SED is giving me issues - bash

I am working on a really basic script:
1) Grabs account keys from a text file (keyList.txt) --> key format looks like this: 1002000222,1002000400
2) For each key I am looping through and inserting them (using SED) into SQL queries held in another text file.
3) Query example:
My Bash snippet is below but to summarize the issue, SED is only replacing the values in the parenthesis one key at a time, rather than placing them both in the same parenthesis space. The below is now working perfectly.
now=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H:%M")
cp acct_transfer_soft_del_list.csv keyList_$now.txt
for key in $(<keyList_$now.txt)
sed "s/([^)]*)/(${key})/3" hbase.txt >> queries_$now.txt
hbase.txt holds the queries but I don't want to permanently change them, so I send the output to queries_$now.txt.

Please, note that you have IFS=,.
This is (probably) breaking your key with a unwanted behaviour.
I admit that I am not sure I understood entirely what you need, but I think you can use the first cycle in order to get everything you need.
Reusing your code, you can do something like this:
now=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H:%M")
while read f1 f2
echo "$f1,$f2"
sed "s/([^\)]*)/($f1,$f2)/3 " hbase.txt >> queries_$now.txt
done < acct_transfer_soft_del_list.csv > keyList_$now.txt
Anyway, I can't get straight your while cycle: it seems to do a simple copy of your file.
You could avoid it with cp acct_transfer_soft_del_list.csv keyList_$now.txt


BASH Shell Find Multiple Files with Wildcard and Perform Loop with Action

I have a script that I call with an application, I can't run it from command line. I derive the directory where the script is called and in the next variable go up 1 level where my files are stored. From there I have 3 variables with the full path and file names (with wildcard), which I will refer to as "masks".
I need to find and "do something with" (copy/write their names to a new file, whatever else) to each of these masks. The do something part isn't my obstacle as I've done this fine when I'm working with a single mask, but I would like to do it cleanly in a single loop instead of duplicating loop and just referencing each mask separately if possible.
Assume in my $FILESFOLDER directory below that I have 2 existing files, aaa0.csv & bbb0.csv, but no file matching the ccc*.csv mask.
#here as an example I would like to do a loop through $ALLFILES and copy anything that matches to $ARCHIVEFOLDER.
for f in $ALLFILES; do
cp -v "$f" "$ARCHIVEFOLDER" > "$LOGFILE"
echo "$ALLFILES" >> "$LOGFILE"
The thing that really spins my head is when I run something like this (I haven't done it with the copy command in place) that log file at the end shows:
filesfolder/aaa0.csv filesfolder/bbb0.csv filesfolder/ccc*.csv
Where I would expect echoing $ALLFILES just to show me the masks
filesfolder/aaa*.csv filesfolder/bbb*.csv filesfolder/ccc*.csv
In my "do something" area, I need to be able to use whatever method to find the files by their full path/name with the wildcard if at all possible. Sometimes my network is down for maintenance and I don't want to risk failing a change directory. I rarely work in linux (primarily SQL background) so feel free to poke holes in everything I've done wrong. Thanks in advance!
Here's a light refactoring with significantly fewer distracting variables.
folder="$(dirname "$script")"
log="$folder"/log.txt # you would certainly want this in the folder, not $script/log.txt
shopt -s nullglob
for prefix in aaa bbb ccc; do
cp -v "$folder/$prefix"*.csv "$archive" >>"$log" # append, don't overwrite
echo "${all[#]}" >> "$log"
The change in the loop to append the output or cp -v instead of overwrite is a bug fix; otherwise the log would only contain the output from the last loop iteration.
I would probably prefer to have the files echoed from inside the loop as well, one per line, instead of collect them all on one humongous line. Then you can remove the array all and instead simply
printf '%s\n' "$folder/$prefix"*.csv >>"$log"
shopt -s nullglob is a Bash extension (so won't work with sh) which says to discard any wildcard which doesn't match any files (the default behavior is to leave globs unexpanded if they don't match anything). If you want a different solution, perhaps see Test whether a glob has any matches in Bash
You should use lower case for your private variables so I changed that, too. Notice also how the script variable doesn't actually contain a folder name (or "directory" as we adults prefer to call it); fixing that uncovered a bug in your attempt.
If your wildcards are more complex, you might want to create an array for each pattern.
tmpspaces=(/tmp/*\ *)
for file in "${tmpspaces[#]}" "${homequest[#]}"; do
: stuff with "$file", with proper quoting
The only robust way to handle file names which could contain shell metacharacters is to use an array variable; using string variables for file names is notoriously brittle.
Perhaps see also

