Embeded H2 Database for dynamic files - spring-boot

In our application, we need to load large CSV files and fetch some data out of it. For example, getting the distinct values from the CSV file. For this, we decided to go with in-memory DB's like H2, as there is no need to store the data in persistent storage.
However, the file is so dynamic that the columns may not be the same. I need to load the file to the H2 database to a table that is temporary for that session.
Tech Stack is Spring boot and H2.
The examples I see on forums is using a standard entity that knows what fields the table has. However my case the table columns will be dynamic
I tried the below in spring boot
public interface ImportCSVRepository extends JpaRepository<Object, String>
#Query(value = "CREATE TABLE TEST AS SELECT * FROM CSVREAD('test.csv');", nativeQuery = true)
But this gives unmanaged entity error. I understand why the error is thrown. However I am not sure how to achieve this. Also please clarify if I should use Spring-batch ?

You can use JdbcTemplate to manually create tables and query/update the data in them.
An example of how to create a table with JdbcTemplate
Dynamically creating tables and defining new entities (or modifying existing ones) is hardly possible with spring-data repositories and #Entity-ies. You probably should also check some NoSQL dbs like MongoDb - it's easier to define documents (or key-value objects - Redis) with dynamic structures in them.


Apply Pagination on two different tables and merge results in spring boot

I'm using Spring Data JPA to expose REST APIs. In my application, there are two types of tables available(current and archival) and structure of the current and archival tables are exactly similar and data will be moved for current table to archival table over the period of time for performance reasons. I'm having repository classes to retrieve the data from current and archival table separately and Pagination is also implemented for repositories.
Now I got a requirement to fetch the eligible records from both tables based on criteria and apply pagination at single shot. Is it possible with Spring Data JPA
You can keep the latest version in both tables and when you search for data you just do a regular search.
Another option would be to create a view over the two tables.
I also think Hibernate Envers was able to do that though I never tried it.

How to fetch the data from database using spring boot without mapping

I have a database and in that database there are many tables of data. I want to fetch the data from any one of those tables by entering a query from the front-end application. I'm not doing any manipulation to the data, doing just retrieving the data from database.
Also, mapping the data requires writing so many entity or POJO classes, so I don't want to map the data to any object. How can I achieve this?
In this case, assuming the mapping of tables if not relevant, you don't need to use JPA/Hibernate at all.
You can use an old, battle tested jdbc template that can execute a query of your choice (that you'll pass from client), will serialize the response to JSONObject and return it as a response in your controller.
The client side will be responsible to rendering the result.
You might also query the database metadata to obtain the information about column names, types, etc. so that the client side will also get this information and will be able to show the results in a more convenient / "advanced" way.
Beware of security implications, though. Basically it means that the client will be able to delete all the records from the database by a simple query and you won't be able to avoid it :)

Spring Data : relationships between 2 different data sources

In a Spring Boot Application project, I have 2 data sources:
a MySQL database (aka "db1")
a MongoDB database (aka "db2")
I'm using Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB, and it's working great... one at a time.
Saying db1 handles "Players", and db2 handles "Teams" (with a list of players' ID). Is it possible to make the relationship between those 2 heterogeneous entities working? (i.e. #ManyToOne, #Transactional, Lazy/Eager, etc.)
For example, I want to be able to write:
List<Player> fooPlayers = teamDao.findOneById(foo).getPlayers();
EDIT: If possible, I'd like to find a solution working with any spring data project
Unfortunately your conundrum has no solution in spring data.
what may be a possibility is that you create an interface (DAO) class of your own. That DAO class would have implementations to to query both of your DBs. A very crude and short example would be
your DAO
yourFind (id)
this would find in db2 and return a relevant list of objects
get the player from the above retrieved list and query db1
i hope this points you in the right direction

How to query the session in ASP.NET MVC with a dynamic query

I want to store some user data in memory, like some in-memory noSQL database.
But later on I want to query that data with a dynamic query constructed from the user. That query is stored in a classic DB like a string, so when I need to query the data stored in memory I would like to parse that string and construct the desired query (by some known rules).
I looked at Redis and I figured out it isn't maintained for Windows anymore, I have also looked at RavenDB but it's main query language is LINQ, even though it can be created dynamic Lucene Query.
Can you suggest me another in memory DB that work with ASP.NET and can be queried with a dynamically created query? Maybe I haven't seen all the options.
I prefer name-value or JSON based noSQL so it's schema can be easyly modified without the constraints of the relation type of DBs
I would suggest to simply use sqlite. It can be easily used as an in-memory database (just open the database using ":memory:" instead of a file name).
You can use a simple 2 columns table with a primary key to emulate a key/value store.
Here are a few links you might find helpful:
How to create asp.net web application using sqlite

Implementing database layer in Spring / Jetspeed

I'm using a Spring/Jetspeed/portal architecture and want to add a new portal which uses persistent storage. The Jetspeed database itself is MySql so I'm thinking of adding some extra tables to this DB, I don't think I can re-use the existing Jetspeed tables ? I could use jdbc to then query these tables but I'd like to abstract this layer. What technologies should I use ? I like the idea of NoSql and this might be good project to introduce it in. I will be just adding approx 3 tables.
