Using BotFramework DirectLine without Azure Bot Service - botframework

I am looking to create a Bot integrating the Bot Framework DirectLine API that they offer.
But, I wanted the service to be Cloud Service agnostic. So, the idea is to use the BotFramework capability to start the conversations and persist the conversation cache using the conversation id it generates but the business logic can be on any cloud service (AWS/Google/IBM Cluod) etc.
Is it possible to design the same using the DirectLine API's with out getting bound to using Azure Bot Service?

The Bot Framework works with bots deployed on any cloud hosting service, as long as you have an internet-accessible endpoint and a valid HTTPS cert.
This issue explains on how you can run your bot on IIS or any other bot hosting service.
One example of an unofficial implementation of directline that does not require Azure is offline-directline. This example sets up a local web server that emulates the DirectLine API and tunnels the requests through to your bot.
With respect to hosting your bot on IIS or any other cloud services, keep in mine that
'The Bot Framework requires that the x.509v3 certificate exposed by your endpoint be current and valid. Most of the checks for "current and valid" are standard checks for server certs: the CN must match the hostname, it must not be expired, it must not be listed in a CRL, it must have the correct set of EKUs, etc.
Most importantly, your cert must chain to a root certificate authority trusted by Microsoft. The latest list of these CAs is available here.'
Note: offline-directline is an unofficial private package and bot framework container support is not officially supported. Refer to this answer on using localized version of Direct Line API with botframework.
Hope this helps.


Azure webapp bot deployed to Application Service Environment

Did anyone deploy Azue Web App Bot using Application Service Environment?
are there any key considerations to be noted? I know we have ASE ILB and ASE External;
Is it possible to host multiple azure webapp bots in one ASE; my question is primarily due to the default lockdown of internet traffice in ASE ILB model and what type of firewall exceptions we will need to ensure
functinally the communication to Azure Bot Service/ Directline happen smoothly.
It is possible to host multiple azure web app bots in one ASE. However, care should be taken on how to have the bot dynamically looks up the pipe name as there a multiple bots inside the same ASE. Also, the normal DirectLine or other channels would require a lot of whitelisting to allow traffic into the ILB, and bot services IPs can change so it would be difficult to maintain long term.
'Test in WebChat' is not expected to work within an ILB ASE. It calls out to the DirectLine channel and causes the channel to send a call to the bot's messaging endpoint. In most ASE or VNET scenarios that call will be blocked, but since we don't have static IP addresses so the customer can't whitelist the incoming calls, either. Other than that, Directline channel and Direct Line App Service Extension(DL ASE) should typically work as expected from within an ILB ASE setup. If you are implementing additional features such as OAuth or SSO, then you will need to add a rule to enable service tags for AzureAD.
For more info on DL ASE, please refer to

Can we build a product which enables end user to create conversational chat bot using bot framework on a self hosted environment?

I want to develop a product which simplifies the way of creating conversational chat bots using Microsoft BotFramework SDK. As we can build and host web application on-premise completely.
So can we build the similar thing using bot framework on a self hosted environment?
Here is the link for Microsoft Bot Framework:
You can, indeed, build a bot entirely on-premises/self-hosted, provided that you don't need to connect to a Channel like Teams.
Basically, bots communicate via:
User interaction with DirectLine Client (like Web Chat) ->
DirectLine API receives data and sends to bot ->
Bot hosted anywhere receives message
WebChat is just a DirectLine client. If you want to build your own WebChat, you can clone the repo and build it yourself. However, that all this does is make it so you can host your own webchat.js file, if you really want to be self-hosted.
With that in mind, all you need is:
A Direct Line client like Web Chat (specify domain property with your own endpoint when you call createDirectLine), or you can write your own client
You own DirectLine API implementation like offline-directline (more info)
Host your bot somewhere
With this approach, you won't be able to use the typical appId/password setup.
You can manually implement our security protocol by following this document
Even though it is possible to manually implement the security protocol, we recommend reusing our existing open-source libraries
Based on answers, putting a more complete answer here. Since the option exists to have internet connectivity, I'd definitely suggest creating the solution as a "regular" Bot Framework bot, using the Azure Bot registration. Importantly, there are TWO options to do this - the most obvious one creates a "registration" for the bot but ALSO defaults to hosting it in an Azure Web App, which has a cost associated that can be quite significant. HOWEVER, there's another option, to create just a "Bot Channel" registration, which means you get a bot registered in Azure, but not necessarily hosted in Azure.
I've described this more in this post and you want to use the "Bot Channels Registration" in Azure, not the "Web App Bot". Then, on the "settings" screen you can define what the bot's actual address is (see here for a view of the Settings screen).
So, overall that should help - basically the bot just needs to have an HTTPS, internet-accessible endpoint. HOWEVER, that said, it's possible to host your bots inside Azure Functions, rather than Azure Web Apps, and the cost is dramatically cheaper (cents vs dollars, especially with low traffic). It's a bit of work, especially as the default samples default to the more standard options, but it works quite well.
I've recently launched a new blog, by the way, and I've got a post describing some of what I've learned so far about how bots work, that would be good to know as part of this. See How Bot Calls Actually Work.
We're in the process of migrating from an entirely on-premise solution with our own DirectLine server to Azure Bot Channels Registration because of the requirement for MS Teams integration.

