How to write a recursive factorial function in Ruby? - ruby

I just want some help with how to write a recursive factorial function in Ruby. I have the following code which is lisp, but I want to do the same thing in Ruby.
(defun factorial (N)
(if (= N 1) 1
(* N (factorial (- N 1)))))

Here's how to write the your code in ruby:
def factorial(n)
return 1 if n == 1
n * factorial(n - 1)
#=> 120
#=> 5040
Edit for Stefan's comment:
To avoid a SystemStackError error with large values of n, use the tail-recursive method. Also Ruby's tailcall optimization must be enabled.
# before edit
#=> stack level too deep (SystemStackError)
To avoid SystemStackError
RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option = {
tailcall_optimization: true,
trace_instruction: false
def factorial(n, acc = 1)
return acc if n == 1
factorial(n - 1, n * acc)
puts factorial(100_000).to_s.size
#=> 456574
Resource 1
Resource 2


Iterative tree calculation in scheme

I'm trying to implement a function defined as such:
f(n) = n if n < 4
f(n) = f(n - 1) + 2f(n - 2) + 3f(n - 3) + 4f(n - 4) if n >= 4
The iterative way to do this would be to start at the bottom until I hit n, so if n = 6:
f(4) = (3) + 2(2) + 3(1) + 4(0) | 10
f(5) = f(4) + 2(3) + 3(2) + 4(1) | 10 + 16 = 26
f(6) = f(5) + 2f(4) + 3(3) + 4(2) | 26 + 2(10) + 17 = 63
Implementation attempt:
; m1...m4 | The results of the previous calculations (eg. f(n-1), f(n-2), etc.)
; result | The result thus far
; counter | The current iteration of the loop--starts at 4 and ends at n
(define (fourf-iter n)
(cond [(< n 4) n]
(define (helper m1 m2 m3 m4 result counter)
(cond [(= counter n) result]
[(helper result m1 m2 m3 (+ result m1 (* 2 m2) (* 3 m3) (* 4 m4)) (+ counter 1))]))
(helper 3 2 1 0 10 4)]))
Several problems:
The returned result is one iteration less than what it's supposed to be, because the actual calculations don't take place until the recursive call
Instead of using the defined algorithm to calculate f(4), I'm just putting it right in there that f(4) = 10
Ideally I want to start result at 0 and counter at 3 so that the calculations are applied to m1 through m4 (and so that f(4) will actually be calculated out instead of being preset), but then 0 gets used for m1 in the next iteration when it should be the result of f(4) instead (10)
tl;dr either the result calculation is delayed, or the result itself is delayed. How can I write this properly?
I think the appropriately "Scheme-ish" way to write a function that's defined recursively like that is to use memoization. If a function f is memoized, then when you call f(4) first it looks up 4 in a key-value table and if it finds it, returns the stored value. Otherwise, it simply calculates normally and then stores whatever it calculates in the table. Therefore, f will never evaluate the same computation twice. This is similar to the pattern of making an array of size n and filling in values starting from 0, building up a solution for n. That method is called dynamic programming, and memoization and dynamic programming are really different ways of looking at the same optimization strategy - avoiding computing the same thing twice. Here's a simple Racket function memo that takes a function and returns a memoized version of it:
(define (memo f)
(let ([table (make-hash)])
(lambda args
(hash-ref! table
(thunk (apply f args))))))
Now, we can write your function f recursively without having to worry about the performance problems of ever calculating the same result twice, thus going from an exponential time algorithm down to a linear one while keeping the implementation straightforward:
(define f
(lambda (n)
(if (< n 4)
(+ (f (- n 1))
(* 2 (f (- n 2)))
(* 3 (f (- n 3)))
(* 4 (f (- n 4))))))))
Note that as long as the function f exists, it will keep in memory a table containing the result of every time it's ever been called.
If you want a properly tail-recursive solution, your best approach is probably to use the named let construct. If you do (let name ([id val] ...) body ...) then calling (name val ...) anywhere in body ... will jump back to the beginning of the let with the new values val ... for the bindings. An example:
(define (display-n string n)
(let loop ([i 0])
(when (< i n)
(display string)
(loop (add1 i)))))
Using this makes a tail-recursive solution for your problem much less wordy than defining a helper function and calling it:
(define (f n)
(if (< n 4)
(let loop ([a 3] [b 2] [c 1] [d 0] [i 4])
(if (<= i n)
(loop (fn+1 a b c d) a b c (add1 i))
(define (fn+1 a b c d)
(+ a (* 2 b) (* 3 c) (* 4 d)))
This version of the function keeps track of four values for f, then uses them to compute the next value and ditches the oldest value. This builds up a solution while only keeping four values in memory, and it doesn't keep a huge table stored between calls. The fn+1 helper function is for combining the four previous results of the function into the next result, it's just there for readability. This might be a function to use if you want to optimize for memory usage. Using the memoized version has two advantages however:
The memoized version is much easier to understand, the recursive logic is preserved.
The memoized version stores results between calls, so if you call f(10) and then f(4), the second call will only be a table lookup in constant time because calling f(10) stored all the results for calling f with n from 0 to 10.

