Laravel - form validation to pass only if certain field is empty - laravel

So I'm building a form and I need specific fields to be empty.
They return an empty string and from other similar questions, I looked for
in Kernel.php which is commented out by default, I believe.
I don't want to change its behavior since it's a global middleware.
I have tried making them nullable, string|sometimes, present|max:0 yet none of these give me the desired result. I want the validation to pass only if the fields are empty.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.

So as I understood, you want for specific field to be required, if the other field in form is empty? To achieve that, you can use required_without property in Request validation like this:
public function rules()
return [
'filed_name' => 'required_without:other_field_name',
public function messages()
return [
'filed_name.required_without' => 'filed_name is required.',
More on validation on official documentation.


Laravel validate request filter field with dot (period) in field name

Here is to validate form request in laravel, request contains filter and field name in the filter has period(dot) present.
Sample Request url
Here is actually a string, but laravel considers it to be array of object, when rule is given for ''
[entity]: [ {abc:'value'}]
which is actually
So we need to make regex for second dot, which equivalents to:
public function rules()
return [
'filter.entity\.abc' => ['bail', 'sometimes', 'array'],
'filter.entity\.abc' => ['uuid']
Above always retuns true,even when invalid uuid is present
why not modify your request like this?
You can use custom validation in laravel where you can deconstruct the parameters and check the values manually
Laravel Custom Validation

Validation check field not empty

We're trying to have one or another field validated, the second field only shows up when they choose to not fill in the first. So we only need the second field to validate if the first is left empty from them skipping over it.
For context its to checek the make of an appliance, we have a list of brands/makes known to the system but an option to write it manually if yours doesnt show up. But we need to validate that the manual entry field isn't empty, but only if they've skipped over the first list.
'single_item_make' => 'required_if:policy_type,single|required_if:single_item_make_other,',
'single_item_make_other' => 'required_if:policy_type,single|required_if:single_item_make,'
We tried the above and it didnt work, we cant seem to find anything in the docs about checking fields for being empty.
Only one of these two fields will be submitted at a time.
You can not combine the required_if with the required_without in this case, because it conflicts.
In your current code, the first rule on both is:
Which requires both fields if policy_type === 'single', if 1 of the fields is empty this validation will fail.
A solution might be to use complex conditional validation, like so:
$v = Validator::make($data, [
'policy_type' => [
'in:single,x,y', // ?
// some other static validation rules you have
// conditional validation based on policy_type === 'single';
$v->sometimes('single_item_make', 'required_without:single_item_make_other', function ($input) {
return $input->policy_type === 'single';
$v->sometimes('single_item_make_other', 'required_without:single_item_make', function ($input) {
return $input->policy_type === 'single';
This will only check that both can't be empty at the same time and that one field is required when the other one is empty.
However, this will leave the option for the user to fill in both.
If you would want to validate that both can't be empty, but only 1 can be set at the same time (xor), you would have to extend your validator as this does not exist in Laravel.
Put this in your AppServiceProvider's boot() method:
Validator::extendImplicit('xor', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
return empty($value) || empty(data_get($validator->getData(), $parameters[0]));
Then you can use:
$v->sometimes('single_item_make', 'required_without:single_item_make_other|xor:single_item_make_other', function ($input) {
return $input->policy_type === 'single';
$v->sometimes('single_item_make_other', 'required_without:single_item_make|xor:single_item_make', function ($input) {
return $input->policy_type === 'single';
In this case, required_without makes sure that if 1 is empty the other 1 is required and the xor validation makes sure that if 1 is set, the other 1 can not have a value.
You can add custom error messages in your validation or use a custom validator and pass those validation messages there.
More info:
I have not tested both pieces of code, but they should work.
As the required_without docs suggest, you need to use it as below:
'single_item_make' => 'required_if:policy_type,single|required_without:single_item_make_other,',
'single_item_make_other' => 'required_if:policy_type,single|required_without:single_item_make,'

Customized validation rule on laravel form request validation

I do have a registration form in my laravel 5.4 application and laravel form request validation is used for server side validation. Some fields in this form are populated dynamically using calculations in javascript which need to be validated against user inputs.
The user input fields in the form are 'quantity', 'rate' and 'discount'.
The populated fields are 'total' and 'bill_amount'.
What i need to validate are :
Check 'total' equal to 'quantity' * 'rate'.
Check 'bill_amount' equal to 'total' - 'rate'
I would prefer laravel form request validation methods for this validation. I have tried to use methods like After Hooks and conditionally adding rule etc. and failed.
In simple words the requirement is : check if a field is equal to product of other two fields, and invalidate if not equal and validate if equal.(using form request validation.)
Thanks in advance!
After a long time I was able to find this solution.
Form request After Hooks can be used to achieve the result:
[I was unable to find this logic before]
public function withValidator($validator)
$quanty = $this->request->get("quantity");
$rate = $this->request->get("rate");
$billAmount = $this->request->get("bill_amount");
$validator->after(function ($validator) {
if(($quanty * $rate) != $billAmount) {
$validator->errors()->add('bill_amount', 'Something went wrong with this field!');

Model rule variable required without scenario (Yii2)

How can I create a model rule that's only required when a certain value from the Database is 1?
I tried using a 'required', 'when' rule but that doesn't seem to update the client-side JavaScript.
I also tried a custom inline validator but that doesn't seem to post an empty field.
Scenario's aren't an option I think as I have 6 fields and can have any combination of required/not required.
At the moment I just never add the required rules, instead of directly returning the rules I store them in a variable. $rules = []
Then before I return the variable I add the required options to the array.
$rules[] = ['your-field', 'required', 'on' => 'your-scenario'];
This is a quickfix and I don't really like it, but it works. I'm not sure if there is a better way of doing this.
You need to use combination required with when, but for client side validation you need additionally specify whenClient property.
Example (add this to your rules()):
'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->country == Country::USA;
'whenClient' => function (attribute, value) {
return $('#country').value == 'USA';
Official docs:
Validator $when
Validator $whenClient

Ardent validation and mutators

Here's how my model works. I have a Post model that has a expires_at column. Users provide an integer for the number of days they would like the Post to last.
This was pretty straightforward when I was doing validation in the controller. Just validate the "days" field and then transform that into a future expiration date. But now I'm doing the validation in the model with Ardent and I'm not sure how to accomplish this. I think I need to use a mutator but setting expires_at as an integer seems counterintuitive. I'm also not sure if Ardent validates before or after mutation.
I figured out how to do it using the code that removes redundant from data like confirmation fields.
public $autoPurgeRedundantAttributes = true;
function __construct() {
$this->purgeFilters[] = function($key) {
$purge = array('tempData', 'myAttribute');
return ! in_array($key, $purge);
You need to enable $autoPurgeRedundantAttributes or the filters won't be called. Then you add a closure to the $purgeFilters array which returns false if the provided attribute should be removed. ("days" in this case)
Then you just need to make sure to manually set the field you want validated
$this->attributes['days'] = $value;
Edit: This is in the official docs now. I replaced my code above with theirs.
