Create a potocol handler for a Powershell script - windows

How can I create a protocol handler for a powershell script and make the target powershell script receive command line arguments?
And what are the security concerns in doing so?

I thought I write up a decent guide on doing so since the information I found online was lacking some details.
First off the security concerns
Any program, website, script etc. that is running on your computer can set off the protocol. There are no authorization checks.
You should NOT create a universal protocol handler. That would be a massive security issue concern. I mean that would enable a program, website, script etc. to run any powershell script or command on your computer.
Creating the protocol handler in Windows registry
The protocol must be registered in Windows Registry. It's a simple task.
I'm calling my powershell protocol handler for pwsh
Step 1: Open the Registry Editor and navigate to
For inspiration you can look at Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\http to look at how that protocol handler is made.
Step 2: Create the following hierarchy:
Create the key pwsh: [Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pwsh]
Edit the default value of (Default) to URL:pwsh. Remember I call my protocol handler for pwsh, write whatever your is called.
Add a string value with the name URL Protocol and empty data.
It should look like this now:
Create a new key under pwsh, DefaultIcon: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pwsh\DefaultIcon.
Set the (Default) data field to a filepath that leads to an icon or image. I used the powershell icon for Powershell 7 C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerShell\7-preview\assets\ps_black_32x32.ico.
Then create the keys shell -> open -> command like shown on the image above.
In the key command change the (Default) data value to where powershell is installed and then the powershell script to be run.
When testing I do this: "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\pwsh.exe" -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -Command {Write-Host %1}
Note I am using powershell core 6 and your path to powershell is probably different.
You can test to check if it works by opening the run program in Windows(Windows+R).
Expected behavior is the powershell window to open with the text pwsh:Hello Stackoverflow printed.
Step 3: Create a powershell script to handle incoming actions on the protocol.
The production ready data value for the command key: "C:\Program Files\PowerShell\6\pwsh.exe" -noexit -File C:\handleActions.ps1 %1
Param($Argument="") # If the protocol is ran you always at least get the protocol name as an argument. (if using the %1)
function Handle-Actions { # The cmdlet 'Handle-Actions' uses an unapproved verb.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=0)]
$Argumuments = $Argument.Split([Char]0x003F) # Splits by `?`
#Argumnets is now in an array, do whatever you need to next.
$Argumuments | %{
Write-Host $_ # Writes each argument that was seperated by ? to a line
Handle-Actions -Argument $Argument
Given the run command pwsh:?firstArgument?SecondArgument the script will output:

To complement your helpful guide with sample code that automates creation of a custom protocol handler:
The following:
Creates a custom URI protocol custom: (rather than pwsh:, given that PowerShell is simply used to implement the protocol) to which an open-ended number of arguments can be passed.
Does so for the current user only (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes) by default; however, it's easy to tweak the code to implement the custom protocol for all users instead (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes), though you'll need to run the code with elevation (as administrator) then.
A handler *.ps1 script is automatically created:
At $env:USERPROFILE\customUriHandler.ps1 in the current-user scenario.
At $env:ALLUSERPROFILE\customUriHandler.ps1 in the all-users scenario.
The handler script simply echoes the arguments passed to it, and it is invoked in a PowerShell script window that is kept open after script execution (-NoExit); tweak the PowerShell command as needed.
The protocol expects its arguments as if it were a shell command, i.e., as a space-separated list of arguments, with argument-individual "..." quoting, if necessary.
The sample command at the end uses Start-Process to invoke the following URI, which you could also submit from the Run dialog (WinKey-R), which passes arguments one, two & three, four:
URI: custom:one "two & three" four
Invocation via Start-Process: Start-Process 'custom:one "two & three" four'
Caveat: If you submit this URI via a web browser's address bar (note: doesn't seem to work with Microsoft Edge), it is URI-escaped, and a single one%20%22two%20&%20three%22%20four argument is passed instead, which would require custom parsing; similarly, submitting from File Explorer's address bar passes one%20two%20&%20three%20four, though note that the " chars. are - curiously - lost in the process.
# Determine the scope:
# Set to $false to install machine-wide (for all users)
# Note: Doing so then requires running with ELEVATION.
$currentUserOnly = $true
if (-not $currentUserOnly) {
net session *>$null
if ($LASTEXITCODE) { Throw "You must run this script as administrator (elevated)." }
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# The name of the new protocol scheme
$schemeName = 'custom'
$pwshPathEscaped = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path -replace '\\', '\\'
$handlerScript = ($env:ALLUSERSPROFILE, $env:USERPROFILE)[$currentUserOnly] + "\${schemeName}UriHandler.ps1"
$handlerScriptEscaped = $handlerScript -replace '\\', '\\'
# Create the protocol handler script.
# Remove the protocol scheme name from the 1st argument.
$argArray = $args.Clone()
$argArray[0] = $argArray[0] -replace '^[^:]+:'
# If the 1st argument is now empty, remove it.
if ('' -eq $argArray[0]) { $argArray = $argArray[1..($argArray.Count-1)] }
"Received $($argArray.Count) argument(s)."
$i = 0
foreach ($arg in $argArray) {
"#$((++$i)): [$arg]"
'# > $handlerScript
# Construct a temp. *.reg file.
# Target the scope-appropriate root registrykey.
$rootKey = ('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes')[$currentUserOnly]
# Determine a temp. file path.
$tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + '.reg'
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"URL Protocol"=""
; === Tweak the PowerShell command line here: ===
#="\"$pwshPathEscaped\" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NoExit -File \"$handlerScriptEscaped\" %1"
"# > $tempFile
# Import the *.reg file into the registry.
& {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
reg.exe import $tempFile 2>$null
if ($LASTEXITCODE) { Throw "Importing with reg.exe failed: $tempFile"}
# Remove the temp. *.reg file.
Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore -LiteralPath $tempFile
# ---
# Sample invocation of the new protocol with 3 arguments:
$uri = "$schemeName`:one `"two & three`" four"
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Invoking the following URI: $uri"
Start-Process $uri


