a given rectangle.
One weakness is that due to rounding errors the number of pixels that will fail the test in practice may not be exactly equal to invalidCornerPixels, which will give a very slightly non-uniform distribution. You could address this by calculating invalidCornerPixels by brute force offline (counting the pixels that fail the test in an r x r square) and creating a lookup table for each value of r. I doubt it will be noticeable if used for a particle generator however. Another weakness is that it will fail if the red area overlaps the orange area.

How much do two rectangles overlap?

I have two rectangles a and b with their sides parallel to the axes of the coordinate system. I have their co-ordinates as x1,y1,x2,y2.
I'm trying to determine, not only do they overlap, but HOW MUCH do they overlap? I'm trying to figure out if they're really the same rectangle give or take a bit of wiggle room. So is their area 95% the same?
Any help in calculating the % of overlap?
Compute the area of the intersection, which is a rectangle too:
SI = Max(0, Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1)) * Max(0, Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
From there you compute the area of the union:
SU = SA + SB - SI
And you can consider the ratio
(100% in case of a perfect overlap, down to 0%).
While the accepted answer is correct, I think it's worth exploring this answer in a way that will make the rationale for the answer completely obvious. This is too common an algorithm to have an incomplete (or worse, controversial) answer. Furthermore, with only a passing glance at the given formula, you may miss the beauty and extensibility of the algorithm, and the implicit decisions that are being made.
We're going to build our way up to making these formulas intuitive:
intersecting_area =
- max(orange.triangle.x, blue.triangle.x)
* max(0,
- max(orange.triangle.y, blue.triangle.y)
percent_coverage = intersecting_area
/ (orange_area + blue_area - intersecting_area)
First, consider one way to define a two dimensional box is with:
(x, y) for the top left point
(x, y) for the bottom right point
This might look like:
I indicate the top left with a triangle and the bottom right with a circle. This is to avoid opaque syntax like x1, x2 for this example.
Two overlapping rectangles might look like this:
Notice that to find the overlap you're looking for the place where the orange and the blue collide:
Once you recognize this, it becomes obvious that overlap is the result of finding and multiplying these two darkened lines:
The length of each line is the minimum value of the two circle points, minus the maximum value of the two triangle points.
Here, I'm using a two-toned triangle (and circle) to show that the orange and the blue points are compared with each other. The small letter 'y' after the two-toned triangle indicates that the triangles are compared along the y axis, the small 'x' means they are compared along the x axis.
For example, to find the length of the darkened blue line you can see the triangles are compared to look for the maximum value between the two. The attribute that is compared is the x attribute. The maximum x value between the triangles is 210.
Another way to say the same thing is:
The length of the new line that fits onto both the orange and blue lines is found by subtracting the furthest point on the closest side of the line from the closest point on the furthest side of the line.
Finding those lines gives complete information about the overlapping areas.
Once you have this, finding the percentage of overlap is trivial:
But wait, if the orange rectangle does not overlap with the blue one then you're going to have a problem:
With this example, you get a -850 for our overlapping area, that can't be right. Even worse, if a detection doesn't overlap with either dimension (neither on the x or y axis) then you will still get a positive number because both dimensions are negative. This is why you see the Max(0, ...) * Max(0, ...) as part of the solution; it ensures that if any of the overlaps are negative you'll get a 0 back from your function.
The final formula in keeping with our symbology:
It's worth noting that using the max(0, ...) function may not be necessary. You may want to know if something overlaps along one of its dimensions rather than all of them; if you use max then you will obliterate that information. For that reason, consider how you want to deal with non-overlapping bounding boxes. Normally, the max function is fine to use, but it's worth being aware what it's doing.
Finally, notice that since this comparison is only concerned with linear measurements it can be scaled to arbitrary dimensions or arbitrary overlapping quadrilaterals.
To summarize:
intersecting_area =
- max(orange.triangle.x, blue.triangle.x)
* max(0,
- max(orange.triangle.y, blue.triangle.y)
percent_coverage = intersecting_area
/ (orange_area + blue_area - intersecting_area)
I recently ran into this problem as well and applied Yves' answer, but somehow that led to the wrong area size, so I rewrote it.
