iterating over to make hashes within an array - ruby

so I know how I can iterate over and make array within hash
travel=["Round Trip Ticket Price:", "Price of Accommodation:", "Number of checked bags:"]
(1..3).each_with_object({}) do |trip, travels|
puts "Please input the following for trip # #{trip}"
travels["trip #{trip}"]= { |q| print q; gets.chomp.to_f }
==>{"trip 1"=>[100.0, 50.0, 1.0], "trip 2"=>[200.0, 100.0, 2.0], "trip 3"=>[300.0, 150.0,
BUT instead I want to iterate over to make three individual hashes within one array.
I want it to look something like this
travels=[{trip_transportation: 100.0, trip_accommodation:50.0, trip_bags:50}
{trip_transportation:200.0, trip_accommodation:100.0, trip_2_bags:100}
{trip_3_transportation:300.0, trip_accommodation:150.0, trip_3_bags:150}]
I am really confused, basically the only thing I want to know how to do is how do I make three separate hashes while using a loop.
I want every hash to represent a trip.
Is that even possible?

travel=[{ prompt: "Round Trip Ticket Price: ",
key: :trip_transportation, type: :float },
{ prompt: "Price of Accommodation : ",
key: :trip_accommodation, type: :float },
{ prompt: "Number of checked bags : ",
key: :trip_bags, type: :int }]
nbr_trips = 3
Suppose that as the following code is run the user were to input the values given in the question's example.
(1..nbr_trips).map do |trip|
puts "Please input the following for trip #{trip}" do |h|
print h[:prompt]
s = gets
[h[:key], h[:type] == :float ? s.to_f : s.to_i]
#=> [{:trip_transportation=>100.0, :trip_accommodation=>50.0, :trip_bags=>1},
# {:trip_transportation=>200.0, :trip_accommodation=>100.0, :trip_bags=>2},
# {:trip_transportation=>300.0, :trip_accommodation=>150.0, :trip_bags=>3}]
I see no reason for keys to have different names for different trips (e.g., :trip_2_bags and trip_3_bags, rather than simply trip_bags for all trips).

Using an Hash for setting up, similar to Cary Swoveland's answer and similar to my answer here:
travel = { trip_transportation: { question: 'Round Trip Ticket Price:', convert: 'to_f' },
trip_accommodation: { question: 'Price of Accommodation:', convert: 'to_f' },
trip_bags: { question: 'Number of checked bags:', convert: 'to_i' } }
n = 2
res = (1..n).map do # |n| # uncomment if (*){}) do |(k, v), h|
puts v[:question]
# k = k.to_s.split('_').insert(1, n).join('_').to_sym # uncomment if (*)
h[k] = gets.send(v[:convert])
#=> [{:trip_transportation=>10.0, :trip_accommodation=>11.0, :trip_bags=>1}, {:trip_transportation=>20.0, :trip_accommodation=>22.0, :trip_bags=>2}]
(*) Uncomment if you want the result to appear like:
#=> [{:trip_1_transportation=>10.0, :trip_1_accommodation=>11.0, :trip_1_bags=>1}, {:trip_2_transportation=>20.0, :trip_2_accommodation=>22.0, :trip_2_bags=>2}]


How do you check for matching keys in a ruby hash?

I'm learning coding, and one of the assignments is to return keys is return the names of people who like the same TV show.
I have managed to get it working and to pass TDD, but I'm wondering if I've taken the 'long way around' and that maybe there is a simpler solution?
Here is the setup and test:
class TestFriends < MiniTest::Test
def setup
#person1 = {
name: "Rick",
age: 12,
monies: 1,
friends: ["Jay","Keith","Dave", "Val"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Friends",
things_to_eat: ["charcuterie"]
#person2 = {
name: "Jay",
age: 15,
monies: 2,
friends: ["Keith"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Friends",
things_to_eat: ["soup","bread"]
#person3 = {
name: "Val",
age: 18,
monies: 20,
friends: ["Rick", "Jay"],
favourites: {
tv_show: "Pokemon",
things_to_eat: ["ratatouille", "stew"]
#people = [#person1, #person2, #person3]
def test_shared_tv_shows
expected = ["Rick", "Jay"]
actual = tv_show(#people)
assert_equal(expected, actual)
And here is the solution that I found:
def tv_show(people_list)
tv_friends = {}
for person in people_list
if tv_friends.key?(person[:favourites][:tv_show]) == false
tv_friends[person[:favourites][:tv_show]] = [person[:name]]
tv_friends[person[:favourites][:tv_show]] << person[:name]
for array in tv_friends.values()
if array.length() > 1
return array
It passes, but is there a better way of doing this?
I think you could replace those for loops with the Array#each. But in your case, as you're creating a hash with the values in people_list, then you could use the Enumerable#each_with_object assigning a new Hash as its object argument, this way you have your own person hash from the people_list and also a new "empty" hash to start filling as you need.
To check if your inner hash has a key with the value person[:favourites][:tv_show] you can check for its value just as a boolean one, the comparison with false can be skipped, the value will be evaluated as false or true by your if statement.
You can create the variables tv_show and name to reduce a little bit the code, and then over your tv_friends hash to select among its values the one that has a length greater than 1. As this will give you an array inside an array you can get from this the first element with first (or [0]).
def tv_show(people_list)
tv_friends = people_list.each_with_object({})) do |person, hash|
tv_show = person[:favourites][:tv_show]
name = person[:name]
hash.key?(tv_show) ? hash[tv_show] << name : hash[tv_show] = [name]
end { |value| value.length > 1 }.first
Also you can omit parentheses when the method call doesn't have arguments.

