We have micro-services with the following architecture:
web-ui <-> graphQL <-> n * back-end services
We are implementing PACT consumer driven contract tests which is working well between the back-end services.
However there are questions on how to implement this through the graphQL layer. In reality this is a consumer of the back-end services, and a provider to the web-ui.
As the consumer, GraphQL doesn't have the domain information for the actual required json that is initiated from the web-ui service. Then the web-ui service doesn't test against the back-end providers (as the graphQL layer is its provider) - and it hasn't got that association / knowledge of the back-end services.
Is it that graphQL should create a PACT interaction with each back-end provider containing all its potential values with each service. Then this demonstrates that those interfaces remain compliant. Thus the real request (interaction) from the user (web-ui) has pacts with the GraphQL service (with mocks of the back-end services), so implicitly would work all the way through the stack.
Has anyone got advice of how this works across this aggregation layer?
I have a system (kind of aggregator) that integrates with hundreds of different SOAP services - most of them do the same business functionality, but each service having different data structure in SOAP request & very few having 2 API calls to complete one transaction.
The present service integration workflow is
create stubs from WSDL
map data to the generated stub api
setup a new endpoint to fire this api
I see this a repeated, unintelligent work & requires development effort for every new service integration.
Was there different approaches to integrate with lot many systems? Any libraries that can generate soap requests based on configurations, or I have to rely on some Java SOAP, Spring lirbaries to create custom SOAP xml request from my own configurations? I see Spring's WebServiceGatewaySupport for webservice client but requires stubs created from wsdl?
Is it wise to define soap request xml as templates for every service, generate xml with input data?
Other ways I thought was to develop each integrations as independent microservice layered under an API gateway that routes each requests to specific service. But this design approach will have hundreds of services running, consuming more resources (in case of Spring boot).
Generate stubs & deposit the jar to disk, load this jar with a classloader & use the stubs using reflection - not so simple, I believe.
Use of serverless looks promising but is not possible immediately.
I am currently working on a project which has a GraphQL service that takes care of handling all client requests and communicates with other microservices as needed be. This GraphQL service is the only service exposed to the client, basically kind of like an API gateway.
Taking this into account, I was wondering if all microservices are required to have authentication/authorization handlers, as well as input and data validation. Since these microservices can only be accessed by the GraphQL service and are never exposed to the public, is there any risk to not performing these mentioned tasks on them? Can't the main GraphQL service simply take care of all the authentication, authorization and input validation and then proceed to only send requests to the microservices having these steps occurred successfully?
I have a project based on spring boot, using microseroservis, eureka as services registration and zuul as proxy server. I have two services that one dependes thah other. Each services has own rest controller, service, serviceimpl and repository, like the traditional spring-boot application. The service1 depends of service2, the question is: How do I manage this dependency?. I have two approach:
Inject service2 interface on service1
Using ribbon load balancer and create a client for each service and use de client to consume the service2.
Which of two approach is the best way for do it? What are the pros and cons of each?
Services should be independent, organizes around piece of business logic, and you should be able to deploy them independently.
... architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services
They should communicate with each other thru HTTP requests or events (you have Kafka event streams).
I would like to replace all my REST APIs with GraphQL (apollo-server preferred). It's clear to me how to use GraphQL in monolithic apps but it's not clear how to do it for microservices.
The main API server consists of multiple microservices where each microservice exposes its own REST API through which the central API server communicates with it. I would like to replace all these REST APIs with GraphQL thus I would get microservices as nested GraphQL servers communicating with each other through GraphQL instead of REST.
The problem that I'm facing is how to easily build a GraphQL query string for microservices based on the received attributes in the resolver of the main GraphQL server. There is no way to tell GraphQL to return all the fields for microservice. The best way would be to simple forward just a part of a the main query further to a microservice.
Any ideas? Do you think that REST is still more appropriate for microservices then GraphQL?
I can suggest you to use WAMP protocol and then build a network of all of your functionality.
Finally serve it under 1 GraphQL server
After read the Gordon's article about Best Practices to build Enterprise Application using Spring Framework, I would like to share some ideas about the Service layer.
My architecture represents exactly what Gordon described in this image http://gordondickens.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Spring-App-Layers.png
The application is complex, has a heavy business rule and demands to use different resources like Database, SOAP, REST and file handle sometimes in the same use case.
For this scenery that I have described above, I have a Service class that needs to perform SOAP and REST requests and handle some database data. So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
I'm concerned about if this is the best approach do handle the integration between my Services and the resources like SOAP, REST, Database and etc.
So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component
and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
Sounds problematic even though it will work.
Think about the dependency between layers. Service layer will depend on Repository layer (Business logic layer will depend on data layer). Service integration layer (or service communication layer) for incoming requests will depend on the Service layer. But the data layer does not depend on the service layer. Nor the service layer depend on the inbound service invocation layer.
So, remove the SOAP and REST components from the Service class. To the SOAP and REST components, wire the Service instance (i.e. avoid SOAP and REST components wired into the Service, do it in the reverse direction).
This way, when you want to support another integration protocol (say JMS), you do all such work not by modifying your service.
Your data access seems to be fine. I hope your Service accesses the repository via DAOs.
So, I have autowired in my Service class a SOAP and a REST component
and the Repository to handle the database stuff.
Sounds fine. You are using dependency injection, this means they can be easily tested or altered.