Assuming two rectangles A and B, find out how much they overlap and if so, return the area size:
IF A.right < B.left OR A.left > B.right
OR A.bottom < OR > B.bottom THEN RETURN 0
width := IF A.right > B.right THEN B.right - A.left ELSE A.right - B.left
height := IF A.bottom > B.bottom THEN B.bottom - ELSE A.bottom -
RETURN width * height
Just fixing previous answers so that the ratio is between 0 and 1 (using Python):
# (x1,y1) top-left coord, (x2,y2) bottom-right coord, (w,h) size
A = {'x1': 0, 'y1': 0, 'x2': 99, 'y2': 99, 'w': 100, 'h': 100}
B = {'x1': 0, 'y1': 0, 'x2': 49, 'y2': 49, 'w': 50, 'h': 50}
# overlap between A and B
SA = A['w']*A['h']
SB = B['w']*B['h']
SI = np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['x2'],B['x2']]) - np.max([A['x1'],B['x1']]) ]) * np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['y2'],B['y2']]) - np.max([A['y1'],B['y1']]) ])
SU = SA + SB - SI
overlap_AB = float(SI) / float(SU)
print 'overlap between A and B: %f' % overlap_AB
# overlap between A and A
B = A
SB = B['w']*B['h']
SI = np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['x2'],B['x2']]) - np.max([A['x1'],B['x1']]) ]) * np.max([ 0, 1 + np.min([A['y2'],B['y2']]) - np.max([A['y1'],B['y1']]) ])
SU = SA + SB - SI
overlap_AA = float(SI) / float(SU)
print 'overlap between A and A: %f' % overlap_AA
The output will be:
overlap between A and B: 0.250000
overlap between A and A: 1.000000
Assuming that the rectangle must be parallel to x and y axis as that seems to be the situation from the previous comments and answers.
I cannot post comment yet, but I would like to point out that both previous answers seem to ignore the case when one side rectangle is totally within the side of the other rectangle. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Consider the case
a: (1,1), (4,4)
b: (2,2), (5,3)
In this case, we see that for the intersection, height must be bTop - bBottom because the vertical part of b is wholly contained in a.
We just need to add more cases as follows: (The code can be shorted if you treat top and bottom as the same thing as right and left, so that you do not need to duplicate the conditional chunk twice, but this should do.)
if aRight <= bLeft or bRight <= aLeft or aTop <= bBottom or bTop <= aBottom:
# There is no intersection in these cases
return 0
# There is some intersection
if aRight >= bRight and aLeft <= bLeft:
# From x axis point of view, b is wholly contained in a
width = bRight - bLeft
elif bRight >= aRight and bLeft <= aLeft:
# From x axis point of view, a is wholly contained in b
width = aRight - aLeft
elif aRight >= bRight:
width = bRight - aLeft
width = aRight - bLeft
if aTop >= bTop and aBottom <= bBottom:
# From y axis point of view, b is wholly contained in a
height = bTop - bBottom
elif bTop >= aTop and bBottom <= aBottom:
# From y axis point of view, a is wholly contained in b
height = aTop - aBottom
elif aTop >= bTop:
height = bTop - aBottom
height = aTop - bBottom
return width * height
Here is a working Function in C#:
public double calculateOverlapPercentage(Rectangle A, Rectangle B)
double result = 0.0;
//trivial cases
if (!A.IntersectsWith(B)) return 0.0;
if (A.X == B.X && A.Y == B.Y && A.Width == B.Width && A.Height == B.Height) return 100.0;
//# overlap between A and B
double SA = A.Width * A.Height;
double SB = B.Width * B.Height;
double SI = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(A.Right, B.Right) - Math.Max(A.Left, B.Left)) *
Math.Max(0, Math.Min(A.Bottom, B.Bottom) - Math.Max(A.Top, B.Top));
double SU = SA + SB - SI;
result = SI / SU; //ratio
result *= 100.0; //percentage
return result;
[ymin_a, xmin_a, ymax_a, xmax_a] = list(bbox_a)
[ymin_b, xmin_b, ymax_b, xmax_b] = list(bbox_b)
x_intersection = min(xmax_a, xmax_b) - max(xmin_a, xmin_b) + 1
y_intersection = min(ymax_a, ymax_b) - max(ymin_a, ymin_b) + 1
if x_intersection <= 0 or y_intersection <= 0:
return 0
return x_intersection * y_intersection
#User3025064 is correct and is the simplest solution, though, exclusivity must be checked first for rectangles that do not intersect e.g., for rectangles A & B (in Visual Basic):
If A.Top =< B.Bottom or A.Bottom => B.Top or A.Right =< B.Left or A.Left => B.Right then
Exit sub 'No intersection
width = ABS(Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1))
height = ABS(Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
Area = width * height 'Total intersection area.
