Elasticsearch delete By Query not completing deletes - elasticsearch

I need to delete a large number of documents in a 5.5 Elasticsearch cluster. I know the optimal way to do this is to rebuild the cluster without the intended documents, but that's not possible in our case. I run the following query that deletes documents from a subset of the indexes in the cluster:
GET myindex_1*/doc_type/_delete_by_query
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"terms": {
"typeCode": [
"must": [
"range": {
"createdDateUTC": {
"lt": "2017-10-28"
It starts deleting documents for a couple of hours but then just stops and I have to kick it off again. Any ideas why it stops running the delete query?
Just a note, I'm using Kibana to run the query and the request times out on the client side when though I can see it continues deleting on the backend.

From here:
By default _delete_by_query uses scroll batches of 1000. You can change the batch size with the scroll_size URL parameter:
POST twitter/_delete_by_query?scroll_size=5000
"query": {
"term": {
"user": "kimchy"
You can find more information here about batching and batch sizes here:
batches and requests_per_second in ElasticSearch Delete By Query API
And since you'll need to scroll through one to many batches to delete all of the documents found by your query, you can find more information about scrolling here:


How to correctly denormalize one-to-many indexes coming from multiple sources

How can I restructure below elastic indexes to be able to search for registrations that had certain mailing events?
In our application we have the Profile entity which can have one to multiple Registration entities.
The registrations index is used in the majority of searches and contains the data we want to return.
Then we have multiple *Events indexes that contain events that relate to profiles.
A simplified version would look like this:
- RegistrationId
- ProfileId
- Location
- ProfileId
- Template
- Actions
A simplified search might be: all the registrations in a certain location with any mailevent action for templates starting with "Solar".
Joining like in a classical RDB is an anti-pattern in elastic Db.
We are considering de-normalizing by adding all the various events for profiles to the registrations index? This wil result in an explosion of data in the registrations index.
Nested objects are also bad for searching, so we should somehow make them into arrays. But how?
We have 100's of rows in the events for every related row in registration. The change rates on the event indexes is way higher then the ones on the registration index.
We are considering doing two requests. One for all the *Events indexes, gathering all the profileIds, unique-ing them, then doing one for the registration part with the result of the first one.
It feels wrong and introduces complicated edge cases where there are more results then the max returned rows in the first request or max Terms values in the second.
By searching around I see many people struggling with this and looking for a way to do join queries.
It feels like de-normalizing is the way to go, but what would be the recommended approach?
What other approaches am I missing?
One approach to consider is using Elasticsearch's parent-child relationship, which allows for denormalization in a way that makes it efficient for search. With parent-child, you would make the Registrations index the parent and the MailEvents index the child. This would allow you to store all the MailEvents data directly under each Registration document and would allow for efficient search and retrieval.
Additionally, you could consider using the has_child query to find all Registrations documents that have a certain MailEvent criteria. For example, to find all Registrations with a MailEvent action for templates starting with "Solar", you could write a query like this:
GET /registrations/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"Location": "some_location"
"has_child": {
"type": "mailevents",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"prefix": {
"Template": "Solar"
"exists": {
"field": "Actions"
This approach would give you the best of both worlds - you'd have denormalized data that's efficient for search and retrieval, while also avoiding the complexities of multiple requests and potential edge cases.
Another approach is to use Elasticsearch's aggregation feature. In this approach, you would perform a single search query on the Registrations index, filtered by the desired location. Then, you would use the ProfileId field to aggregate the data and retrieve the related MailEvents information. You can achieve this by using a nested aggregation, where you group by ProfileId and retrieve the relevant MailEvents data for each profile.
Here's an example query that performs this aggregation:
GET /registrations/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"term": {
"Location": "some_location"
"aggs": {
"profiles": {
"terms": {
"field": "ProfileId"
"aggs": {
"mail_events": {
"nested": {
"path": "MailEvents"
"aggs": {
"filtered_mail_events": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"prefix": {
"MailEvents.Template": "Solar"
"exists": {
"field": "MailEvents.Actions"
"aggs": {
"actions": {
"terms": {
"field": "MailEvents.Actions"
This query will return the Registrations documents that match the desired location, and also provide aggregated information about the related MailEvents data. You can further manipulate the aggregated data to get the information that you need.
Note that this approach can be more complex than the parent-child relationship approach and may have performance implications if your data is large and complex. However, it may be a good solution if you need to perform complex aggregations on the MailEvents data.
As far as I know, the Elasticsearch aggregation function might be another way to do this. You can run search across multiple indices and aggregate the list of profileId from MailEvents and use them to filter Registrations.

