How to save debug json to database in laravel? - laravel

I make a rest API with auth with api_token, and I use debugger by Lanin to show when the error happened.
If api_token is wrong the debug will show something like below
"error": "Unauthenticated.",
"debug": {
"database": {
"total": 1,
"items": [
"connection": "mysql",
"query": "select * from `users` where `api_token` = '630dcedd96aa370891b1649a972b577b2f262c90093b1903ae0a2ea63cf2c07cs' limit 1;",
"time": 2.89
"cache": {
"hit": {
"keys": [
"total": 1
"miss": {
"keys": [
"total": 3
"write": {
"keys": [
"total": 2
"forget": {
"keys": [],
"total": 0
"profiling": [
"event": "request-time",
"time": 0.2898838520050049
"memory": {
"usage": 11831808,
"peak": 11896088
and I want to save error log to the database. How to save and read data if I want to save this to the table database? I want to save the query
"debug": {
"database": {
"total": 1,
"items": [
"connection": "mysql",
**"query": "select * from `users` where `api_token` = '630dcedd96aa370891b1649a972b577b2f262c90093b1903ae0a2ea63cf2c07cs' limit 1;",
"time": 2.89**

With an appropriate model (Debug with "connection", "query" and "time" field), you could decode the json into an array and create the model from that.
Something like this :
$jsonArray = json_decode($rawJson, true);
$debug = Debug:create($jsonArray);


How to search key by passing value in json_query Ansible

I am calling API and getting below output but from the output and i want to find the key based on value input and my input value is "vpc-tz" how to achieve this in ansible using json_query?
"json": {
"allScopes": [
"clusters": {
"clusters": [
"cluster": {
"clientHandle": "",
"type": {
"name": "ClusterComputeResource"
"universalRevision": 0,
"vsmUuid": "423B1819-9495-4F10-A96A-6D8284E51B29"
"controlPlaneMode": "UNICAST_MODE",
"description": "",
"extendedAttributes": [
"id": "vdnscope-6",
"isTemporal": false,
"isUniversal": false,
"name": "vpc-tz",
"nodeId": "85e0073d-0e5a-4f04-889b-42df771aebf8",
"objectId": "vdnscope-6",
"objectTypeName": "VdnScope",
"revision": 0,
"type": {
"name": "VdnScope"
"universalRevision": 0,
"virtualWireCount": 0,
"vsmUuid": "423B1819-9495-4F10-A96A-6D8284E51B29"
Here is a query which works:

Generating data tables in elastic search

I'm trying to make a data table which consists of some calculations
** Bidder * Request * CPM * Revenue * Response Time **
I've created an index which holds all the data, so my data is stored in following format:
"data": {
"took": 1,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": {
"value": 78,
"relation": "eq"
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "nits_media_bid_won",
"_type": "nits_media_data_collection",
"_id": "MIyt6m8BWa2IbVphmPUh",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"bidderCode": "appnexus",
"width": 300,
"height": 600,
"statusMessage": "Bid available",
"adId": "43d59b34fd61b5",
"requestId": "2c6d19dcc536c3",
"mediaType": "banner",
"source": "client",
"cpm": 0.5,
"creativeId": 98493581,
"currency": "USD",
"netRevenue": true,
"ttl": 300,
"adUnitCode": "/19968336/header-bid-tag-0",
"appnexus": {
"buyerMemberId": 9325
"meta": {
"advertiserId": 2529885
"originalCpm": 0.5,
"originalCurrency": "USD",
"auctionId": "a628c0c0-bd4d-4f2a-9011-82fab780910e",
"responseTimestamp": 1580190231422,
"requestTimestamp": 1580190231022,
"bidder": "appnexus",
"timeToRespond": 400,
"pbLg": "0.50",
"pbMg": "0.50",
"pbHg": "0.50",
"pbAg": "0.50",
"pbDg": "0.50",
"pbCg": null,
"size": "300x600",
"adserverTargeting": {
"hb_bidder": "appnexus",
"hb_adid": "43d59b34fd61b5",
"hb_pb": "0.50",
"hb_size": "300x600",
"hb_source": "client",
"hb_format": "banner"
"status": "rendered",
"params": [
"placementId": 13144370
"nits_account": "asjdfagsd2384vasgd19",
"nits_url": "http://nitsmedia.local/run-ad",
"session_id": "YTGpETKSk2nHwLRB6GbP",
"timestamp": "2020-01-28T05:43:51.702Z",
"geo_data": {
"continent": "North America",
"address_format": "{{recipient}}\n{{street}}\n{{city}} {{region_short}} {{postalcode}}\n{{country}}",
"alpha2": "US",
"alpha3": "USA",
"country_code": "1",
"international_prefix": "011",
"ioc": "USA",
"gec": "US",
"name": "United States of America",
"national_destination_code_lengths": [
"national_number_lengths": [
"national_prefix": "1",
"number": "840",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Northern America",
"world_region": "AMER",
"un_locode": "US",
"nationality": "American",
"postal_code": true,
"unofficial_names": [
"United States",
"Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika",
"Estados Unidos",
"Verenigde Staten"
"languages_official": [
"languages_spoken": [
"geo": {
"latitude": 37.09024000000000143018041853792965412139892578125,
"latitude_dec": "39.44325637817383",
"longitude": -95.7128909999999990532160154543817043304443359375,
"longitude_dec": "-98.95733642578125",
"max_latitude": 71.5388001000000031126546673476696014404296875,
"max_longitude": -66.8854170000000038953658076934516429901123046875,
"min_latitude": 18.77629999999999910187398199923336505889892578125,
"min_longitude": 170.595699999999993679011822678148746490478515625,
"bounds": {
"northeast": {
"lat": 71.5388001000000031126546673476696014404296875,
"lng": -66.8854170000000038953658076934516429901123046875
"southwest": {
"lat": 18.77629999999999910187398199923336505889892578125,
"lng": 170.595699999999993679011822678148746490478515625
"currency_code": "USD",
"start_of_week": "sunday"
//Remaining data set....
So as per my data set I want to fetch all unique bidderCode (which will be represented as Bidder in the table) and make the data with calculation respective to it. For example
Request - This will be total number of docs count in aggregation
CPM - CPM will be sum of all CPM divided by 1000
Revenue - Total CPM multiplied by 1000
Response time - Average of (responseTimestamp - requestTimestamp)
How can I achieve this, I'm bit confused with it. I tried building the blocks by:
return $this->elasticsearch->search([
'index' => 'nits_media_bid_won',
'body' => [
'query' => $query,
'aggs' => [
'unique_bidders' => [
'terms' => ['field' => 'bidderCode.keyword']
'aggs' => [
'sum' => [
'cpm' => [
'field' => 'cpm',
'script' => '_value / 1000'
But it is showing me error:
"reason":"[1:112] [sum] unknown field [cpm], parser not found"
"reason":"[1:112] [sum] unknown field [cpm], parser not found"
I'm new to this help me out in it. Thanks.
ElasticSearch isn't wrong -- you've swapped the aggregation name with its type. It cannot parse the agg type cpm.
Here's the corrected query:
GET nits_media_bid_won/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"unique_bidders": {
"terms": {
"field": "bidderCode.keyword",
"size": 10
"aggs": {
"cpm": { <----------
"sum": { <----------
"field": "cpm",
"script": "_value / 1000"