End if
The answer of #user3025064 is the right answer. The accepted answer inadvertently flips the inner MAX and MIN calls.
We also don't need to check first if they intersect or not if we use the presented formula, MAX(0,x) as opposed to ABS(x). If they do not intersect, MAX(0,x) returns zero which makes the intersection area 0 (i.e. disjoint).
I suggest that #Yves Daoust fixes his answer because it is the accepted one that pops up to anyone who searches for that problem. Once again, here is the right formula for intersection:
SI = Max(0, Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1)) * Max(0, Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
The rest as usual. Union:
SU = SA + SB - SI
and ratio:

Smoothing issue with Diamond-Square algorithm

I am using the diamond-square algorithm to generate random terrain.
It works fine except I get these large cone shapes either sticking out of or into the terrain.
The problem seems to be that every now and then a point gets set either way too high or way too low.
Here is a picture of the problem
And it can be better seen when I set the smoothness really high
And here is my code -
private void CreateHeights()
if (cbUseLand.Checked == false)
Size = Convert.ToInt32(System.Math.Pow(2, int.Parse(tbDetail.Text)) + 1),
SideLength = Size - 1,
d = 1025 / (Size - 1),
Heights = new Point3D[Size, Size];
r = float.Parse(tbHeight.Text),
Roughness = float.Parse(RoughnessBox.Text);
//seeding all the points
for (int x = 0; x < Size; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Size; y++)
Heights[x, y] = Make3DPoint(x * d, 740, y * d);
while (SideLength >= 2)
HalfSide = SideLength / 2;
for (int x = 0; x < Size - 1; x = x + SideLength)
for (int y = 0; y < Size - 1; y = y + SideLength)
Heights[x + HalfSide, y + HalfSide].y =
(Heights[x, y].y +
Heights[x + SideLength, y].y +
Heights[x, y + SideLength].y +
Heights[x + SideLength, y + SideLength].y) / 4 - r + ((float)(random.NextDouble() * r) * 2);
for (int x = 0; x < Size - 1; x = x + SideLength)
for (int y = 0; y < Size - 1; y = y + SideLength)
if (y != 0)
Heights[x + HalfSide, y].y = (Heights[x, y].y + Heights[x + SideLength, y].y + Heights[x + HalfSide, y + HalfSide].y + Heights[x + HalfSide, y - HalfSide].y) / 4 - r + ((float)(random.NextDouble() * r) * 2);
if (x != 0)
Heights[x, y + HalfSide].y = (Heights[x, y].y + Heights[x, y + SideLength].y + Heights[x + HalfSide, y + HalfSide].y + Heights[x - HalfSide, y + HalfSide].y) / 4 - r + ((float)(random.NextDouble() * r) * 2);
SideLength = SideLength / 2;
r = r / Roughness;
Gavin S. P. Miller gave a SIGGRAPH '86 talk about how Fournier, Fussel & Carpenter's original algorithm was fundamentally flawed. So what you're seeing is normal for any naive implementation of the Diamond Square algorithm. You will require a separate approach for smoothing, either post each Diamond-Square compound step, or as a post-process to all diamond-square iterations (or both). Miller addressed this. Weighting and box or gaussian filtering are one option; seeding the initial array to a greater degree than just the initial 4 points (i.e., replicating the resultsets of the first few steps of diamond-square either manually or using some built-in intelligence, but instead supplying unbiased values); the more initial information you give the array before increasing the detail using diamond-square, the better your results will be.
