Jhipster Registry cloud server config error for application property - spring-boot

So I want to override some settings for all my microservices, so I create a git repo and an application.yml file for that.
Download registry jar from jhipster.
run it with the following command.
java -jar jhipster-registry-5.0.2.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod --spring.security.user.password=xxx --jhipster.security.authentication.jwt.secret=abcde --spring.cloud.config.server.composite[0].type=git --spring.cloud.config.server.composite[0].uri=https://github.com/xxx --spring.cloud.config.server.composite[0].username=xxx --spring.cloud.config.server.composite[0].password=xxx
The services communicate through feign client which takes its data from the application.yml. The settings look like this:
base-url: local
But when I run the jhipster registry pointing to this repo. I get the following error.
Origin: ...
Reason: The elements [] are left unbound
I tried using all kinds of combos for the file name. application.yml, application-prod.yml, application-dev.yml, service-name.yml and also application.yml
There doesn't seem to be a problem for other properties, such as for database password and url. Or even arbitrary chains like abc.abc.abc.abc="data", these work. I even played around and simply messed up the spellings like mistyping external, services and application.
When I misspelled application like aaaaplication. It doesnt give an error. Only when I include "application:" in my yml file jhipster throws an error.
Please confirm if I am correct in assuming that jhipster won't allow application to be overriden. And if yes then how can I override this?
I don't think its optimal to change all the services for this. So is there a workaround for this?


Spring Cloud Embedded Config Server with native repository

I have a working spring boot application and I am trying to remove some properties from application.yaml file and read them from an embedded config server in the same app. At the moment, I am trying to read properties from file system through "native" profile type, and I am planning to later replace this with S3. Also, I am trying to read the configuration directly from backend repository as explained here https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/docs/current/reference/html/#_embedding_the_config_server , rather than connecting through an endpoint.
If you want to read the configuration for an application directly from
the backend repository (instead of from the config server), you
basically want an embedded config server with no endpoints. You can
switch off the endpoints entirely by not using the #EnableConfigServer
annotation (set spring.cloud.config.server.bootstrap=true).
I have introduced following changes to my existing application to achieve this.
Added following dependencies to pom.xml
enabled: true
active: composite
- type: native
search-locations: file:C:\\Users\\chamila\\config-test\\config
# bootstrap: true
The required properties are saved in a different application-dev.yaml file at the above file path. I have not used #EnableConfigServer annotation from my app class, as I want connect directly without the endpoint.
However, still my program is failing to read the properties from the config-server. I tried setting spring.cloud.config.server.bootstrap=true and spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled=true from both application-dev.yaml and bootstrap.yaml, but it didn't work?
Any idea what I am missing? I note that I never specified how to connect to the config-server in my application-dev.yaml file also. Is that an issue?
Any help is highly appreciated.
I created a sample project of an embedded Configuration Server which uses a custom repository:
The initial problem was that the custom EnvironmentRepository was not available via bootstrap, as described in this issue.
I followed https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/reference/html/#_embedding_the_config_server and achieved the expected result.
Add spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap to your dependencies as suggested in https://github.com/taxone/embedded-config-server.
Make sure that composite profile is active when you start the app.
Verify that your native configuration is added by finding a log message from NativeEnvironmentRepository during startup.
(Optional) Remove spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled from application-dev.yaml.
(Optional) Remove spring-cloud-config-client dependency as it is included in both spring-cloud-starter-config and
(Further steps) Use #RefreshScope on a spring bean to achieve dynamic properties. Requires POST actuator/refresh.