How to connect local hosted Azure BOT from your web application

I have created an BOT with Microsoft BOT Framework and published in local IIS. Now I want to connect that from my web application, So far I found this could be only possible through direct line from azure portal. Is there any other way to do that?
Now I want to connect that from my web application, So far I found this could be only possible through direct line from azure portal. Is there any other way to do that?
In my opinion, the Microsoft BOT Framework application is just a service which provide the bot endpoint. You could host it in anywhere.
If you want to connect to your web application or something else. You need to use a channel to connect the bot with other application. You should register the bot and enable the channel to let your bot work. The Azure provide multiple chanels to register the bot like webchat. You could also build the channel by yourself, but you should think about a lot of things.
More details, you could refer to below answer:
How to connect local hosted Azure BOT from your web application

The benefits of hosting a bot on Azure Bot Service compare to hosting a bot on a typical Web App hosting

A bot is essentially a web API and so it can be hosted on any web service.
I am abit confused when one of the following approaches should be prefered over each other:
Option #1 Host a Bot on Azure Bot Service
Option #2 Host a bot as a plain PaaS Web API
Currently I am hosting my bot on a plain Azure PaaS App Services. It is working very well.
However, I expect there must be some advantages to hosting a bot on Azure Bot Service.
When I go through the documentations the following example shows how to Create an Azure Bot Service in Azure Portal, download its code, change it then deploy it again to the same Azure Bot Service:
In contrast, the following example shows how to build a bot in Visual Studio and publish it to an Azure Web App:
What are the advantages of hosting a bot on Azure Bot Service?
Is there any resource or article that contrasts the two options?
They are essentially the same thing under the hood. A bot is basically just an API endpoint so there are many ways to host you bot. If you create A bot service you get options to add other services from the creation page. Whereas if you just create a web app or app service you will have to manually add these things.
Creating a Web App Bot will allow you to all in one step create:
Bot Channels Registration
Choose a template to start with
Configure a Luis app
Add Azure Storage
Add application insights

My microsoft bot framework does not work in digital ocean

I did deploy my microsoft bot framework app to digital ocean. It is working when you make request from browser. But from console of microsoft bot framework I can not send message from test messenger. I made all of requirements: added appid and password, set up nginx and proxy. What i had to do.
I have a bot hosted on Digitalocean, that is registered on the MS Botframework and can be accessed by Skype. So it definitely is possible.
Your endpoint at Digitalocean should be SSL (!) and the registered URL look like this:
The Bot Framework works with bots deployed on any cloud hosting service, as long as you have an internet-accessible endpoint and a valid HTTPS cert.
The Bot Framework requires that the x.509v3 certificate exposed by your endpoint be current and valid. Most of the checks for "current and valid" are standard checks for server certs: the CN must match the hostname, it must not be expired, it must not be listed in a CRL, it must have the correct set of EKUs, etc.
Most importantly, your cert must chain to a root certificate authority trusted by Microsoft. The latest list of these CAs is available here:
For more information on deploying your bot, see:
Relates to:
Bot Framework without Azure possible?
Deploy Bot in local IIS and incle it in custom chat in a webpage
