Xcode 11 No Device Conditions Available - xcode

I trying to add device conditions in my Xcode 11 so that I can simulate a slower network connection. However, when opening Devices and Simulators window and making sure my device is selected, it says that 'No Conditions Available'
How do I make them appear?

I finally managed to fix this. It appears that you need to have a 'Network Link Conditioner' installed on your Mac (in my case Catalina) for the the option to appear in Devices and Simulator window. To install it, go to Downloads for Apple Developers and download 'Additional Tools for Xcode 11'. Once downloaded, you can find it in the Hardware folder. Interestingly, when trying to install it, I received the following error:
“Network Link Conditioner” preferences is installed with macOS and can’t be replaced.
Despite me unable to find it in preferences. Luckily there is an easy fix described in this answer.

I had the same issue. Try to install the latest system software updates (Xcode Command Line Tools in my case). It worked for me.


XCode on Apple M1 shows "linking in object file built for iOS" or "ld: warning: directory not found for option" or "'Framework not found"

I am trying to compile a "WebViewGold" ios app on an M1 processor MacBook Pro, using XCode latest (13.4.1) version.
I have greatly struggled to find a solution to those XCode error codes.
I have browsed related answers in threads like: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32687105/framework-not-found-in-xcode,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458739/ld-warning-directory-not-found-for-option.
Nothing mentioned in the above answers worked!
Any idea about what I should do?
There is a possible, very simple solution provided by this answer.
Basically, freshly upgraded versions of XCode (for example, 13.4.1) running on Apple Silicon-powered Macs (like my M1 MacBook Pro), have components that cannot properly use/output the appropriate object files in all the output platform combinations you need.
This leads to some "interesting" issues and error message cross-overs that find "almost correct" answers on StackOverflow. Hence the many suggestions to exclude "arm64" platform and similar from the build options.
The simple answer to all of that is... to just run XCode with Rosetta enabled. Rosetta will engage with the components that miss the needed cross-platform capabilities.
Here is an example of how to enable an application to use Rosetta.
You select the app icon, then go to the File menu and select "Get Info".
Then click the "Open using Rosetta" checkbox.
It does seem that Build Active Architectures Only = NO is the issue, at least in Debug mode. I can successfully produce a Release archive, so I'd suggest just leaving it alone unless you're trying to debug the Intel version. Try a library, as you can ship the binary that way.

Failed to start remote service on device problem in xcode

I create a flutter app and now I'm trying to run it through XCode on my real iPhone, but after the installation finishes, I face the following problem:
Also with I trying to run the application on my real phone, after clicking on the application icon, I face a white screen appears, and then the application closes directly.
Catalina 10.15.3
IOS 14.2
XCODE 11.7
Also I was make a trust to app in phone
Does anyone know the reason for this problem?
This problem maybe because of two reasons:
First: Xcode 11.7 doesn't have support files for iOS 14 you can download it from here https://github.com/filsv/iPhoneOSDeviceSupport
Second: I have this problem now and I couldn't fix it.. but I have iPhone with iOS 14.2 and iPad with iOS 14 so the problem was just on the iPhone but after I updated the iPad with iOS 14.2 it happened with it.. so the problem maybe because of the iOS 14.2 so we have to wait for the update or because of the Xcode 11 version and we have to download the Xcode 12 version..
I hope we can find a solution quickly...
make sure to have the latest system update on your target device and the latest Xcode version as well. The error should disappear.
I have fixed the problem by using the above solution but it has happened again. So, I have followed these instructions and fixed again:
A good first place to look is Window > Devices & Simulators in xCode, then find the details for your device. There may be error information here that helps you find the fault.
Restarting devices and installing updates seem to fix this problem for a lot of people.
For me, there was a red notice in the device window about connection to the device and it turned out to be the cable that was at fault.
This was an official Apple cable, just a few months old, and still works fine for charging and data transfer; and I've been using it with xCode without problems for a couple of months. It seems to be possible for Apple cables to develop some tiny physical fault that seemingly only xCode is sensitive to.
Using a different cable worked first time for me.
There seem to be a few variations on the exact error message with the same root causes varying depending on exactly what xCode was trying to do at the exact moment it failed: I'm on xCode 12 and for me it was:
Failed to start remote service on device
Failed to start remote service com.apple.installation_proxy on device

