create dynamic events for a vue component - laravel

I have a problem with vue routes. I am using laravel 6 with vue#2.6.10
I want to create the actions button in the header dynamically (the actions are different which depends on the component). This AppHeader component is on every component and on the current component I want to create in the header the events for the current component.
For example the component CategoryDetails I want to have two actions in the header (save and exit).
The route foe the category is this:
path: '/',
redirect: 'dashboard',
component: DashboardLayout,
children: [
path: '/categories',
component: Category,
name: 'category',
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
path: '/categories/:CategoryID',
component: CategoryDetails,
name: 'category-details',
props: true,
meta: {
requiresAuth: true
In the component CategoryDetails:
<app-header :actions="actions"></app-header>
// other code
import AppHeader from "../../layout/AppHeader";
export default {
name: "CategoryDetails",
components: {AppHeader},
data() {
actions: [{label: 'Save', event: ''}, {label: 'Exit', event: 'category.exit'}],
mounted() {
const vm = this;
Event.$on('', function(){
alert('Save Category!');
Event.$on('category.exit', function(){
vm.$router.push({name: 'category'});
I crated the action object which tells the header component what events to emit and listen to them in this component.
In the AppHeader component:
<div v-if="typeof(actions) !== 'undefined'" class="col-lg-6 col-sm-5 text-right">
{{ btn.label }}
export default {
name: "AppHeader",
props: [
methods: {
onActionClick(event) {
The Event is the "bus event" defined in the app.js
* Global Event Listener
window.Event = new Vue();
So... let`s tested :)
I am in the category component. Click on the category details ... the actions are in the header (save and exit). Click on exit...we area pushed back to the category component... click again to go in the category details and click save ... the alert appears TWICE.
Exit and enter again ... the alert "Save Category!" appears 3 times.....and so on ...
Why ?

I think the issue is not with your routes. I don't know but try testing with your event locally (not globally) in the component of interest. There may be duplicate action (CategoryDetails).

According to this post:
I have to destroy the "zombie effect"
destroyed() {


VueJS: How do I initialise data so it shows in my template on component load

This is driving me nuts!
<p>{{ this.$data.profile.desc }}</p>
<profileImage v-bind:profile="profile"></profileImage>
<profileText v-bind:profile="profile" v-on:updateData="updateDesc"></profileText>
import profileText from './ProfileText.vue';
import profileImage from './ProfileImage.vue';
export default {
name: 'profilePage',
component: {
data() {
return {
profile: {
image: '',
desc: ''
created() {
methods: {
async fetchProfile() {
const uri = 'http://localhost:8000/api/......get';
const response = await axios.get(uri);
.then(response => this.updateProfileData(
updateProfileData(data) {
this.$data.profile.image = data['image'];
this.$data.profile.desc = data['description'];
updateDesc(data) {
this.$data.profile.desc = data.desc;
<style scoped>
In the above .vue file. I execute a fetch to the back end which successfully returns the correct data from the DB. I successfully save the data returned to the data() part of the file. Next I import a component (the code for which is below) from the correct page, add it as a component and add it to the template and use v-bind to pass in profile from the data() part of this page. Now the imported/child component looks like this:
<form #submit="update">
<textarea v-model="description"></textarea>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default{
name: "profileText",
props: ["profile"],
data() {
return {
description: this.$props.profile.desc
methods: {
update(e) {
const newData = {
desc: this.$data.description
this.$emit('updateData', newData);
<style scoped>
I use v-model to bind the contents of "description" in data() to the contents of the textarea. I have it so when i edit the text area and click submit the function emits the data to the parent component which triggers a function that updates the parent data() with the new data from the text area of this component. This parts works perfectly.
However, the part I can't figure out is when the parent component executes the fetch and binds the response with the child component, why isn't the response showing up in the textarea when it loads.
I have done the exact same thing with another lot of components and it works fine on that lot. The only difference there is that with that lot the execute function brings back a response with an array of data and I use v-for(x in xs) and then bind the attributes of data() with the component x. That's the only difference. What am I missing in the code above to load the data sent in "profile" from the parent component with v-bind to the textarea in the child component with v-model. In data() i have it to return description: this.$props.profile.desc, but it is not initialising description with profile.desc - Going nuts here $#! I've been staring at the code for two days straight trying different things.
mounted Function
Called after the instance has been mounted, where el is replaced by
the newly created vm.$el. If the root instance is mounted to an
in-document element, vm.$el will also be in-document when mounted is
Note that mounted does not guarantee that all child components have
also been mounted. If you want to wait until the entire view has been
rendered, you can use vm.$nextTick inside of mounted:
mounted: function () { console.log('component mounted'); }
This hook is not called during server-side rendering.
Component Lifecycle
Few things:
Your syntax has errors in the ProfileText.vue file. Missing closing template and div tags
<form #submit="update">
<textarea v-model="description"></textarea>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
You are mixing async/await and .then(). It should be:
async fetchProfile() {
const uri = 'http://localhost:8000/api/......get';
const response = await axios.get(uri);

