Is it possible to create a proxy controller that ignores some part of the URI - spring

I have a spring service with multiple controllers with following request mapping running on port 9000
Given all these requests are being served at localhost:9000,is it possible via some Spring entity, that a request to localhost:9000/{Account_id}/api/fruits is routed to localhost:9000/api/fruits. I know the question is a little vague but I'm trying to see if I can add a proxy controller with mapping /{account_id}/ which ignores the rest of the uri and have some code there to forward it to the appropriate controller. Not sure if Spring interceptor or filter of some sort would be helpful here for me to modify the request and change the URI


Spring RestTemplate netflix loadblancer not configuring httpClient header Host

We have a complicated app based on Spring Cloud, Netflix Loadbalancer, to make calls between micro-services ms1<client>-->ms2<server>
We are using a call to a URI hostname that is a Eureka Key for FQDN lookup.
This configuration works in other micro-services, in fact the the restTemplate bean works for a different component's micro-service call.
The receiving the rest call is Cloud Foundry Go-router which I believe is just a ngineX proxy server, the httpClient request should have the header variable set to "Host":"FQDN" this allows the proxy to route the request to the proper instance in the space.
httpClient from ms makes the call to the ms
CompletionException. cause: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 NOT_FOUND
This is the response from the CF go-router (simple proxy server), the request never gets http--> the ms instance.
When the RestClient configures the request it sets the header "Host" as localhost:8090 or whatever the ms hostname is???
Discussion related Questions:
So apparently we have a configuration problem here.
Any advice on how the netflix ribbon loadbalancer client stuff sets the httpClient headers?
What package class interceptor does this magic?
What configuration variables effect this?
Code debugging indicates that netflix.client.SimpleVipAddressResolver is running.
We've traced the debug all the way to the Apache httpClient and it has the header Host set to the ms hostname, it's set to that value in the netflix httpClient wrapper too.
I tried to create a simple reference implementation of this, but can't.
Any recommendations on troubleshooting?
Where to look or read docs on what package?
Using the Camden Spring. Using profiles,
From the memory debugging;
Our suspicion is that some, .yml, or bootstrap.yml is being set or not being set some where in the scan path ???.
We had just upgrade the platform spring boot 1.3.x to 1.4.2.
The ms inbound controller had the annotation
#RequestHeader HttpHeaders httpHeaders
Which is what we attached into the restTemplate.execute as a parameter and eventually found it way to the rest-netflix-httpClient as the request headers being used to call the ms. The Go-Router on CF must be using that value to perform the proxying to the instance.
Apparently, somewhere in the upgrades, one of two things happen, either
A) boot Controller #RequestHeader in version 1.3.2 did not put header Host.
B) previous versions of spring Cloud-netflix-ribbon overwrote the Host httpHeader value with the Ribbon lookup.
Either way, there was no special interceptor.
Spring cloud netflix Eureka will take whatever httpHeaders you provide (even if that header is key:Host and use those values.

spring boot rest versioned request and select controller dynamically

We are planning to apply versioning to our REST API. We do not want to change the URL so the idea that we are going with is to have a X-API-VERSION in the HTTP header. When this header value is present the request is forwarded to correct versioned rest controller.
e.g. we have two controller for the same resource i.e. Person resource
If X-API-VERSION is NOT present in the HTTP Header then spring by default will call the PersonController.
If X-API-VERSION is PRESENT in the HTTP Header then it should call Person_Version_1_5_Controller.
So how can we achieve this switching between controllers using spring boot?
Looking at Spring's documentation, it looks like the header parameter of RequestMapping might be useful in such cases:
#RequestMapping(value = "/something", headers = "X-API-VERSION=...")
I think you're approaching this from the wrong angle.
Instead of keeping controllers for different versions in the same application deployment (Person_Version_1_5_Controller is not a pretty name, by the way), you could split them in separate JARs / application deployments, e.g. app-v1.jar and app-v2.jar. You could do the routing on a higher level in your stack, using a HTTP-header based load-balancer that would forward the request to the correct version of the app depending on the version header specified in the request.

Adding authentication to outbound http requests

I have a rest web service that is implemented using spring boot starter web. This service acts as a client to another application that requires authentication to make calls to it.
Calls made from the client to the server are using org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate.
Is there a way to come up with a solution to add authentication headers to outbound requests at one single point before they are sent out?
I don't want to add headers in each of the requests separately.
Javadoc for RestTemplate says:
This template uses a SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory and a
DefaultResponseErrorHandler as default strategies for creating HTTP
connections or handling HTTP errors, respectively. These defaults can
be overridden through
So I would take SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory and override its prepareConnection(..) method.

How to access request object in #MessageMapping method with spring websocket implementation

I am integrating an existing spring MVC web application with spring websockets. I was successfully able to integrate by following the instructions in
The existing web application has a filter, which sets a few of the attributes. I have a requirement to access the attributes set by the filter in the controller i,e in #MessageMapping method.
Could some one tel how can we access the request object in the #MessageMapping method?
When a STOMP client connects to the application, it first has to request a protocol upgrade to switch to websocket. Once using that websocket connection, the messages sent/received don't go through your regular Servlet filter - only the first HTTP request (the "Handshake") did.
Depending on your use case, there are several ways to achieve this.
If it's related to Authentication, then there are existing features for this in the Spring Framework, but also in Spring Security.
If it's related to the HTTP session, you can easily ask for all HTTP session attributes to be copied into the websocket session - or even customize the Handshake for your own needs (see reference doc). Once done, you can inject the Websocket scope in a #MessageMapping controller method and get those attributes (see reference doc).

Forward Spring HTTP Request

I have a restful web service written using Spring WebMVC that will mostly be used to orchestrate other services. In some cases these services are on the same server, in some cases they are not. I have a few requests (GET and POST) that will be direct pass throughs to another service. Is there a way to blindly forward all GET and POST data from a request for certain URLs without knowing anything about the data in the request?
Ideally, I would like to be able to say all requests for http://server1/myService/user/... should forward to http://server2/user/... with all of the GET and POST parameters forwarded with it.
For the services on the same server, if they're being served by the same Spring MVC application, you could use RedirectViews and/or the "redirect:" prefix.
For those on another server, the best thing I can think of would be to use a servlet filter, similar to the approach suggested by this post: spring mvc redirect path and all children to another domain
