VS Web Deploy - Server name - visual-studio

In Visual Studio 2017 Publish method - web deploy, how do you find the azure Server name to enter on the configuration screen? In the past I used below but it no longer works:

Hello and welcome to Stack Overflow!
Assuming you're trying to publish to an Azure Web App, if you're not sure about what the Server and Site names are, I'd suggest you download the .publishsettings file from the Azure portal using "Get publish profile" option, and import that into VS. Check this section for a detailed walkthrough.
It would usually look something like this:
Or if you have an Azure VM as the publish target, use the Azure Virtual Machines option in the publish wizard to simplify deployment.
Note: The link mentioned in the question is broken. So if you still see issues despite trying the above options, please post a screenshot and we can troubleshoot further.


Deploying VirtoCommerce.Manager to Azure from Visual Studio

I am working with Virto Commerce server 2.4.561 and I'm having a great deal of difficulty successfully publishing to Azure from Visual Studio. Based on the documentation provided, it's not clear to me what the appropriate method is. Most guidance related to Azure assumes that I am using Git deployment. But in this case I am not. I am coding locally on my dev machine and I would like to be able to use web deployment to deploy directly to Azure from Visual Studio. However, the guidance found here seems to suggest that if you want to do your own deployment, you need to use deploy.cmd. I'm not exactly sure why that is. I can only guess that it has something to do with how the modules need to be packaged up.
I am able to run deploy.cmd and it appears to succeed, but I end up with an artifacts folder with 2,000+ files and folders in it and I am left to use old-school FTP to sync all those files up with the Azure website. Is this how it is meant to be done? I have tried to deploy directly from Visual Studio to Azure, and it appears to succeed, but the site does not behave correctly. Specifically, the custom modules I've built don't load correctly.
What is the right way to do this?
There is a way to publish your custom module directly from Visual Studio, but you still need a working Virto Commerce in Azure beforehand, and the easiest way to set it up is to use the Deploy to Azure button in GitHub.
In the Azure portal create a new virtual application /MyModule with
physical path site\wwwroot\admin\Modules\MyModule. It will be used
for publishing a custom module.
Download the source code from GitHub with the same version as you have published to Azure, add your custom module to the solution and build it.
In Visual Studio right-click on your module project and select Publish.
On the Profile screen select Microsoft Azure Web Apps as a publish target and select your Azure Web App.
On the Connection screen select Web Deploy as a publish method and add /Module to the site name. So your site name should look like this: myvc/MyModule.
On the Preview screen click the Start Preview button and make sure the file list contains only files related to your module and the action is Add for each of them.
When you click the Publish button, Visual Studio will upload all module files to the physical directory configured for the virtual application myvc/MyModule. For subsequent publishing it will upload only modified files.
Update: You should restart the Web App via the Azure portal after publishing in order to load the new version of your code into the application. Thanks to N1njaB0b for reminding.

Set Up Continuous Integration From VSO to Azure, but Website does not deploy

I have an azure website that I have successfully linked to a team project in VSO. When I go to the "deployments" tab of this site in azure management, it says:
The team project is linked. Visual Studio Online will build and deploy
your project to Windows Azure on your next check-in.
Below, it gives options to check in from VS2012 or 2010. I am using VS 2013.
In VS, I am able to check in changes and see those changes building in the cloud in the team explorer. My expectation is that after the changes build, they should be auto deployed to the website. This is not happening. I have made several checkins, and none are deployed to the website. It's probably that I have something configured incorrectly, but I'm not sure how to debug this.
In the Build Settings I am using the TFvcContinuousDeploymentTemplate.12.xaml build process template. One thing I did notice is that the under the Deployment Parameters, I noticed that Windows Azure Deployment Environment is empty, but if I try to populate that I'm not sure what to enter for "Web site name" or "Webspace" under the web site radio buttom.
I have followed instructions on these websites to no avail:
How can I check on the status of the deployment? How can I make sure that the project/solution is correctly configured to deploy/publish and not just build?
Some additional info:
To set up the continuous deploy, I goto azure management portal, click websites, open the website in question. Click the Deployments tab. It says "The team project is linked, Visual studio online will build and deploy your project to Windows Azure on your next check in". Under YOUR SERVER is lists the correct visual studio online URL for my source project (https://------.visualstudio.com). This is my first time trying CD. It has not successfully deployed yet, but the build is working. Every time I check in changes, a cloud build is triggered and it is successful.
I'm new to this, so I am likely making some unfounded assumption, but after going through the instructions multiple times I'm not sure what I can be missing.
Thank you!
l19 has the right idea in the comment responding to my post. I needed to specify a Windows Azure Deployment Environment. The website name is the name of the website. Webspace is a bit trickier, and unfortunately the documentation link in visual studio redirects to a not found page. This has to be precise (e.g., "west us" won't work). I was able to figure out the proper string by creating a new project from azure and associating it with vso from the start. In this case, the build definition was correctly configured. I opened the Windows Azure Deployment Environment and saw that the webspace was set to "eastuswebspace", so I used the same string in my real build definition and it worked.

