Pass variable from controller to notification in Laravel - laravel

I am finding it hard to understand the examples from the docs to the scenario I am having. In my project I have an application form which filled up by the user then admin will update that form once the application is approved, canceled etc.
Now I want to notify the user that her/his application has been approved, canceled etc.
in my controller:
public function update(Request $request, $id)
$this->validate($request, [
'status' => 'required'
$requestData = $request->all();
$loanapplication = LoanApplication::findOrFail($id);
"status" => $request->status,
"admin_notes" => $request->admin_notes,
"date_approval" => $request->date_approved
if($request->notifyBorrower = 'on') {
$user_id = $loanapplication->user_id;
$status = $request->status;
$this->notify(new AdminResponseToApplication($user_id));
return redirect()->back()->with('flash_message', 'LoanApplication updated!');
In my AdminResponseToApplication.php I like to achieve this
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
class AdminResponseToApplication extends Notification implements ShouldQueue
use Queueable;
public function __construct()
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail','database'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
->line(.$user->nameHere. 'your application has been '.$statusHere.'.')
->action('check it out', url('/'))
->subject('Regarding with your loan application')
->line('This is system generated. Do not reply here.');
public function toDatabase($notifiable)
return [
'user_id' => $user->nameHere,
'status' => $statusHere,
'title' => .$user->nameHere. 'your application has been '.$statusHere.'.',
'url' => '/'
How can I achieve that? Thank you in advance!

Get user object and call function notify() on it. $this->notify() will not work because $this is not an instance of User class.
$user = User::find($user_id);
$user in the $user->notify(new AdminResponseToApplication($data)) function is available in notification class as $notifiable.
You can get any value of that object using $notifiable->name etc.
AdminResponseToApplication is a class and you can do anything with it that a php class can.
So you can pass as many variables as you want to AdminResponseToApplication class in constructor and do what you want.
$user->notify(new AdminResponseToApplication($data))
As shown above I am sending a $data object to the class which is available in the constructor.
In the class
class AdminResponseToApplication extends notification implements ShouldQueue{
use Queueable;
public $myData;
public function __construct($data)
$this->myData = $data; //now you have a $data copied to $this->myData which
// you can call it using $this->myData in any function of this class.


Laravel error when sending email notification

Laravel Version: 8.78.1
PHP Version: 8.0.10
I've created a custom command to run on a schedule and email a notification.
My Command class handle method:
public function handle()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Licences WHERE (Expired = 1)";
$list = DB::select($sql);
return (new NotifyExpiredLicences($list))->toMail('');
My notification method:
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $this->list, 'toname' => 'Me']);
Whenever I test this by running it manually with php artisan email:expired-licences I get the following error Object of class Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage could not be converted to int from my command class in the handle method.
However, the preview of my email works fine & displays as expected:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
return (new SendExpiredLicences())->handle();
If I remove the return statement from my handle() method, then although I get no errors, neither in my console or in storage\logs, also the preview stops working.
At this point I'm sure I've missed something important from the way this is supposed to be done, but after going through the Laravel docs and looking at online tutorials/examples, I've no idea what.
I've got everything working - though not entirely sure it's the "Laravel way".
If anyone's got suggestions for improving it - add a comment or new answer and I'll try it out.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
class SendExpiredLicences extends Command
protected $signature = 'email:expired-licences';
protected $description = 'Email a list of expired licences to Admin';
private $mail;
public function _construct()
$clients = DB::select("[Insert SQL here]");
$this->mail = (new NotifyExpiredLicences($clients))->toMail('');
public function handle()
return 0;
public function preview()
return $this->mail;
class NotifyExpiredLicences extends Notification
public function __construct(protected $clients)
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new Mailable($this->clients));
class ExpiredLicences extends Mailable
public function __construct(private $clients)
public function build()
return $this
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $this->clients, 'toname' => 'Admin']);
# Hi {!! $toname !!},
| Client | Expired |
| ------------- | --------:|
#foreach ($clients as $client)
|{!! $client->CompanyName !!} | {!! $client->Expired !!}|
<hr />
Thanks, {!! config('') !!}
For previewing with the browser routes\web.php:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
return (new SendExpiredLicences())->preview();
Ok just to save more commenting, here's what I'd recommend doing. This is all based on the Laravel docs, but there are multiple ways of doing it, including what you've used above. I don't really think of them as "right and wrong," more "common and uncommon."
Console\Kernel.php: I'd keep this mostly as-is, but pass the email to the command from a config file, rather than having it fixed in the command.
use App\Console\Commands\SendExpiredLicences;
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
$recipient = config('myapp.expired.recipient');
$schedule->command(SendExpiredLicences::class, [$recipient])
return [
'expired' => [
'recipient' => '',
App\Console\Commands\SendExpiredLicences.php: update the command to accept the email address as an argument, use on-demand notifications, and get rid of preview() method. Neither the command or the notification need to know about the client list, so don't build it yet.
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Console\Command;
use App\Notifications\NotifyExpiredLicences;
use Illuminate\Support\Facade\Notification;
class SendExpiredLicences extends Command
protected $signature = 'email:expired-licences {recipient}';
protected $description = 'Email a list of expired licences to the given address';
public function handle()
$recip = $this->argument('recipient');
Notification::route('email', $recip)->notify(new NotifyExpiredLicences());
App\Notifications\NotifyExpiredLicences.php: the toMail() method should pass the notifiable object (i.e. the user getting notified) along, because the mailable will be responsible for adding the To address before the thing is sent.
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Mail\ExpiredLicenses;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class NotifyExpiredLicences extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new ExpiredLicenses($notifiable));
App\Mail\ExpiredLicences.php: since the mail message actually needs the list of clients, this is where we build it. We get the recipient here, either from the user's email or the anonymous object.
namespace App\Mail;
use App\Models\Client;
use Illuminate\Notifications\AnonymousNotifiable;
class ExpiredLicences extends Mailable
private $email;
public function __construct(private $notifiable)
// this allows the notification to be sent to normal users
// not just on-demand
$this->email = $notifiable instanceof AnonymousNotifiable
? $notifiable->routeNotificationFor('mail')
: $notifiable->email;
public function build()
// or whatever your object is
$clients = Client::whereHas('licenses', fn($q)=>$q->whereExpired(1));
return $this
->subject('Clients with Expired Licences')
['clients' => $clients, 'toname' => $this->notifiable->name ?? 'Admin']
For previewing with the browser routes\web.php:
Route::get('/notification', function () {
// create a dummy AnonymousNotifiable object for preview
$anon = Notification::route('email', '');
return (new ExpiredLicencesNotification())

How to Create Model with Notifiable Trait

I want create a Model with Notifiable feature,
First,in my controller :
$collection = collect([
'name' => 'user1',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'user2',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'user1000',
'email' => '',
$u3 = new User3($collection);
when I return $u3->getEmailList(); , output is :
my class for User3 is:
namespace App;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
use Illuminate\Notifications\RoutesNotifications;
use Notifications\EmailClientOfAccount;
class User3 extends User
use Notifiable;
public $emailList;
public function __construct($emails)
$this->emailList = $emails;
public function getEmailList()
return $this->emailList;
public function routeNotificationForMail($notification)
return $this->emailList['email'];
Then, I pass $u3 to Notification as:
Notification::send($u3->getEmailList(), new
It show below error:
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError: Call to a member function routeNotificationFor() on array
can you help me for solve this problem,Please?
Thanks in Advance,
I correct to :
Notification::send($u3, new SendMailNotification($template,$subject,$request->input('mailFromTitle'),$attachments));
In my My Notification:
public function toMail($notifiable)
return new EmailTo($notifiable,$this->view,$this->topic,$this-
and in Build():
public function build()
$email= $this->view($this->view);
return $email;
But it not work, I dont know where is mistake?
Notification send expects a Notifiable object, not the email list itself, if you change it to this, you should get further.
Notification::send($u3, new SendMailNotification($template,$subject,$request->input('mailFromTitle'),$attachments));

How to return custom response when validation has fails using laravel form requests

When we use Laravel Form Requests in our controllers and the validation fails then the Form Request will redirect back with the errors variable.
How can I disable the redirection and return a custom error response when the data is invalid?
I'll use form request to GET|POST|PUT requests type.
I tried the Validator class to fix my problem but I must use Form Requests.
$validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), [
'type' => "required|in:" . implode(',', $postTypes)
if ($validator->fails()) {
return response()->json(['errors' => $validator->errors()]);
Creating custom FormRequest class is the way to go.
namespace App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException;
class FormRequest extends \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest
protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
if ($this->expectsJson()) {
$errors = (new ValidationException($validator))->errors();
throw new HttpResponseException(
response()->json(['data' => $errors], 422)
Class is located in app/Http/Requests directory. Tested & works in Laravel 6.x.
This is the same but written differently:
protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
$errors = (new ValidationException($validator))->errors();
throw new HttpResponseException(
'message' => "",
'errors' => $errors
Base class FormRequest has method failedValidation. Try to override it in your FormRequest descendant
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;
class SomeRequest extends FormRequest
public function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
// do your stuff
use this on function
dont forget to take on top // use App\Http\Requests\SomeRequest;
$validatedData = $request->validated();
create request php artisan make:request SomeRequest
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;
class SomeRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules()
return [
'health_id' => 'required',
'health' => 'required',