Implementing Radix Sort in SML

I am trying to implement radix sort in SML via a series of helper functions. The helper function I am having trouble with is called sort_nth_digit, it takes a digit place to be sorted by and a list to sort (n and L respectively). The way I am doing this is to find the first two elements of the list (for now we can assume there are at least 3), compare them by digit n, then concatenating them back onto the list in the proper order. The list should be sorted in ascending order. Now, the problem: The function compiles but I get the following:
HW4.sml:40.5-44.30 Warning: match nonexhaustive
(0,L) => ...
(n,nil) => ...
(n,a :: b :: L) => ...
val sort_nth_digit = fn : int -> int list -> int list
Additionally, when you pass arguments, you don't get an answer back which I believe indicates infinite recursion?
Q:How is the match nonexhaustive and why am I recursing infinitely:
fun sort_nth_digit 0 L = []
| sort_nth_digit n [] = []
| sort_nth_digit n (a::b::L) = if ((nth_digit a n) < (nth_digit b n)) then a::b::(sort_nth_digit n L)
b::a::(sort_nth_digit n L)
Thanks for the help in advance! (*My first post on stackoverflow ^.^ *)
Nonexhasutive match fix:
fun sort_nth_digit 0 L = []
| sort_nth_digit n [] = []
| sort_nth_digit n (a::[]) = a::[]
| sort_nth_digit n (a::b::L) = if ((nth_digit a n) < (nth_digit b n)) then a::b::(sort_nth_digit n L)
b::a::(sort_nth_digit n L)
Input that results in no output, console just sits at this line:
- sort_nth_digit 1 [333,222,444,555,666,444,333,222,999];
Code for nth_digit & anonymous helper pow:
fun nth_digit x 0 = 0
| nth_digit x n = if (num_digits x) < n then 0
fun pow x 1 = x
| pow x y= x * pow x (y-1)
(*Finding the nth digit of x: ((x - x div 10^n) * 10^n div 10^n-1))*)
(x - ((x div pow 10 n) * pow 10 n)) div (pow 10 (n-1)) (*Me*)
If anyone thinks it would be useful to have access to the rest of my code I can provide it via github as an eclipse project (you can just pull the .sml file if you don't have eclipse set up for sml)
The match is not exhaustive because it does not cover the case of a list with only one element (and inductively, any list with an odd number of elements).
I'm not sure what you mean by "not getting an answer". This function does not diverge (recurse infinitely), unless your nth_digit helper does. Instead, you should get a Match exception when you feed it a list with odd length, because of the above.

How to count number of digits?