The reason appears to be in how the Square step is performed. In the Diamond step, we've taken the average of the four corners of a square to produce that square's centre. Then, in the subsequent Square step, we take the average of four orthogonally-adjacent neighbours, one of which is the square's centre point we just produced. Can you see the problem? Those original corner height values are contributing too much to the subsequent diamond-square iteration, because they are contributing both through their own influence AND through the midpoint that they created. This causes the spires (extrusive and intrusive), because locally-derived points tend more strongly toward those early points... and because (typically 3) other points do as well, this creates "circular" influences around those points, as you iterate to higher depths using Diamond-Square. So these kinds of "aliasing" issues only appear when the initial state of the array is underspecified; in fact, the artifacting that occurs can be seen as a direct geometric consequence of using only 4 points to start with.
You can do one of the following:
Do local filtering -- generally expensive.
Pre-seed the initial array more thoroughly -- requires some intelligence.
Never smooth too many steps down from a given set of initial points -- which applies even if you do seed the initial array, it's all just a matter of relative depths in conjunction with your own maximum displacement parameters.
I believe the size of the displacement r in each iteration should be proportional to the size of the current rectangle. The logic behind this is that a fractal surface is scale invariant, so the variation in height in any rectangle should be proportional to the size of that rectangle.
In your code, the variation in height is proportional to r, so you should keep it proportional to the size of your current grid size. In other words: multiply r by the roughness before the loop and divide r by 2 in each iteration.
So, instead of
r = r / Roughness;
you should write
r = r / 2;
The actual flaw in the above algorithm is an error in conceptualization and implementation. Diamond square as an algorithm has some artifacting but this is range based artifacts. So the technical max for some pixels is higher than some other pixels. Some pixels are directly given values by the randomness while others acquire their values by the diamond and squared midpoint interpolation processes.
The error here is that you started from zero. And repeatedly added the value to the current value. This causes the range of diamond squared to start at zero and extend upwards. It must actually start at zero and go both up and down depending on the randomness. So the top range thing won't matter. But, if you don't realize this and naively implement everything as added to the value, rather than starting at zero and fluctuating from there, you will expose the hidden artifacts.
Miller's notes were right, but the flaw is generally hidden within the noise. This implementation is shows those problems. That is NOT normal. And can be fixed a few different ways. This was one of the reasons why after I extended this algorithm to remove all the memory restrictions and size restrictions and made it infinite and deterministic1, I then still switched away from the core idea here (the problems extending it to 3d and optimizing for GPUs also played a role.2
Instead of just smoothening with an average, you can use a 2-D median filter to take out extremes. It is simple to implement, and usually generates the desired effect with a lot of noise.

Algorithm for maximizing coverage of rectangular area with scaling tiles

I have N scalable square tiles (buttons) that need to be placed inside of fixed sized rectangular surface (toolbox). I would like to present the buttons all at the same size.
How could I solve for the optimal size of the tiles that would provide the largest area of the rectangular surface being covered by tiles.
Let W and H be the width and height of the rectangle.
Let s be the length of the side of a square.
Then the number of squares n(s) that you can fit into the rectangle is floor(W/s)*floor(H/s). You want to find the maximum value of s for which n(s) >= N
If you plot the number of squares against s you will get a piecewise constant function. The discontinuities are at the values W/i and H/j, where i and j run through the positive integers.
You want to find the smallest i for which n(W/i) >= N, and similarly the smallest j for which n(H/j) >= N. Call these smallest values i_min and j_min. Then the largest of W/i_min and H/j_min is the s that you want.
I.e. s_max = max(W/i_min,H/j_min)
To find i_min and j_min, just do a brute force search: for each, start from 1, test, and increment.
