I need to create a function that wraps an inner function, and has exactly the same signature as the inner function. I am fearing that this is not possible since Go does not support generics, but perhaps it is achievable using reflect? The following is the pseudo-go I would like to have:
func myFunc(a int, b string) (string, error) {
return string(a) + b, nil
func wrapInner(inner interface{}) interface{} {
argTypes := argsOf(inner)
returnTypes := returnsOf(inner)
wrapper := func(args argTypes) returnTypes {
// do something with inner's args
modArgs := doSomething(args)
ret := inner(modArgs)
// do something with the return
modRet := doSomething(ret)
return wrapper
wrapped := wrapInner(myFunc)
val, err := wrapped(1, "b")
The pseudo-code is full of errors, but the idea is that wrapInner has no clue about the signature of inner. However, it is able to inspect the signature (using, perhaps, reflect?) and creates a function that adds logic to inner and has exactly the same signature as inner. Is this possible?
What you are trying to achieve is the middleware pattern. It is commonly implemented with interfaces. You would have to manually implement the middleware function for every function you wish to annotate.
Here is an example:
package main
import (
type Service interface {
myFunc(a int, b string) (string, error)
type implService struct{}
func (s implService) myFunc(a int, b string) (string, error) {
return strconv.Itoa(a) + b, nil
type loggingMiddleware struct {
next Service
func (s loggingMiddleware) myFunc(a int, b string) (string, error) {
fmt.Println(a, b)
return s.next.myFunc(a, b)
func main() {
var myservice Service = &implService{}
myservice = &loggingMiddleware{
next: myservice,
result, err := myservice.myFunc(1, "a") // prints 1 a
fmt.Println(result, err) // prints 1a <nil>
I'm looking for an appropriate way to inject dependencies.
Say I have this code where the FancyWrite and FancyRead functions have a dependency on the WriteToFile and ReadFromFile functions. Since these have side effects I'd like to be able to inject them so I can replace them in tests.
package main
func main() {
func FancyWrite() {
func FancyRead() {
func WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
One thing I tried is just put them as parameters into the functions:
package main
func main() {
func FancyWrite(writeToFile func(content []byte) (bool, error)) {
func FancyRead(readFromFile func(file string) ([]byte, error)) {
func WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
So, this actually works great, but I could see this becoming harder to maintain for more dependencies. I also tried a factory pattern like the following so that the main function doesn't have to concern itself with building the FancyWrite function. But, the syntax is getting a little hard to read and with even more functions would be hard to maintain.
func FancyWriteFactory(writeToFile func(content []byte) (bool, error)) func() {
return func() {
So next I tried housing the functions as methods in a struct:
package main
func main() {
dfu := DefaultFileUtil{}
ffm := FancyFileModule{
FileUtil: &dfu,
type FileUtil interface {
WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error)
ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error)
type FancyFileModule struct {
func (fm *FancyFileModule) FancyWrite() {
func (fm *FancyFileModule) FancyRead() {
type DefaultFileUtil struct{}
func (fu *DefaultFileUtil) WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func (fu *DefaultFileUtil) ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
Now, this actually works well and is cleaner. However, I'm worried I am just shoehorning my functions as methods now and something just felt odd about that. I guess I can reason about it because structs are good when you have some state, and I guess I can count the dependencies as state?
Those are the things I tried. So my question is, what is the proper way to do dependency injection in this case when the only reason to put functions as methods is to make them be a collection of dependencies elsewhere?
The simple answer is that you cannot cleanly use dependency injection with functions, only with methods. Technically, you could make the functions global vars instead (ex. var WriteToFile = func(content []byte) (bool, error) { [...] }), but this is rather brittle code.
The more proper solution, from an idiomatic perspective, is to make any behavior you want to replace, inject, or wrap into a method that is then wrapped in an interface.
For example:
type (
FancyReadWriter interface {
fancyReadWriter struct {
w Writer
r Reader
Writer interface {
Write([]byte) (bool, error)
Reader interface {
Read() ([]byte, error)
fileWriter struct {
path string
// or f *os.File
fileReader struct {
path string
// or f *os.File
func (w fileWriter) Write([]byte) (bool, error) {
// Write to the file
return true, nil
func (r fileReader) Read() ([]byte, error) {
// Read from the file
return nil, nil
func (f fancyReadWriter) FancyWrite() {
// I like to be explicit when I'm ignoring return values,
// hence the underscores.
