How to do a cascading IGrouping? - linq

I'm trying to do a cascading groupby, but I can't find a way to get the proper index in the end (the .ElementAt(0) in the end of the code is wrong, in all 3 levels of hierarchy).
var leafs = queryLeafs.ToList();
foreach (var leaf in leafs)
//Get Type
var leafAttr = leaf.ObjectsEav.First(eav => eav.Attribute.Name == "parent");
long typeId = leafAttr.Value.Value;
leaf.Type = universe.First(o => o.Id == typeId);
var typeAttr = leaf.Type.ObjectsEav.First(eav => eav.Attribute.Name == "parent");
long familyId = typeAttr.Value.Value;
leaf.Family = universe.First(o => o.Id == familyId);
var familyAttr = leaf.Family.ObjectsEav.First(eav => eav.Attribute.Name == "parent");
long categoryId = familyAttr.Value.Value;
leaf.Category = universe.First(o => o.Id == categoryId);
var groupType = leafs.GroupBy(leaf => leaf.Type);
var groupFamily = groupType.GroupBy(t => **t.ElementAt(0)**.Family);
var groupCategory = groupFamily.GroupBy(f => **f.ElementAt(0).ElementAt(0)**.Category);
Can someone provide a light in my dark path?
If you have any suggestion on how to improve this question, I would appreciate with all my heart.


AngleSharp - Find innermost nested tables

I try to get a list of all innermost tables with AngleSharp. This tables doesn't contain any tables.
With HtmlAgilityPack I've realised it this way:
var wrapper = html.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//td[#class='wrapper']");
var innerMostTables = wrapper.SelectNodes(".//table [not(descendant::table)]");
With AngleSharp I've tried this, but it doesn't work:
var parser = new HtmlParser();
var document = parser.Parse(html);
var wrapper = document.All.Where(d => d.ClassName == "wrapper");
var innerMostTables = wrapper.Where(w => w.Descendents()
.Select(c => c.NodeName == "table").Count() == 0);
I could solve the problem:
foreach (IElement ch in wrapper.Descendents()
.Where(d => d.NodeName == "TABLE" && d.Descendents()
.Where(d2 => d2.NodeName == "TABLE").Count() == 0))

linq sum of multiple values

i need to get the sum of billableHours and nonBillableHours.
this is my code.
var currentMonth = 10;
var userQuery =
from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
var localrows = userQuery.ToList();
var grouping = localrows.GroupBy(x => x.Billable);
var userList = grouping.Select(q => new
billableHours = q.Where(x=> x.Billable == true),
nonBillableHours = q.Where(x=> x.Billable != true)
i cannot seem to find a way to get the sum.
I need the sum of those two columns, so i can call them,
and calculate values i get from them.
When you need more than one aggregate, you can still get the result with a single query by using group by constant technique. Which in this specific case can be combined with conditional Sum:
var hoursInfo =
(from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
group new { timeEntry.HoursEntered, ta.Billable } by 1 into g
select new
BillableHours = g.Sum(e => e.Billable ? e.HoursEntered : 0),
NonBillableHours = g.Sum(e => !e.Billable ? e.HoursEntered : 0),
You do not need to group them. Try this query:
var userQuery =
from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in Tasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth
&& timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
var billableHours = userQuery
.Where(m => m.Billable) // Billable
.Select(m => m.HoursEntered)
var nonBillableHours = userQuery
.Where(m => !m.Billable) // Non-bilable
.Select(m => m.HoursEntered)
var currentMonth = 10;
var TimeEntries = new List<TimeEntry>() {
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 1,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 2,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2),HoursEntered =3},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 3,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 4,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(4),HoursEntered =4},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 5,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5),HoursEntered =2},
new TimeEntry(){TaskID = 6,DateEntity = DateTime.Now.AddDays(6),HoursEntered =6}
var UserTasks = new List<UserTask>(){
new UserTask(){TaskID = 1,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 2,Billable = false} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 3,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 4,Billable = false} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 5,Billable = true} ,
new UserTask(){TaskID = 6,Billable = false}
var userQuery =
from x in
(from timeEntry in TimeEntries
join ta in UserTasks on timeEntry.TaskID equals ta.TaskID
where timeEntry.DateEntity.Month == currentMonth && timeEntry.DateEntity.Year == DateTime.Today.Year
select new
HoursEntered = timeEntry.HoursEntered,
Billable = ta.Billable
group x by x.Billable into g
select new
IsBillable = g.Key,
Billabe = g.Where(t => t.Billable == true).Sum(x => x.HoursEntered),
NonBillable = g.Where(t => t.Billable == false).Sum(x => x.HoursEntered)
foreach (var item in userQuery.ToList())
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} - {1}", item.IsBillable? "Billable":"Non-Billable",item.IsBillable?item.Billabe:item.NonBillable));

