How to configure connection pool in Spring Boot - spring-boot

How to configure my Spring Boot service to have max 2 open connections to the Postgres database? Application is used on the PRODUCTION only by a few people and I don't want to
my pom:
and my file:
spring.datasource.maximum-pool-size=2 //I think it is not sufficient xxx
I think spring.datasource.maximum-pool-size=2 is not sufficient. What should I add to the properties file? Should I maybe exclude HikariCP from my pom file?

Since Spring Boot 2.0, Hikari is the default DataSource implementation. Therefore, if you want to configure the maximumPoolSize (a parameter for Hikeri Configuration) in Spring Boot, you are supposed to set it as follows:
For application.yml
maximum-pool-size: 2

If you haven't changed the connection implementation pool that Spring is using, it should be HikariCP, and then the setting you're looking for is:
its listed here:


Unable to start Spring boot 2.3.2 in k8s pods

I am not getting any error while running in local.
But when I deploy to the k8s cluster sometimes it fails to start the application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
AWS Resell Data Report Service
This project is for AWS Resell Reporting API
<!-- -->
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - To enable URLs as dynamic configuration sources, define System property archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls or make available on classpath.
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - No URLs will be polled as dynamic configuration sources.
2021-02-17 05:29:58 - To enable URLs as dynamic configuration sources, define System property archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls or make available on classpath.
2021-02-17 05:30:00 - Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
2021-02-17 05:30:04 - Shutting down ExecutorService
This is a simple spring boot project. Which consume the data from Kafka and RMQ messaging server. It does some processing and sends it to the downstream system.
I tested the code and run the docker container on my local machine. It does not give any error.
I modified the machine specification(increase CPU and Memory) mentioned in the helm chart config file and redeployed it. After that, it started working. Haven't face any issue till now.

value is not getting populate through drool Decision table

I want to incorporate a drool decision table in my spring boot
application with h2 data base. While I am starting the application the
value from drool VO getting null. There are seem to be an issue with H2
DB. If I remove the H2 from Maven then it start working. How to fix that
? please suggest.
<!--spring integration -->
please suggest ....
thanks in advance
Resolved by replace the drool version to 7.24.0.t043 as it is resolved the issue for compatibility with dev tool( spring boot)

Spring Integration http inbound gateway not working when FeignClient instance wired to any Config Class which annotated #Configuration

It's a Spring Cloud microservice web app built by SpringBoot. We are using Kafka 0.10.1, according to the compatibility matrix, this pom.xml file describes the dependencies:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
The code works:
.requestMapping(m -> m.methods(HttpMethod.POST))
.headerExpression(MessageHeaderName.OPERATION, "#pathVariables.operation"))
It still works when #EnableFeignClients add to Spring Boot Application entry.
But once the #FeignClient instance wired to(by #Autowired) any config Class(#Configuration), it's not working.
I have checked http://myproject/mappings (The request mappings info provided by Spring boot), mappings "/goods/**" disappeared.
It's a simple project that explains this problem:
Please, see for more info and for tracking the fix.
Meanwhile as a workaround I suggest to have a #Lazy whenever you try to inject Feign client interfaces.
The problem that FeignClientFactoryBean initiate a new child ApplicationContext for each Feign cleint and calls a ContextRefreshedEvent for them too early. The IntegrationRequestMappingHandlerMapping doesn't check for the context of the event and marks itself initialized wrong way, missing the scan for appropriate HTTP components.

Cannot resolve class or Package H2

I use a H2 database for my Spring Application. The thing is, everything works. I can access, store and reconnect to the database. However, I get the warning by my IDE
Cannot resolve class or Package H2
at this
It's a bit confusing since I don't know if and how I have to deal with that. Here was once a similar question but the answer does not help and I don't know if I am allowed to ask this question again or if I should post my question in the existing thread?
Here is my
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- <dependency>
I've seen this before -- and I'm fairly certain it's because your database driver has the <scope>runtime</scope> in your POM. This means that at compile time the driver isn't in the classpath, and I guess the property file inspection is using the compile time classpath.
If you remove the scope from your dependency, the inspection error should go away.

How to change properties values via Spring Boot Admin Console?

I have a Spring boot application with Spring Boot Admin Console:
It shows Details, Metrics etc. Also there a Environment tab.
Is it possible to change values via Environment tab?
If I add new value to property key and push Update environment button nothing change in application. Why? Do i need to do any additional set ups?
Thank you.
My dependencies from POM:
<!-- <dependency>
I have setup a little test-Environment...
With SBA I have updated an environoment .. a little hello-world REST Endpoint shows the new value ... but inside the SBA is the OLD Value.
Perhaps you need a #RefreshScope annotation at your beans ?