In the event that N is very large, it may be distasteful to search the i's and j's starting from 1 (although it is hard to imagine that there will be any noticeable difference in performance). In this case, we can estimate the starting values as follows. First, a ballpark estimate of the area of a tile is W*H/N, corresponding to a side of sqrt(W*H/N). If W/i <= sqrt(W*H/N), then i >= ceil(W*sqrt(N/(W*H))), similarly j >= ceil(H*sqrt(N/(W*H)))
So, rather than start the loops at i=1 and j=1, we can start them at i = ceil(sqrt(N*W/H)) and j = ceil(sqrt(N*H/W))). And OP suggests that round works better than ceil -- at worst an extra iteration.
Here's the algorithm spelled out in C++:
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
// find optimal (largest) tile size for which
// at least N tiles fit in WxH rectangle
double optimal_size (double W, double H, int N)
int i_min, j_min ; // minimum values for which you get at least N tiles
for (int i=round(sqrt(N*W/H)) ; ; i++) {
if (i*floor(H*i/W) >= N) {
i_min = i ;
break ;
for (int j=round(sqrt(N*H/W)) ; ; j++) {
if (floor(W*j/H)*j >= N) {
j_min = j ;
break ;
return std::max (W/i_min, H/j_min) ;
The above is written for clarity. The code can be tightened up considerably as follows:
double optimal_size (double W, double H, int N)
int i,j ;
for (i = round(sqrt(N*W/H)) ; i*floor(H*i/W) < N ; i++){}
for (j = round(sqrt(N*H/W)) ; floor(W*j/H)*j < N ; j++){}
return std::max (W/i, H/j) ;
I believe this can be solved as a constrained minimisation problem, which requires some basic calculus. .
a, l -> rectangle sides
k -> number of squares
s -> side of the squares
You have to minimise the function:
f[s]:= a * l/s^2 - k
subject to the constraints:
IntegerPart[a/s] IntegerPart[l/s] - k >= 0
s > 0
I programed a little Mathematica function to do the trick
f[a_, l_, k_] := NMinimize[{a l/s^2 - k ,
IntegerPart[a/s] IntegerPart[l/s] - k >= 0,
s > 0},
Easy to read since the equations are the same as above.
Using this function I made up a table for allocating 6 squares
as far as I can see, the results are correct.
As I said, you may use a standard calculus package for your environment, or you may also develop your own minimisation algorithm and programs. Ring the bell if you decide for the last option and I'll provide a few good pointers.
Just for fun I made a plot with the results.
And for 31 tiles:
Edit 2: Characteristic Parameters
The problem has three characteristic parameters:
The Resulting Size of the tiles
The Number of Tiles
The ratio l/a of the enclosing rectangle
Perhaps the last one may result somewhat surprising, but it is easy to understand: if you have a problem with a 7x5 rectangle and 6 tiles to place, looking in the above table, the size of the squares will be 2.33. Now, if you have a 70x50 rectangle, obviously the resulting tiles will be 23.33, scaling isometrically with the problem.
So, we can take those three parameters and construct a 3D plot of their relationship, and eventually match the curve with some function easier to calculate (using least squares for example or computing iso-value regions).
Anyway, the resulting scaled plot is:
I realize this is an old thread but I recently solved this problem in a way that I think is efficient and always gives the correct answer. It is designed to maintain a given aspect ratio. If you wish for the children(buttons in this case) to be square just use an aspect ratio of 1. I am currently using this algorithm in a few places and it works great.
double VerticalScale; // for the vertical scalar: uses the lowbound number of columns
double HorizontalScale;// horizontal scalar: uses the highbound number of columns
double numColumns; // the exact number of columns that would maximize area
double highNumRows; // number of rows calculated using the upper bound columns
double lowNumRows; // number of rows calculated using the lower bound columns
double lowBoundColumns; // floor value of the estimated number of columns found
double highBoundColumns; // ceiling value of the the estimated number of columns found
Size rectangleSize = new Size(); // rectangle size will be used as a default value that is the exact aspect ratio desired.
