JDBC Import into sheets, how to keep leading zeros on fields? - jdbc

I have so much trouble with leading zeros in general. Importing into Sheets using JDBC connection, I haven't figured out a way to keep the zeros. The column types are varchar() for values of varied length, and char() for static length.
In the past with other data I have added a leading ' to values, or chosen to getDisplayValue() to keep them. What would work here?
while (results.next()){
var tmpArr = [];
var rowString = '';
for (var col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
rowString += results.getString(col + 1) + '\t';
tmpArr.push(results.getString(col + 1));
sheet.getRange(3, 1 , valArr.length, numCols).setValues(valArr);
Data Exmaple varchar column:

You are retrieving data into a Google Sheet from a MySQL database table using Jdbc. One of the database columns is formatted as "varchar" and includes some all-numeric values that have one or more leading zeros. When you update the database values to your Google Sheet, the leading zeros are not displayed.
The reason for this is that the all-numeric values are displayed without the leading zeros is that the cells are formatted as Number, Automatic (or otherwise as a number). This means that they are 'interpreted' by Google Sheets as a number and, by default, all leading zeros are dropped.
On the other hand, if the cells are formatted as Number, Plain Text, then the all-numeric values are 'interpreted' as strings, and any leading zeros are retained.
The effect of formatting can be clearly seen in the following images, which also include istext and isnumber formula to confirm how they are interpreted under each format type.
Formatted as Number - Plain Text - treated as strings
Formatted as Number - Automatic - treated as numbers
Formatting on the fly
An alternative to pre-formatting (which wasn't successful in the OP's case) is to set the format as a part of the setValues() method using setNumberFormat
For example:
sheet.getRange(3, 1 , valArr.length, numCols).setNumberFormat('#STRING#').setValues(valArr);
There is a useful discussion of this methid in Format a Google Sheets cell in plaintext via Apps Script


Adding leading Zeros into Day and Month Value

I have a simple table that has a column with a date in this format:
Unfortunately, there are some folks who are working without leading zeros.
Therefore I would like to add a leading zero into the Month and Day element using Power Query to have a common format.
But how? Does someone have any function to share?
Again, not sure why you want to do this, but
Assuming all of the entries are text that looks like dates, you can use the following M-Code:
Split the string on the delimiter
Change each entry in the list to a number
Add 2000 to the last number
Change the numbers back to text with a "00" format
Recombine with the delimiter
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table29"]}[Content],
//set type = Text
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"TextDate", type text}}),
xform = Table.TransformColumns(#"Changed Type",
{"TextDate", each
x = Text.Split(_,"/"),
y = List.Transform(x,each Number.From(_)),
z = List.ReplaceRange(y,2,1, {2000+y{2}}),
a= List.Transform(z,each Number.ToText(_,"00")),
b = Text.Combine(a,"/")
in b})
I am thinking a better solution might be to set up your data entry method so that all dates are entered as dates rather than text

SSRS [Sort Alphanumerically]: How to sort a specific column in a report to be [A-Z] & [ASC]

I have a field set that contains bill numbers and I want to sort them first alphabetically then numerically.
For instance I have a column "Bills" that has the following sequence of bills.
- HB200
- SB60
- HB67
Desired outcome is below
- HB67
- HB200
- SB60
How can I use sorting in SSRS Group Properties to have the field sort from [A-Z] & [1 - 1000....]
This should be doable by adding just 2 separate Sort options in the group properties. To test this, I created a simple dataset using your examples.
CREATE TABLE #temp (Bills VARCHAR(20))
INSERT INTO #temp(Bills)
VALUES ('HB200'),('SB60'),('HB67')
Next, I added a matrix with a single row and a single column for my Bills field with a row group.
In the group properties, my sorting options are set up like this:
So to get this working, my theory was that you needed to isolate the numeric characters from the non-numeric characters and use each in their own sort option. To do this, I used the relatively unknown Regex Replace function in SSRS.
This expression gets only the non-numeric characters and is used in the top sorting option:
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Fields!Bills.Value, "[0-9]", "")
While this expression isolates the numeric characters:
=System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Fields!Bills.Value, "[^0-9]", "")
With these sorting options, my results match what you expect to happen.
In the sort expression for your tablix/table which is displaying the dataset, set the sort to something like:
=IIF(Fields!Bills.Value = "HB67", 1, IIF(Fields!Bills.Value = "HB200", 2, IIF(Fields!Bills.Value = "SB600", 3, 4)))
Then when you sort A-Z, it'll sort by the number given to it in the sort expression.
This is only a solution if you don't have hundreds of values, as this can become quite tedious to create if there's hundreds of possible conditions.