Build an array of descending match counts?

I have a hash where the keys are book titles and the values are an array of words in the book.
I want to write a method where, if I enter a word, I can search through the hash to find which array has the highest frequency of the word. Then I want to return an array of the book titles in order of most matches.
The method should return an array in descending order of highest amount of occurrences of the searched word.
This is what I have so far:
def search(query)
books_names = #book_info.keys
book_info = {}
#result.each do |key,value|
contents = #result[key]
if contents.include?(query)
book_info[:key] += 1
If book_info is your hash and input_str is the string you want to search in book_info, the following will return you a hash in the order of frequency of input_str in the text:
Hash[book_info.sort_by{|k, v| v.count(input_str)}.reverse]
If you want output to be an array of book names, remove Hash and take out the first elements:
book_info.sort_by{|k, v| v.count(input_str)}
This is a more compact version(but little bit slow), replacing reverse with negative sort criteria:
book_info.sort_by{|k, v| -v.count(input_str)}.map(&:first)
You may want to consider creating a Book class. Here's a book class that will index the words into a word_count hash for quick sorting.
class Book
attr_accessor :title, :words
attr_reader :word_count
#books = []
class << self
attr_accessor :books
def top(word)
#books.sort_by{|b| b.word_count[word.downcase]}.reverse
def initialize
self.class.books << self
#word_count = { |h,k| h[k] = 0}
def words=(str)
str.gsub(/[^\w\s]/,"").downcase.split.each do |word|
word_count[word] += 1
def to_s
Use it like so:
a =
a.title = "War and Peace"
a.words = "WELL, PRINCE, Genoa and Lucca are now no more than private estates of the Bonaparte family."
b =
b.title = "Moby Dick"
b.words = "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world."
Moby Dick
War and Peace
Here is one way to build a hash whose keys are words and whose values are arrays of hashes with keys :title and :count, the hashes ordered by decreasing value of count.
I am assuming we will start with a hash books, whose keys are titles and whose values are all the text in the book in one string.
def word_count_hash(books)
word_and_count_by_title = books.each_with_object({}) { |(title,words),h|
h[title] = words.scan(/\w+/)
.each_with_object({}) { |w,g| g[w] = (g[w] || 0)+1 } }
title_and_count_by_word = word_and_count_by_title
.each_with_object({}) { |(title,words),g| words.each { |w,count|
g.update({w =>[{title: title, count: count}]}){|_,oarr,narr|oarr+narr}}}
title_and_count_by_word.keys.each { |w| g[w].sort_by! { |h| -h[:count] } }
books = {}
books["Grapes of Wrath"] =
To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains
came gently, and they did not cut the scarred earth. The plows crossed and
recrossed the rivulet marks. The last rains lifted the corn quickly and
scattered weed colonies and grass along the sides of the roads so that the
gray country and the dark red country began to disappear under a green cover.
books["Tale of Two Cities"] =
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom,
it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of
incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was
the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all
going direct the other way
books["Moby Dick"] =
Call me Ishmael. Some years ago - never mind how long precisely - having little
or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I
thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is
a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever
I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly
November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin
Construct the hash:
title_and_count_by_word = word_count_hash(books)
and then look up words:
#=> [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>12},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>11},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>5}]
#=> [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>2},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>1},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>1}]
Note the words being looked up must be entered in (or converted to) lower case.
