Powershell script to list all open Explorer windows - windows

This question shows a Powershell script to generate a list of open File Explorer windows and their path.
My goal is to capture the currently open set of explorer windows, and write out a CMD file with commands like: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /e, "C:\open\this\folder"
So I would like to have the full path and folder name in normal path notation. This is what is showing in titlebar of the Explorer Windows: "C:\open\this\Favorite folder"
The proposed code is:
function Get-WindowTitle($handle) {
Get-Process |
Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -eq $handle } |
Select-Object -Expand MainWindowTitle
$app = New-Object -COM 'Shell.Application'
$app.Windows() |
Select-Object LocationURL, #{n='Title';e={Get-WindowTitle $_.HWND}}
As shown above, LocationURL provides a full path in an escaped-URL style:
The #{n='Title';e={Get-WindowTitle $_.HWND}} component produces a column "Title" which is truncated to 5 characters:
The full output for one explorer window looks like:
LocationURL Title
----------- -----
file:///C:/open/this/Favorite%20%folder C:...
I found I could avoid the truncation by padding the string 'Title' with many spaces. That string's width seems to determine the maximum width of the output.
Still, I observe that only about 60% of the open explorer windows list a path. The rest are just a blank line.
I tried "$app.Windows() | Select-Object LocationName", but the output only contains the Explorer folder name only, not the full path and folder that is displayed in the Explorer title.
Another mystery is why the script runs so slowly. If I have 10 explorer windows open, the script runs for 30 seconds, taking about 3 seconds per path.
For this script:
function Get-WindowTitle($handle) {
Get-Process |
Where-Object { $_.MainWindowHandle -eq $handle } |
Select-Object -Expand MainWindowTitle
$app = New-Object -COM 'Shell.Application'
$app.Windows() |
Select-Object LocationName,#{n=' ------------Title---------------- ';e={Get-WindowTitle $_.HWND}}
This is the output (with some redacting with *** for privacy)
PS C:\E***> .\OpenExplorer.ps1
LocationName ------------Title----------------
------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019 Priv...
2019-10-3... C:\E\Event Presentations\2019-10-31 Priv**********bcast
E C:\E
5G Brief ... C:\E\Tech************ing\5G Brief (2018)
36 Series...
2019 DE* ... C:\E\16*****N\2019 DE*******************
Newsletters C:\E\Newsletters
Reports C:\E\Tech************ing\Reports
2019-10-2... C:\E\16**********s\2019-10-29 *********************
2019-11 C:\Data\Docs\Stand*********24\2019-11
Financial... C:\E\Financ************
Expenses C:\E\Internal\Expenses
E C:\E

I assume what you're really interested is the local filesystem paths of the open Explorer windows, not necessarily the window titles (which aren't guaranteed to reflect the full paths).
Somewhat obscurely, the window objects returned by the .Windows() method contain the local path representation in their .Document.Folder.Self.Path property.
(New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application').Windows() | ForEach-Object {
$localPath = $_.Document.Folder.Self.Path
"C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /e, `"$localPath`""
The above produces output such as:
C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /e, "C:\Users\jdoe"
C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /e, "C:\Program Files"
You can output this to a batch file file as needed, e.g. by appending | Set-Content file.cmd to the above command.
Note: The windows are listed in the order in which they were created, so you cannot infer which among them was most recently activated. See this answer for a solution that finds the topmost File Explorer window and determines the path shown in it.
I found I could avoid the truncation
The truncation is just a display artifact - the data is still there.
You can make the data visible in one of two ways:
pipe to Format-Table -AutoSize to make sure that column values aren't truncated, space permitting
pipe to Format-List, which will show each property on its own line (line-wrapping overly long values).