(CountDigits n) takes a positive integer n, and returns the number of digits it contains. e.g.,
(CountDigits 1) → 1
(CountDigits 10) → 2
(CountDigits 100) → 3
(CountDigits 1000) → 4
(CountDigits 65536) → 5
I think I'm supposed to use the remainder of the number and something else but other then that im really lost. what i tried first was dividing the number by 10 then seeing if the number was less then 1. if it was then it has 1 digit. if it doesnt then divide by 100 and so on and so forth. but im not really sure how to extend that to any number so i scrapped that idea
(define (num-digits number digit)
(if (= number digit 0)
Stumbled across this and had to provide the log-based answer:
(define (length n)
(+ 1 (floor (/ (log n) (log 10))))
Edit for clarity: This is an O(1) solution that doesn't use recursion. For example, given
(define (fact n)
[(= n 1) 1]
[else (* n (fact (- n 1)))]
(define (length n)
(+ 1 (floor (/ (log n) (log 10))))
Running (time (length (fact 10000))) produces
cpu time: 78 real time: 79 gc time: 47
Indicating that 10000! produces an answer consisting of 35660 digits.
After some discussion in the comments, we figured out how to take a number n with x digits and to get a number with x-1 digits: divide by 10 (using integer division, i.e., we ignore the remainder). We can check whether a number only has one digit by checking whether it's less than 10. Now we just need a way to express the total number of digits in a number as a (recursive) function. There are two cases:
(base case) a number n less than 10 has 1 digit. So CountDigits(n) = 1.
(recursive case) a number n greater than 10 has CountDigits(n) = 1+CountDigits(n/10).
Now it's just a matter of coding this up. This sounds like homework, so I don't want to give everything away. You'll still need to figure out how to write the condition "n < 10" in Scheme, as well as "n/10" (just the quotient part), but the general structure is:
(define (CountDigits n) ; 1
(if [n is less than 10] ; 2
1 ; 3
(+ 1 (CountDigits [n divided by 10])))) ; 4
An explanation of those lines, one at a time:
(define (CountDigits n) begins the definition of a function called CountDigits that's called like (CountDigits n).
In Racket, if is used to evaluate one expression, called the test, or the condition, and then to evaluate and return the value of one of the two remaining expressions. (if test X Y) evaluates test, and if test produces true, then X is evaluated and the result is returned, but otherwise Y is evaluated and the result is returned.
1 is the value that you want to return when n is less than 10 (the base case above).
1+CountDigits(n/10) is the value that you want to return otherwise, and in Racket (and Scheme, and Lisp in general) it's written as (+ 1 (CountDigits [n divided by 10])).
It will be a good idea to familiarize with the style of the Racket documentation, so I will point you to the appropriate chapter: 3.2.2 Generic Numerics. The functions you'll need should be in there, and the documentation should provide enough examples for you to figure out how to write the missing bits.
I know this is old but for future reference to anyone who finds this personally I'd write it like this:
(define (count-digits n acc)
(if (< n 10)
(+ acc 1)
(count-digits (/ n 10) (+ acc 1))))
The difference being that this one is tail-recursive and will essentially be equivalent to an iterative function(and internally Racket's iterative forms actually exploit this fact.)
Using trace illustrates the difference:
(count-digits-taylor 5000000)
>(count-digits-taylor 5000000)
> (count-digits-taylor 500000)
> >(count-digits-taylor 50000)
> > (count-digits-taylor 5000)
> > >(count-digits-taylor 500)
> > > (count-digits-taylor 50)
> > > >(count-digits-taylor 5)
< < < <1
< < < 2
< < <3
< < 4
< <5
< 6
(count-digits 5000000 0)
>(count-digits 5000000 0)
>(count-digits 500000 1)
>(count-digits 50000 2)
>(count-digits 5000 3)
>(count-digits 500 4)
>(count-digits 50 5)
>(count-digits 5 6)
For this exercise this doesn't matter much, but it's a good style to learn. And of course since the original post asks for a function called CountDigits which only takes one argument (n) you'd just add:
(define (CountDigits n)
(count-digits n 0))

Ruby recursion issue

I wonder why the first approach to factorial does not work (infinite loop) in ruby while the second does.
def fac (x)
if x == 0
return 1
return (fac (x-1) * x)
def fact( num )
return 1 if num == 0
fact(num - 1) * num
The difference is the space after the method name, not the way you structured your if-else.
fac (x-1) * x is parsed as fac((x-1) * x). Basically if a method name is followed by a space (or any token that is not an opening parenthesis), ruby assumes you're calling the method without parentheses. So it interprets the parentheses around x-1 as grouping, not a part of the method call syntax.

Closures in Ruby

I'm having a little trouble with closures and I'd like to know what
the equivalent code for the canonical make-adder procedure would be in
In scheme it would be like:
(define (make-adder n)
(lambda (x) (+ x n))
It's actually very close...
def make_addr n
lambda { |x| x + n }
t = make_addr 100 1
In 1.9 you can use...
def make_addr n
->(x) { x + n }
One difference is that while Scheme has only one kind of procedure, Ruby has four. Most of the time, they behave similarly enough to your standard lambda, but you should try to understand all the details in depth.
Here's another way to do it in 1.9:
make_adder = -> n, x { n + x }
hundred_adder = make_adder.curry[100]
hundred_adder[4] # => 104
Here is a pretty nice screen-cast explaining blocks and closures in Ruby:
