I have tried with JDBC connecter but i got the error like
Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver'
Take the driver from MS site (choose the version that fits your set up yourself).
Drop the jar file with a driver to the lib folder in your JMeter home dir.
Restart JMeter & proceed.
P.S. I would strongly suggest you to check out documentation next time - it's all there already:
Must be in JMeter's classpath - easiest to copy .jar file into
JMeter's /lib directory
I want to set the chrome driver location same location as .jmx file but without hardcoding it to full path. Is there any way of achieving it ?
JMeter is using the directory where the .jmx script lives as its "base directory"
So it's sufficient to just use chromedriver.exe for Windows or chromedriver for other operating systems.
If you want to use the full path for any reason you can obtain it in the runtime using __groovy() function like:
${__groovy(org.apache.jmeter.services.FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + System.getProperty('file.separator'),)}chromedriver.exe
More information on Groovy scripting in JMeter: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?
I installed serverAgent 2.2.3
When I run it in cmd I get this error.
enter image description here
I tried starting the startAgent. bat. It automatically closes.
Thanks for looking.
That's very weird because the error states that sl4j library cannot be found in CLASSPATH and ServerAgent doesn't use this library at all.
Try downloading it from Github and unpacking it somewhere else. Also if you have CLASSPATH environment variable set - try clearing/unsetting it.
set CLASSPATH= && startAgent.bat
More information: How to Monitor Your Server Health & Performance During a JMeter Load Test
Alternatively you can try downloading sl4j.jar and dropping it near ServerAgent.jar but it is not a part of normal ServerAgent installation procedure.
I am getting below error while trying to connect to a drillbit instance running on my RHEL box from DBeaver installed on my windows machine .
Can't create driver instance
Error creating driver 'Hadoop / Apache Drill' instance.
Most likely required jar files are missing.
You should configure jars in driver settings.
Reason: can't load driver class 'org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver'
Error creating driver 'Hadoop / Apache Drill' instance.
Most likely required jar files are missing.
You should configure jars in driver settings.
Reason: can't load driver class 'org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver'
I had previous downloaded file drill-jdbc-all-1.17.0.jar and in Edit Driver setting in libraries tab added this file and it had worked for me. I had also kept drill-jdbc-all-1.17.0.jar inside installation path of DBeaver DBeaver/plugins directory. Strangely this is not working now.
I had Clicked "Add File" in Edit Connection ( Libraries tab ) to add single jar file drill-jdbc-all-.jar. Depending on situation people can "Add Folder" to add folder with Java classes/resources and "Add Artifact" to add Maven artifact (see below).
After I added jar files I was able to find all JDBC driver classes which present in these jars. Just click on the "Find Class" button and DBeaver will show all of them. In most cases there is just one driver class in the driver. Then i clicked ok and Entered port number on the other page and tried to reconnect and was able to connect fine. Also this link could be helpful.
One thing to add...
If you're having difficulty connecting, try the following connection string with your hostname:
I have a jdbc driver and using Dbeaver as client application.
How should i debug the jar.
I am using Intellij IDEA and there is option for remote debugging,
this is option available in intellij but i am not sure how to use it in Dbeaver.
add it to dbeaver.ini file that located in dbeaver installation directory
This is maybe not an issue for who knows how config.sh work when you config weblogic after you installed it into your disk.
My question is: After I installed weblogic 12cR2. How I can add a customer JDBC driver jar file into weblogic 12cR2 before I run config.sh as when I do config, system need use it to connect my database?
I tried to put it in:
and then, I add the full driver jar file path into java class path with this file:
Then I restart my Mac and then, redo config.sh to set up component datasource (em module need it) for RCU. Weblogic blaming driver not found.
but, if I start weblogic server by using $DOMAINH_HOME/startWebLogic.sh. weblogic can find that driver in the path.
What's wrong I did? Please advise!
You don't have to change "commExtEnv.sh". In Weblogic 12c you can create a file called "setUserOverrides.sh" in order to customize the Weblogic starting paramters like the classpath. In your case you could have something like this:
# add custom libraries to the WebLogic Server system classpath
if [ "${POST_CLASSPATH}" != "" ] ; then
The "setUserOverrides.sh" must be placed in the bin folder of your domain, where setDomainEnv.sh, setStartupEnv.sh and startWebLogic.sh reside.
You can find more information here in the Oracle documentation: http://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1212/wls/START/overview.htm#START250