grid filter in foxpro

I have a grid on a form that displays some columns from a dbf table and a textbox.
I want to search the value displayed in the textbox over all columns from a dbf table. Some fields are numeric and other are character
If I want to find a number, should search all record that contain that number in all columns, no matter the column type.
If I want to search a substring should give me all record that contain that substring.
SET FILTER TO ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) $Content or ALLTRIM(val(ThisForm.Text1.Value)) $registrationNumber or ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) $holderNo
Your approach with the "$" wildcard "contains" approach appears to be ok. However, your attempt via allt( val( )) would fail as you cant trim a numeric value, it would have to be pre-converted to a string.
Now, that said, you could shorten your query by just doing a $ against a concatenation of ALL columns something like (assuming your registration number is a numeric field)...
set filter to ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) ;
$ ( Content +"," +str(registrationNumber) +," + holderNo )
if you have dates or date/time fields you could do DTOC( dateField ) or TTOC( dateTimeField). So, by building a single string of all values, you dont have to explicitly repeat the OR condition repeatedly.
You could do something like:
select curGrid
lcRow = transform(field1) + transform(field2) ... + transform(lastfield)
if lcSearchValue $ lcRow
This leverages the fact that transform() will give a string representation of any data type.

Change specific index of string, padding if necessary

I have a string called indicators, that the original developer of this application used to store single characters to indicate certain components of a model. I need to change the 7th character in the string, which I tried to do with the following code:
indicators[6] = "R"
The problem, I discovered quickly, was that the string is not always 7 characters long. For example, I have one set of values with U 2, that I need to convert to U 2 R (adding an additional space after the 2). Is there an easy way to force character count with Ruby?
use String.ljust(integer, padstr=' ')
If integer is greater than the length of [the receiver], returns a new String of
length integer with [the return value] left justified and padded with padstr;
otherwise, returns [an unmodified version of the receiver].
indicators = indicators.ljust(7)
indicators[6] = "R"

Select in ADO (vb6) with a numeric variable

Excuse me, occasionally I refer with some problem that maybe it's already been fixed. In any case, I would appreciate a clarification on vs.
I have a TariffeEstere table with the fields country, Min, Max, tariff
from which to extract the rate for the country concerned, depending on whether the value is between a minimum and a maximum and I should return a single record from which to extract its tariff:
The query is:
stsql = "Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = ' Spain '
and min <= ImpAss and max >= ImpAss"
Where ImpAss is a variable of type double.
When I do
rstariffa.open ststql,.....
the recodset contains a record if e.g. ImpAss = 160 (i.e. an integer without decimals), and then the query works, but if it contains 21,77 ImpAss (Italian format) does not work anymore and gives me a syntax error.
To verify the contents of the query string (stsql) in fact I find:
Select * from QPagEstContanti Where country = 'Spain' and min < = 21,77 and max > = 21,77
in practice the bothering and would like a comma decimal, but do not know how do.
I tried to pass even a
format (ImpAss, "####0.00"),
but the value you found in a stsql is 21,77 always.
How can I fix the problem??
It sounds like the underlying language setting in SQL is expecting '.' decimals instead of ',' decimal notation.
To check this out - run the DBCC useroptions command and see what the 'language' value is set to. If the language is set to English or another '.' decimal notation - it explains why your SQL string is failing with values of double.
If that's the problem, the simplest way to fix it is to insert the following line after your stsql = statement:
  stsql = REPLACE(stsql, ",", ".")
Another way to fix it would be to change the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE for the login using the ALTER LOGIN command (but this changes the setting permanently)
Another way to fix it would be to add this command to the beginning of your stsql, which should change the language for the duration of the rs.Open:
  "SET LANGUAGE Italian;"
