Redux Observable - How to send off an action to start a separate epic, then wait for that epics response (or timeout) - rxjs

So I basically have a websocket connection, this allows me to send generic messages via WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_SEND and receive them via WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED actions.
However there are cases where I want to make a request in a similar manner to a Ajax REST call. Eg to request a list of documents for a user I probably want to have an epic:
Receive an action eg ({ type: GET_DOCUMENTS })
Generate a random key to track the current request, we will call it 'request_id'
Send a ({ type: WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_SEND, request_id }) action.
Wait for either of
an action ({ type: WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, request_id, message }) **Must be with a matching 'request_id' otherwise it should be ignored.
-> Emit an action eg ({ type: GET_DOCUMENTS_SUCCESS, documents: message })
a timeout eg 10 seconds
-> Emit an action eg ({ type: GET_DOCUMENTS_TIMEOUT })
I have been struggling to put this into code, I think the most awkward part of the whole epic is that I want to emit an action in the middle of my epic and wait. This doesn't feel quite right to me... ani-pattern? But I am not really sure how I should be doing this.

That's right. There is no good way to emit an action in the middle of an epic. How about splitting the epic into two?
const getDocumentsEpic = action$ =>
map(() => {
const requestId = generateRequestId();
return {
const websocketMessageEpic = action$ =>
switchMap(requestId => {
return action$.pipe(
filter(action => action.requestId === requestId),
map(({ message }) => ({
documents: message
catchError(() => of({ type: "GET_DOCUMENTS_TIMEOUT" }))

Updated answer (2020-04-17):
I was unhappy with my original answer so decided to give it another shot.
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, switchMap, filter, timeout, catchError, first, mergeMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { notificationActionTypes } from '../actions';
const NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;
const generateRequestId = () => Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);
const toNotificationRequest = notificationRequest => input$ =>
input$.pipe(mergeMap(async action => ({
type: notificationActionTypes.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_SEND,
message: {
request_id: generateRequestId(),
typeof notificationRequest === "function" ?
await Promise.resolve(notificationRequest(action)) :
({ eventType: notificationRequest })
const mapNotificationRequestResponses = (notificationRequest, mapper) => $input =>
filter(action =>
action.type === notificationActionTypes.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_SEND &&
action.message.eventType === notificationRequest),
concatMap(sendAction =>
filter(receiveAction => {
return (
receiveAction.type === notificationActionTypes.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_RECEIVED &&
receiveAction.message.request_id === sendAction.message.request_id
map(({ message }) => mapper(message.success ? false : message.error, message.result, sendAction.message)),
catchError(errorMessage => of(mapper(errorMessage && errorMessage.message, null, sendAction.message))))));
export { toNotificationRequest, mapNotificationRequestResponses };
export const getDocumentsReqEpic = action$ => action$.pipe(
export const getDocumentsRecEpic = action$ => action$.pipe(
(error, result) => error ? refreshDocumentsError(error) : refreshDocumentsSuccess(result))
Original answer:
As I felt I would likely need to repeat this process many more times, this seemed like a reasonable amount of duplicated boilterplate that I should create a method to generate epics based on requirements. For this reason I have expanded upon #sneas awesome answer and have posted below incase it helps others.
Note this implementation assumes the websocket implementation from the other answer. It also assumes that the server websocket implementation will accept a 'request_id' and respond with the same 'request_id' so that request and response messages can be linked. Probably also worth noting that the 'epicLinkId' is client-side only, and simply enables the 2 epics being created to be linked to each other, without this you would only be able to call createNotifyReqResEpics() once.
createNotifyReqResEpics.js (helper based on code above)
import { ofType } from 'redux-observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map, switchMap, filter, timeout, catchError, first } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { notificationActionTypes } from '../actions';
const generateRequestId = () => Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);
export default ({
}) => {
if (typeof requestFilter !== "function")
throw new Error("Invalid function passed into createNotifyReqResEpics 'requestFilter' argument.");
if (typeof requestMessageMapper !== "function")
throw new Error("Invalid function passed into createNotifyReqResEpics 'requestMessageMapper' argument.");
if (typeof responseMessageMapper !== "function")
throw new Error("Invalid function passed into createNotifyReqResEpics 'responseMessageMapper' argument.");
const epicLinkId = generateRequestId();
const websocketSendEpic = action$ =>
map(action => ({
epic_link_id: epicLinkId,
type: notificationActionTypes.WEBSOCKET_MESSAGE_SEND,
message: {
request_id: generateRequestId(),
const websocketReceiveEpic = action$ =>
filter(action => action.epic_link_id === epicLinkId),
switchMap(sendAction =>
filter(receiveAction => receiveAction.request_id === sendAction.request_id),
map(receiveAction => responseMessageMapper(false, receiveAction.message)),
catchError(errorMessage => of(responseMessageMapper(errorMessage && errorMessage.message, null))))));
return [websocketSendEpic, websocketReceiveEpic];
documents.js (epics)
import EventTypes from '../shared-dependencies/EventTypes';
import { documentActionTypes, refreshDocumentsError, refreshDocumentsSuccess } from '../actions';
import { createNotifyReqResEpics } from '../utils';
const [getDocumentsReqEpic, getDocumentsRespEpic] = createNotifyReqResEpics({
requestFilter: action => action.type === documentActionTypes.REFRESH_DOCUMENTS_REQUEST,
requestMessageMapper: action => ({ eventType: EventTypes.get_user_documents_req }),
responseMessageMapper: (error, action) => error ? refreshDocumentsError(error) : refreshDocumentsSuccess(action.result)
export { getDocumentsReqEpic, getDocumentsRespEpic };
Where the 2 exported epics from documents.js make thie way into combineEpics.