_, _ = f.w.Write([]byte("some content..."))
func (f fancyReadWriter) FancyRead() {
_, _ = f.r.Read()
func NewFancyReadWriter(w Writer, r Reader) FancyReadWriter {
// NOTE: Returning a pointer to the struct type, but it is actually
// returned as an interface instead, abstracting the underlying
// implementation.
return &fancyReadWriter{
w: w,
r: r,
func NewFileReader(path string) Reader {
// Same here, returning a pointer to the struct as the interface
return &fileReader {
path: path
func NewFileWriter(path string) Writer {
// Same here, returning a pointer to the struct as the interface
return &fileWriter {
path: path
func Main() {
w := NewFileWriter("/var/some/path")
r := NewFileReader("/var/some/other/path")
f := NewFancyReadWriter(w, r)
And then in the test file (or wherever you want to do the dependency injection):
type MockReader struct {}
func (m MockReader) Read() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("test error 1")
type MockWriter struct {}
func (m MockWriter) Write([]byte) (bool, error) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("test error 2")
func TestFancyReadWriter(t *testing.T) {
var w MockWriter
var r MockReader
f := NewFancyReadWriter(w, r)
// Now the methods on f will call the mock methods instead
You could then go a step further and make the mock or injection framework functional and thus flexible. This is my preferred style for mocks for tests, actually, as it lets me define the behavior of the mocked dependency within the test using that behavior. Example:
type MockReader struct {
Readfunc func() ([]byte, error)
ReadCalled int
func (m *MockReader) Read() (ret1 []byte, ret2 error) {
if m.Readfunc != nil {
// Be *very* careful that you don't just call m.Read() here.
// That would result in an infinite recursion.
ret1, ret2 = m.Readfunc()
// if Readfunc == nil, this just returns the zero values
type MockWriter struct {
Writefunc func([]byte) (bool, error)
WriteCalled int
func (m MockWriter) Write(arg1 []byte) (ret1 bool, ret2 error) {
if m.Writefunc != nil {
ret1, ret2 = m.Writefunc(arg1)
// Same here, zero values if the func is nil
func TestFancyReadWriter(t *testing.T) {
var w MockWriter
var r MockReader
// Note that these definitions are optional. If you don't provide a
// definition, the mock will just return the zero values for the
// return types, so you only need to define these functions if you want
// custom behavior, like different returns or test assertions.
w.Writefunc = func(d []byte) (bool, error) {
// Whatever tests you want, like assertions on the input or w/e
// Then whatever returns you want to test how the caller handles it.
return false, nil
r.Readfunc = func() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// Since the mocks now define the methods as *pointer* receiver methods,
// so the mock can keep track of the number of calls, we have to pass in
// the address of the mocks rather than the mocks as struct values.
f := NewFancyReadWriter(&w, &r)
// Now the methods on f will call the mock methods instead
// Now you have a simple way to assert that the calls happened:
if w.WriteCalled < 1 {
t.Fail("Missing expected call to Writer.Write().")
if r.ReadCalled < 1 {
t.Fail("Missing expected call to Reader.Read().")
Since all of the types involved here (the Reader, Writer, and the FancyReadWriter) are all handed around as interfaces rather than concrete types, it also becomes trivial to wrap them with middleware or similar (ex. logging, metrics/tracing, timeout aborts, etc).
This is hands down the most power strength of Go's interface system. Start thinking of types as bags of behavior, attach your behavior to types that can hold them, and pass all behavior types around as interfaces rather than concrete structs (data structs that are just used to organize specific bits of data are perfectly fine without interfaces, else you have to define Getters and Setters for everything and it's a real chore without much benefit). This lets you isolate, wrap, or entirely replace any particular bit of behavior you want at any time.
Let's say we have a library provide a function Double to double the integer, we use pointer i to get the result value not by return:
package api
type Action interface {
Double(i *int) error
type NUM struct{}
func (n NUM) Double(i *int) error {
*i *= 2
return nil
in our main function we use this library to do our task. like this:
package app
import (
func main() {
j := job{a: &api.NUM{}}
d := j.task(3)
fmt.Println(3, d)
type job struct {
a api.Action
// double me
func (j job) task(i int) int {
return i
Now we need to test the task() function, how can we get the pointer return bye mock the Double function?