How to set Rust's cargo directory in windows PATH?

I want unnatended install of rust, so I did this little script:
Write-Host "Installing Rust..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
$exePath = "$env:TEMP\rustup-init.exe"
Write-Host "Downloading..."
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $exePath)
Write-Host "Installing..."
cmd /c start /wait $exePath -y
Remove-Item $exePath
$addPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\.cargo\bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $env:PATH, $addPath)
but I get
virtualbox-iso: Cannot convert argument "target", with value: "C:\Users\vagrant\.cargo\bin", for "SetEnvironmentVariable" to type
virtualbox-iso: "System.EnvironmentVariableTarget": "Cannot convert value "C:\Users\vagrant\.cargo\bin" to type
virtualbox-iso: "System.EnvironmentVariableTarget". Error: "Unable to match the identifier name C:\Users\vagrant\.cargo\bin to a valid
it looks like a text cannot be converted to a PATH type? What does it mean?
The immediate solution to your problem is that you need to call [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable() as follows:
# Modify the user-level PATH definition.
# To modify the machine-level definition, use 'Machine' instead of user 'User',
# but you then need to run with ELEVATION (as admin).
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', ($env:PATH + ";$addPath"), 'User')
That is, as Herohtar points out, the method expects only a complete, new value, as the second parameter, and its third parameter specifies the target scope for the persistent, registry-based environment-variable definition.
The process-level $env:PATH value is a composite value of the machine-level and user-level definitions in the registry, so with the command above you're in effect duplicating entries from the respective other scope.
Additionally, redefining the variable this way replaces any entries in the value that are defined in terms of other environment variables with the expanded, literal values.
$env:PATH contains expanded values to begin with, but even reading the unexpanded value directly from the registry won't work, because [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable() invariably writes the given string as a REG_SZ value (literal string) rather than as an REG_EXPAND_SZ value (string that may contain %FOO%-style references to other environment variables). Similarly, [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable() only reports expanded values.
A proper solution requires quite a bit of extra work, as discussed in this answer, which contains helper function Add-Path.
A pragmatic shortcut - if you're willing to accept that your registry definitions are converted to literal strings - is the following:
Read the current definition - for the target scope only - from the registry, via [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable()
Add to this scope-specific value and save it back to the same scope.
Additionally, you may want to add the new entry to the in-process definition of $env:PATH so that the change takes immediate effect.
Here is the solution in the context of a streamlined version of your code:
Write-Host "Installing Rust..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
$exePath = "$env:TEMP\rustup-init.exe"
Write-Host "Downloading..."
Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile $exePath
Write-Host "Installing..."
& $exePath -y
Remove-Item $exePath
$addPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\.cargo\bin"
$scope = 'User' # Change to 'Machine', if needed, which then requires ELEVATION.
([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PATH', $scope) + ";$addPath"),
# Also update the current process' definition
$env:PATH += ";$addPath"

How to open installed Microsoft Store apps from powershell?