Advanced kibana / elasticsearch devtools queries

I'm querying my index in the following way:
I want to get data on a list of values, so I run it multiple times:
Additionally, I want to check if the key exists. These options are available in the Discover window, but here I don't know how to access them...
What I eventually want: Query a specific index [I] and count (and, if possible, get advanced stats such as size of the total docs searched) all docs with specific key [K] existing, or having a value out of list of values (and, if possible, do that with regex). Added to that, I want the search / count to be between specific dates. I know how to do so in the Discover window, but Discover have 2 problems:
Gives the actual doc (too heavy, I only want size and count)
Involves GUI
To summarize, I have a few difficulties:
How to add size to the DevToools' count
How to count / search up to one month past
How to find if a key exists (e.g. GET I/_count?K:exists ?)
How to find if value is one of list of allowed values (e.g. GET I/_count?K=x || K=y || K2=z
How to describe value in regex (e.g. GET I/_count?K=abc*)
After count / search is done, how to delete said docs (Just replace GET with DELETE?)
This should get you started:
GET INDEX/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"dateField": {
"gte": "now-1M"
"bool": {
"filter": {
"exists": {
"field": "K"
"query_string": {
"query": "K:(x OR y) OR K2:z"
"regexp": {
"K": "abc*"
Alternatively, you can switch must to should, thereby matching either of those subqueries.
After this, replace _search with _delete_by_query and you're good to go.

Elastic search wildcard query crashes cluster

I run the query below on a large elastic search cluster. The cluster bcomes unresponsive
"size": 10000,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"regexp": {
"message": {
"value": ".*exception.*"
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"beat.hostname": "ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx"
"range": {
"#timestamp": {
"lt": 1518459660000,
"format": "epoch_millis",
"gte": 1518459600000
When I remove the wildcarded .*exception.* and replace it with any non wildcarded string like xyz it returns fast. Though the query uses a wildcarded expression, it also looks for a small time range and a specific host. I would think this is a very simple query. Any reason why elasticsearch server can't handle this query? The cluster has 10 nodes and 20 TB of data.
See the documentation for Regexp Query. It clearly states the following:
Note: The performance of a regexp query heavily depends on the regular
expression chosen. Matching everything like .* is very slow
What would be ideal is to change the text analysis on the message field with a WordDelimiterTokenFilter and set split_on_case_change to true. Then something like NullPointerException will get indexed as three separate tokens [Null, Pointer, Exception]. This can help you search on exception without using a regex. Caveat is you need to reindex all your documents.
Another quick thing to try might be to keep your filter conditions on the hostname and timestamp in a filter context, which will prefilter documents before running your regexp query. This may be a short-term solution for you until you fix the text analysis.

How to get only x results from elastic and then stop searching?

My whole index is about 700M docs, this query:
"query": {
"term": {
"size": 10
applies to ca 5M docs. "Some_field" is indexed, not analysed.
Query takes ca 1s on average hetzner. Too slow :) I don't care about pagination or sorting or scoring. I just want 10 first "random" matching docs.
Is there the way to do it with disabled score, in the "mysql way"?
filter or constant_score do not help
If you go with filters, that will remove the score computation and should provide faster query speeds:
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"size": 10
If that's still too slow, you could consider using document routing, but it may not be a viable option for you as you might have just 1 shard or very few terms for SOME_FIELD.
I also suggest you go over the production deployment document by Elastic, it gives you an overview on how to configure your cluster optimally and can also produce some serious performance boost in case you currently have a misconfigured cluster, i.e. running on a strong machine but keeping the default ES_HEAP_SIZE value.
The option i was looking for is "terminate_after". Unfortunately it is not "very well" documemented, see:
so, my query looks like this:
"query": {
"term": {
"size": 10,
"terminate_after": 10
Don't use "10" instead of 10. Elastic does not cast it to integer and ignores the parameter

Performance of elastic queries

This query takes 200+ ms every time it is executed:
"filter": {
"term": {
"id": "123456",
"_cache": true
but this one only takes 2-3 ms every time it is executed after the first query:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"term": {
"id": "123456"
Note the same ID values in both queries. Looks like the second query uses cached results from the first query. But why the first query cannot use the cached results itself? Removing "_cache" : true from the first query doesn't change anything.
And when I execute the second query with some other ID, it takes ~ 40 ms to execute it for the first time and 2-3 ms every time after that. So the second query not only works faster but it also caches the results and uses the cache for subsequent calls.
Is there an explanation for all this?
The top-level filter element in the first request has very special function in Elasticsearch. It's used to filter search result without affecting facets. In order to avoid interfering with facets, this filter is applied during collection of results and not during searching, which causes its slow performance. Using top-level filter without facets makes very little sense because filtered and constant_score queries typically provide much better performance. If verbosity of filtered query with match_all bothers you, you can rewrite your second request into equivalent constant_score query:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"term": {
"id": "123456"