how to sort Data Sources in terraform based on arguments

I use following terraform code to get a list of available db resources:
data "alicloud_db_instance_classes" "resources" {
instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
engine = "PostgreSQL"
engine_version = "10.0"
category = "HighAvailability"
zone_id = "${data.alicloud_zones.rds_zones.ids.0}"
multi_zone = true
output_file = "./classes.txt"
And the output file looks like this:
"instance_class": "pg.x4.large.2",
"storage_range": {
"max": "500",
"min": "250",
"step": "250"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "pg.x8.medium.2",
"storage_range": {
"max": "250",
"min": "250",
"step": "0"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "",
"storage_range": {
"max": "2000",
"min": "5",
"step": "5"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "",
"storage_range": {
"max": "2000",
"min": "5",
"step": "5"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
And I want to get the one that's cheapest.
One way to do so is by sorting with storage-range.min, but how do I sort this list based on 'storage_range.min'?
Or I can filter by 'instance_class', but "alicloud_db_instance_classes" doesn't seem to like filter as it says: Error: data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources: : invalid or unknown key: filter
Any ideas?
The sort() function orders lexicographical and you have no simple key here.
You can use filtering with some code like this (v0.12)
locals {
best_db_instance_class_key = ""
best_db_instance_class = element( alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources, index(alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources.*.instance_class, best_db_instance_class_key) )
(Untested code)

spring mongodb criteria API: check two values on the same nested element

I have the following query:
Criteria crit = Criteria.where("").lt(
How can I make sure that and are checked on the same nestedObj?
I only want this to match if a document has a nestedObj that is active AND has a date older than today.
If the nestedObj array on a document loos like this, the query should match:
"nestedObj": {
"active": "true",
"date": "2010-29-10"
"nestedObj": {
"active": "false",
"date": "2010-29-10"
"nestedObj": {
"active": "true",
"date": "2022-29-10"
But if it looks like this, it shouldn't:
"nestedObj": {
"active": "false",
"date": "2010-29-10"
"nestedObj": {
"active": "true",
"date": "2022-29-10"
Check the element match in
for instance
where("").elemMatch( where("attribute1").is("value1").and("attribute2").regex("(?i).*$something.*")

How Group By Queries in Elasticsearch?

I am working on a project where I would like to query the wikipedia database so I could bring some results ... I am using a Javascript application and Jquery with a self suggestion field as the user types a list of words should appear ....
For this to happen I need to create a query in elasticsearch by bringing all categories and only them into the results.
Type a SQL = SELECT Field FROM Table Group By Field ..
How would I do this?
My Test is basic and return all objects....
GET _search
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": ["category"],
"query": "*"
Part of result is:
"took": 34,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 13,
"successful": 13,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 2117924,
"max_score": 1,
"hits": [
"_index": "ptwikionary_content",
"_type": "page",
"_id": "41115",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"redirect": [],
"template": [
"Predefinição:nome categoria",
"Predefinição:nome língua",
"Predefinição:link preto",
"content_model": "wikitext",
"heading": [
"source_text": """
{{paroxítona|de|su|mil|de}}, {{gramática|c2g}}
# que não é [[humilde]]
* [[humilde]]
: {{escopo|Morfologia}} [[des-]] + [[humilde]].
[[Categoria:Adjetivo (Português)]]
"version_type": "external",
"wiki": "ptwiktionary",
"auxiliary_text": [
" Singular Plural Masculino desumilde desumildes Feminino"
"language": "pt",
"title": "desumilde",
"version": 2491983,
"external_link": [],
"namespace_text": "",
"namespace": 0,
"text_bytes": 274,
"incoming_links": 2,
"text": ", comum aos dois géneros que não é humilde humilde (Morfologia) des- + humilde.",
"category": [
"!Entrada (Português)",
"Polissílabo (Português)",
"Paroxítona (Português)",
"Entrada com etimologia (Português)",
"Adjetivo (Português)"
"defaultsort": false,
"outgoing_link": [
"timestamp": "2018-03-29T21:53:29Z",
"popularity_score": 0.000065252908710355
How i Get category list from elasticsearch??? Type Sql :
Use aggregation for this. Here's an example:
GET _search
"aggs" : {
"categories" : {
"terms" : { "field" : "category" }
