VS2019 Live Share - is it possible to share console as well? - visual-studio

I worked on a Console Application with a friend today. Is it possible to share the default console during a Live Share session? What I mean is that we had to compile and run our program manually through the default Windows Terminal to see output(which wasn't the best idea, there was a ton of empty lines displayed every time we would input anything), and debugging was impossible because we just couldn't see the console (only the host could).

According to the docs, it's possible to share the terminal in both VS Code and Visual Studio, but I don't think there's a way to share the console that comes up when you debug a console app. The solution I see is simply sharing a terminal, running your app in it manually and if you want debugging, you can try attaching the VS debugger to the console app's process after you start it manually by following this guide.


How to hide terminal shell on server application like Warp in Windows?

I have a small warp server project on Windows that listen to a particular port and do something whenever I send a command to it by REST (for example: POST It's a small client for printing PDF / receipt directly from another computer.
It works. But my problem is when I had to package the whole project, the Rust compiler give me an executable file (.exe). The application displays a terminal window when I run it. I want this terminal to be hidden somehow.
I try to run the program as a windows service (by using NSSM). It doesn't work for me since I had to access the printer. Windows doesn't allow my app to access any devices or any other executable as a windows service. (The reasons are explained here: How can I run an EXE program from a Windows Service using C#?)
So I plan to run my app as a tray-icon application so user can control or close the app. (https://github.com/olback/tray-item-rs)
Unfortunately, I still cannot hide the app's terminal window.
Another solution that I found is hstart (https://www.ntwind.com/software/hstart.html). But I would like to use this as "the last resort" solution since many antivirus/windows defender mark it as a malware.
Do anyone know how to hide or get rid of it ?
After lot of searching, It turns out to be easier than I thought. Just add
#![windows_subsystem = "windows"]
on top of your main.rs file. (for rust > 1.18) and the terminal is gone.
These control the /SUBSYSTEM flag in the linker. For now, only
"console" and "windows" are supported.
When is this useful? In the simplest terms, if you're developing a
graphical application, and do not specify "windows", a console window
would flash up upon your application's start. With this flag, it

OSX running app acts differently from running on terminal

I have written an app for OSX (Sierra) in Go (lang) with the GUI powered by the Golang QT binding therecipe/qt. When I build the app and run it from the command prompt with command open $(pwd)/myapp.app I get a terminal output while its running, and everything works fine.
When I double click on the app in finder to run it, I obviously don't have access to the console to see debugging, but in parts of the app that work fine in the GUI when I run from console (clicking on things, etc), it crashes the app when run by clicking on it.
I realise people don't know what the app is, and without seeing where in the app it crashes, they can't help me. What I am after is some ideas about debugging it, for instance:
Outputting logs to a text file and tailing the text file to watch as it is written to
Connecting a debugger to the application by the process, perhaps I can discover where it crashes. This doesn't sound straight forward
Is there a way to attach to a console of an application run like this to see what it is outputting?
Any ideas appreciated.

No console window shown in VS2017

If I create a new console application (.NET Framework 4.5.2) and enter the following lines as the complete contents of the Main method:
When I hit run (F5), VS enters debugging mode and shows the memory usage graph but does not show any console window. This same problem is seen on every console application I try to use in VS2017. While not universally the case, in the app I described above, running this by double-clicking the .exe file does produce a console window.
Does anyone know how to get VS2017 to show a console window?
This appears to be to do with 32-bit applications.
Unticking the prefer 32-bit option in the build options solves the problem.
Edit: Further investigation showed this to be a problem with an extension used within my company. Disabling this extension let my console windows appear again.

VS2013 won't debug a specific web application

I have a web application that uses IIS, but when I try to debug it VS just locks up and gives me the hour glass cursor icon. No browser window opens, nor does an instance pop up in the Task Manager. VS says its Running / not "Not Responding", but I cannot interact with the IDE. Can't Ctrl-Break to stop or anything.
I was able to run it before, and I'm not aware of any system or IIS changes that could cause this. I've disabled source control and I've tried launching the app in both Chrome and IE but it still behaves the exact same way as described above.
Has anyone else encountered this? The only threads I could find just describe general slowness in the IDE but otherwise its functional. The recommended fix was to disable the source control functionality, which as I said I already tried.
I should note that I don't seem to have an issue running & debugging winforms applications. I also just created a web application and was able to launch it in Chrome and get to the homepage. Also, it doesn't make a difference if I have a breakpoint set or not.
This solution has 4 different projects. If I set a different project as the Startup Project, it does run and launches the browser but it just gives me a 'file explorer' sort of view where it just lists the files in that project's directly which is obviously not what I want.
Edit; If I manually open a browser tab, try to navigate to http://localhost/myApplication, VS pops up and asks if I want to attach process w3wp.exe to IIS APPPOOL\myAppPool. If I attach, it opens a new tab in Chrome and my application runs. But unless I do these 2 steps, it does not run.

Debugging OnFileActivated in Windows 8

I've associated my Windows 8 App with a file type. However when I open that file my app starts to open and then crashes.
I can't figure out a way to do this while the debugger is attached.
I assume there is something wrong with my OnFileActiavted method so I've resorted to changing random bits of code in that method. This isn't working, so I'm wondering how I should debug this problem.
Does this work? You can debug without launching the app immediately. You can also debug other people's apps.
Another approach:
When your app starts and execution reaches this line, your app will be stopped and VS will ask if you want to attach a debugger.
