Liquibase Oracle OS Authentication - oracle

We are trying to setup Liquibase in our environment, which is Oracle 12c running on AIX. Our schema owner is setup as an OS Authenticated account only allowed from the Oracle host server. When running Liquibase on the host server, logged in as the schema owner, we get ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied. Looking on the server, we see the username is blank. It's not trying to authenticate as the OS user. The properties file looks like this:
driver: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
classpath: /oracle_software/
url: jdbc:oracle:thin:#server:1521:dbname
changeLogFile: dbchangelog.xml
We've tried giving a blank username and password, and also passing a "/". All result in the same ORA-01017 error.
Is it possible to use liquibase with OS Authentication in Oracle?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can not use thin JDBC drivers for this purpose. Only jdbc-oci drivers do support 'connect / as sysdba'.


ODBC Login Failed for Oracle DB

I have a win10 Pro 64-bit OS.
I've installed Oracle SQL Developer v20.2.0.175
I created a PDB named PTU and added a DBA user named jsweeney with a mixed case password. I am able to connect to the database with that user in SQL Developer.
I set up a 64-bit ODBC connection using localhost:1521/PTU for the TNS Service Name. When I test the connection, I get the following error:
Unable to connect
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01017: invalid username/password; login denied.
I've tried:
all upper case for both username and password
all lower case for both
lower case for username and upper for password
lower case for username and mixed case for password
Any suggestions will a be greatly appreciated.

How to connect to an Oracle database (in Azure Data Factory) using proxy user authentication / connect through?

I'm looking for some help in figuring out the correct syntax to connect to Oracle from ADF using a proxy user authentication.
The setup is:
An integration runtime has been setup to connect to an on-premise Oracle instance
The connection type is on Oracle Service Name
User name and Password are provided.
When simply using the user name / password combination the connection can be established, and the tables in the (proxy) user schema can be viewed.
However, these are not the correct tables as the setup in the Oracle instance is using connect through / proxy user authentication. Usually, the syntax for login is username[schema-you-want-to-work-with] for this but this does not work in Azure Data Factory for me.
I have tried various syntax attempts in the connection JSON, using additional connection properties but not luck. The error message, when logging in with the proxy user authentication, is always
ERROR [28000] [Microsoft][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied ERROR [28000] [Microsoft][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Activity ID: da224af9-16ad-4674-a4c9-4811be8f726c.
Logging in with SQL Plus or SQL Developer works with the same connection string.
Does anyone have an idea how I can log in with the proxy user and see the normal schema content? I'm thinking it may just be a syntax issue but I'm out of ideas.
Basic successful connection
Unsuccessful connection with connect through

Oracle SQL Developer fails to connect to Oracle Database while SQL*Plus works

I'm trying to connect to a Oracle database on a development server with my local Oracle SQL developer (
When I try to connect I get the following error: ORA-0107: invalid username/password; logon denied
Using the very same credentials on the sqlplus (after connection via ssh to the server) works perfectly fine.
The credentials are like: ORA/ora.
After thinking about it, I've other connections on same database with credentials like ora123/ora123 and ORA123/ORA123 that are working fine.
Is there any issue with case sensitive passwords in SQL developer?
Is there any way to overcome this issue?
Trying changing database parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON to false and they try login.
I think the clue is
after connection via ssh to the server
Sounds to me like the problem is the network connection from your local machine to the database server, and not SQL Developer or SQL*Plus.
You can verify that by installing an instant client with the SQL*Plus package on your local machine.

Restrict JDBC connection to Oracle server

I have a oracle server which is our disaster recovery server. When I failover my application from primary site to secondary site, we have a downtime window during which we have to bring up the secondary site. When bringing up the application on the secondary site I am getting below error
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
However, when I try to connect from the SQLPLUS it connects successfully with same username and password but it does not work with JDBC. In order to zero on the issue I tried connecting with SQL Developer with same username and password and it shows the same error.
Can somebody please advice what could the setting be on the oracle server which restricts the JDBC connections?
There is the below setting in the oracle database in sqlnet.ora file
after commenting the above it worked.

Getting Error ORA-01017 invalid username/password after changing computer name

recently I had to change my computer name and now I am getting this error whenever I try to connect to my local oracle 11g express edition database via OracelSQL Developer.
I have already changed my listener and
tnsnames(D:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\network\ADMIN) to reflect the my
computer's new name but I am still getting this error.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
You must be using operating system authentication OPS$ prefixed username. Connect with sys or system and fix your DB user account. Search for OPS$ user in Oracle documentation for more details.