rxjs subscription being called more often than expected

I have a BehaviorSubject stream of functions. I have an initialState object represented as an immutable Record. Those functions are scanned and used to manipulate the state. The code looks like this:
const initialState = Record({
todo: Record({
title: "",
todos: List([Record({title: "first todo"})()])
const actionCreator = (update) => ({
addTodo(title) { => {
console.log({title}); // for debugging reasons
const todo = Record({title})()
return state.set("todos", state.get("todos").push(todo))
typeNewTodoTitle(title) { => state.set("todo", state.get("todo").set("title", title))
const update$ = new BehaviorSubject(state => state);
const actions = actionCreator(update$);
const state = update$.pipe(
(state, updater) => updater(state), initialState()
// share() without share weird things happen
I have a very simple test written for this
it("should only respond to and call actions once", () => {
const subscripition = chai.spy();
const addTodo = chai.spy.on(actions, 'addTodo');
const typeNewTodoTitle = chai.spy.on(actions, 'typeNewTodoTitle');
map(s => s.get("todo")),
map(s => s.get("todos")),
expect(subscripition).to.have.been.called.twice // error
expect(subscripition).to.have.been.called.exactly(3) // error
The first strange behavior is that subscription has been called 3 times and then 4 instead of 2 and then 3 times. The second strange behavior is that even though each action has only been called once, the console.log has been called twice. I can fix this problem by adding share() to the pipeline, but I can't figure out why that's required.

Sending multiple actions from Effect, on server response, using action.payload in all of them

What currently works with one action:
addAssignment$ = this.actions$.pipe(
exhaustMap((action) => {
return this.assignmentDataService.addOrUpdateAssignment([action.payload]).pipe(
map((assignment) => {
return new assignmentActions.AddAssignmentSuccess(assignment);
How I'm trying to refactor this:
updateAssignment$ = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action) => {
return action.payload;
switchMap((payload) => {
return this.assignmentDataService.addOrUpdateAssignment([payload.postData]);
switchMap((res) => {
return [
new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignmentPost(action.payload.postData),
new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignment(action.payload.mergedData),
new assignmentActions.UpdateAssignmentSuccess(action.payload.mergedData),
How ever ofcourse action.payload.mergedData & action.payload.postData are not available in the last switchMap, and since im quite noob to Effects and Observables I'm breaking my head on this.
Whats the right combination of operators in this one?
To get access to the payload, use the last switchMap in the observable pipeline of this.assignmentDataService.addOrUpdateAssignment API returned observable like this:
updateAssignment$ = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action) => {
return action.payload;
switchMap((payload) => {
return this.assignmentDataService.addOrUpdateAssignment([payload.postData])
switchMap((res) => {
return [
new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignmentPost(payload.postData),
new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignment(payload.mergedData),
new assignmentActions.UpdateAssignmentSuccess(payload.mergedData),
Hope it helps.
Evantually I solved this just by adding more effects to the equation.
- First effect sends server request... on response sends a UpdateAssignmentSuccess action
- Second effect listens to UpdateAssignmentSuccess and send a LastUpdatedAssignmentPost action
- Third effect listens to LastUpdatedAssignmentPost action and sends a LastUpdatedAssignment action
updateAssignment$ = this.actions$.pipe(
exhaustMap((action) => {
return this.assignmentDataService.addOrUpdateAssignment([action.payload.postData]).pipe(
map((assignment) => {
return new assignmentActions.UpdateAssignmentSuccess(action.payload);
catchError(() => {
return of({
type: assignmentActions.AssignmentsActionTypes.UpdateAssignmentFailure,
payload: true
updateAssignmentsSuccess$ = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action:any) => {
return new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignmentPost(action.payload);
lastUpdateAssignmentsPost$ = this.actions$.pipe(
map((action:any) => {
return new assignmentActions.LastUpdatedAssignment(action.payload);

