How to get the natural log of a big integer - go

I am trying to convert a string to integer and then to calculate its log.
My first approach was to convert the string using strconv library, but I got an error about the length of the string to be converted.
After that, I used math/big library which worked fine. Now I am not able to apply math.Log()on the resulted big integer.
package main
import (
func main() {
bb := "11948904162160164791281681976941230184120142151411311314211115130161285142991119211447"
bi := big.NewInt(0)
if _, ok := bi.SetString(bb, 10); ok {
} else {
fmt.Printf("error parsing line %#v\n", bb)
cannot use bi (type *big.Int) as type float64 in argument to math.Log

There are very few situations in which you'd need a precision greater than the one provided by the standard float64 type.
But just to satisfy any "midnight crazy ideas" (or even some very in-depth scientific research!) anyone might run into, Rob Pike's implementations of some operations with big floats are probably the best you can get right now with Go. The log function can be found here.


Parsefloat give output in scientific format in golang

i am trying to parse this string "7046260" using Parsefloat function in golang , but i am getting output in scientific format 7.04626e+06. i want the output in the format 7046260. how to get this?
package main
import (
func main() {
Value := "7046260"
Fval, err := strconv.ParseFloat(Value, 64)
if err == nil {
ouput :- 7.04626e+06
Parsefloat give output in scientific format in golang
i am trying to parse this string "7046260" using Parsefloat function in golang , but i am getting output in scientific format 7.04626e+06. i want the output in the format 7046260
You're confusing the floating-point value's (default) formatted output with its internal representation.
ParseFloat is working fine.
You just need to specify an output format:
See the fmt package documentation.
Use Printf to specify a format-string.
Use the format %.0f to instruct Go to print the value as-follows:
% marks the start of a placeholder.
. denotes default width (i.e. don't add leading or trailing zeroes).
0 denotes zero radix precision (i.e. don't print any decimal places, even if the value has them)
f denotes the end of the placeholder, and that the placeholder is for a floating-point value.
I have a few other recommendations:
Local variables in Go should use camelCase, not PascalCase. Go does not encourage the use of snake_case.
You should check err != nil after each nil-returning function returns and either fail-fast (if appropriate), pass the error up (and optionally log it), or handle it gracefully.
When working with floating-point numbers, you should be aware of NaN's special status. The IsNaN function is the only way to correctly check for NaN values (because ( aNaNValue1 == math.NaN ) == false).
The same applies in all languages that implement IEEE-754, including Java, JavaScript, C, C#.NET and Go.
Like so:
package main
import (
func main() {
numberText := "7046260"
numberFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(numberText, 64)
if err != nil {
if math.IsNaN(numberFloat) {
log.Fatal("NaN value encountered")

Declaring types in Go for a sample gonum application

Being an ardent fan of numpy, I was pleased to discover that a library for golang was in progress. I wrote a small test program, based heavily on the documentation, that looks like the following:
package main
import (
func main() {
xs := []float64 {
23.32, 44.32, 100.12, 191.90,
23.22, 90.21, 12.22, 191.21,
1.21, 12.21, 34.23, 91.02,
variance := stat.Variance(xs)
fmt.Printf("Data: %v\n", xs)
stddev := math.Sqrt(variance)
fmt.Printf("Standard deviation: %d\n\n", stddev)
When I attempted to build the program, I noticed the following compiler error:
C:\>go build hello.go
# command-line-arguments
.hello.go:19:30: not enough arguments in call to stat.Variance
have ([]float64)
want ([]float64, []float64)
Any advice would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
stat.Variance expects two parameters of type []float64 of the same length:
func Variance(x, weights []float64) float64
You are missing the weights parameter.
You can pass nil as the second parameter of stat.Variance function if you wants to set all the weights of the random variables to 1.
stat Package Documentation