// Aspect Ratio = h / w
// where h is the height of the child and w is the width
// the numerator will be the aspect ratio and the denominator will always be one
// if you want it to be square just use an aspect ratio of 1
rectangleSize.Width = desiredAspectRatio;
rectangleSize.Height = 1;
// estimate of the number of columns useing the formula:
// n * W * h
// columns = SquareRoot( ------------- )
// H * w
// Where n is the number of items, W is the width of the parent, H is the height of the parent,
// h is the height of the child, and w is the width of the child
numColumns = Math.Sqrt( (numRectangles * rectangleSize.Height * parentSize.Width) / (parentSize.Height * rectangleSize.Width) );
lowBoundColumns = Math.Floor(numColumns);
highBoundColumns = Math.Ceiling(numColumns);
// The number of rows is determined by finding the floor of the number of children divided by the columns
lowNumRows = Math.Ceiling(numRectangles / lowBoundColumns);
highNumRows = Math.Ceiling(numRectangles / highBoundColumns);
// Vertical Scale is what you multiply the vertical size of the child to find the expected area if you were to find
// the size of the rectangle by maximizing by rows
// H
// Vertical Scale = ----------
// R * h
// Where H is the height of the parent, R is the number of rows, and h is the height of the child
VerticalScale = parentSize.Height / lowNumRows * rectangleSize.Height;
//Horizontal Scale is what you multiply the horizintale size of the child to find the expected area if you were to find
// the size of the rectangle by maximizing by columns
// W
// Vertical Scale = ----------
// c * w
//Where W is the width of the parent, c is the number of columns, and w is the width of the child
HorizontalScale = parentSize.Width / (highBoundColumns * rectangleSize.Width);
// The Max areas are what is used to determine if we should maximize over rows or columns
// The areas are found by multiplying the scale by the appropriate height or width and finding the area after the scale
// Horizontal Area = Sh * w * ( (Sh * w) / A )
// where Sh is the horizontal scale, w is the width of the child, and A is the aspect ratio of the child
double MaxHorizontalArea = (HorizontalScale * rectangleSize.Width) * ((HorizontalScale * rectangleSize.Width) / desiredAspectRatio);
// Vertical Area = Sv * h * (Sv * h) * A
// Where Sv isthe vertical scale, h is the height of the child, and A is the aspect ratio of the child
double MaxVerticalArea = (VerticalScale * rectangleSize.Height) * ((VerticalScale * rectangleSize.Height) * desiredAspectRatio);
if (MaxHorizontalArea >= MaxVerticalArea ) // the horizontal are is greater than the max area then we maximize by columns
// the width is determined by dividing the parent's width by the estimated number of columns
// this calculation will work for NEARLY all of the horizontal cases with only a few exceptions
newSize.Width = parentSize.Width / highBoundColumns; // we use highBoundColumns because that's what is used for the Horizontal
newSize.Height = newSize.Width / desiredAspectRatio; // A = w/h or h= w/A
// In the cases that is doesnt work it is because the height of the new items is greater than the
// height of the parents. this only happens when transitioning to putting all the objects into
// only one row
if (newSize.Height * Math.Ceiling(numRectangles / highBoundColumns) > parentSize.Height)
//in this case the best solution is usually to maximize by rows instead
double newHeight = parentSize.Height / highNumRows;
double newWidth = newHeight * desiredAspectRatio;
// However this doesn't always work because in one specific case the number of rows is more than actually needed
// and the width of the objects end up being smaller than the size of the parent because we don't have enough
// columns
if (newWidth * numRectangles < parentSize.Width)
//When this is the case the best idea is to maximize over columns again but increment the columns by one
//This takes care of it for most cases for when this happens.
newWidth = parentSize.Width / Math.Ceiling(numColumns++);
newHeight = newWidth / desiredAspectRatio;
// in order to make sure the rectangles don't go over bounds we
// increment the number of columns until it is under bounds again.
while (newWidth * numRectangles > parentSize.Width)
newWidth = parentSize.Width / Math.Ceiling(numColumns++);
newHeight = newWidth / desiredAspectRatio;
// however after doing this it is possible to have the height too small.