Store dispatch recalls the http get of the effect several times

During dispatch, my effect is called repeatedly until my backend responds and the data is loaded. I need help in understanding how to load the data with just one GET REQUEST and then load from the store if the data is actually already present.
this.cases$ =
(cases) => {
if (cases.length <= 0) { ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());
filter((cases) => {
return cases.length > 0;
tap(() => { ImportTaskLoadCasesLoadedFromStoreAction());
export const selectCasesData = createSelector(
state => state ? state.cases : []
export const selectImportTaskCasesData = createSelector(
cases => {
return cases.slice(0);
ImportCasesLoad$: Observable<any> = this.actions$
map((action: ImportTaskLoadCasesAction) => action),
switchMap((payload) => {
return this.importCases.get()
map(response => {
return new ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction({ total: response['count'], cases: response['results'] });
catchError((error) => {
return of(new ImportTaskLoadCasesLoadErrorAction(error));
Yes i have a reducer for handeling my Success Action like this :
case ImportCasesActionTypes.ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction:
return {
loading: false,
cases: action.payload.cases,
It's called in my effects.
Does the below work? This is assuming you have a reducer that handles the ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction; Maybe supplying a working example will help, as there is a bit of guessing as how state is being managed.
this.cases$ =
(cases) => {
if (cases.length <= 0) { ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());
// personally, I would have the component/obj that is consuming this.cases$ null check the cases$, removed for brevity
export const selectCasesData = createSelector(
state => state ? state.cases : []
export const selectImportTaskCasesData = createSelector(
cases => {
return cases.slice(0);
ImportCasesLoad$: Observable<any> = this.actions$
mergeMap(() => this.importCases.get()
map(response => {
return new ImportTaskLoadCasesSuccessAction({
total: response['count'],
cases: response['results']
// catch error code removed for brevity
If you only want the call this.importCases.get() to fire one time, I suggest moving the action dispatch out of the .pipe(tap(...)). As this will fire every time a subscription happens.
Instead, set up this.cases$ to always return the result of select(selectImportTaskCasesData),. Functionally, you probably want it to always return an array. But that is up to your designed desire.
Foe example ...
this.cases$ =
Separately, like in a constructor, you can dispatch the ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());. If you want it to only get called when cases$ is empty, you can always wrap it in a method.
export class exampleService() {
ensureCases(): void {
).subscribe(_cases => {
if (_cases && _cases.length < 1 ) { ImportTaskLoadCasesAction());