Generalizing Concurrent Map Function with Empty Interface In GOlang

So I'm super new to Golang and seeing as the big buzz around the language seems to be concurrency I figured a good way to get my toes wet would be to write a generalized map function. In psudo code:
map(F funtion,A array){
return([F(k) for k in A])
And obviously I want the calculations for each F(k) occur concurrently. For organization I have a main file with my implementation and a supporting file Mr with my required definitions.
├── main.go
└── Mr
   └── Mr.go
Main is a simple test implementation which should convert an array of strings to an array of ints where each member of the result is the length of the corresponding string in the input array.
package main
func exfunc(i int, c chan int){
func main(){
data := make(map[int]string)
data[5]="and a few more..."
f := func(w string)int{
testMr := Mr.Map(f,data) // this is line 22 (matters later)
Which works great with my Mr.Map function given that I specify all the types explicitly.
package Mr
type result struct{
key,value int
func wrapper(f func(string) int,k int,v string, c chan result){
c <- result{k,f(v)}
func Map(f func(string) int,m map[int]string) map[int]int{
c := make(chan result)
ret := make(map[int]int)
n := 0
for k := range m{
go wrapper(f,k,m[k],c)
for ;n>0; {
r := <-c
However I was hoping that I would be able to generalize this mapping with the empty interface.
package Mr
type T interface{}
type result struct{
key,value T
func wrapper(f func(T) T,k T,v T, c chan result){
c <- result{k,f(v)}
func Map(f func(T) T,m map[T]T) map[T]T{
c := make(chan result)
ret := make(map[T]T)
n := 0
for k := range m{
go wrapper(f,k,m[k],c)
for ;n>0; {
r := <-c
Unfortunately when I run main with this generalize Mr.Map I get the following error.
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:22: cannot use f (type func(string) int) as type func(Mr.T) Mr.T in argument to Mr.Map
./main.go:22: cannot use data (type map[int]string) as type map[Mr.T]Mr.T in argument to Mr.Map
So yeah, obviously I understand what the errors are telling me but it seems wild that I would have to re-write my Map function for each possible combination of key and value types.
Is there a work around here, or is this just the nature of the beast?
No real workaround there, that's the nature of the beast.
The language was designed after struggling with C++ for some time, and the idea of the creators was simplifying all non-vital things but at the same time make key additions to make the language more expressive.
You can read a bit about their reasoning here, which I believe is quite interesting even if you don't agree with all the decisions they made:
In your example, if you wanted to, you could make your maps and functions use interface{} (which by the way is called the empty interface and not "nil" interface).
But of course you would lose compile-time type checking and would have to add casts all around.
You can also try to find an interface to express the commonalities of the types you want to use (which might not be so easy or even possible at all), and then build your mapping API around that interface.
The philosophy of Go is not compatible with generalized functions such as is the style with popular dynamic languages. To properly inform the compiler of what you are trying to do, you should express your needed map through an interface or simply by writing it for each type you are using it with.
Mapping requires allocating an array, iterating through a collection, and adding to the array some data element for each element in the collection. If you need a map for a slice of structs, as is common in the application layer, you can express this tersely in Go:
Dynamic languages build a "type tree" of "generic" types that allow for terse programming, such as functions like map being called by one symbol over any possible type. This provides a ton of developer productivity because code can be written loosely to allow easy experimentation.
Go is designed for writing semi-permanent software. It performs well because it requires more information to be supplied to the compiler. Map is only about three lines of code, so the cost/benefit of developer productivity v. efficiency lands on the performance side for Go. Functions like map, reduce and filter should be written explicitly as needed.
To evaluate the language, I would encourage you to try to solve a problem with a Go program and see where that takes you.

Using crypto/rand for generating permutations with rand.Perm

Go has two packages for random numbers:
crypto/rand, which provides a way to get random bytes
math/rand, which has a nice algorithm for shuffling ints
I want to use the Perm algorithm from math/rand, but provide it with high-quality random numbers.
Since the two rand packages are part of the same standard library there should be a way to combine them in a way so that crypto/rand provides a good source of random numbers that is used by math/rand.Perm to generate a permutation.
Here (and on the Playground) is the code I wrote to connect these two packages:
package main
import (
cryptoRand "crypto/rand"
mathRand "math/rand"
type cryptoSource struct{}
func (s cryptoSource) Int63() int64 {
bytes := make([]byte, 8, 8)
return int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bytes) >> 1)
func (s cryptoSource) Seed(seed int64) {
func main() {
rnd := mathRand.New(&cryptoSource{})
perm := rnd.Perm(52)
This code works. Ideally I don't want to define the cryptoSource type myself but just stick together the two rand packages so that they work together. So is there a predefined version of this cryptoSource type somewhere?
That's basically what you need to do. It's not often that you need a cryptographically secure source of randomness for the common usage of math/rand, so there's no adaptor provided. You can make the implementation slightly more efficient by allocating the buffer space directly in the value, rather than allocating a new slice on every call. However in the unlikely event that reading the OS random source fails, this will need to panic to prevent returning invalid results.
type cryptoSource [8]byte
func (s *cryptoSource) Int63() int64 {
_, err := cryptoRand.Read(s[:])
if err != nil {
return int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s[:]) & (1<<63 - 1))

Looking for an elegant way to parse an Integer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert string to integer type in Go?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
Right now I am doing the following in order to parse an integer from a string and then convert it to int type:
tmpValue, _ := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64) //returns int64
finalValue = int(tmpValue)
It is quite verbose, and definitely not pretty, since I haven't found a way to do the conversion in the ParseInt call. Is there a nicer way to do that?
It seems that the function strconv.Atoi does what you want, except that it works regardless of the bit size of int (your code seems to assume it's 64 bits wide).
If you have to write that once in your program than I see no problem. If you need at several places you can write a simple specialization wrapper, for example:
func parseInt(s string) (int, error) {
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32) // or 64 on 64bit tip
return int(i), err
The standard library doesn't aim to supply (bloated) APIs for every possible numeric type and/or their combinations.
Don't forget to check for errors. For example,
package main
import (
func main() {
s := "123"
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