Visual Studio 2010 can't open a web browser, tells me to restart Windows every time

I'm trying to publish an Azure application, but can't sign in using Visual Studio 2010. I get the error message "The web browser cannot be started. To resolve this problem, you must restart Windows."
I've tried both rebooting and making Internet Explorer the default browser, but I still get the error message. This also occurs when clicking on other links (for example "Online Privacy Statement" in the same publish dialog box).
How can I fix this, or alternatively, are there any other easy ways to publish to Azure?
There are several ways to publish to Azure. Depending on your preference, some of them may be easy. Some, not so much.
First of all, are you using a source control? If you're using git, then you can use Azure Git Repository that comes free with Azure Websites and also Azure Cloud Services. So when you push your code to the Azure repository, it automatically publishes the final bits to the corresponding site.
If you're using TFS locally (at home or office), you can set up a build task that'll deploy the bits to Azure. Also, check out TFS Preview if you are comfortable with a Microsoft hosted free TFS server.
If you feel comfortable using FTP, you can get the FTP account details from the Azure portal when you set up a new azure website or a cloud service.
Finally, one of the easiest way to publish to Azure is to use the Publish Profile feature.
You'll find a link called "Download Publish Profile" associated with
your azure website. Click on that to download the profile (an XML
Then right click on your VS project and hit Publish. Under Profile
tab, select "Import" and pick this downloaded file.
It should populate all the details for you. Test your connection to make sure everything works okay.
Publish and ENJOY!
UPDATE: Based on the comment to this answer, adding screenshot to show where to get the FTP details for your azure website.

Azure - Publishing from VStudio

Using VStudio 2010 wizard to set up basic 'Hello World' asp.net web role, works under emulator but when importing publish file from azure management portal get error
'publishsettings does not contain valid publish settings for Windows Azure'.
Have set up web site, storage and cloud service in Azure latest management portal (preview version) so unclear what problem is.
If you are using Windows Azure Websites (Preview) and using Visual Studio Publish wizard for your application you would need to download the publish file from your website located as shows below:
After that you can just use this .publishsettings file in VS Publish wizard and there not even a single click needed and your website will be published.
Please see my latest blog: Deploying Windows Azure Website using Visual Studio Web Publish wizard
I had the same issue.
Seems like the publishsettings files related to specific sites/services/apps are always rejected.
The solution seems to be to get a publishsettings file for your entire Azure account instead, and after that you're able to access your sites/services/apps or create new ones and publish to them.
This is performed using the following steps:
. Right click the project in VS10 and open 'Publish...' (the Azure
publish settings)
. Go to the Summary tab. Here you are able to download a publish settings file related to your Azure account. This file is named something like 'three month free evaluation period 1-1-2013-credentials.publishsettings' rather than the publish settings file for a particular site, which would be named somethiung like 'mysite.azurewebsites.net.publishsettings'. Import that file - it will work!
3. Now go to the settings tab. Here you can select a cloud service (select existing or you can create a new one) and assign some settings.
. When the configuration is complete and you've clicked the Next button, VS10 will start deploying your project to the selected service. This is displayed in the 'Windows Azure Activity Log' output window in VS10.

How to configure a published package as a website in IIS

I want to auto publish the sites using teamcity. I am using teamcity's Visual studio to publish a website. It creates a pre-compiled web directory as following
D:\publish\PrecompiledWeb\Books in the checkout directory.
Now I need to use it with IIS. If I point the IIS to that directory It gives the following error
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.
Any Idea what I am doing wrong.
I'm not entirely clear on the steps you're taking from your question, but it looks like your ultimate goal is to use TeamCity to create a deployable package and publish that to IIS. Your best bet is to do this using WebDeploy and fire it off from a Visual Studio build runner in TeamCity with appropriate parameters. There's a step-by-step guide to doing this in the You're deploying it wrong series.