Configuring Spring Eureka Client through environmental variables in CF

Trying to get a older version of Spring Boot running on Pivotal Web Services.
It needs to connect to a Eureka server. I have stood up a new Eureka server in the same space the Client App is running on in PWS.
As I don't have the code for the Client application (can't modify the application property/yml files), I need to configure the Client's Eureka client to connect to the new Eureka server using Environmental Variables.
Here is what I have tried:
In the Cloud Foundries 'manifest.yml' I currently have:
- name: <Client application name>
other non related settings
EUREKA_INSTANCE_HOSTNAME: https://<pws route of eureka server>
This is not picked up.
It looks like that property is picked up like that:
I have tried a few variable names:
I also tried setting a SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON to contain these combinations in the same way in the manifest.yml.
None of them seem to get picked up.
Is there a different way that this can be done? Again, I don't have access to the code, only the Jar.
So its not pretty, but I was able to modify the application.properties files in the Jars using VIM to contain this setting:
eureka.client.serviceUrl.defaultZone=<pws route>/eureka/
Just made the Jar write-able, added that setting, saved and then cf push'd it up. Works. Not sure why the ENV did not work, but its not worth fixing. Everything in this Jar is ancient (Spring Cloud version 1.0). Its all going to get re-written anyway, just need the legacy version running somewhere stable while that work happens.

Common application property file for multiple microservice

I want to use a common application properties file for multiple microservices which will have some common configuration like DB Source config etc..I have use the config Server with Eureka server and zull Proxy.
When using configServer we need to provide the spring.application.name = 'xyz'
which in turn find the xyz.properties for this microservice configuration.
The same way when we register the service with zuul proxy also need the same application name for configure the service path as zuul.routes.xyz.path = /iii/*.
Now I want that multiple service will share the same property file(xyz.properties) but need to register the zuul route as well so I have to provide the different name for each service. If I will provide the different name to each service they will not be able to locate the same property file.
I am new to spring boot micro services.
spring.config.client.name supports multiple names separated by commas to load the configuration properties.
In this case, store the common properties in common.yml and xyz properties in xyz.yml. Finally, mention spring.cloud.config.name: xyz,common
uri: http://localhost:8888
name: xyz,common
Fetching config from server at : http://localhost:8888
Located environment: name=xyz,common, profiles=[default], label=null, version=91edcf96c6a88707bf39014a16ad5d301d6b4575, state=null
Located property source: CompositePropertySource {name='configService', propertySources=[MapPropertySource {name='configClient'}, MapPropertySource {name='https://github.com/BarathArivazhagan/config-server-repository/common.yml'}, MapPropertySource {name='https://github.com/BarathArivazhagan/config-server-repository/xyz.yml'}]}
I would like to point out that the provided solution leverages the "spring.config.client.name" client side property semantics to achieve a config server behavior of serving properties files from multiple files other than application[-profile].* and {appname}[-profile].*
However, note that for a simple case and considering a root dir, the config server serves properties from files defined in this root dir or under a folder with the name of the application, that the property files under it correspond to, i.e. */{appname}/application[-profile].** or */{appname}/{appname}[-profile].**
The "spring.config.client.name" environment property instructs the config server which application names the requesting app matches with. This means that given a spring.config.client.name=a,b , the config server will assume serving properties defined for app (with name) a and b to the requesting app! This is not the exact same thing as I want my properties been served from file names a and b! Therefore we are abusing the property semantics for managing our config server serving from the file names we would like it to.
However, due to the actual semantics of spring.config.client.name the config server will serve everything applicable from
/a/{applicable names}
/b/{applicable names}
The caveat here is that we achieve what we want only for the root directory and, moreover, if we have a configserver that serves multiple springboot apps we loose the ability to have all our properties under our application's name-folder.
Even worse, if there exists another app (or -attention!- will exist in the future) with the same name as one of our desired property file names, the config server will start serving to our app ALL the configuration defined for that other app!!! This could end up in wrong and even harmful served configuration!
(I repeat it will serve everything applicable under /{other-app-name-that-i-happened-to-use-as-filename-and-defined-it-through-spring.config.client.name}/*!!!)
So beware when pirsuiting this approach!
I have issued a pull request for spring-cloud-config-server 1.4.x, that supports defining additional file names, through a spring.cloud.config.server.searchNames environment property, in the same sense one can do for a single springboot app, as defined in the Externalized Configuration.Application Property Files section of the documentation, using the spring.config.name enviroment property. I hope they review it soon

