How to replace a variable inside a string in bash - bash

I have a string env variable which looks like below
data={\"data\":{\"sources\":\"some value\", \"destination\":\"some other value\"}}
I would like to include date (say YEAR) within this env variable. That is, I have another env variable called YEAR (bash: YEAR=2019) and I would like to use this variable (YEAR) inside data. Here is what I need to do
data={\"data\":{\"sources\":\"some value ${YEAR}\", \"destination\":\"some other value\"}}
but it does not work, how can I make it work?

Use jq:
$ echo "$data" | jq --argjson y "$YEAR" '.data.sources += " \($y)"'
"data": {
"sources": "some value 2019",
"destination": "some other value"
# Note the -c argument to compress the data to a single line
$ data=$(echo "$data" | jq -c --argjson y "$YEAR" '.data.sources += " \($y)"')
$ echo "$data"
{"data":{"sources":"some value 2019","destination":"some other value"}}

Alternative, using here documents, minimizing the need to escape quotes, while still supporting variable substitutions:
data=$(cat <<DATA
"data": {
"sources":"some value ${YEAR}",
"destination":"some other value"


jq How to pass key starting with numeral as argument [duplicate]

I am new to jq and facing an issue while parsing my json
I have a json stored in a variable like this
temp='{ "1": { "my_name": "one" }, "2": { "my_name": "two" } }'
Now I need to get the value of my_name for both other entries
I have tried something like this
echo $temp | jq '.1' //out put 0.1
I was assuming to get { "my_name": "one" }
And similarly to get my_name value I did
echo $temp | jq '.1.my_name' // Its output is giving me error
Can any one please help to identify what is wrong with my syntax and how can I correct it.
Just the number gets interpreted as a float. You need to use it in a context where it is unambiguously a key string.
echo "$temp" | jq '.["1"]["my_name"]'
echo "$temp" | jq '.["1"]'
to get the containing dict.
With a sufficiently new jq (I think >= 1.4) you can also say
echo "$temp" | jq '."1".my_name'
Whenever you are trying to reference a key that is not a valid identifier, you have to quote it. See the manual for more details.
To select the item under the key 1, you'd do this:
For your other question on how to obtain the my_name values, you could do this:
to_entries | map(.value.my_name)

jq format when running from a bash script with variable expansion

I've got a jq command that works when running directly from the shell or from within a shell script, but when I try to add variable expansion, I get jq errors for unexpected format or invalid characters. My goal is to have a quick and easy way to update some json configuration.
Here's a simplified example.
The format of the json I'm modifying:
"pets": {
"some-new-pet": {
"PetInfo": {
"name": "my-brand-new-pet",
"toys": [
The jq without variable expansion:
cat myfile.json | jq '.pets."some-new-pet" += {PetInfo: {name: "my-brand-new-pet"}, toys: ["toy1", "toy2", "toy3"]}}'
The above runs fine, and adds the new pets.some-new-pet entry to my json.
Below is what I'm trying to do with variable expansion that fails.
jq_args = "'.pets.\"${PET}\" += {PetInfo: {name: \"${NAME}\"}, toys: [\"${toy1}-postfix\", \"${toy2}-postfix\", \"${toy3}-postfix\"]}}'"
cat myfile.json | jq $jq_args
The error message I get with the above:
jq: error: syntax error, unexpected INVALID_CHARACTER, expecting $end (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1: '.pets."some-new-pet"
My file is formatted as utf-8 and uses LF line endings.
I do not recommend constructing a jq filter using variable expansion or printf. It will work for simple cases but will fail if the string contains double quotes, backslashes or control-codes, as they have special meanings inside a JSON string. As an alternative to using printf, jq has a way to pass in variables directly via the command-line, avoiding all these issues.
jq \
--arg pet "$pet" \
--arg name "$name" \
--arg toy1 "$toy1" \
--arg toy2 "$toy2" \
--arg toy3 "$toy3" \
'.pets[$pet] += {
PetInfo: {name: $name},
toys: ["\($toy1)-postfix", "\($toy2)-postfix", "\($toy3)-postfix"]
}' \
"pets": {
"some-new-pet": {
"PetInfo": {
"name": "my-brand-new-pet",
"toys": [
"some-second-pet": {
"PetInfo": {
"name": "my-even-newer-pet"
"toys": [
It would be cleaner and less error prone to format the string using printf
jq_args=$(printf '.pets."%s" += {PetInfo: {name: "%s"}, toys: ["%s-postfix", "%s-postfix", "%s-postfix"]}}' "${PET}" "${NAME}" "${toy1}" "${toy2}" "${toy3}")
echo "$jq_args"
.pets."dog" += {PetInfo: {name: "sam"}, toys: ["t1-postfix", "t2-postfix", "t3-postfix"]}
Additionally, redundant quoting could be avoided by quoting the arg on this command
cat myfile.json | jq "$jq_args"
Fix your jq code by removing extra } at end
Fix bash jq call:
Add cotes "..." around your $jq_args
so don't use singles '...' in your jq_args definition
Use printf with -v option to define jq_args:
printf -v jq_args "...format..." value1 value2 ...
So your code became:
format='.pets."%s" += {PetInfo: {name: "%s"}, toys: ["%s", "%s", "%s"]}'
printf -v jq_args "${format}" "${PET}" "${NAME}" "${toy1}" "${toy2}" "${toy3}"
cat myfile.json | jq "$jq_args"
"pets": {
"some-new-pet": {
"PetInfo": {
"name": "my-brand-new-pet"
"toys": [
When you define your format, you put it into simple cotes '...'. It's really better to format JSON (or XML) without back-slashes (\\) before each double cotes (")
Use printf -v variable_name. It's more readable than var_name=$(printf ...)
By constructing the jq filter ("code") using outer bash variables ("data") you may run into escaping issues, which could eventually break or even divert your filter. (see
Instead, use mechanisms by jq to introduce external data through variables (parameter --arg):
jq --arg pet "${PET}" \
--arg name "${NAME}" \
--arg toy1 "${toy1}-postfix" \
--arg toy2 "${toy2}-postfix" \
--arg toy3 "${toy3}-postfix" \
.pets[$pet] += {PetInfo: {$name, toys: [$toy1,$toy2,$toy3]}}
' myfile.json
If you have an unknown number of variables to include, check out jq's --args parameter (note the additional s)