Avoid fetching images everytime page load - vuejs

I'm building a page that show dynamically some photos in a feed like Instagram. I'm getting stuck trying to avoid everytime I load a page or I go into a photo's detail page and then go back, to do an API request to Laravel controller, so that means fetching data and images, losing the position of the page and starting on the top of the page.
My code:
<div v-for="(image, index) in images" :key="index">
<v-img :src="image.path" class="image-masonry mini-cover" slot-scope="{ hover }"></v-img>
export default {
data() {
return {
images: []
mounted() {
methods: {
getImagesHome() {
this.axios.get('/api/images', {},
).then(response => {
this.images =;
}).catch(error => {
I saw that keep-alive is primarily used to preserve component state or avoid re-rendering it. But i can't understand how to use it. I call my Feed.vue component in another Home.vue as below:
<Toolbar #toggle-drawer="$refs.drawer.drawer = !$refs.drawer.drawer"></Toolbar>
<Navbar ref="drawer"></Navbar>
import store from '../store';
export default {
components: {
'Toolbar' : () => import('./template/Toolbar.vue'),
'Navbar' : () => import('./template/Navbar.vue'),
'Feed' : () => import('./Feed.vue')
What i have to put more in keep-alive and what i have to change in my Feed.vue component?
mounted() should only be called once.
There seem to be multiple ways to go about this.
If you are using vue-router, then have a look at scrollBehaviour
From their documentation,
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [...],
scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) {
// return desired position
You can also try using keep-alive:
It keeps the component in memory so it is not destroyed, you get activated and deactivated events to check when it comes into view.
But I don't think it saves scroll position, so you may want to use this in combination with scrollBehaviour

How to manage page titles dynamically in Vuejs?

I build an application. I have a header with the title of my page. Currently, I use view-router to define my titles.
path: '/events',
name: 'events',
component: Events,
meta: {
title: 'Liste des événements'
And in my blade view, in my header.blade.php I'm doing this to display the title
<h2 class="header__title title-header">
#{{ $route.meta.title }}
It work BUT when I have a dynamic data, necessarily, it does not work. For example, when I post a post, how can I do to earn my title?
path: '/events/:id',
component: Event,
name: 'Event',
meta: {
title: 'my dynamic title',
page: 'event',
How to recover the title of the post page? I have the name of the post in my post, but I can not access it from my header ...
I do not have access to the other components. These are components coming from element-ui.
Thank you in advance
In your router, before export default router you can add
router.beforeEach((toRoute, fromRoute, next) => {
window.document.title = toRoute.meta && toRoute.meta.title ? toRoute.meta.title : 'Home';
This will read the meta title if it exists and it will update the page title.
Or you can add it like this
const router = new Router({
beforeEach(toRoute, fromRoute, next) {
window.document.title = toRoute.meta && toRoute.meta.title ? toRoute.meta.title : 'Home';
routes: [
Don't forget to change the default title value from Home to something else - maybe name of your project