// this will only happen if there is one row of objects. so the solution is to make the objects'
// height equal to the height of their parent
if (newHeight > parentSize.Height)
newHeight = parentSize.Height;
newWidth = newHeight * desiredAspectRatio;
// if we have a lot of added items occaisionally the previous checks will come very close to maximizing both columns and rows
// what happens in this case is that neither end up maximized
// because we don't know what set of rows and columns were used to get us to where we are
// we must recalculate them with the current measurements
double currentCols = Math.Floor(parentSize.Width / newWidth);
double currentRows = Math.Ceiling(numRectangles/currentCols);
// now we check and see if neither the rows or columns are maximized
if ( (newWidth * currentCols ) < parentSize.Width && ( newHeight * Math.Ceiling(numRectangles/currentCols) ) < parentSize.Height)
// maximize by columns first
newWidth = parentSize.Width / currentCols;
newHeight = newSize.Width / desiredAspectRatio;
// if the columns are over their bounds, then maximized by the columns instead
if (newHeight * Math.Ceiling(numRectangles / currentCols) > parentSize.Height)
newHeight = parentSize.Height / currentRows;
newWidth = newHeight * desiredAspectRatio;
// finally we have the height of the objects as maximized using columns
newSize.Height = newHeight;
newSize.Width = newWidth;
//Here we use the vertical scale. We determine the height of the objects based upong
// the estimated number of rows.
// This work for all known cases
newSize.Height = parentSize.Height / lowNumRows;
newSize.Width = newSize.Height * desiredAspectRatio;
At the end of the algorithm 'newSize' holds the appropriate size. This is written in C# but it would be fairly easy to port to other languages.
The first, very rough heuristic is to take
s = floor( sqrt( (X x Y) / N) )
where s is the button-side-length, X and Y are the width and height of the toolbox, and N is the number of buttons.
In this case, s will be the MAXIMUM possible side-length. It is not necessarily possible to map this set of buttons onto the toolbar, however.
Imagine a toolbar that is 20 units by 1 unit with 5 buttons. The heuristic will give you a side length of 2 (area of 4), with a total covering area of 20. However, half of each button will be outside of the toolbar.
I would take an iterative approach here.
I would check if it is possible to fit all button in a single row.
If not, check if it is possible to fit in two rows, and so on.
Say W is the smaller side of the toolbox.
H is the other side.
For each iteration, I would check for the best and worst possible cases, in that order. Best case means, say it is the nth iteration, would try a size of W/n X W/n sized buttons. If h value is enough then we are done. If not, the worst case is to try (W/(n+1))+1 X (W/(n+1))+1 sized buttons. If it is possible to fit all buttons, then i would try a bisection method between W/n and (W/(n+1))+1. If not iteration continues at n+1.
Let n(s) be the number of squares that can fit and s their side. Let W, H be the sides of the rectangle to fill. Then n(s) = floor(W/s)* floor(H/s). This is a monotonically decreasing function in s and also piecewise constant, so you can perform a slight modification of binary search to find the smallest s such that n(s) >= N but n(s+eps) < N. You start with an upper and lower bound on s u = min(W, H) and l = floor(min(W,H)/N) then compute t = (u + l) / 2. If n(t) >= N
then l = min(W/floor(W/t), H/floor(H/t)) otherwise u = max(W/floor(W/t), H/floor(H/t)). Stop when u and l stay the same in consecutive iterations.
So it's like binary search, but you exploit the fact that the function is piecewise constant and the change points are when W or H are an exact multiple of s. Nice little problem, thanks for proposing it.
We know that any optimal solution (there may be two) will fill the rectangle either horizontally or vertically. If you found an optimal solution that did not fill the rectangle in one dimension, you could always increase the scale of the tiles to fill one dimension.
Now, any solution that maximizes the surface covered will have an aspect ratio close to the aspect ratio of the rectangle. The aspect ratio of the solution is vertical tile count/horizontal tile count (and the aspect ratio of the rectangle is Y/X).
You can simplify the problem by forcing Y>=X; in other words, if X>Y, transpose the rectangle. This allows you to only think about aspect ratios >= 1, as long as you remember to transpose the solution back.
