What is the differences between Spring Boot API without Filter and Spring Boot API with Filter? - spring-boot

From the beginning, I often write Spring Boot API with many API depend on what my application needs. I know there is a type like Filter Servlet, what is it? Can anyone help me to find the difference between API with Filter and without Filter?
I have go through some research: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-boot-add-filter and https://www.tutorialspoint.com/spring_boot/spring_boot_servlet_filter.htm
I have a sample for using Servlet Filter: https://help.shopify.com/en/api/reference/products/product#create-2019-10

A filter is an object used to intercept the HTTP requests and responses of your application. By using filter, we can perform two operations at two instances −
Before sending the request to the controller
Before sending a response to the client.
so its depends on requirement of your app if you need to do some work before sending request to controller or not.
Take an example below:
if we need to create an application where we need to authenticate and authorization of user with help of token so in each api we need to verify token before sending request to controller so we can use filter their.
and sending response back to client if we want to append some token then we can add same in filter.
example of filter:
below method use for next call:
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);


How to store request data and reponse data into database in spring boot application

I am working on to store request data and response data if there any exceptions encountered while sending response back to client I need to store the exception also.
My DB table will ID,RequestData,ResponseData,Exception,TimeTakenToRespond
lets say I have endpoint called /athenticateUser so my input data would be
RequestData :{"username":"mate","password":"swamy"}
ResponseData :{"FirstName":"mate","LastName":"swamy","Email":"manteswamy#gmail.com"}
Like the above way I need to store all the request data and response data if any exception while sending response back to client that also we need store and the web service time taken respond.
As I am beginner to spring boot please guide step by step
Though you can write Interceptors, Filters etc for this. But don't do it.
Please try to use Spring Boot feature Actuator for tracing. It provides HTTP request logging out of the box.
There's an endpoint mapped to /trace or /actuator/httptrace which will show you last 100 HTTP requests. You can customize it to log each request, or write to a DB.
You will need spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency.
You can also whitelist endpoints.
For the guide step by step, you can check this actuator tutorial.
You can do it by using spring boot actuator httptrace..
add below dependency:
Look at this step by step guide..
The Spring-boot actuator doesn't support getting the request/response bodies, they even removed some mechanisms to do it.
Here's a blog post on how to do it with a Filter.

Setup Spring Filter using annotation

I am really new to spring and wanted to make a simple web application that uses JWT based authentication.
I have an endpoint on my server (/token) that returns JWT tokens to my client.
These clients then make requests to my server using that token. I was wondering how I could implement something like this:
#RequestMapping("/users", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
public #ResponseBody String deleteUsers(){
From what I could gather, I would need a filter that would validate my JWT token that is sent along with every request the client makes. Is there any way in which only requests that have a #Secured annotation are passed through that filter?
Spring Security maintains a filter chain internally where each of the filters has a particular responsibility and filters are added or removed from the configuration depending on which services are required. The ordering of the filters is important as there are dependencies between them. If you have been using namespace configuration, then the filters are automatically configured for you and you don't have to define any Spring beans explicitly but here may be times when you want full control over the security filter chain, either because you are using features which aren't supported in the namespace, or you are using your own customized versions of classes.

How to Log all Incoming Request in Spring REST Services

Hi I am using Spring framework to build REST full web services . I want to log all the incoming request to my service. Is there any way I can log all the incoming request to my web service.
You could use Filter or Interceptor if you need very basic solution. Just inject your service into it, and override "preHandle(HttpServletRequest request..."
Problems will come when you decide that you need to:
log only some requests (E.g. only PUT and POST)
exclude some data (e.g. passwords, keys, etc)
exclude files
parse data to extract information to persist it
know if it return success or failure or exception
Then better solution would be to call that service directly from controllers.

Spring security filter after request processing

How can I make my spring security filter get executed after request is processed by Controller/JAX-RS endpoint?
A normal java filter chain is supposed to get control when the request is processed both ways. How to do that with spring security filters? I tried calling chain.doFilter() at the start and adding my logic after the call. However, after request is processed, the control doesn't come back.
Any pointers on how this can be achieved, is it possible with spring security filters at all?
Answering my question -
Spring security filter chain processes filters registered with and does not give control back to normal filters configured.
The resolution I used was to define my filters before spring securityFilterChain.

Request filter versus request interceptor?

My application exposes a RESTful API which when called calls out to a mailbox server and fetches data. I want to be able disable the service during application runtime in the event of some outage on the mailbox server. I wanted to do this in a way that the logic of deciding whether or not to call the mailbox server was abstracted from the actual code that calls the mailbox server. Two options which seem to fit this scenario are filters and interceptors however I'm looking for advice on which one best suits this requirement and what are the difference between each?
If you are using Spring MVC then you can use an interceptor, which is like a filter but that has access to the Spring context. If you are using Jersey then you can't use interceptors.