I'm getting the list of installed Microsoft Store apps with this command:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers
And then I try to open an app:
powershell -Command "Start-Process 'C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2021.21070.22007.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe' -Verb runAs"
I get an access error:
This command cannot be run due to the error: Access is denied.
# Use the URI scheme of the Microsoft.Photos application.
# Note: Unfortunately, -Wait does *not* work in this case.
Start-Process ms-photos:
# Wait for the process to exit (from what I can tell there's only ever 1
# Microsoft.Photos process).
# The relevant process name was obtained with: Get-Process *Photos*
(Get-Process Microsoft.Photos).WaitForExit()
Note: That Start-Process -Wait (and -PassThru) cannot be used with at least some Microsoft Store applications is unfortunate; the problem has been reported in GitHub issue #10996.
Using a URI protocol scheme such as ms-photos: is the simplest approach, although discovering a given Microsoft Store's application's protocol(s) is non-trivial - see this answer, which provides a helper function, Get-AppXUriProtocol, which builds on the standard
Get-AppXPackage cmdlet; e.g.:
# Note:
# * Requires custom function Get-AppXUriProtocol from the linked answer.
# * Must be run in *Windows PowerShell*, because the AppX module
# isn't supported in PowerShell (Core), as of v7.1.
PS> Get-AppXUriProtocol *Photos* | Format-List
PackageFullName : Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2021.21070.22007.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Protocols : {ms-wcrv, ms-wpdrmv, ms-photos,}
As you can see, the Microsoft Photos application has several protocol schemes associated with it, but the obvious candidate for simply launching the application is ms-photos:, which indeed works.
Launching Microsoft Store applications that do not have a URI protocol scheme defined:
If a given application doesn't define a URI protocol scheme, you must - somewhat obscurely - launch it via its AppId (application ID), and the general shell: URI protocol scheme and the virtual AppsFolder shell folder; e.g., to launch Calculator:
Start-Process shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
Finding an application's AppID:
In Windows 10 and above, you can now use the Get-StartApps cmdlet to list all installed AppX applications or search by (part of) their display name, which reports their AppIDs. Thus, if you know an application's full display name, e.g., Photos, you can launch it as follows:
Start-Process "shell:AppsFolder\$((Get-StartApps Photos | Select-Object -First 1).AppId)"
Note: The reason for Select-Object -First 1 is that even specifying the exact display name can result in multiple results, such as for Microsoft Edge.
If you're unsure of the full display name, you can use a substring to find matching applications; e.g.. Get-StartApps edge
In older versions, you must determine the AppID manually, which is quite cumbersome, unfortunately: read on.
The AppID is composed of the family package name (e.g. Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe) followed by ! and a package-internal identifier, which is typically - but not always !App; two notable exceptions:
Spotify requires !Spotify (as you've discovered yourself).
Microsoft Edge uses !MicrosoftEdge (note, however, that Edge does have a URI protocol for lauching, microsoft-edge: and that there's also a simpler AppID, MSEdge, though it doesn't support passing arguments (see below)).
As you have discovered yourself, the suffix is the package-internal application ID, which is defined in an application's manifest file, appxmanifest.xml, located in the app-specific subfolder underneath $env:Programfiles\WindowsApps; note that a manifest can contain multiple application IDs, as is indeed the case for Microsoft Photos:
# Run in *Windows PowerShell*.
# For Microsoft Photos, the following application IDs are reported:
# 'App', 'SecondaryEntry'
$appManifestPath = (Get-AppxPackage *Photos*)[-1].InstallLocation + '\appxmanifest.xml'
Select-Xml '//ns:Application' $appManifestPath `
-Namespace #{ ns='' }
It's fair to assume for launching the application interactively that the first entry must be used, though I'm not clear on whether there are official rules.
To demonstrate the technique using Microsoft Photos:
# Get the package family name (the assumption here is that only *1* package matches).
# Note: While you must run the Get-AppXPackage from *Windows PowerShell*
# you can use the resulting package name to launch the application
# from PowerShell (Core) too.
$packageFamilyName = (Get-AppXPackage *Photos*).PackageFamilyName
Start-Process "shell:AppsFolder\$packageFamilyName!App"
Note that since the executable is then launched indirectly, the actual target process (Microsoft.Photos in this case) isn't guaranteed to exist yet when Start-Process returns, so more work is needed to first wait for it to come into existence, and then wait for it to exit.
In the simplest - but not fully robust - case, insert a Start-Sleep command, to sleep as long as you would expect creation of the target process to take at most (the actual timing varies with system load):
Start-Process "shell:AppsFolder\$packageFamilyName!App"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 # Wait for the Microsoft.Photos process to be created.
(Get-Process Microsoft.Photos).WaitForExit()
A fully robust approach would require more work.
Passing arguments to Microsoft Store applications:
With the general "shell:AppsFolder\$appId" approach, you can seemingly pass argument as usual, via Start-Process' -ArgumentList (-Args) parameter; e.g., with Microsoft Edge (run from Windows PowerShell - if you have an older Edge version, replace !App with `!MicrosoftEdge:
# Starts Microsoft Edge and opens the specified URLs.
# Note: Curiously, this does NOT work with the simpler "MSEdge" AppID.
Start-Process `
shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!MicrosoftEdge `
-Args ''
With the app-specific URI-scheme approach, argument(s) must be passed as part of the URI (-ArgumentList is ignored):
Caveat: It is unclear to me how you can pass multiple arguments and, generally, whether there is a standardized method across applications to embed arguments in the URI.
For instance, Microsoft Edge seems to accept only one argument: the URL of a site to open. Anything after that one URL is seemingly interpreted as a part of that one URL:
# Starts Microsoft Edge an opens the specified URL.
Start-Process 'microsoft-edge:'