Convert query to lambda

I want to know how can I write this query:
var query = from p in context.DimProduct
from psc in context.DimProductSubcategory
// on psc.ProductCategoryKey equals pc.ProductCategoryKey
where psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& psc.ProductSubcategoryKey == p.ProductSubcategoryKey
select new DimProductDTO
ProductKey = p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = p.EnglishProductName,
Size = p.Size,
StandardCost = p.StandardCost
I tried some queries, but no success. My problem is that I don't know how to have access to DimProduct and DimProductSubcategory.
Any suggestions?
.SelectMany(p => new { p, psc = context.DimProductSubcategory })
.Where(x => x.psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& x.psc.ProductSubcategoryKey == x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey)
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.p.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.p.Size,
StandardCost = x.p.StandardCost })
However, you're not selecting anything from DimProductSubcategory, so I think the same can be done using Any() extension method:
.Where(x => context.DimProductSubcategory
.Any(y => y.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
&& y.ProductSubcategoryKey == x.ProductSubcategoryKey))
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.Size,
StandardCost = x.StandardCost });
It should generate IN SQL statement within the query.
That is not exactly same query, but it produces same result via inner join (I believe that is more efficient than cross join)
.Where(x => x.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName),
p => ProductSubcategoryKey,
psc => ProductSubcategoryKey,
(p,psc) => new { p, psc })
.Select(x => new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = x.p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = x.p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = x.p.EnglishProductName,
Size = x.p.Size,
StandardCost = x.p.StandardCost })
Also your original query can be rewritten as
var query = from p in context.DimProduct
join psc in context.DimProductSubcategory
on p.ProductSubcategoryKey equals psc.ProductSubcategoryKey
where psc.EnglishProductSubcategoryName == subCategoryName
select new DimProductDTO {
ProductKey = p.ProductKey,
ProductSubcategoryKey = p.ProductSubcategoryKey,
EnglishProductName = p.EnglishProductName,
Size = p.Size,
StandardCost = p.StandardCost
Generated SQL will look like:
SELECT [t0].[ProductKey], [t0].[ProductSubcategoryKey]
FROM [DimProduct] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [DimProductSubcategory] AS [t1]
ON [t0].[EnglishProductSubcategoryName] = [t1].[ProductSubcategoryKey]
WHERE [t1].[EnglishProductSubcategoryName] = #p0