Construct the first hash:
word_and_count_by_title = books.each_with_object({}) { |(title,words),h|
h[title] = words.scan(/\w+/)
.each_with_object({}) { |w,g| g[w] = (g[w] || 0)+1 } }
#=> {"Grapes of Wrath"=>
# {"to"=>2, "the"=>12, "red"=>2, "country"=>4, "and"=>6, "part"=>1,
# ...
# "disappear"=>1, "under"=>1, "a"=>1, "green"=>1, "cover"=>1},
# "Tale of Two Cities"=>
# {"it"=>10, "was"=>10, "the"=>11, "best"=>1, "of"=>10, "times"=>2,
# ...
# "going"=>2, "direct"=>2, "to"=>1, "heaven"=>1, "other"=>1, "way"=>1},
# "Moby Dick"=>
# {"call"=>1, "me"=>2, "ishmael"=>1, "some"=>1, "years"=>1, "ago"=>1,
# ...
# "pausing"=>1, "before"=>1, "coffin"=>1, "warehouses"=>1}}
To see what's happening here, consider the first element of books that Enumerable#each_with_object passes into the block. The two block variables are assigned the following values:
#=> "Grapes of Wrath"
#=> "To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the
# last rains came gently,\nand they did not cut the scarred earth.
# ...
# the dark red country began to disappear\nunder a green cover.\n"
each_with_object has created a hash represented by the block variable h, which is initially empty.
First construct an array of words and convert each to lower-case.
q = words.scan(/\w+/).map(&:downcase)
#=> ["to", "the", "red", "country", "and", "part", "of", "the", "gray",
# ...
# "began", "to", "disappear", "under", "a", "green", "cover"]
We may now create a hash that contains a count of each word for the title "Grapes of Wrath":
h[title] = q.each_with_object({}) { |w,g| g[w] = (g[w] || 0) + 1 }
#=> {"to"=>2, "the"=>12, "red"=>2, "country"=>4, "and"=>6, "part"=>1,
# ...
# "disappear"=>1, "under"=>1, "a"=>1, "green"=>1, "cover"=>1}
Note the expression
g[w] = (g[w] || 0) + 1
If the hash g already has a key for the word w, this expression is equivalent to
g[w] = g[w] + 1
On the other hand, if g does not have this key (word) (in which case g[w] => nil), then the expression is eqivalent to
g[w] = 0 + 1
The same calculations are then performed for each of the other two books.
We can now construct the second hash.
title_and_count_by_word =
word_and_count_by_title.each_with_object({}) { |(title,words),g|
words.each { |w,count| g.update({ w => [{title: title, count: count}]}) \
{ |_, oarr, narr| oarr + narr } } }
#=> {"to" => [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>2},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>1},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>1}],
#=> "the" => [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>12},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>11},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>5}],
# ...
# "warehouses"=> [{:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>1}]}
(Note that this operation does not order the hashes for each word by :count, even though that may appear to be the case in this output fragment. The hashes are sorted in the next and final step.)
The main operation here that requires explanation is Hash#update (aka Hash#merge!). We are building a hash denoted by the block variable g, which initially is empty. The keys of this hash are words, the values are hashes with keys :title and :count. Whenever the hash being merged has a key (word) that is already a key of g, the block
{ |_, oarr, narr| oarr + narr }
is called to determine the value for the key in the merged hash. The block variables here are the key (word) (which we have replaced with an underscore because it will not be used), the old array of hashes and the new array of hashes to be merged (of which there is just one). We simply add the new hash to merged array of hashes.
Lastly we sort the values of the hash (which are arrays of hashes) on decreasing value of :count.
title_and_count_by_word.keys.each { |w| g[w].sort_by! { |h| -h[:count] } }
#=> {"to"=>
# [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>2},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>1},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>1}],
# "the"=>
# [{:title=>"Grapes of Wrath", :count=>12},
# {:title=>"Tale of Two Cities", :count=>11},
# {:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>5}],
# ...
# "warehouses"=>[{:title=>"Moby Dick", :count=>1}]}