Here is the test:
package app
import (
func TestReq(t *testing.T) {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
m := mocks.NewMockAction(ctrl)
j := job{a: m}
got := j.task(3)
if got != 6 {
t.Errorf("got = %#v; want 6", got)
The code here: https://github.com/hotsnow/mock.git (stackoverflow branch)
you can use gomock setarg function for this
yourPackage.EXPECT().insert(&pointer).SetArg(0, newPointer)
You can achieve this with the provided Eq() matcher, which internally calls reflect.DeepEqual() on the expected and actual values; as per the documentation for this method:
Pointer values are deeply equal if they are equal using Go's == operator or if they point to deeply equal values.
Say we have a function that depends upon an interface method that takes a pointer parameter:
package resource
type ServiceRequest struct {
Name string
Owner *string // this is a pointer so it can be omitted with `nil`
type Model struct {
// resource model...
type ResourceService interface {
Fetch(req *ServiceRequest) (Model, error)
type getResourceHandler struct {
resourceService ResourceService
type GetResourceEvent struct {
Resource string
Owner *string
func NewResourceHandler(resourceService ResourceService) *getResourceHandler {
return &getResourceHandler{resourceService}
func (h *getResourceHandler) Handle(event GetResourceEvent) (Model, error) {
return h.resourceService.Fetch(&ServiceRequest{event.Resource, event.Owner})
We can use the Eq() matcher when setting up the expectation against our generated mock of the ResourceService interface:
package test
import (
func optionalString(str string) *string {
return &str
func Test_GetResourceHandler_ReturnsResultFromService(t *testing.T) {
resourceName := "my-resource"
owner := optionalString("Joe Bloggs")
resourceReq := &resource.ServiceRequest{resourceName, owner}
event := resource.GetResourceEvent{resourceName, owner}
model := resource.Model{ /* fields here... */ }
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
mockResourceService := mock.NewMockResourceService(ctrl)
handler := resource.NewResourceHandler(mockResourceService)
mockResourceService.EXPECT().Fetch(gomock.Eq(resourceReq)).Return(model, nil)
res, err := handler.Handle(event)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, model, res)
If you change the contents of the service request in either the test or the unit under test, you'll see that the test no longer passes. Otherwise, it will pass in spite of the test and the unit under test having their own respective pointers to separate ServiceRequest{} values.
It seems you don't have to use gomock to test the task method.
Since you have an interface, why not just create a mock implementation of the interface, for example:
type dummy struct{
callCount int
func (d *dummy) Double(i *int) error {
return nil
d := dummy{}
j := job{a: &d}
got := j.task(3)
if d.callCount != 1 {
// XXX
Suppose I have two package like
a have some methods like this
func TestOne() { //something }
func TestTwo() { //something }
I need to call package a's methods from package b but by only string method name. Like i get the string "TestOne" and calls for the method TestOne(). How can i get that done.
Edit :
I have Read about reflect. but reflect needs an struct and functions be a member of that struct. What if My functions are not member of a struct? just plain methods in a package. and the calling methods and called methods are in different package. Then?
NB. There could be some methods that have parameters as well.
Like LightWeight said in his answer, you can use reflection.
You use the reflect.ValueOf method to get the value of the type. Then you can use the MethodByName method to get the function value. Once you have the function value you can call the Call method to execute it.
Code Sample
package main
import (
type TypeOne struct {
func (t *TypeOne) FuncOne() {
func (t *TypeOne) FuncTwo(name string) {
fmt.Println("Hello", name)
func CallFuncByName(myClass interface{}, funcName string, params ...interface{}) (out []reflect.Value, err error) {
myClassValue := reflect.ValueOf(myClass)
m := myClassValue.MethodByName(funcName)
if !m.IsValid() {
return make([]reflect.Value, 0), fmt.Errorf("Method not found \"%s\"", funcName)
in := make([]reflect.Value, len(params))
for i, param := range params {
in[i] = reflect.ValueOf(param)
out = m.Call(in)
func main() {
t1 := &TypeOne{}
out, err := CallFuncByName(t1, "FuncOne")
if err != nil {
//Return value
_ = out
out, err = CallFuncByName(t1, "FuncTwo", "monkey")
if err != nil {
//Return value
_ = out
You can try to use reflect in go. This link may be help you
and http://mikespook.com/2012/07/function-call-by-name-in-golang/
func foo() {
// bla...bla...bla...
func bar(a, b, c int) {
// bla...bla...bla...
funcs := map[string]interface{}{"foo":foo, "bar":bar}
Is it possible to create a wrapper for arbitrary function in Go that would take the same arguments and return the same value?