how to access previous mergeMap values from rxjs

I am learning to use RXJS. In this scenario, I am chaining a few async requests using rxjs. At the last mergeMap, I'd like to have access to the first mergeMap's params. I have explored the option using Global or withLatest, but neither options seem to be the right fit here.
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => {
return readCSVFile(;
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array,,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
readCSVFile is an async request which returns an observable to read CSV from a remote server.
readStringToArray is another async request which returns an observable to convert string to Arrays
transposeArray just does the transpose
uploadToDB is async DB request, which needs from the first mergeMap.
How do I get that? It would be great to take some advice on why the way I am doing it is bad.
For now, I am just passing the ID layer by layer, but it doesn't feel to be correct.
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => readCSVFile(,
mergeMap(({ data, gaugeId }: any) => readStringToArray(data, gaugeId)),
map(({ data, gaugeId }) => transposeArray(data, gaugeId)),
mergeMap(({ data, gaugeId }) => uploadToDB(data, gaugeId)),
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
Why don't you do simply this?
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => readCSVFile(
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
You can also wrap the inner observable in a function:
uploadCSVFilesFromGaugeID(gaugeID): Observable<void> {
return readCSVFile(gaugeID).pipe(
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array, gaugeID))
In order to do this at the end:
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => uploadCSVFileFromGaugeID(,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
MergeMap requires all observable inputs; else, previous values may be returned.
It is a difficult job to concatenate and display the merging response. But here is a straightforward example I made so you can have a better idea. How do we easily perform sophisticated merging.
async playWithBbservable() {
const observable1 = new Observable((subscriber) => {;
const observable2 = new Observable((subscriber) => {;
const observable3 = new Observable((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 1000);
console.log('just before subscribe');
let result = observable1.pipe(
mergeMap((val: any) => {
return observable2.pipe(
mergeMap((val2: any) => {
return observable3.pipe(
map((val3: any) => {
console.log(`${val} ${val2} ${val3}`);
next(x) {
console.log('got value ' + x);
error(err) {
console.error('something wrong occurred: ' + err);
complete() {
console.log('just after subscribe');
test1() {
return 'ABC';
test2() {
return 'PQR';
test3() {
return 'ZYX';

rxJS and ngrx - what is the right structure of success / fail inside an effect?

I work in angular 2 Project and use ngrx and rxjs technologies.
Now I have a problem:
I try to declare an Effect.
The effect has http request, and only when it success I want to call other http-request, and so only if it also success - then dispatch an success-action.
I has tested it by throw an error but it always dispatch the action!
createEntity$ = this.actions$.ofType(CREATE_ENTITY)
.switchMap((action: CreateEntity) => {
return this.httpService.getDefaultEntityData(action.payload.type).map((entity) => {
return Observable.throw("testing only");
/*if (entity) {
entity.title = entity.type;
return this.httpService.addEntity(entity);
.catch((error) => Observable.of(new createEntityFailure(error)))
.map(mappedResponse => ({ type: CREATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS, payload: mappedResponse }))
How about this:
.map((action: CreateEntity) => action.payload)
.switchMap(payload =>
.mergeMap(entity => this.httpService.addEntity(entity))
// .mergeMap(entity => Observable.throw('error')) // or this for testing
.mergeMap(response => new actions.Action(...))
.catch(error => new actions.Error(...))
You can either split this up into multiple actions or just add another API call in the same effect using Observable.forkJoin
#Effect() createEntity$ = this.actions$.ofType(CREATE_ENTITY)
.switchMap((action: CreateEntity) => {
return Observable.forkJoin(
.catch((error) => Observable.of(new createEntityFailure(error)))
.map(mappedResponse => ({ type: CREATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS, payload: mappedResponse }))
As forkJoin is parallel that won't work for you. You can just switchMap on the first API call and return the second:
#Effect() createEntity$ = this.actions$.ofType(CREATE_ENTITY)
.switchMap((action: CreateEntity) => {
return this.httpService.callOne();
.switchMap((response) => {
return this.httpService.callTwo()
.map(secondResponse => ({
payload: {
first: response,
second: secondResponse
.catch((error) => Observable.of(new createEntityFailure(error)))
1) If you returning Observable you probably want swithMap instead of map
2) Action always has been dispatched because you return non error Observable from catch. Changing Observable.of to Observable.throw will throw error further
createEntity$ = this.actions$.ofType(CREATE_ENTITY)
.switchMap((action: CreateEntity) =>
.switchMap((entity) => { // <------ switchMap here
return Observable.throw("testing only");
/*if (entity) {
entity.title = entity.type;
return this.httpService.addEntity(entity);
.catch((error) =>
Observable.throw(new createEntityFailure(error)) // <------ throw here
.map((mappedResponse) =>
({ type: CREATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS, payload: mappedResponse })