Vue 2 and child component events with multiple components

I've read this question / answer, and whilst that works when the parent contains a specific component, in my scenario the parent contains this:
<component :is="currentView"></component>
and the value of currentView determines which component is 'loaded' at any particular time. So, using v-on:event="handler" in the component tag here means all child components must use the same event name :(. Is it possible in the created() function of the parent to set up specific handlers which will be called regardless of which component is currently 'in view', and when they each might send different events? For example, I have a login component which sends a 'login' event, and a data view component which sends an 'update' event. In the parent, I want something like this:
this.$on('login', doLogin)
this.$on('update', doUpdate)
However, that's listening to events from itself, not its children. I also tried giving the component a ref:
<component ref="main" :is="currentView"></component>
and using this.$refs.main.$on('login', doLogin), but the $refs object isn't created until the initial render, so that can't go in the mounted() method (too early), and in the updated() method it will be repeatedly called which I'm sure isn't a good idea...
you could set a global event and then pass the name of the action as a part of the payload, i.e
const Login = {
template: `<h1>Login</h1>`,
mounted() {
this.$emit('global-event', {
action: 'login',
data: {
user: 'foo',
const Update = {
template: `<h1>Update</h1>`,
mounted() {
this.$emit('global-event', {
action: 'update',
data: {
user: 'foo bar',
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
called: {
update: 0,
login: 0,
currentView: 'login',
components: {
methods: {
// within doSomething you would process the various events based on their payload.action
doSomething (payload) {
toggleView () {
this.currentView = this.currentView === 'login' ? 'update' : 'login'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<component #global-event="doSomething" :is="currentView"></component>
<button #click="toggleView">toggle view</button>
<pre>{{ called }}</pre>
Gah! After spending ages searching, finding nothing, then posting here, I of course immediately stumble on the answer.
But this only applies if you have control over the child components (I'm building all of them). In the child, you simply:
this.$parent.$emit('login', {some: 'data'})
And then set up the event listeners with this.$on('login', doLogin) in the parent as normal in the created() method.
I'm sure there will be a scenario where I'm using a third party component that simply calls this.$emit(), and at the moment, I can't see any alternative to v-on:eventName="handler" in the parent.

canjs component tempate dom live binding

My code is to realize a paginate page like this example, .
I found the {#messages}...{/messages} in message.mustache template was not been inserted into page , while messagelist component inserted event has been triggered, so i can not do any binding to {#messages} dom in the event, because it ‘not exists in the page.
Are there other ways to fix this problem?
The Templates:
<messagelist deferredData='messagesDeferred'></messagelist>
<next-prev paginate='paginate'></next-prev>
<page-count page='' count='paginate.pageCount'></page-count>
The Component:
tag: "messagelist",
template: can.view('/static/web/tpl/mobile/message.mustache'), // to load message template
scope: {
messages: [],
waiting: true,
events: {
init: function () {
"{scope} deferreddata": "update",
update: function () {
var deferred = this.scope.attr('deferreddata'),
scope = this.scope,
el = this.element;
if (can.isDeferred(deferred)) {
this.scope.attr("waiting", true);
deferred.then(function (messages) {
} else {
scope.attr('messages').attr(deferred, true);
"{messages} change": function () {
this.scope.attr("waiting", false);
inserted: function(){
// can't operate the dom in message.mustache template
//to load component template
can.view("/static/web/tpl/mobile/message_list.mustache",{}, function(content){
I have solved the problem, but not the best, Maybe someone have a better way.
I changed my template, add a new component called <messageitem>
<messageitem> will load another template: message.mustache
Every <messageitem> will trigger inserted event when inserted into <messagelist>
The new component:
tag: "messageitem",
events: {
inserted: function(el, ev){
// Can-click can not satisfy my needs,
// because i call the third-party module to bind click event
// this module will be called repeatedly, not the best way
// To load message_list.mustache
can.view("/static/web/tpl/mobile/message_list.mustache",{}, function(content){
Static html:
<div id="message-list">
<messagelist deferredData='messagesDeferred'>
<next-prev paginate='paginate'></next-prev>
<page-count page='' count='paginate.pageCount'></page-count>
<dl class="am-accordion-item" >