I'm not talking about the wrapper that would look exactly the same, it may look differently, but it should solve the problem.
For example the problem might be to create a wrapper of arbitrary function that first looks for the result of the function call in cache and only in case of cache miss executes the wrapped function.
Here's a solution using reflect.MakeFunc. This particular solution assumes that your transformation function knows what to do with every different type of function. Watch this in action: http://play.golang.org/p/7ZM4Hlcqjr
package main
import (
type genericFunction func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value)
// A transformation takes a function f,
// and returns a genericFunction which should do whatever
// (ie, cache, call f directly, etc)
type transformation func(f interface{}) genericFunction
// Given a transformation, makeTransformation returns
// a function which you can apply directly to your target
// function, and it will return the transformed function
// (although in interface form, so you'll have to make
// a type assertion).
func makeTransformation(t transformation) func(interface{}) interface{} {
return func(f interface{}) interface{} {
// g is the genericFunction that transformation
// produced. It will work fine, except that it
// takes reflect.Value arguments and returns
// reflect.Value return values, which is cumbersome.
// Thus, we do some reflection magic to turn it
// into a fully-fledged function with the proper
// type signature.
g := t(f)
// typ is the type of f, and so it will also
// be the type that of the function that we
// create from the transformation (that is,
// it's essentially also the type of g, except
// that g technically takes reflect.Value
// arguments, so we need to do the magic described
// in the comment above).
typ := reflect.TypeOf(f)
// v now represents the actual function we want,
// except that it's stored in a reflect.Value,
// so we need to get it out as an interface value.
v := reflect.MakeFunc(typ, g)
return v.Interface()
func main() {
mult := func(i int) int { return i * 2 }
timesTwo := func(f interface{}) genericFunction {
return func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
// We know we'll be getting an int as the only argument,
// so this type assertion will always succeed.
arg := args[0].Interface().(int)
ff := f.(func(int) int)
result := ff(arg * 2)
return []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(result)}
trans := makeTransformation(timesTwo)
// Since mult multiplies its argument by 2,
// and timesTwo transforms functions to multiply
// their arguments by 2, f will multiply its
// arguments by 4.
f := trans(mult).(func(int) int)
The answer based on #joshlf13 idea and answer, but seems more simple to me.
package main
import (
type (
// Type of function being wrapped
sumFuncT func(int, int) (int)
// Type of the wrapper function
wrappedSumFuncT func(sumFuncT, int, int) (int)
// Wrapper of any function
// First element of array is the function being wrapped
// Other elements are arguments to the function
func genericWrapper(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
// this is the place to do something useful in the wrapper
return in[0].Call(in[1:])
// Creates wrapper function and sets it to the passed pointer to function
func createWrapperFunction(function interface {}) {
fn := reflect.ValueOf(function).Elem()
v := reflect.MakeFunc(reflect.TypeOf(function).Elem(), genericWrapper)
func main() {
var wrappedSumFunc wrappedSumFuncT
// The function being wrapped itself
sumFunc := func (a int, b int) int {
return a + b
result := wrappedSumFunc(sumFunc, 1, 3)
fmt.Printf("Result is %v", result)
The best I've come up with is to take a function def and return an interface, which will need type assertion afterwards:
func Wrapper(metaParams string, f func() (interface{}, string, error)) (interface{}, error) {
// your wrapper code
res, metaResults, err := f()
// your wrapper code
return res, err
Then to use this also takes a little work to function like a wrapper:
resInterface, err := Wrapper("data for wrapper", func() (interface{}, string, error) {
res, err := YourActualFuntion(whatever, params, needed)
metaResults := "more data for wrapper"
return res, metaResults, err
}) // note f() is not called here! Pass the func, not its results
if err != nil {
// handle it
res, ok := resInterface.(actualType)
if !ok {
// handle it
The upside is this is somewhat generic, can handle anything with 1 return type + error, and doesn't require reflection.