Bash - Read config files and make changes in this file

i have config file like this for example:
# Blah blah, this is sample config file blah blah
# Something more blah blah
# Blah blah
And i want to make script to read and edit config files like this. I thinking about make a menu with groups of config options, then after write an option console output will be like this:
Group of funny options (pick option to change value):
1. value1=YES
2. value2=something
3. [disabled]value3=boom
After picking 1 for exaple i can change value1 from YES to NO or disable and activate other (hash unhash) plus adding new variables to the end of file. Then in the end save all changes in this config file. Any tips what i need to use? Actually trying with read line + awk to skip # lines (with space), but still i have problem to get all this variables and making changes in config file. I will be grateful for your help.
while read line
echo $line | awk '$1' != "#" && / / { print $1 $3 }'
done < config.conf
Thinking about this for now to read informations what i want. Plus i'm gonna use something like this to change values:
sed -c -i "s/("one" *= *).*/\1$two/" config.conf
I have completly no idea how i can get this variables to my script and use it like i write before. Actually i search for any tips, not someone who write this script for me. I'm beginner at linux scripting :V
I would recommend to abstain from such an, seemingly generic configuration program, because the comments might contain important informations about the current value and will be outdated, if the values change, while the comments don't.
Second problem is, that I would expect, if activating an entry is possible, deactivating it should be possible too. So now you have 2 options what to do with each value.
Third problem: In most cases, guessing a type by the value might work. YES seems to be a boolean, 47 an int, foobar a name - or is it a file? - but often a wider type is possible too, so YES can be just a string or a file, 47.3 might be valid where 47 is or might be not and so on.
However, for experimenting and trying things out, select and grep might be a start:
select line in $(grep "=" sample.conf) "write" "abort"
case $line in
"write") echo write; break ;;
"abort") echo abort; break ;;
'#'*=*) echo activate $line;;
*=[0-9]*) echo int value $line;;
*=YES|NO) echo boolean value $line;;
*) echo text value $line ;;
Instead of 'echo intvalue $line' you would probably call a function "intconfigure" where only int values are accepted. For "write", you would write back to the file, but I omitted, conserving the comments without assignment and sorting them in again at the right position has to be done, which isn't trivial, given the opportunity to activate or deactivate comments.
But read up on the select command in shell and try it out and see how far you come.
If you think you have reached a usable solution, use this for all your configuration files privately and see, whether you prefer it over using a simple editor or not.

use sed with for loop to delete lines from text file

I am essentially trying to use sed to remove a few lines within a text document. To clean it up. But I'm not getting it right at all. Missing something and I have no idea what...
for f in "${items[#]}"; do
sed '/${f}/d' "$1"
What I am thinking, incorrectly it seems, is that I can setup a for loop to check each item in the array that I want removed from the text file. But it's simply not working. Any idea. Sure this is basic and simple and yet I can't figure it out.
Much better to create a single sed script, rather than generate 19 small scripts in sequence.
Fortunately, generating a script by joining the array elements is moderately easy in Bash:
regex=$(printf '\|%s' "${items[#]}")
sed "/^$regex/d" "$1"
(Notice also the addition of ^ to the final regex -- I assume you only want to match at beginning of line.)
Properly, you should not delete any lines from the message body, so the script should leave anything after the first empty line alone:
sed "1,/^\$/!b;/$regex/d" "$1"
Add -i if you want in-place editing of the target file.

replace $1 variable in file with 1-10000

I want to create 1000s of this one file.
All I need to replace in the file is one var
kitename = $1
But i want to do that 1000s of times to create 1000s of diff files.
I'm sure it involves a loop.
people answering people is more effective than google search!
I'm not really sure what you are asking here, but the following will create 1000 files named filename.n containing 1 line each which is "kite name = n" for n = 1 to n = 1000
for i in {1..1000}
echo "kitename = $i" > filename.$i
If you have mysql installed, it comes with a lovely command line util called "replace" which replaces files in place across any number of files. Too few people know about this, given it exists on most linux boxen everywhere. Syntax is easy:
replace SEARCH_STRING REPLACEMENT -- targetfiles*
If you MUST use sed for this... that's okay too :) The syntax is similar:
sed -i.bak s/SEARCH_STRING/REPLACEMENT/g targetfile.txt
So if you're just using numbers, you'd use something like:
for a in {1..1000}
cp inputFile.html outputFile-$a.html
replace kitename $a -- outputFile-$a.html
This will produce a bunch of files "outputFile-1.html" through "outputFile-1000.html", with the word "kitename" replaced by the relevant number, inside the file.
But, if you want to read your lines from a file rather than generate them by magic, you might want something more like this (we're not using "for a in cat file" since that splits on words, and I'm assuming here you'd have maybe multi-word replacement strings that you'd want to put in:
cat kitenames.txt | while read -r a
cp inputFile.html "outputFile-$a.html"
replace kitename "$a" -- kitename-$a
This will produce a bunch of files like "outputFile-red kite.html" and "outputFile-kite with no string.html", which have the word "kitename" replaced by the relevant name, inside the file.

