make[1]: Nothing to be done for error problem - makefile

after make's Makefile did flawlessly and next it was renamed to Makefile_
then it's run by the exact command but being inserted with:
-f Makefile
so now
make -f Makefile_ (... the rest identical),
then went out to give :
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'
How'd it mean and be solved ?

Makefiles are intelligent and only compile or recompile when necessary, for example if a change in the files has been detected.
So if you've altered your code and then ran your Makefile, it will compile the corresponding code. But if you run it again without changing anything, it will give you an error message saying that there isn't anything to be done.
Thus the message:
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'
If you want to avoid this, you can change a small part of your code just to recompile it or use the -B flag to force a remake.
With the -B flag, the command would be:
make -f Makefile_ -B


Ignore clean command in Makefile

I have a project to compile with a lot of makefiles including a clean command. That's why i always have to start over again if there is an error (because the clean command is called in many Makefiles)
Is there any possibility to tell make to ignore the clean command? I would have to touch > 100 Makefiles otherwise. I would like make to start on the last error, not compiling all done stuff again
Example Makefile entries:
clean: cleansubdirs $(DIR) $(DIR1)
It's possible to redefine the recipe of an explicit target as simple as that:
# more stuff...
Now run make -f Makefile -f and it will work without actual cleaning files. However, make will issue several warnings about "overriding/ignoring old recipes".

Make ignore errors: what is the difference between -i and -k

I want make to continue even if a dependency's build fails. I usually use -i to accomplish this. A colleague of mine said he uses -k. Indeed, this stack overflow question has an answer for each:
Make: how to continue after a command fails?
Is there a difference between these two options?
Here's what the make man page says for these two options:
-i, --ignore-errors
Ignore all errors in commands executed to remake files.
-k, --keep-going
Continue as much as possible after an error. While the
target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot be
remade, the other dependencies of these targets can be
processed all the same.
What -k describes is what I think -i does. I'm sure I'm missing something: can someone help me understand the difference?
Consider this makefile:
all: fail success
all success:
#echo $#
exit 1
#echo $#
Now run with the two flags:
$ make -i
exit 1
make: [Makefile:7: fail] Error 1 (ignored)
This flag caused make to pretend that a specific recipe command succeeded, even though it failed. Thus the all target is still run, because make believes that the fail target actually succeeded. It's equivalent to adding a - at the beginning of every recipe line.
As opposed to:
$ make -k
exit 1
make: *** [Makek:7: fail] Error 1
make: Target 'all' not remade because of errors.
Here, make knows the fail target was not built. success is run because of -k: it doesn't depend on fail. However, all is not built because it does depend on fail.
I've never really needed -i; it seems dangerous to me.
On the other hand, I use -k almost by default.

Make is deleting my target. Why?

From the docs:
Usually when a recipe line fails, if it has changed the target file
at all, the file is corrupted and cannot be used--or at least it is not
completely updated. Yet the file's time stamp says that it is now up to
date, so the next time 'make' runs, it will not try to update that file.
The situation is just the same as when the shell is killed by a signal;
*note Interrupts::. So generally the right thing to do is to delete the
target file if the recipe fails after beginning to change the file.
'make' will do this if '.DELETE_ON_ERROR' appears as a target. This is
almost always what you want 'make' to do, but it is not historical
practice; so for compatibility, you must explicitly request it.
So, here I have a makefile:
# The idea here is to auto-generate the file ('make.include')
# and to use it as a makefile.
# For simplicity, I replaced the "auto-generate" part, with "touch".
# I also simplified the dependency-tree with 'phony'.
# In practice, we re-generate, only when "need" to.
make.include : phony
+touch '$#'
make -f '$#'
.PHONY: phony
$ make -q
I get:
touch 'make.include'
make: *** Deleting file 'make.include'
Now, i don't see how to prevent make from deleting this newly auto-generated 'make.include' (which may well be quite a costly process to re-run), unless i resort to the .PRECIOUS special target.
But, demanding the user to explicitly define their "precious" targets, is not in-line with that quote from the docs above. Right?
This arises because of your use of + in +touch '$#' and executing make with the -q option. From the GNU Make Manual the -q option is
“Question mode”. Do not run any recipes, or print
anything; just return an exit status that is zero if the specified
targets are already up to date, one if any remaking is required, or
two if an error is encountered. See Instead of Executing Recipes.
The + symbol is only relevant when make is executed with the -t, -n or -q options and it tells make to execute any commands it precedes make is executed with any of the options -t, -n or -q. So, when you execute your current makefile with make -q you are asking make to check if everything is up to date without running any commands but because you've specified + before touch '$#' make must execute this command. To then leave everything the way it was before you executed make -q make must delete the file it created with +touch '$#'.
To answer your question specifically. If you don't want make to delete make.include then you can run make without the -q option on the makefile specified in your question.
However, the recipe for a target, i.e. make.include should not call its self with make -f make.include. It would probably be better to rewrite the makefile so that the recipe for make.include only creates make.include and it is then called with make -f make.include in another recipe.
+touch $#
all: make.include
make -f $<

makefile recursive -q mode Error 1

I am trying to run a recursive invocation of "question mode", and I get an error in a very unique scenario.
I am using MAKE 3.81, and this has been tested on two completely separate environments.
I call "make -q", then that makefile calls "$(MAKE) -C sub/a/", then that makefile calls "$(MAKE) -f ../../makefile.b"
The testcase is as simple as I can make it. Can someone tell me why I get this error:
nachum:/home/nachum/makefile_bug[1497]$make -q
make -C sub/a
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/nachum/makefile_bug/sub/a'
make -f ../../makefile.b
make[1]: *** [b] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/nachum/makefile_bug/sub/a'
make: *** [a] Error 2
Here are the makefiles:
$(MAKE) -C sub/a
$(MAKE) -f ../../makefile.b
echo hi
The whole point of this exercise is to be able to check if sub projects need to be recompiled so I can properly build the top level project when necessary. Otherwise I have to use timestamps for everything. (I previously used timestamps, but I realized that caused extra confusion for other things.)
There are some weird workarounds for this problem. For example, if the recipe for a (in makefile) has an additional line above the call to $(MAKE), ie:
#echo hi
$(MAKE) -C sub/a
The problem goes away, AND the dependencies (in my full testcase) still work. Also using make directly seems to change the behavior (as opposed to $(MAKE)).
Any help would be appreciated.
Your problem is roaming around the -q option specified. -q would run no command but give exit status if up to date. When you use ${MAKE} make -q -C sub/a is executed. after little permutation and combination I found that we can't use -q with -C option. If you want quite then use make --quite or if you just want to check the timestamps then try with -t (touch but don't compile) or '-n` (dry run).

How to make Make *not* print "recipe for target failed?

I'm building a Makefile for a sequence of compiles to show progressive output differences to be used to synchronize with the examples in a tutorial. Some of those runs generates error codes, but since that is part of the definition of the "problem" the message output by make ("Makefile:15: recipe for target `run3' failed") when a target fails kind of gets in the way.
I know about ignoring the error code, but is it possible to suppress that output? Preferable from within the Makefile.
On a similar note, is it possible to suppress the message of entering and leaving subdirectories from within the Makefile (equivalent to '--no-print-directory')?
And, yes, I'm satisfied with a GNU Make answer.
Of course, after some googling the answer is in the GNU Make manual. The special targets .SILENT and .IGNORE did exactly what I wanted.
To achieve what you want I would use --silent --ignore-errors --no-print-directory GNU make switches and redirect stderr to /dev/null (2>/dev/null) commands in the makefile