Terminal-only install error for xcode-select on Sierra

Attempts to install command line developer tools with xcode-select --install just returns the following error:
xcode-select: note: install requested for command line developer tool
but when the dialog box asks me to confirm my request, it says it failed due to a network problem. Obviously I am online, I think the problem is that it isn't properly connecting to the right network.
I have seen in similar threads that on 10.12 Sierra that the command line tools can be installed/updated through the Mac App Store, but after my wireless card and some other components were replaced in my MacBook Pro, I can no longer connect to the App Store (or iCloud and the iTunes or iBooks stores) without getting an error saying my device cannot be verified. I was told by Apple Support to do an erase-and-reinstall to solve the problem, but that didn't work.
This is why I am trying to find a method to install the command line tools directly from Terminal, one which does not require access to the App Store. xcode-select --install` worked fine on El Capitan and below, so I hope this feature is still available, even if the command is different.
Can anyone help me out, or point me toward an alternate solution? If not, I guess I'll have to downgrade.
I looked on the Apple Developer website and found a Developer Tools download for all the versions of Xcode. You need an iCloud ID to download, but not a paid developer account.

Can't update command line tools because Xcode tells me I don't have access to them

I'm using Xcode 4.3.2 and it tried to install an update to the command line tools.
I clicked the update button and Xcode told me that [my apple id] does not have access to Command Line Tools. (Contact Apple Developer Support to resolve account access issues.)
The problem happened with 4.3.1 too, I just did the update to 4.3.2 because I thought that it will resolve the issue.
My account is a paid Mac + iOS Developer account. I am pretty sure I should have access to these tools. But Xcode tells me I don't.
I logged in to the developer portal and checked for new Terms of Service too. Everything looks alright.
How can I install the update? Does anybody have a solution for this?
Yes its all over the Twitter... Just go to Apple Downloads and manually install it. They are investigating the issue as far as I know
Dominik Porada details the solution at Xcode 4.5 and iOS 5.1 Simulator, ie. download the old XCode 4.4.1 from Apple and pull out the simulation. Personally, I just copied the simulator from one of my other Macs that I hadn't upgraded XCode on yet.
Not sure if it's still relevant but xcode-select --install might do it.
I had the same problem last night after the update to Mountain Lion and Xcode 4.4.
This morning I tried to build something in xcode and it told me that developer mode wasn't enabled on the mac. Once I enabled it, I tried to download the command tools again and that happened to work fine now.

Bluetooth sniffer - preferably mac osx

I am trying to find a bluetooth packet sniffer to capture bluetooth signals from close by devices. I would like for this application to work on mac osx. I have had difficulty finding anything at all so my requirements are low right now - something that shows signal strength and mac address would be a good start.
Apple publishes an application called PacketLogger.
You can download it by going to https://developer.apple.com/download/more/?=for%20Xcode (or if you have Xcode installed, go to Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More developer tools), then loging in with your Apple developer account, search for Additional Tools and download the latest version (or if you have Xcode installed, download the version matching your version of Xcode).
Although the tool is associated with Xcode, Xcode is not required to install or use it.
Prior to Xcode 8, this package was named "Hardware IO tools".
If you want the new tools to appear in Xcode's developer tools menu, drag them to the Xcode.app/Contents/Applications folder.
If you have xcode installed, hold the option key while selecting the bluetooth icon in the menu (upper right).
You'll see some new options in the drop down menu.
(At least for 10.5.8)
At the WWDC 2019 Apple announced big updates for the PacketLogger.
Just look for "Additional Tools for Xcode 12.5"
You can get it here
After downloading move PacketLogger to your Application folder and you can start using it.
I assume you are interested in BLE or Bluetooth SMART. XCode has a tool called PacketLogger and it is very easy to use. Here is an example of its output
Otherwise have a look at the Ubertooth One. You can get it here:
This article will get you started on how to do it:
Or have a look here for some information:
It is possible to use Wireshark in conjunction with the Ubertooth on OSX to capture both Bluetooth v1-3/Classic and Bluetooth LE/v4/Smart. Unfortunately it seems that the latest version of Wireshark/libpcap cannot currently utilise any built-in MacOSX Bluetooth hardware.
The Xcode utilities for Xcode 3.2.x includes three Bluetooth utilities including a packet logger.