bash script to update postgres database

I have some html data stored in text files right now. I recently decided to store the HTML data in the pgsql database instead of flat files. Right now, the 'entries' table contains a 'path' column that points to the file. I have added a 'content' column that should now store the data in the file pointed to by 'path'. Once that is complete, the 'path' column will be deleted. The problem that I am having is that the files contain apostrophes that throw my script out of whack. What can I do to correct this issue??
Here is the script
for f in $fileroot
psql $dbname $username -c "
UPDATE entries
SET content='`cat $f`'
WHERE id=SELECT id FROM entries WHERE path LIKE '*`$f`';"
Note: The logic in the id=SELECT...FROM...WHERE path LIKE "" is not the issue. I have tested this with sample filenames in the pgsql environment.
The problem is that when I cat $f, any apostrophe in Edit: the contents of $f closes the SQL string, and I get a syntax error.
For the single quote escaping issue, a reasonable workaround might be to double the quotes, so you'd use:
`sed "s/'/''/g" < "$f"`
to include the file contents instead of the cat, and for the second invocation in the LIKE where you appeared to intend to use the file name use:
to include the literal string content of $f instead of executing it, and double the quotes. The ${varname/match/replace} expression is bash syntax and may not work in all shells; use:
`echo "$f" | sed "s/'/''/g"`
if you need to worry about other shells.
There are a bunch of other problems in that SQL.
You're trying to execute $f in your second invocation. I'm pretty sure you didn't intend that; I imagine you meant to include the literal string.
Your subquery is also wrong, it lacks parentheses; (SELECT ...) not just SELECT.
Your LIKE expression is also probably not doing what you intended; you probably meant % instead of *, since % is the SQL wildcard.
If I also change backticks to $() (because it's clearer and easier to read IMO), fix the subquery syntax and add an alias to disambiguate the columns, and use a here-document instead passed to psql's stdin, the result is:
psql $dbname $username <<__END__
UPDATE entries
SET content=$(sed "s/'/''/g" < "$f")
WHERE id=(SELECT FROM entries e WHERE e.path LIKE '$(echo "$f" | sed "s/'/''/g")');
The above assumes you're using a reasonably modern PostgreSQL with standard_conforming_strings = on. If you aren't, change the regexp to escape apostrophes with \ instead of doubling them, and prefix the string with E, so O'Brien becomes E'O\'Brien'. In modern PostgreSQL it'd instead become 'O''Brien'.
In general, I'd recommend using a real scripting language like Perl with DBD::Pg or Python with psycopg to solve scripting problems with databases. Working with the shell is a bit funky. This expression would be much easier to write with a database interface that supported parameterised statements.
For example, I'd write this as follows:
import os
import sys
import psycopg2
connstr = sys.argv[1]
filename = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError as ex:
print("Usage: %s connect_string filename" % sys.argv[0])
print("Eg: %s \"dbname=test user=fred\" \"some_file\"" % sys.argv[0])
def load_file(connstr,filename):
conn = psycopg2.connect(connstr)
curs = conn.cursor()
UPDATE entries
SET content = %s
WHERE id = (SELECT FROM entries e WHERE e.path LIKE '%%'||%s);
""", (filename, open(filename,"rb").read()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note the SQL wildcard % is doubled to escape it, so it results in a single % in the final SQL. That's because Python is using % as its format-specifier so a literal % must be doubled to escape it.
You can trivially modify the above script to accept a list of file names, connect to the database once, and loop over the list of all file names. That'll be a lot faster, especially if you do it all in one transaction. It's a real pain to do that with psql scripting; you have to use bash co-process as shown here ... and it isn't worth the hassle.
In the original post, I made it sound like there were apostrophes in the filename represented by $f. This was NOT the case, so a simple echo "$f" was able to fix my issue.
To make it more clear, the contents of my files were formatted as html snippets, typically something like <p>Blah blah <b>blah</b>...</p>. After trying the solution posted by Craig, I realized I had used single quotes in some anchor tags, and I did NOT want to change those to something else. There were only a few files where this violation occurred, so I just changed these to double quotes by hand. I also realized that instead of escaping the apostrophes, it would be better to convert them to &apos; Here is the final script that I ended up using:
for f in $fileroot
psql $dbname $username << __END__
UPDATE entries
SET content='$(sed "s/'/\&apos;/g" < "$f")'
WHERE id=(SELECT FROM entries e WHERE path LIKE '%$(echo "$f")');
The format coloring on here might make it look like the syntax is incorrect, but I have verified that it is correct as posted.