Spring Cloud Config dual bootstrap files behavior

I have a setup where I am using the following:
Spring Boot 1.5.13 with Spring Cloud Version Edgware.S3
I have Spring Cloud Config Server and my Spring Boot apps are its clients
Each app carries a bootstrap.yml with the config server uri and some other properties.
Running containers on a Docker Swarm
I am currently passing Swarm secrets to the clients via a custom script which reads the files put into /run/secrets/ and creating a /config/bootstrap.properties file. It ends up looking like this:
My Docker image's default command is then this:
java -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -jar /${appName}.jar --spring.cloud.bootstrap.location=file:/config/bootstrap.properties"
Great. This is working without a problem. The app, seemingly, reads:
The external bootstrap.properties to read in the config server's credentials
The classpath bootstrap.yml to read in the rest of the config client props
Fetches and reads in the config server's application-appName.yml
Then reads the bundled application.yml from the classpath
Now. I'm moving the apps to Spring Boot 2.0.3 with Finchley.RELEASE and well, this breaks.
What is happening now is:
The external bootstrap.properties is read in to get the config server's credentials
The classpath bootstrap.yml is SKIPPED entirely (UNEXPECTED!)
Fetches and reads in the config server's application-appName.yml
Then reads the bundled application.yml from the classpath
The problem is that the properties that were set in the internal bootstrap.yml are now missing for the app so it blows up on start. I've been able to reproduce it outside the container environment by doing the same thing; point the app to an external bootstrap.properties. If I copy over the bootstrap.yml properties into the bootstrap.properties, then it works just fine. Also, if I don't provide an external properties file, then the internal bootstrap.yml kicks in without a problem. So it's either one or the other!
I'v also tried modifying the bootstrap location to include the default locations but no luck:
-- spring.cloud.bootstrap.location=file:/config/bootstrap.properties,classpath:,classpath:/config,file:,file:config/
Any ideas where to look next? Maybe there is a new spring.cloud.config property I'm missing? Or can anyone confirm which behavior is the correct behavior? Assuming they fixed a potential loophole in Finchley then I can just put this to rest and look for another solution. If it's 'broken' in Finchley, I guess an issue report is in order?
Well, some more digging showed that it looks like this is the new behavior:
The behavior of the spring.config.location configuration has been fixed; it previously added a location to the list of default ones, now it replaces the default locations. If you were relying on the way it was handled previously, you should now use spring.config.additional-location instead.
It didn't look to be Spring Cloud specific but I had nothing to lose.
Changing my java command to use this new property did the trick:

Spring Cloud Config Server Shared Properties Across Applications

I currently have a number of deployable applications that work in a distributed fashion to solve a business problem. We are currently using a number of property configuration files to provide changing configuration per environment based off a system environment variable. All these deployable application share common configuration for database and messaging. This is currently achieved by picking up property files from the class path and having both deployed apps share a common jar for each connection (db, jms) containing property files.
I am looking to start using Spring Config Server to externalize this configuration if possible. I have a question about how to share this common config.
Currently it looks something like this:-
- database
- jms
- database
- jms
In this situation both deployed apps share the same connections and these connections change per environment (lab, prf, prd, etc). How can I achieve the same with the Spring Configuration Server where I have app config for each deployable app?
If a connection property changed for an environment I would need to make the change to each deployable app configuration rather than making it just once.
Is there currently anyway to achieve this? Am I just missing a simple point?
I found working solution here https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/single/spring-cloud-config.html, paragraph "2.1.5 Sharing Configuration With All Applications". It says:
With file-based (i.e. git, svn and native) repositories, resources
with file names in application* are shared between all client
applications (so application.properties, application.yml,
application-*.properties etc.). You can use resources with these file
names to configure global defaults and have them overridden by
application-specific files as necessary.
You should create application.properties or application.yml at the top level of configuration repository (if it is git or svn based). Don't forget to commit the changes.
This is how I have configured for my setup.
1 All Common properties across all services and environments will be in root->application.properties files
2 All Common properties across all environments specific to service will be root->service-X.properties files
3: Similarly, to have common properties across specific environment use env->application.properties file
port: 8888
uri:[git repo]
search-paths: /,/{profile}/
Finally found a solution. It's buried in the issues at github ...
It worked liked described. I only noticed, that you need to put the files in a /config folder to make it work. If you put it in the root the file ist used by the configserver itself and is not included in the config requests.
application.properties/application.yml will be shared across all applications.
application-DEV.properties/application-DEV.yml will be shared across all DEV environment applications. You can replace DEV with any spring profile.
{applicationName}.properties/{applicationName}.yml will be shared across the give application.