Admin vs Non-Admin Mode - Cannot overwrite variable because the variable has been optimized

During some testing today I came across an unexpected issue and I do not understand why it is happening. Below is the code I am using to duplicate the issue. It is only a very small portion of the larger project.
Testing is being cone on Windows 10 Build 1709, if that helps
Both the PS1 File and the BAT File are named the same.
Ways to cause the errors
Running the PS1 File via Right-Click - Run with PowerShell will cause the error
Opening PowerShell ISE in Non-Admin Mode, then opening/running the script will cause the error
Running BAT File as Admin or Non-Admin will cause the error
Ways to avoid the errors
Opening PowerShell ISE in Admin Mode, then opening/running the script will not cause the error
Adding Script: in front of the variables on the last 2 lines of code will not cause the error no matter how the script is executed
Using VSCode, it will work as shown below. Running it in the integrated terminal, it will see it not running as an Admin, it will launch PowerShell.exe outside of VSCode and work without issue
Why do I have Script: in front of the variables in the functions? It was the only way I could get variables set in the functions to be used outside the functions. The other 25 or so variables not listed in this post do not have an issue, however, they are not modified like these two are after they are set.
The Questions
Why, if running the ISE in Admin Mode, it will work?
Why would it not work if it relaunches as an Administrator?
Why does VSCode not care and it works regardless?
Something isn't making sense and I cannot pinpoint it.
Here are the errors
Cannot overwrite variable NetFX3 because the variable has been optimized. Try using the New-Variable or Set-Variable
cmdlet (without any aliases), or dot-source the command that you are using to set the variable.
At C:\Users\a502690530\Desktop\Testing2.ps1:14 char:5
+ [string]$Script:NetFX3 = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (NetFX3:String) [], SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableNotWritableRare
Cannot overwrite variable Power_Plan because the variable has been optimized. Try using the New-Variable or
Set-Variable cmdlet (without any aliases), or dot-source the command that you are using to set the variable.
At C:\Users\a502690530\Desktop\Testing2.ps1:15 char:5
+ [string]$Script:Power_Plan = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : WriteError: (Power_Plan:String) [], SessionStateUnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableNotWritableRare
Here is the code
# Checks if running as an administrator. If not, it will relaunch as an administrator
If (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
$Arguments = "& '" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition + "'"
Start-Process Powershell -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList $Arguments
[string]$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
[string]$BAT_Files = $Root_Path + "BAT_Files\"
Function Set-FilePaths ([string]$BAT_Files_Path) {
# BAT Files Paths (ZIPs only!!!)
[string]$Script:NetFX3 = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
[string]$Script:Power_Plan = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
function Set-Lists {
# List of BAT Files (ZIPs)
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Script:List_Of_BAT_Files = #(
Set-FilePaths `
-BAT_Files_Path $BAT_Files
$NetFX3 = ((Split-Path $NetFX3 -Parent) + "\NetFX3\")
$Power_Plan = ((Split-Path $Power_Plan -Parent) + "\Power_Plan\")
BAT File to launch
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell" /T REG_SZ /V ExecutionPolicy /D Unrestricted /F
Start PowerShell.exe -Command "& '%~dpn0.ps1'"
I have no specific answer, but a pointer:
Your issue sounds like a PowerShell bug related to the DLR (Dynamic Language Runtime), a technology PowerShell uses behind the scenes (since v3); there's at least one open bug report on GitHub that sounds related.
Aside from the workaround you already know of - using scope modifier script consistently - I suggest avoiding variable access across scope boundaries as a general best practice, which should also avoid the problem.
PowerShell is very flexible in what it can return (output) from a function, so it's better to set variables in the caller's scope based on a function's output.
Specifically, I suggest refactoring your code as follows:
Function Get-FilePaths ([string]$BAT_Files_Path) {
# Output the paths as an *array*.
($BAT_Files_Path + ""), ($BAT_Files_Path + "")
# Call the function in the script scope and capture its output in variables.
$List_Of_BAT_Files = Get-FilePaths
# Use a destructuring assignment to store the elements of the array
# in individual variables
$NetFX3, $Power_Plan = $List_Of_BAT_Files
If there are a lot of individual variables to set, you can make the function output a hash table instead, and use the hash table's named entries instead of individual variables (requires PSv3+, due to use of [ordered] to create a hash table with ordered keys):
Function Get-FilePaths ([string]$BAT_Files_Path) {
# Output the paths as a *hash table*, using its
# entries for named access instead of individual variables.
$outHash = [ordered] #{
NetFX3 = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
Power_Plan = $BAT_Files_Path + ""
# Add a 'List' entry that contains all values added above as an array.
# Note the need to use #(...) to force creation of a new array from the
# hash table's value collection.
$outHash.List = #($outHash.Values)
# Output the hash table.
# Call the function in the script scope and capture its output in
# a single variable that receives the hash table.
$hash = Get-FilePaths
# Now you can access the invididual values by name - e.g., $hash.NetFX3 -
# or use $hash.List to get all values.