Ruby - iterating through database results and storing them in a hash

Consider the following:
details =
# Example of this Hash's final look
details["team1"] = "Example"
details["team2"] = "Another team"
details["foo"] = "Bar"
The way I get the names of the two teams is through:
teams = Match.find(1).teams
=> [#<Team id: 1, name: "England">, #<Team id: 2, name: "Australia">]
Now I would like to save the names of the teams into the Hash under team1 and team2. If I were using arrays I could do:
teams.each do |team|
details <<
However, I need to do this with the Hash I have shown above. How would one go about accomplishing this?
Hash[ { |x| ["team_#{}",] }]
# => {"team_1"=>"England", "team_2"=>"Australia"}
If you want to keep id 1 and 2
Hash[ { |x,i| ["team_#{i.succ}",] }]
# => {"team_1"=>"England", "team_2"=>"Australia"}
What about this?
teams.each_with_index do |team, idx|
id = "team#{idx + 1}"
details[id] =
Here you take the team object and make hash key out of it, and then use that key to set a value.
How about using an inject for a one liner?
teams.inject({}){ |details, team| details["team#{}"] =; details }
The return value will be an Array or Hashes.
{}.tap do |h|
Match.find(1).teams.each_with_index {|t, i| h["team#{i+1}"] =}

ruby searching array for keywords

I am parsing a large CSV file in a ruby script and need to find the closest match for a title from some search keys. The search keys maybe one or more values and the values may not exactly match as per below (should be close)
search_keys = ["big", "bear"]
A large array containing data that I need to search through, only want to search on the title column:
array = [
["id", "title", "code", "description"],
["1", "once upon a time", "3241", "a classic story"],
["2", "a big bad wolf", "4235", "a little scary"],
["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"]
In this case I would want it to return the row ["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"] as this is the closest match to my search keys.
I want it to return the closest match from the search keys given.
Is there any helpers/libraries/gems I can use? Anyone done this before??
I am worried, this task should be handled to any search engine at db level or similar, no point fetching data in app and do searching across columns/rows etc, should be expensive. but for now here is the plain simple approach :)
array = [
["id", "title", "code", "description"],
["1", "once upon a time", "3241", "a classic story"],
["2", "a big bad wolf", "4235", "a little scary"],
["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"]
h = {}
search_keys = ["big", "bear"]
array[1..-1].each do |rec|
rec_id = rec[0].to_i
search_keys.each do |key|
if rec[1].include? key
h[rec_id] = h[rec_id] ? (h[rec_id]+1) : 1
closest = h.keys.first
h.each do |rec, count|
closest = rec if h[closest] < h[rec]
array[closest] # => desired output :)
I think you can do it by your self and no need to use any gems!
This may be close to what you need; searching in the array for the keys and set a rank for each found element.
result = []
array.each do |ar|
rank = 0
search_keys.each do |key|
if ar[1].include?(key)
rank += 1
if rank > 0
result << [rank, ar]
This code can be written better than the above, but i wanted to show you the details.
This works. Will find and return an array of matched* rows as result.
*matched rows = a row where the id, title, code or description match ANY of the provided seach_keys. incl partial searches such as 'bear' in 'bears'
result = []
array.each do |a|
a.each do |i|
search_keys.each do |k|
result << a if i.include?(k)
You could probably write it in a more succinct way...
array = [
["id", "title", "code", "description"],
["1", "once upon a time", "3241", "a classic story"],
["2", "a big bad wolf", "4235", "a little scary"],
["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"]
search_keys = ["big", "bear"]
def sift(records, target_field, search_keys)
# find target_field index
target_field_index = nil
records.first.each_with_index do |e, i|
if e == target_field
target_field_index = i
if target_field_index.nil?
raise "Target field was not found"
# sums up which records have a match and how many keys they match
# key => val = record => number of keys matched
counter = # each new hash key is init'd with value of 0
records.each do |record| # look at all our given records
search_keys.each do |key| # check each search key on the field
if record[target_field_index].include?(key)
counter[record] += 1 # found a key, init to 0 if required and increment count
# find the result with the most search key matches
top_result = counter.to_a.reduce do |top, record|
if record[1] > top[1] # [0] = record, [1] = key hit count
top = record # set to new top
top # continue with reduce
end.first # only care about the record (not the key hit count)
puts "Top result: #{sift array, 'title', search_keys}"
# => Top result: ["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"]
Here is my one-line shot
p array.find_all {|a|a.join.scan(/#{search_keys.join("|")}/).length==search_keys.length}
=>[["3", "three big bears", "2626", "a heart warmer"]]
to get all the rows in order of number of matches
p array.drop(1).sort_by {|a|a.join.scan(/#{search_keys.join("|")}/).length}.reverse
Anyone knows how to combine the last solution so that the rows that contain none of the keys are dropped and to keep it concise as is ?

