How to test iframes with jmeter
I have windows with multiple iframes
I tried to used with pkg.SwitchTo().Frame(0)
or pkg.SwitchTo().Frame("iframe name")
but I received an error : "SwitchTo is not a function in
There is different way to Identify iframes with jmeter?
I don't know what is pkg but the shorthand for the WebDriver class instance when it comes to the WebDriver Sampler is WDS.browser
Therefore you can switch to the desired frame as simple as:
and when you need to switch back:
More information: The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered
I am doing UI load testing using distributed Jmeter Selinium webdriver
I have successfully execute the script and obtain the result.
Even though i have obtained the result with success status of 200 code, But how to confirm that all threads has successfully loaded the web pages including images and thumbnails
is there any assertion to very this or any suggestion pls
Unless there is a error in your script you will always get 200 as the status code. You could use WDS.sampleResult shorthand to set whether it is successful or not conditionally basing on your acceptance criteria
If you need to verify presence of a certain element or it's being displayed you could use WDS.browser.findElement() function and check whether it is displayed
You can also take a screenshot and compare it to the reference one using i.e. OpenCV Java bindings from JSR223 Assertion with Groovy as the language
WebDriver sampler returns the page source code as the response so you can also use Size Assertion to check if the response size is equal or larger than the anticipated one or Response Assertion to check if certain text is present or not
And last but not the lease using real browsers for performance testing is not recommended either by Selenium project or by WebDriver sampler developers
Performance testing using Selenium and WebDriver is generally not advised. Not because it is incapable, but because it is not optimised for the job and you are unlikely to get good results.
Note: It is NOT the intention of this project to replace the HTTP Samplers included in JMeter. Rather it is meant to compliment them by measuring the end user load time.
So I would rather recommend reconsidering your approach and create the main load using JMeter's HTTP Request samplers and use WebDriver Sampler for checking client side metrics like rendering time or JavaScript execution time.
I am currently using the JMeter WebDriver Sampler for Chrome. I have tried with 89, 88 & 87 ChromeDriver.exe but it doesn't work properly. The Chrome browser launched and it's not displaying the Google website. Please advise and attached is my config and codes. Thanks.
This is mainly because of syntax errors in your script:
You should not have whitespaces between class and function names
I don't think you can use Beanshell with WebDriver Sampler, consider switching to JavaScript (which is default) or Groovy (which is recommended scripting option since JMeter 3.1) or at least if you want/have to you need to have semicolons in the end of lines and change quotation marks to " these .
When we try to encrypt and decrypt the application for front end request and response data,
Window object is not getting support in Jmeter.
As it generate 2 session id .
Kindly let us know any method in Groovy to support .
Window object is specific to the browser
As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
So there is no equivalent in any language supported by JMeter's JSR223 Test Elements
The options are in:
Use WebDriver Sampler for getting the session IDs you're looking for, they can be passed later on to "normal" HTTP Request samplers (but this way each JMeter virtual user will kick off a real browser instance)
Extract the code responsible for request encryption and session ID generation using browser developer tools and convert it to something JMeter could execute (remove the browser context), preferably in Groovy as it's the most performing scripting option
How can i use global javaScript function sellerInterface.addBidOnline() in JMeter?
I can use this function in browser, but I do not know how to call it in JMeter.
Use in console
I try using this function in BSF Sampler, but it did not work
enter image description here
As per JMeter Project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
If the JavaScript call generates a HTTP Request - you can record it using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and replay as HTTP Request sampler. For the time being it is not possible to execute JavaScript from JMeter tests.
You can take a look at WebDriver Sampler which provides JMeter integration with Selenium so each JMeter Thread (virtual user) will have its own real browser so you will be able to execute JavaScript like
however real browsers are very resource intensive and the number of browsers you will be able to kick off will be very limited.
Sorry if this has been answered already, i tried to search but could get the exact information i am after.
The issue:
I am using JMeter to run some tests on a web application, as part of one of the flow, I under a first and surname in 2 input fields and i have link (Get userid) on clicking on the link the system will generate a user name. The user name is made up of first 4 letters from surname and first letter from the firsname and number at the end example: firstname is Test and surname is Environment, on clicking the get user id link the username will be generated as 'envit1' if 'envit1' is already existing then it would generated 'envirt2'
How do I simulate the click which generates the userid using jMeter.
Apologies but I am fairly new with JMeter, please ask if you need more infomratmation.
Many thanks in advance, Kay
If you're new to JMeter the best way to get things done is recording your user ID generation steps using one of the following approaches:
JMeter bundled HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder which acts like a browser proxy
A Google Chrome Extension which is capable of recording JMeter .jmx scripts right from your browser.
You can see what requests are being sent and HTML responses using handy View Results Tree listener.
However if clicking on link isn't being recorded, it's being handled by client-side Javascript. JMeter is not a browser and isn't capable of executing Javascript so you'll have to use WebDriver Sampler as Releasematic suggests.
You can use WebDriver Sampler but in each iteration it opens browser which may increase RAM usage. There is another option is to generate user id by running JS code in "JSR223 Sampler". With JSR223 Sampler you can run JS code but can't get access to DOM, so such JS code won't work:
function () {document.getElementById("edit-buttons-cleanup").click();};
You can install the plugin pack for the JMeter WebDriver sampler. Then, using some Javascript commands, you can start either a Firefox or a headless HTMLUnit and operate upon a webpage in a Jmeter step.