split an argument and add include the items in url

I'm trying to solve a problem at work, where it's required to access project folders on a shared drive.
However the naming convention is a bit tricky. The URLs on the server start with the static FS\XXX\00 followed by the project number (6 digits long) which is split into pieces of two and between slashes. For example the project folder for project 123456 would look like FS\XXX\00\12\34\56.
What I'm trying to sort out is how to create a .bat file, put it in the environment path and call it with the Run command, so for example I would call the file ex.bat by entering the following sequence in the Run console:
ex 123456
Then the program should split the number, build up and open the following URL:
Any ideas?
%1 is the first parameter. Save it to a variable (%p%) do be able to do substring substitution (see set /?) and build and output the desired string:
#echo off
set p=%1
echo FS\XXX\00\%p:~0,2%\%p:~2,2%\%p:~4,2%
Because powershell was tagged, here's a powershell implementation. Save this as a script in the environment path somewhere:
[string] $ProjectNumber = '123457'
$root = 'FS\XXX\00\'
# Create a string with backslashes every 2 chars
$out = (&{for ($i = 0;$i -lt $ProjectNumber.length;$i += 2)
}}) -join '\'
# Create final path
$path = Join-Path -Path $root -ChildPath "$out\"
# Run explorer with the path
explorer $path
and call from run/cmd like this:
powershell "& "Script.ps1 -ProjectNumber 123456""

Edit js file in postbuild event

I have post build events set up already for copying files for me dependent on ConfigurationName and want to be able to set an "environment variable" in a config (js) file on client side of an angular application to allow debug info to be visible or not dependent upon environment running application in.
To this end I've created a powershell script (ReplaceText.ps1):
function replace-file-content([String] $path, [String] $replace, [String] $replaceWith)
(Get-Content $path) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace $replace,$replaceWith} | Out-File $path
and added this line to the post build event of my web project.
if "$(ConfigurationName)"=="LIVE" (powershell -File "$(ProjectDir)Tools\ReplaceText.ps1" "$(ProjectDir)app\application.config.js" "DEBUG" "LIVE")
which I was hoping to change the word "DEBUG" to "LIVE" when built against LIVE build configuration in my application.config.js file which contains this line:
$provide.constant('currentEnv', 'DEBUG');
Build succeeds but no changes occur on my file. Can anyone identify where I'm going wrong?
I do know I could do this sort of stuff with Gulp or another task runner BTW, but was trying to do it without bringing in another dependency and just use VS post build events & PS. :)
Your PS code only defines a function but there's nothing that invokes it.
Use param as the first statement in the script to convert command line into the script's parameters:
param([String] $path, [String] $replace, [String] $replaceWith)
(Get-Content -literalPath $path -raw) -replace $replace, $replaceWith |
Out-File $path -encoding UTF8
-literalPath - correctly handles paths with [] symbols otherwise interpreted as a wildcard;
-raw - reads the entire file as one string for speedup, available since PowerShell 3.