bash loop error : Get JSON Object by property with jq / bash

I would like to get the values from Json file. Which is working.
"permissions": [
"emailid": "",
"rights": "read"
"emailid": "",
"rights": "read"
readPermissions=($(jq -r '.permissions' JsonFileToTest))
# The command below works perfectly, But when I Put it in a loop, It does not.
#echo ${readPermissions[#]} | jq 'values[].emailid'
for vals in ${readPermissions[#]}
# I would like o extract the email id of the user. The loop is not working atm.
echo ${vals[#]} | jq 'values[].emailid'
what am I missing here?
If you really want to do it this way, that might look like:
readarray -t permissions < <(jq -c '.permissions[]' JsonFileToTest)
for permissionSet in "${permissions[#]}"; do
jq -r '.emailid' <<<"$permissionSet"
Note that we're telling jq to print one line per item (with -c), and using readarray -t to read each line into an array element (unlike the array=( $(...command...) ) antipattern, which splits not just on newlines but on other whitespace as well, and expands globs in the process).
But there's no reason whatsoever to do any of that. You'll get the exact same result simply running:
jq -r '.permissions[].emailid' JsonFileToTest

Replace variable in read JSON data in Shell Script [duplicate] is not replacing test.json parameter values ($input1 and $input2). result.json has same ParameterValue "$input1/solution/$input2.result"
"ParameterKey": "Project",
"ParameterValue": [ "$input1/solution/$input2.result" ]
echo $input1
echo $input2
cat test.json | jq 'map(if .ParameterKey == "Project" then . + {"ParameterValue" : "$input1/solution/$input2.result" } else . end )' > result.json
shell variables in jq scripts should be interpolated or passed as arguments via --arg name value:
jq --arg inp1 "$input1" --arg inp2 "$input2" \
'map(if .ParameterKey == "Project"
then . + {"ParameterValue" : ($inp1 + "/solution/" + $inp2 + ".result") }
else . end)' test.json
The output:
"ParameterKey": "Project",
"ParameterValue": "test1/solution/test2.result"
In your jq program, you have quoted "$input1/solution/$input2.result", and therefore it is a JSON string literal, whereas you evidently want string interpolation; you also need to distinguish between the shell variables ($input1 and $input2) on the one hand, and the corresponding jq dollar-variables (which may or may not have the same name) on the other.
Since your shell variables are strings, you could pass them in using the --arg command-line option (e.g. --arg input1 "$input1" if you chose to name the variables in the same way).
You can read up on string interpolation in the jq manual (see, but note the links at the top for different versions of jq).
There are other ways to achieve the desired results too, but using string interpolation with same-named variables, you'd write:
Notice that the above string is NOT itself literally a JSON string. Only after string interpolation does it become so.

How to parse the values and assign to my local variable in windows bash?

I have a json file
input= {
"credentials": {
"accessKeyId": "123456789",
"secretAccessKey": "654321",
"sessionToken": "valuedummy",
"expiration": "201925"
I am trying to parse the value and assign to a local variable using windows bash.
What I am trying to achieve is:
Assign the values to my local variables a,b,c,d
How can I do this?
jq is a reasonable approach:
a=$( jq -r .credentials.accessKeyId input )
where input is this file:
"credentials": {
"accessKeyId": "123456789",
"secretAccessKey": "654321",
"sessionToken": "valuedummy",
"expiration": "201925"
You should definitely use tools that are meant to parse JSON, such as jq. You won't be able to do it reliably with sed, awk etc.:
$ cat file
"credentials": {
"accessKeyId": "123456789",
"secretAccessKey": "654321",
"sessionToken": "valuedummy",
"expiration": "201925"
$ cat script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
i=0 var=(a b c d)
while IFS= read -rd '' line; do
printf -v "${var[i++]:-tmp}" "$line"
done < <(jq -j '.credentials | to_entries[] | (.value + "\u0000")' file)
declare -p a b c d
$ ./script
declare -- a="123456789"
declare -- b="654321"
declare -- c="valuedummy"
declare -- d="201925"
A non jq answer, but requires json package and python (typically installed with standard distributions):
a=$( python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["credentials"]["accessKeyId"])' <input )
Edit: Here is a slightly more general answer (IMHO):
$ cat input
"credentials": {
"accessKeyId": "123456789",
"secretAccessKey": "654321",
"sessionToken": "valuedummy",
"expiration": "201925"
$ cat json2env
eval $(
python -c '
import sys, json
for (k,v) in (json.load(sys.stdin)["'$1'"]).items():
print(k + "=" + v)
' < $2
$ . json2env credentials input
$ echo $accessKeyId
$ echo $secretAccessKey
It's slightly more general in that it will accept any json of a similar format ( dictionary containing a dictionary ) . I simply parameterized the dictionary attribute.
The python script basically prints all the name value pairs in the specified attribute ( in your case, "credentials" ). The name is used as the variable name. This is convenient but I suspect there are issues there with some symbols that may be acceptable in key names but not in variable names.