Nicely formatting output to console, specifying number of tabs

I am generating a script that is outputting information to the console. The information is some kind of statistic with a value. So much like a hash.
So one value's name may be 8 characters long and another is 3. when I am looping through outputting the information with two \t some of the columns aren't aligned correctly.
So for example the output might be as such:
long value name 14
short 12
little 13
tiny 123421
long name again 912421
I want all the values lined up correctly. Right now I am doing this:
puts "#{value_name} - \t\t #{value}"
How could I say for long names, to only use one tab? Or is there another solution?
Provided you know the maximum length to be no more than 20 characters:
printf "%-20s %s\n", value_name, value
If you want to make it more dynamic, something like this should work nicely:
longest_key = data_hash.keys.max_by(&:length)
data_hash.each do |key, value|
printf "%-#{longest_key.length}s %s\n", key, value
There is usually a %10s kind of printf scheme that formats nicely.
However, I have not used ruby at all, so you need to check that.
Yes, there is printf with formatting.
The above example should right align in a space of 10 chars.
You can format based on your widest field in the column.
printf ([port, ]format, arg...)
Prints arguments formatted according to the format like sprintf. If the first argument is the instance of the IO or its subclass, print redirected to that object. the default is the value of $stdout.
String has a built-in ljust for exactly this:
x = {"foo"=>37, "something long"=>42, "between"=>99}
x.each { |k, v| puts "#{k.ljust(20)} #{v}" }
# Outputs:
# foo 37
# something long 42
# between 99
Or, if you want tabs, you can do a little math (assuming tab display width of 8) and write a short display function:
def tab_pad(label, tab_stop = 4)
label_tabs = label.length / 8
label.ljust(label.length + tab_stop - label_tabs, "\t")
x.each { |k, v| puts "#{tab_pad(k)}#{v}" }
# Outputs:
# foo 37
# something long 42
# between 99
There was few bugs in it before, but now you can use most of printf syntax with % operator:
1.9.3-p194 :025 > " %-20s %05d" % ['hello', 12]
=> " hello 00012"
Of course you can use precalculated width too:
1.9.3-p194 :030 > "%-#{width}s %05x" % ['hello', 12]
=> "hello 0000c"
I wrote a thing
Automatically detects column widths
Spaces with spaces
Array of arrays [[],[],...] or array of hashes [{},{},...]
Does not detect columns too wide for console window
lists = [
[ 123456, "ffff" ],
def array_maxes(lists)
lists.reduce([]) do |maxes, list|
list.each_with_index do |value, index|
maxes[index] = [(maxes[index] || 0), value.to_s.length].max
# => [6, 24]
def puts_arrays_columns(lists)
maxes = array_maxes(hashes)
lists.each do |list|
list.each_with_index do |value, index|
print " #{value.to_s.rjust(maxes[index])},"
# Output:
# 123456, ffff,
and another thing
hashes = [
{ "id" => 123, "name" => "SDLKFJSLDKFJSLDKFJLSDKJF" },
{ "id" => 123456, "name" => "ffff" },
def hash_maxes(hashes)
hashes.reduce({}) do |maxes, hash|
hash.keys.each do |key|
maxes[key] = [(maxes[key] || 0), key.to_s.length].max
maxes[key] = [(maxes[key] || 0), hash[key].to_s.length].max
# => {"id"=>6, "name"=>24}
def puts_hashes_columns(hashes)
maxes = hash_maxes(hashes)
return if hashes.empty?
# Headers
hashes.first.each do |key, value|
print " #{key.to_s.rjust(maxes[key])},"
hashes.each do |hash|
hash.each do |key, value|
print " #{value.to_s.rjust(maxes[key])},"
# Output:
# id, name,
# 123456, ffff,
Edit: Fixes hash keys considered in the length.
hashes = [
{ id: 123, name: "DLKFJSDLKFJSLDKFJSDF", asdfasdf: :a },
{ id: 123456, name: "ffff", asdfasdf: :ab },
# => {:id=>6, :name=>20, :asdfasdf=>8}
Want to whitelist columns columns?{ |h| h.slice(:id, :name) }
# => [
# { id: 123, name: "DLKFJSDLKFJSLDKFJSDF" },
# { id: 123456, name: "ffff" },
For future reference and people who look at this or find it... Use a gem. I suggest
You typically don't want to use tabs, you want to use spaces and essentially setup your "columns" your self or else you run into these types of problems.