Entity fails on simulataneous AJAX posts

I have an action that updates the database based on a Jquery Droppable/Sortable. The first AJAX post works fine, but the second one gives me the error:
New transaction is not allowed because there are other
threads running in the session.
It's being posted to 2 separate actions on the same controller, using the same UnitOfWork in the controller. Not sure what I have to do to fix this.
EDIT: these are the two service methods being called:
public void NavItemSort(List<string> orderArray, string navID, string subNavID)
var newOrderArray = orderArray.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToList();
var orderArrayIDs = newOrderArray.Select(x => x.Replace("ContentItem", "")).ToList();
var itemToBeSorted = Convert.ToInt32(orderArrayIDs.FirstOrDefault());
var itemContext = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == itemToBeSorted).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
var currentSortOrder = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find()
.Where(x => x.NavID == itemContext.NavID &&
(itemContext.ParentID == null) ? x.ParentID == null :
x.ParentID == itemContext.ParentID).ToList();
var existingItems = currentSortOrder.Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
List<string> existingItemsString = existingItems.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
var newNavItemID = existingItemsString.Except(orderArray).FirstOrDefault();
var currentSortOrderExcept = currentSortOrder.Where(x => x.ID != Convert.ToInt32(newNavItemID));
foreach (var x in currentSortOrderExcept)
int sortOrderInt = orderArrayIDs.IndexOf(orderArrayIDs.Where(z => int.Parse(z) == x.ID).ToList().FirstOrDefault()) + 1;
NavigationItem navigationItem = new NavigationItem()
HasChild = x.HasChild,
Level = x.Level,
NavID = x.NavID,
ID = x.ID,
ParentID = x.ParentID,
PageID = x.PageID,
URL = x.URL,
Title = x.Title,
SortOrder = sortOrderInt,
if (navigationItem.SortOrder != null && navigationItem.SortOrder != 0)
cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Update(x, navigationItem);
public void NavItemAdd(List<string> orderArray, string NavID, string subNavID){
var newOrderArray = orderArray.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToList();
var orderArrayIDs = newOrderArray.Select(x => x.Replace("ContentItem", "")).ToList();
NavID = NavID.Replace("nav", "");
int NavIDInt = int.Parse(NavID);
int subNavIDInt = int.Parse(subNavID);
var existingNavItems = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.NavID == NavIDInt && x.ParentID == subNavIDInt).ToList();
int currentSortOrder = 0;
if (existingNavItems.Count() != 0)
currentSortOrder = existingNavItems.Max(x => x.SortOrder);
var existingItems = existingNavItems.Select(x => x.ID).ToList();
List<string> existingItemsString = existingItems.ConvertAll<string>(x => x.ToString()).ToList();
var newNavItemID = orderArray.Except(existingItemsString).FirstOrDefault();
int newNavIDInt = int.Parse(newNavItemID);
var newNavItemList = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == newNavIDInt).ToList();
var newNavItem = newNavItemList.FirstOrDefault();
var parentNav = cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Find().Where(x => x.ID == subNavIDInt).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
NavigationItem navigationItemUpdated = new NavigationItem()
ID = newNavItem.ID,
Level = 2,
NavID = NavIDInt,
PageID = newNavItem.PageID,
Title = newNavItem.Title,
URL = newNavItem.URL,
ParentID = subNavIDInt,
SortOrder = currentSortOrder + 1
cmsUnitOfWork.NavigationItems.Update(newNavItem, navigationItemUpdated);
I'm guessing you started a transaction against that context and you never dispose of it not commit it. Just a guess though as you didn't Los any code (please post code)
Maybe you have declared cmsUnitOfWork as static variable? Context must be created and destroyed on each request

LINQ: Group By + Where in clause

I'm trying to implement a T-SQL equivalent of a where in (select ...) code in LINQ.
This is what I have now:
int contactID = GetContactID();
IEnumerable<string> threadList = (from s in pdc.Messages
where s.ContactID == contactID
group 1 by new { s.ThreadID } into d
select new { ThreadID = d.Key.ThreadID}).ToList<string>();
var result = from s in pdc.Messages
where threadList.Contains(s.ThreadID)
group new { s } by new { s.ThreadID } into d
let maxMsgID = d.Where(x => x.s.ContactID != contactID).Max(x => x.s.MessageID)
select new {
LastMessage = d.Where(x => x.s.MessageID == maxMsgID).SingleOrDefault().s
However, my code won't compile due to this error for the ToList():
cannot convert from
Anyone have any suggestions on how to implement this? Or any suggestions on how to simplify this code?
Your query returns a set of anonymous types; you cannot implicitly convert it to a List<string>.
Instead, you should select the string itself. You don't need any anonymous types.
Change it to
var threadList = pdc.Messages.Where(s => s.ContactID == contactID)
.Select(s => s.ThreadID)
var result = from s in pdc.Messages
where threadList.Contains(s.ThreadID)
group s by s.ThreadID into d
let maxMsgID = d.Where(x => x.ContactID != contactID).Max(x => x.MessageID)
select new {
LastMessage = d.Where(x => x.MessageID == maxMsgID).SingleOrDefault()
