SCOM - Issue with single server domain-management & agent - windows

for my new task I have to use SCOM to monitoring non-domain server/computer. My company told me to do it with only 1 server management that contains others SCOM features. So I have a server Windows 2016 with SCOM with a local domain, and I have to connect the others devices. It seems easy, but I have a problem with certificates: when I try to certificates my server & computers, and I'll import the certificate with MOMCertImport, in Event Viewer I see the event id 21007, that tell me "The OpsMgr Connector cannot create a mutually authenticated connection to 'PC-NAME' because it is not in a trusted domain." So I have the certificates installed but I can't anyway connect Agent to SCOM, What will I do? I search anywhere for this problem, but any solution not work with me!

There are few things you need to look at.
The certificate: must have both client auth and server auth purposes.
Authentication is MUTUAL, i.e. you agent confirms its identity to a gateway, or to a management server, AND the gateway or management server confirms its identity to the agent.
Certificates must be issued to EXACT conputer FQDN. If you rename, or join domain, or change DNS suffix => this will invalidate certificate, because FQDN changes.
Install and bind certificates at both participating servers (i.e. agent and (MS or GW)). This is because #2.
Obviously, you need individual certificates for each server, because of #3.
Ensure, that both servers can maintain trust chanin to own certificate and to other party's one. Ideally, if you have a single root/issuing CA, which used to issue both certificates. In this case, just install root/issuing CA certs in appropriate storages in local computer account. If using self-signed, you need to install them as trusted at other party.


From self managed Let's Encrypt to AWS Certificate Manager

I have been managing Let's Encrypt's SSL certificates for a domain.
Now I am moving to Amazon API gateway. I will be using the AWS Certificate Manager to generate HTTPS certificates for the root domain and a bunch of subdomains.
If I make the transfer, what happens to my current HTTPS certificate which is associated with my domain. If browsers suddenly start seeing a new HTTPS certificate for a domain, for which they had been getting a different HTTPS certificate until now, would this be a problem?
Also, once I make the shift, what do I do with my current (manually managed) Let's Encrypt certificate? Is there a way to permanently void it?
Szabolcs Dombi says
You can have multiple valid certificates for the same domain at the
same time. Moving from one certificate issuer to another should not
cause a problem.
Toby Osbourn says
SSL certificates don’t last forever, most of them need to be renewed
on a yearly cycle and occasionally you will want to change the type of
the SSL certificate mid-cycle.
Since you are replacing certificates, I suggest you to back up the ones you have.
Once you have backed up the old certificates, just overwrite the .crt and .key files with your new ones. Then, reload your web server so it knows to look at these new certificates, and you should be good to go.
If it's within your interest to know more about how to Generate SSL certificate using Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM), I suggest Barguzar, A. (July 2018). Building Serverless Python Web Services with Zappa. where one can read a good step by step guide. See an excerpt of it below:
ACM is a service that manages and creates SSL/TSL certificates for
AWS-based services and applications. An ACM certificate works with
multiple domain names and subdomains. You can also use ACM to create a
wildcard SSL.
ACM is strictly linked with AWS Certificate Manager Private
Certificate Authority (ACM PCA). ACM PCA is responsible for validating
the domain authority and issuing the certificate.
You can have multiple valid certificates for the same domain at the same time. Moving from one certificate issuer to another should not cause a problem.
This also means that if you create a new certificate the old one still can be used unless it already expired.

SSL certificate - Use Client certificate installed on server for local testing - Mutual authentication

I have been working with web services connecting to URLs provided by different clients and so far it has all been done using one-way authentication. Now I'm asked to enable 2-way (mutual) authentication for one of the clients. I did a lot of research and reading but still confused about a lot of things.
I could test successfully on my local machine following instructions from various different articles. But the problem is now to deploy it in production.
Here's what I did for testing: I created a test Web service Host and assigned it a self-signed certificate and created a client to test this. After this I created a client certificate using makecert and verified that this is installed via MMC. I then modified my Host app to only allow clients with certificate and tested from client to see the connection refused due to not providing the client certificate. Then I modified the bindings in the client application to include the certificate name and I was able to connect to the Host successfully. So this completes local hosting.
Now the real problem. The tech team is going to create a certificate in "cert store" on the server. And I need to test again to make sure everything works as expected. We have a few different developers who all want to test on their machines on their local code. Can we all use the same certificate somehow? I don't think we would be allowed to import the certificate but what suggestions could I give them so all of us can use the same certificate?
I'm also confused about issues like difference between windows certificate and IIS certificate. What advantages would the IIS certificate provide?
Thanks for help!
Edit: Could one of the differences between installing on IIS be so that the hosted sites be accessed via SSL connection? This would mean we don't really need to install on IIS if it's just a client certificate. Is this correct?

BizTalk 2010 Send FTPS - when is client certificate hash "thumbprint" needed?