Trying to write a powershell script that shows all locked files with computer names instead of IP address

The task given was to create a way for our staff to see who has the file open that they want to use, as Windows says it is either locked and doesn't name the person who has it locked, or it displays the person who made the file but not the person who currently has it open.
I can look it up in Computer Management on the fileserver, but were are hoping to speed up this for the end users.
I've written this powershell script on our fileserver and it works perfectly, I have this running every 5 minutes in Task Scheduler with administrative permissions:
get-smbopenfile -ClientUserName * |select clientcomputername,clientusername,path | Out-File -Encoding utf8 "S:\LockedFiles.txt" -width 300
The output looks like this:
clientcomputername clientusername path
------------------ -------------- ----
What I really want to do now is get the computer name rather than the IP address, just in case staff are logged into multiple machines at the same time.
I wondered if ClusterNodeName or PSComputerName would provide this, but the returned data is always blank.
I thought about this and below is one option (the first line is pseudocode), but as I see it that would mean recursively altering the piped data or reading in piped data, which I'm not even sure how to do.
$ipaddress = IPADDRESS
$Workstation = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($ipaddress)
Write-Host $Workstation.HostName
Anyone have any ideas on how I can do this? Is there a better way?
I assume you're looking to add a new property to your output object that has the resolved DNS Name from the IP Address found in the ClientComputerName property. For this you use Resolve-DnsName to attempt the name resolution and a Try Catch in case it fails to capture the exception message. For the export I would recommend you to use Export-Csv.
Get-SmbOpenFile -ClientUserName * | ForEach-Object {
$dnsName = try {
(Resolve-DnsName $_.ClientComputerName -ErrorAction Stop).NameHost
catch {
ClientIpAddress = $_.ClientComputerName
ResolvedHostName = $dnsName
ClientUserName = $_.ClientUserName
Path = $_.Path
} | Export-Csv "S:\LockedFiles.csv" -Encoding utf8 -NoTypeInformation

Powershell - Checking # of files in a folder across a domain

So I'm trying to count the number of font files (that have different extensions) inside the local font folder of every computer in my domain at work to verify which computers have an up to date font installation using powershell.
So far I have
Write-Host ( Get-ChildItem c:\MyFolder | Measure-Object ).Count;
as a means of counting the files, I'm just at a loss on how exactly to replicate this and get a output that indicates the file count for the path for every computer on my domain (the file path is all the same for each)
How should I best proceed?
You will have to run the command against every computer. Assuming you have some sort of domain admin privelege and can access admin shares on all computers, you can use the c$ share.
The code below takes a list of computers in a single column CSV with no headers and runs the command against the admin share on each
$computers = Import-Csv -Path C:\computers.csv -Header Computer;
foreach($c in $computers)
Write-Host (Get-ChildItem "\\$($c.Computer)\c$\MyFolder" | Measure-Object).Count;

How to get Paths to all executables from Get-ChildItem

I am currently trying to get a list of all installed applications and would like to build a feature that can launch those.
I'm using these PowerShell commands:
gci HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | % { Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath } | Select DisplayName,InstallLocation
gci HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\* | % { Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath } | Select DisplayName,InstallLocation
in conjunction with ConvertTo-Json in order to get a good stdout I can work with.
Now, this only gives me the InstallPath without any executables.
Is there any easy way to get the main executable of the applications i nthe list?
Expected Result (Name of the key does not matter):
// ...
"DisplayName": "Microsoft Edge",
"InstallLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application",
"LaunchApplication": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\msedge.exe",
"DisplayName": "Audacity 2.4.2",
"InstallLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Audacity\\",
"LaunchApplication": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Audacity\\audacity.exe"
// ...
Like others have pointed out in the comments, there isn't a conventional way of getting the executable paths of certain programs.
To answer your indirect question of building an app launch method, we can make use of a few things. Fortunately for us, PowerShell has a Get-StartApps cmdlet that produces an output of the current users installed apps:
Name AppID
---- -----
3D Viewer Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
AdGuard AdGuard
Adobe Acrobat DC {6D809377-6AF0-444B-8957-A3773F02200E}\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
Battle.net {7C5A40EF-A0FB-4BFC-874A-C0F2E0B9FA8E}\Battle.net\Battle.net Launcher.exe
Blend for Visual Studio 2022 Blend.d58ce8bb
Calculator Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App
Calendar microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe!microsoft.windowslive.calendar
There are 2 properties that are displayed:
This becomes important due to the AppID being the value needed for shell: to execute/launch the program. Given the above output of Get-StartApps, you can launch "Adobe Acrobat DC" by passing the AppID to shell:\AppsFolder\"AppID".
Start-Process shell:AppsFolder\"{6D809377-6AF0-444B-8957-A3773F02200E}\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe"
Using #zett42's approach, we can query your start menu, along with the system start menu folder paths for .lnk's retrieving its target path using the WScript COM object:
$paths = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs","$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu"
Get-ChildItem -Path $paths -Filter "*.lnk" -File -Recurse |
ForEach-Object -Begin {
$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell"
} -Process {
Name = $_.BaseName
Path = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut($_.FullName).TargetPath
} -End {
[void][System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($WScriptShell) #release COM object
which will output:
Name Path
---- ----
Adobe Acrobat DC C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
Blend for Visual Studio 2022 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\Blend.exe
Firefox C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
Google Chrome C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
Microsoft Edge C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe
TechPowerUp GPU-Z C:\Program Files (x86)\GPU-Z\GPU-Z.exe
Not entirely sure this is what you're after, but it may be of help to others.