Laravel Excel 3.1 passing data from controller to class

I have upgraded the laravel excel library (Maatswebsite) from 2x to 3.1 (running Laravel 5.6/php 7.1) and trying to make my old data work (download exported file) and cannot work out how to pass my $data (which is an array from a foreach DB query (not eloquent) in controller) to the UsersExport.php class...
If I manually create a test collection (mirroring my $data array) in the class:
return collect([
'name' => 'F Name 1',
'surname' => 'Last Name 1',
'email' => 'Email 1'
'date_completed' => 'xx/xx/xx'
'name' => 'F Name 2',
'surname' => 'Last Name 2',
'email' => 'Email 2',
'date_completed' => 'xx/xx/xx'
the above works perfect and the file is created and downloads when I run:
return Excel::download(new UsersExport, 'Test.xlsx');
But I want to pass my array ($data) from the controller to the class and not sure HOW I do this... I am trying to get something like this to work:
return Excel::download(new UsersExport($data), 'Test.xlsx');
From reading the specific posts I could find, I believe I need to create a constructor in the Class to accept my $data - but not sure how, and how to return that data if I succeed in my class accepting the data etc... Is the FromCollection the right option?
private $data;
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
Appreciate any assistance.... Thanks in advance.
Your approach is right. then use the collection() function to return that data.
private $data;
public function __construct($data)
$this->data = $data;
public function collection()
return $this->data;
if you want passing param data to class you use construct.
Example Controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Reports;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
use App\Exports\CustomerinvoiceExport;
use App\Model\OrderInvoiceList;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class CustomerInvoiceController extends Controller
public function index(Request $request)
if ($request->has('start_date')) {
$start_date = $request->start_date;
} else {
$date_now = Carbon::now();
$start_date = $date_now->toDateString();
if ($request->has('end_date')) {
$end_date = $request->end_date;
} else {
$date_now = Carbon::now();
$end_date = $date_now->toDateString();
$customer_invs = OrderInvoiceList::customer_invoice($start_date, $end_date);
return Excel::download(new CustomerinvoiceExport($customer_invs), 'Customer_Invoice_Report.xlsx');
Class Export
namespace App\Exports;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
class CustomerinvoiceExport implements FromCollection
protected $customer_invs;
* Customer Invoice Report
public function __construct($customer_invs)
$this->customer_invs = $customer_invs;
* #return invoice_list
public function collection(): array
$invoice_list = $this->invoice_list;
...........your logic here....

Laravel Notification not passing data and getting error "must be an instance of App\\Notifications\\User"

I am trying to use Laravel Notification to send email but getting this error
"message": "Type error: Argument 1 passed to App\\Notifications\\UserResetPasswordNotify::__construct() must be an instance of App\\Notifications\\User, instance of Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\Collection given, called in /home/fy3bgmgte060/public_html/ on line 143",
"status_code": 500
My Controller function
public function resendOTPTest(Request $request)
$user = User::where(['mobile' => $request->mobile])->first();
Notification::send($user, new UserResetPasswordNotify($user));
return response()->json(['message' => 'success','data' => 'OTP Sent', 'success' => true], 200);
my Notification file
namespace App\Notifications;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class UserResetPasswordNotify extends Notification
use Queueable;
public $user;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->user = $user;
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
public function toMail($notifiable)
$user = $this->user;
return (new MailMessage)
// ->name('Entrance India')
->subject('New OTP from SVS ')
->markdown('mail.userResetPassword', compact('user'));
public function toArray($notifiable)
return [
this id my User Model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use App\Order;
class User extends Authenticatable
use Notifiable;
protected $fillable = [
'fname','lname', 'email','gender', 'password'
protected $hidden = [
'password', 'remember_token',
while trying to use Laravel Notification to send email but getting above error
But same thing is working for User creation function but it is not working for reset Password function
Where am I wrong?
Include User Class in your Notification Class
You are Injecting User Dependency as Typehint to the Magic Method __Cunstructor into your Notification Class.
You have to make sure Class is available there.
Simply use this in your Notification Class.
use App\User
You need to add
use App\User
in Notification file.
Try using $user->notify(new UserResetPasswordNotify($user))