Once you've calculated the aspect ratio, you want to find solutions to the problem of V/H ~= Y/X, where V is the vertical tile count and H is the horizontal tile count. You will find up to three solutions: the closest V/H to Y/X and V+1, V-1. At that point, just calculate the coverage based on the scale using V and H and take the maximum (there could be more than one).

Size Algorithm

Ok here's a little problem I would love to get some help on.
I have a view and the viewport size will vary based on user screen resolution. The viewport needs to contain N boxes which are lined up next to each other from right to left and take up all of the horizontal space in the viewport. Now if all the boxes could be the same size this would be easy, just divide the viewport width by N and you're away.
The problem is that each box needs to be 10% smaller than the box to its left hand side, so for example if the viewport is 271 pixels wide and there are three boxes I will be returned [100, 90, 81]
So I need an algorithm that when handed the width of the viewport and the number of horizontal boxs will return an array containing the width of that each of the boxes needs to be in order to fill the width of the viewport and reduce each boxes size by 10%.
Answers in any OO language is cool. Would just like to get some ideas on how to approach this and maybe see who can come up with the most elegant solution.
Using a simple geometric progression, in Python,
def box_sizes(width, num_boxes) :
first_box = width / (10 * (1 - 0.9**n))
return [first_box * 0.9**i for i in range(n)]
>>> box_sizes(100, 5)
[24.419428096993972, 21.977485287294574, 19.779736758565118, 17.801763082708607, 16.021586774437747]
>>> sum(_)
You may want to tidy up the precision, or convert to integers, but that should do it.
This is really a mathematical problem. With two boxes given:
x = size of the first box
n = number of boxes
P = number of pixels
x + 0.9x = P
3: x + 0.9x + 0.81x = P
4: x + 0.9x + 0.81x + 0.729x = P
which is, in fact, a geometric series in the form:
S(n) = a + ar + arn + ... + arn-1
a = size of the first box
r = 0.9
S(n) = P
S(n) = a(1-rn)/(1-r)
x = 0.1P/(1-0.9n)
which (finally!) seems correct and can be solved for any (P,n).
It's called Geometric Progression and there is a Wikipedia article on it. The formulas are there too. I believe that cletus has made a mistake with his f(n). Corrected. :)
public static int[] GetWidths(int width, int partsCount)
double q = 0.9;
int[] result = new int[partsCount];
double a = (width * (1 - q)) / (1 - Math.Pow(q, partsCount));
result[0] = (int) Math.Round(a);
int sum = result[0];
for (int i = 1; i < partsCount - 1; i++)
result[i] = (int) Math.Round( a * Math.Pow(q, i) );
sum += result[i];
result[partsCount - 1] = width - sum;
return result;
It's because it is geometric progression.
x = size of the first box
n = number of boxes
P = number of pixels
n = 1: x = P
n = 2: x + .9x = P
n = 3: x + .9x + .81x = P
P = x sum[1..n](.9 ^ (n - 1))
x = P / sum[1..n](.9 ^ (n - 1))
Using the Geometric Progression formula:
x = P (.9 - 1) / ((.9 ^ n) - 1))
P = 100
n = 3
x = 36.9
Start with computing the sum of boxes' widths, assuming the first box is 1, second 0.81, etc. You can do this iteratively or from the formula for geometric series. Then scale each box by the (viewport width)/(sum of original boxes' width) ratio.
Like others have mentioned, the widths of the boxes form a geometric progression. Given viewport width W and number of boxes N, we can solve directly for the width of the widest box X. To fit N boxes within the viewport, we need
X + 0.9 X + 0.9^2 X + ... + 0.9^(N-1) X <= W
{ 1 + 0.9 + 0.9^2 + ... + 0.9^(N-1) } X <= W
Applying the formula for the sum of a geometric progression gives
(1 - 0.9^N) X / (1 - 0.9) <= W
X <= 0.1 W / (1 - 0.9^N)
So there you have it, a closed-form expression which gives you the width of the widest box X.