Powershell script: List files with specific change date (Amount if possible)

For license porpuses I try to automate the counting process instead of having to login into every single server, go into directory, search a file name and count the results based on the change date.
Want I'm aiming for:
Running a powershell script every month that checks the directory "C:\Users" for the file "Outlook.pst" recursively. And then filters the result by change date (one month or newer). Then packing this into an email to send to my inbox.
I'm not sure if that's possible, cause I am fairly new to powershell. Would appreciate your help!
It is possible.
I dont know how to start a ps session on a remote computer, but I think the cmdlet Enter-PSSession will do the trick. Or at least it was the first result while searching for "open remote powershell session". If that does not work use the Invoke-Command as suggested by lit to get $outlookFiles as suggested below.
For the rest use this.
$outlookFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Outlook.pst" }
Now you have all files that have this name. If you are not familiar with the pipe in powershell it redirects all objects it found with the Get-ChildItem to the next pipe section and here the Where-Object will filter the received objects. If the current object ($_) will pass the condition it is returned by the whole command.
Now you can filter these objects again to only include the latest ones with.
$latestDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-1)
$newFiles = $outlookFiles | Where-Object { $_.LastAccessTime -gt $latestDate }
Now you have all the data you want in one object. Now you only have to format this how you like it e.g. you could use $mailBody = $newFiles | Out-String and then use Send-MailMessage -To x#y.z -From r#g.b -Body $mailBodyto send the mail.

How to get the Dropbox folder in Powershell in Windows

Same question exists for Python here: How can I get the Dropbox folder location programmatically in Python?, or here for OSX: How to get the location of currently logined Dropbox folder
Same thing in Powershell. I need the path of DropBox to copy files to it (building a software and then copying it to dropbox to share with team).
This Dropbox help page tells us where this info is stored, ie, in a json file in the AppData of the user: https://www.dropbox.com/help/4584
function GetDropBoxPathFromInfoJson
$DropboxPath = Get-Content "$ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\Dropbox\info.json" -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-Json | % 'personal' | % 'path'
return $DropboxPath
The line above is taken from: https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Spizzi.Profile/1.0.0/Content/Functions%5CProfile%5CInstall-ProfileEnvironment.ps1
Note that it doesn't check if you've got a Dropbox business account, or if you have both. It just uses the personal one.
You can then use this base Dropbox folder to build your final path, for example:
$targetPath = Join-Path -Path (GetDropBoxPathFromInfoJson) -ChildPath 'RootDropboxFolder\Subfolder1\Subfolder2'
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $targetPath)) { throw "Path '$targetPath' not found!" }
Alternative way is using the host.db file, as shown on this page:
$base64path = gc $env:appdata\Dropbox\host.db | select -index 1 # -index 1 is the 2nd line in the file
$dropboxPath = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($base64path)) # convert from base64 to ascii
