How to view document UUID in RethinkDB - rethinkdb

I can view all the documents in a table with this:
But how can I list the uuid for each document/user?

If you want to list only the ids, you can use the map function:
other option would be the to use pluck (this will include the field name in the return object):


how to use Mongoid to query by a column with the name 'id'

I have a collection with a column named id. When I tried to do a where query to filter by that column name, it returns no match because mongoid is aliasing id to the internal _id field instead. Is there a way to get around that alias without changing the column name id itself?
After a bit more research, it looks like we can disable it by using leveraging the unalias directive. For example, after defining the class like below, I was able to query the collection using id as filter.
class Foobar
unalias_attribute :id
field :id, type: String

Laravel retrieve only specific fields from each item of collection

I may be missing something extremely trivial, but is it possible to retrieve specific columns/fields from models when grabbing a collection rather then returning the entire item's fields?
Here is my query:
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
This obviously returns each item in there entirety, including unique id's, and other fields i dont want to be fetched... how can i refine this query to just select specific fields from the models?
Laravel Query Builder get() function receives array of columns which you need to fetch.
$items = Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get(['column_1', 'column_2']);
Use select() method to do this:
$items = Items::select(['column_1', 'column_2']'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Source: Latavel Database Query Builder
Laravel Query Builder gives a huge flexibility to write this types of query.
You can use select(), get(), all() methods.
Items::where('visible', true)->take(10)->get('col_1', 'col_2');
Items::select('col_1', 'col_2')->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();
Items::select(['col_1', 'col_2'])->where('visible', true)->take(10)->get();

Set a data to a specific name with spring & mongodb

My json data
[{"cameraid":"000000001","timestamp":"2016-06-17 23:08","filename":"7e3800fbd0557c683874ed2f41ed7057"},
{"cameraid":"000000002","timestamp":"2016-06-17 23:08","filename":"b260cc730da88a6af4e5038d6e1e32db"}]
How can i have cameraid to link to a specific name?
Like example my cameraid "000000001" to be call as bedok.
Anybody got any idea on how to do it?
Create another collection with names(lets call it db_name) and link the cameraid to the _id of db_name collection. This way you can fetch the names using cameraid. This is more like primary key and foreign key concept in relational database(RDBMS).
More on this with code here: Primary Key and Foreign Key Concept in MongoDB
Assuming you want to add a name field for specific cameraid,
Try following query:-
db.collname.update({"cameraid":"000000001"},{$set : {name : 'bedok'}});
The above query will update only one record which matches the query {"cameraid":"000000001"}.
Add multi:true to the query, to multiple records.
db.collname.update({"cameraid":"000000001"},{$set : {name : 'bedok'}},{multi : true});
Now it will update all the records that matches the query {"cameraid":"000000001"}.

How do I query an optional column with a secondary index using phantom?

I have a secondary index on an optional column:
class Sessions extends CassandraTable[ConcreteSessions, Session] {
object matchId extends LongColumn(this) with PartitionKey[Long]
object userId extends OptionalLongColumn(this) with Index[Option[Long]]
However, the indexedToQueryColumn implicit conversion is not available for optional columns, so this does not compile:
def getByUserId(userId: Long): Future[Seq[Session]] = {
select.where(_.userId eqs userId).fetch()
Neither does this:
select.where(_.userId eqs Some(userId)).fetch()
Or changing the type of the index:
object userId extends OptionalLongColumn(this) with Index[Long]
Is there a way to perform such a query using phantom?
I know that I could denormalize, but it would involve some very messy housekeeping and triple our (substantial) data size. The query usually returns only a handful of results, so I'd be willing to use a secondary index in this case.
Short answer: You could not use optional fields in order to query things in phantom.
Long detailed answer:
But, if you really want to work with secondary optional columns, you should declare your entity field as Option but your phantom representation should not be an option in order to query.
object userId extends LongColumn(this) with Index[Long]
In the fromRow(r: Row) you can create your object like this:
Sessions(matchId(r), Some(userId(r)))
Then in the service part you could do the following:
.value(_.userId, t.userId.getOrElse(0))
You also have a better way to do that. You could duplicate the table, making a new kind of query like sessions_by_user_id where in this table your user_id would be the primary key and the match_id the clustering key.
Since user_id is optional, you would end with a table that contains only valid user ids, which is easy and fast to lookup.
Cassandra relies on queries, so use it in your favor.
Take a look up on my github project that helps you get up with multiple queries in the same table.

RethinkDB index for filter + orderby

Lets say a comments table has the following structure:
id | author | timestamp | body
I want to use index for efficiently execute the following query:
r.table('comments').getAll("me", {index: "author"}).orderBy('timestamp').run(conn, callback)
Is there other efficient method I can use?
It looks that currently index is not supported for a filtered result of a table. When creating an index for timestamp and adding it as a hint in orderBy('timestamp', {index: timestamp}) I'm getting the following error:
RqlRuntimeError: Indexed order_by can only be performed on a TABLE. in:
This can be accomplished with a compound index on the "author" and "timestamp" fields. You can create such an index like so:
r.table("comments").index_create("author_timestamp", lambda x: [x["author"], x["timestamp"]])
Then you can use it to perform the query like so:
.between(["me", r.minval], ["me", r.maxval]
The between works like the get_all did in your original query because it gets only documents that have the author "me" and any timestamp. Then we do an order_by on the same index which orders by the timestamp(since all of the keys have the same author.) the key here is that you can only use one index per table access so we need to cram all this information in to the same index.
It's currently not possible chain a getAll with a orderBy using indexes twice.
Ordering with an index can be done only on a table right now.
NB: The command to orderBy with an index is orderBy({index: 'timestamp'}) (no need to repeat the key)
The answer by Joe Doliner was selected but it seems wrong to me.
First, in the between command, no indexer was specified. Therefore between will use primary index.
Second, the between return a selection
table.between(lowerKey, upperKey[, {index: 'id', leftBound: 'closed', rightBound: 'open'}]) → selection
and orderBy cannot run on selection with an index, only table can use index.
table.orderBy([key1...], {index: index_name}) → selection<stream>
selection.orderBy(key1, [key2...]) → selection<array>
sequence.orderBy(key1, [key2...]) → array
You want to create what's called a "compound index." After that, you can query it efficiently.
//create compound index
'author__timestamp', [r.row("author"), r.row("timestamp")]
//the query
['me', r.minval],
['me', r.maxval],
{index: 'author__timestamp'}
.orderBy({index: r.desc('author__timestamp')}) //or "r.asc"
.skip(0) //pagi
.limit(10) //nation!
I like using two underscores for compound indexes. It's just stylistic. Doesn't matter how you choose to name your compound index.
Reference: How to use getall with orderby in RethinkDB