The downside is this takes a lot of work to use as it's not a simple wrapper or decorator.
Building on previous answers and using Go's new generic capabilities, I believe this can be implemented quite elegantly (playground link):
package main
import (
// Creates wrapper function and sets it to the passed pointer to function
func wrapFunction[T any](function T) T {
v := reflect.MakeFunc(reflect.TypeOf(function), func(in []reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
// This is the place to intercept your call.
fmt.Println("Params are:", in)
f := reflect.ValueOf(function)
return f.Call(in)
return v.Interface().(T)
func main() {
// The function being wrapped itself
sum := func(a int, b int) int {
return a + b
wrapped := wrapFunction(sum)
fmt.Printf("Result is %v", wrapped(1, 3))
Like this?
var cache = make(map[string]string)
func doStuff(key string) {
cache[key] = value
return value
fun DoStuff(key string) {
if v, ok := cache[key]; ok {
return v
return doStuff(key)
I try to write a function which takes any other function and wraps a new function around it. This is what I have tried so far:
package main
import (
func protect (unprotected func (...interface{})) (func (...interface{})) {
return func (args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Println ("protected");
unprotected (args...);
func main () {
a := func () {
fmt.Println ("unprotected");
b := protect (a);
b ();
When I compile this I get the error:
cannot use a (type func()) as type func(...interface { }) in function argument
Why is a function without arguments not compatible to a function with a variable number of arguments? What can I do to make them compatible?
The protected function should be compatible with the original:
func take_func_int_int (f func (x int) (y int)) (int) {
return f (1)
func main () {
a := func (x int) (y int) {
return 2 * x
b := protect (a)
take_func_int_int (a)
take_func_int_int (b)
Types are pretty concrete in Go. You could try
a := func(_ ...interface{}) {
func (...interface{}) does not mean "any function that takes any number of any kind of arguments", it means "only a function which takes a variable number of interface{} arguments"
Alternatively rather than func(...interface{}) you can just use interface{} and the reflect package. See http://github.com/hoisie/web.go for an example.
EDIT: Specifically, this:
package main
import (
func protect(oldfunc interface{}) (func (...interface{})) {
if reflect.TypeOf(oldfunc).Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("protected item is not a function")
return func (args ...interface{}) {
vargs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
for n, v := range args {
vargs[n] = reflect.ValueOf(v)
func main() {
a := func() {
b := func(s string) {
c := protect(a)
d := protect(b)
Ouput is
EDIT: To answer the update
Like I said above, types are pretty concrete in Go. The protect function returns a type func(...interface{}) which will never be assignable to func(int)int. I think you're probably either over-engineering your problem or misunderstanding it. However, here's a highly discouraged code snippet that would make it work.
First change protect to also return values:
func protect(oldfunc interface{}) (func (...interface{}) []interface{}) {
if reflect.TypeOf(oldfunc).Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("protected item is not a function")
return func (args ...interface{}) []interface{} {
vargs := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
for n, v := range args {
vargs[n] = reflect.ValueOf(v)
ret_vals := reflect.ValueOf(oldfunc).Call(vargs)
to_return := make([]interface{}, len(ret_vals))
for n, v := range ret_vals {
to_return[n] = v.Interface()
return to_return
Then make a convert function:
func convert(f func(...interface{}) (func(int) int) {
return func(x int) int {
r := f(x)
return r[0].(int)
Then your call would look like
But I promise this isn't what you actually want to do.
Step back and try to rework the problem. I've completely killed type-safety in these examples. What are you trying to accomplish?
package main
import "fmt"
// Here's a function that will take an arbitrary number
// of `int`s as arguments.
func sum(nums ...int) {
fmt.Print(nums, " ")
total := 0
for _, num := range nums {
total += num
func main() {
// Variadic functions can be called in the usual way
// with individual arguments.
sum(1, 2)
sum(1, 2, 3)
// If you already have multiple args in a slice,
// apply them to a variadic function using
// `func(slice...)` like this.
nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}