Based on this post, it's very unclear if a certificate is needed or not. The most important quote I got out of that post is this:
"I reached out to MS BizTalk support and they asked me not to use the
certificate and just use FTP over SSL without certificate. We also
changed the ftp firewall mode to passive and allocate storage to no."
Also consulted this post.
If FileZilla client can connect and send a file to a customer/vendor without a local certificate, then why would BizTalk need one in an FTP SendPort?
And secondly, if it is not needed, in what circumstances would you use it on an FTP SendPort.
It's my understanding that the certificate is some certificate related to the BizTalk host account's personal store on the BizTalk machine, and not the thumbprint of the customer/vendor we are communicating with.
For BT2013 this is MSDN's mysterious definition:
Specify the SHA1 hash of the client certificate that must be used in
the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) negotiation.
Based on this hash, the client certificate is picked up from the
personal store of the user account under which the BizTalk host
instance is running.
This statement gives no guidance as to when it is needed or desired.
This is the other good blog on the subject, but also implied cert is needed, in contradiction to Microsoft support in early link.
You need to use the client certificate, when the FTPS server requires authentication with the client certificate. And you do not use it, when the server does not require that (what is a way more common).
FileZilla does not support the client certificates at all. If you are able to connect with FileZilla, your FTPS server does not require authentication with the client certificate. So you just leave the respective field in BizTalk blank.

Accessing HTTPS content from out-of browser Silverlight 4 applications

I am using some of the local machine's resources using COM interop functionality provided in Silverlight 4.0. Hence, naturally I need OOB with elevated permissions. However, in my case I am consuming the WCF services hosted on HTTPS channel. Here is where I am facing the problem. The OOB with elevated permissions applied, doesn't allow me consuming the HTTPS service hosted on either different or the same domain, giving me a NotFound exception. Please note that I have used the self-signed certificate for the development environment. The same is also installed in the Trusted Root folder of the client machine on which I am testing.
Interestingly, when I set the Fiddler options (in Fiddler session, Toos -> Fiddler Options -> HTTPS tab) to intercept the HTTPS traffic, with Decrypt HTTPS traffic checkbox set, I am able to use the same HTTPS service without any exception. But for that, I was told by Fiddler to store a temporary certificate inside my user profile's Fiddler directory, and I must have at least one Fiddler session at that time. Hence, it seems to be a certification issue. But does it relate in anyway to signing of the XAP file with the required certificate ? I am not sure. I tried with a self-signed certificate and bind my layer service URL to use that certificate. Then I install the same certificate to Trusted root folder of the client. But i was not successful in signing the XAP with that certificate.
Please let me know if you have any work-around.
If the code is running in a different user's context, you need to put your "Self-signed" certificate into the Machine Trusted Root store. Start mmc.exe. On the File menu, choose to Add a Snap-in. Add the Certificates snap-in. Pick Local Machine. Import the Self-signed root into the Trusted Root store.
I had the same problem and found out, that the SSL settings in IIS were wrong.
I configured IIS 7.5 to SSL only and to accept client certificates. With this settings, I ended up with the service not found error in OOB. After setting IIS to ignoring client certificates the OOB Application works fine.

Are valid digital certificates required on the clients (Java, C++ etc) to make successful https connections?

I am planning to implement a small standalone program that will make a https request to a server. Does that require a valid ssl certificate in the client? How does the SSL handshake work in that case? Are there any security issues in the client not have an SSL certificate?
Apart from encrypting the network traffic, HTTPS is normally used to authenticate the server. That is, to give clients reassuring information about who owns the server, etc. For that to work, the client needs to inspect the trust chain in the certificate published by the server. For that to happen automatically, the client machine should have a certificate installed that describes a Certification Authority that issued the server's certificate. Normally such certificates are found on your machine in a store called "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" and most OS come with a set of common CAs already installed.
In addition, many web servers offer a feature where the client can authenticate itself to the server by supplying a client certificate. The web server is able to inspect the certificate coming from the client and map it onto a set of permissions on the server. This "client authentication" is not necessary for a working HTTPS session however, it's just an option.
In short, you don't actually need any certificate on the client, but you will probably want to have a root CA certificate in order to validate the server's identity. If you don't have that certificate it will be impossible for you to trust the server (unless you have another good reason to do so), but you might choose to exchange data with it anyway.
If you wish to learn more about the HTTPS handshake and what is negotiated, i fully recommend you look at this excellent write up at moserware
A client certificate is required only if the server requires one. A client certificate allows the server to authenticate the client, but this is only useful if the server has a list of all authorized clients. That's generally not the case with a web server, so it's quite rare for them to require client certificates.
When present, the client-side certificate does not affect establishment of the secure channel. (Only the server's certificate is required for that and adding a client certificate into the mix doesn't change the process.) Once a secure channel is established, the server will use the client's certificate the authenticate the client (generally by comparing the client's public key or name with a list of authorized clients).
You dont need a certificate to make a HTTPS connection, but you do need to if you want to know with whom you are communicating.
