How to config rsyslog with a filename not static - rsyslog

I need to monitor a log file that rotates every day in the same location. The format of the file is: filename.log.YY-MM-DD
To config rsyslog, I use wildcard to map filename.log.*, but I don't want to review old logs, just the actual day.
I tried to use date command in File parameter but its not recognized. Also with a variable is not recognized.
I expected just log the last, not all filename.log.*


Search the File Pattern from File Name

I have a file Patter_File.txt which stores lines like below -
So this PATTERN_FILE.txt stores some information of the actual file but file name is stored in the pattern(if file name has date in the name) except the actual name.
My requirement is a command in which I should pass the actual file name like "ABC_20200408.dat" and it should return all the related lines from this file. Can someone please help.
below command is working fine but in this case I have to pass each pattern one by one to check which one is working.
echo "ABC_20200408.dat"|grep ABC_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].dat

How to put the current date in logback filename with yaml?

In springboot, I'm trying to put the current date in my log filename lke this : 2020-01-31-log.log
I tried this :
root: info
com.inyt.inytcirculationportal: debug
name: "logs/%d-log.log"
but nothing seems to work.
Putting the date in the log file like this does not seem like a good idea to me, even if you were able to inject it somehow in your properties.
What if your application runs several days or months? You would only get a file per day if you restart the application at midnight. If you haven't done so, I'd recommend looking at the Logback RollingFileAppender, which will automatically archive your current log file and start a new one at the interval you configured.
With the date pattern you mentioned, your log folder could look like this:
app.log <- currently active log
app.2020-01-30.log <- yesterday's log
app.2020-01-29.log <- you get the idea ;-)

svn:how to get the changed files within specific date?

I want to make a stat via svn,and the input and output like this:
input:svn url,statDate,endDate
person1 20Lines
persion2 30Lines
eg: 2014-12-01 2014-12-10
I use the shell script,and my idea like follows:
1.svn co the whole project
2.get the changed files within a specific date based on the giving url
3.use the command 'svn blame [file url]' get the changed infos by person
but now I don't know how to get the changed files in a directory within a specific date
please give me any ideas,thanks!
You don't want to use svn status, as this only shows if a file has changed in the working copy, whereas you are looking for commit info. You can, however, use
svn log -vq -r {2014-12-01}:{2014-12-10}
for your purposes. The -v adds information on the changed paths, the -q suppresses the commit message and only shows the changed paths.
You can then parse this output for the changed paths, user, and revision, and then use svn diff to find out for a given path how many lines were changed by that user in the specified revision.

How to resolve date format returned by FTP file listing commands?

I am using an FTP server which, while listing the files using e.g. ls command, returns the last modification date in following format:
Is there a way to know what date format the remote server is using?
There is no definition about date format in the listings, it is not even defined that the listings should include the date at all. So you can only guess if you need to parse the listing. For a reliable and defined way to get the modification time of a file use the MDTM command. Unfortunately you need to send this for each file which could make everything slower.

Having Issue with file name appended with date -shell scripting

I tried to append the current day and time to the existing file name in shell scripting and I found my command is not working as expected.
For example, if my file name is f1.log and I nees to append it along with current time. This appended version must be used for further processing of the file.
I tried with the following script but getting an error
now=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y/%T")
echo hi >>time.log
mv "time.log" "time.$now.log" (error here : file or directory not found)
echo hello >> time.log$now (have to continue processing with new file)
You cannot have a / character in a filename. The mv command is looking for a directory named with the minute, day, and year of the output of date and trying to create a file named by the time. Just change your format to not include / in the filename.
The problem is with shell's interpertation of / in your date +"%m-%d-%Y/%T".
Change it to a - instead (or something else, as long as it's not / or another meta character that will make the files difficult to work with in the future)
