How to run Makefile in mac - makefile

I want to create a fat library in mac. So I foll this. I copied the content of makefile into an edit text and renamed it to Makefile.mak. I opened the terminal in where the makefile is located and types "make" in the terminal and hit enter. I am getting an error that "Makefile is not found". What would be the reason for this? Where I made a mistake?
Please help me.

Your makefile is incorrectly named. You need to rename your Makefile.mak back to 'makefile'; that's what the make command is looking for.

make looks for files with name GNUmakefile, makefile or Makefile. If you change your file's name to one of these, you can run it without a problem. If you still want to use that name, you must run the make with -f flag. Running command should be like this:
$make -f <file_name>
In your case:
$make -f Makefile.mak


create requirement.txt file for virtualenv using Makefile not working

I'm trying to setup a makefile to create a virtual environment using Make in Windows.
I want to create an empty requirement.txt file from within the Makefile. This file shall be filled later with pip-package names.
The Code to create the empty file in windows looks like this:
echo >> //C:\Users\xxx\environments\venv\homepage\requirement.txt
When I run the Makefile no file is created. But when I use the command in Powershell directly, it creates the requirements.txt file.
I suppose it has something to do with Escaping the command. but I couldnt find any hint how to do this.
Has anyone an Idea, why the file is not created from the Makefile?
Merci A
I found out, that the syntax must be like that:
type nul >> environments/venv/homepage/requirements.txt
The reason is, that Make writes to the $USER folder as standard. So that is the starting point for any PATH used here.

bash: ngc: command not found

I'm using #angular/compiler-cli to build my ng2 app in aot mode. When I input 'ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' in my bash window, I get 'bash: ngc: command not found'. However, when I use 'node_modules/.bin/ngc -p tsconfig-aot.json' instead, it works. I googled for serval times but didn't get any usfull information. Can any give me a hand? Thx!
Seems like you need to put ngc in your path:
echo $PATH
Do you see ngc in binary in your path?
If not:
To make it permanent add to .bash_profile
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/ngc
I've tried to change the slash to 'backslash' on windows and it worked for me:
If you don't want to set it globally, you can specify an absolut path in your angular-project, just make sure that you delete this part of the path when you don't use it anymore.
ngc is in node_modules/.bin, so depending on where you want to use ngc you can export the path like this:
To run commands located into the node_modules folder of your project, without installing them globally (operation that will make the ngc command work in any system folder), you can use this command:
ngx ncc <options>
Basically ngx is a shortcut that executes any command located in node_modules bin folder.

MINIX compiling .c files error

Im working on minix 3.2.1 . I just put a :
command in do_mkdir -> open.c ,in many lines , so when i use mkdir 'name' command in shell it prints hi.
I put this printf inside :
mined /usr/src/servers/vfs/open.c in do_mkdir function
and i compile it with :
cd /usr/src/
make hdboot
and then i reboot. But it just make file, it wont print hi.
I tried compile with make install too.. but nothing.
I think its problem with compiling. Any idea?
Keep in mind that make hdboot is a command that you can use when you're in the usr/src/realeasetools directory. Therefore it's possible that your mistake is simply this. If however that's not the case, then there's a possibility that you're missing some tools. Apart from make install try to update your minix. ( I think the command is make update, not sure though)

Makefile error make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified

I am using a makefile in windows to push some files on a Unix server (here a text file "blob.txt" in the same folder of my makefile).
My makefile script is:
pscp blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/
I start a command prompt, go in the folder where blob.txt and the makefile are present and type:
make setup
Which results in:
pscp blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, pscp blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
make: *** [setup] Error 2
In a #fail ... whereas if I enter directly the command in the command prompt:
pscp blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/
It works ... I really wonder why.
The error
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, pscp blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
is almost certainly complaining that Windows cannot find pscp.
This is almost certainly because the value of %PATH% (or whatever) is different when make spawns a shell/console then when you have it open manually.
Compare the values to confirm that. Then either use the full path to pscp in the makefile recipe or ensure that the value of PATH is set correctly for make's usage.
I didn't want to remove GIT's bin folder from the PATH variable (I am using a Windows machine), as I use it quite often. So I looked for a workaround, and here it is:
Add the <git-installation-directory>/usr/bin directory to your PATH variable too. This basically adds the rest of the linux-like commands that come with the "GIT bash" to your environment. After applying this, my makefiles ran normally again. :)
If you are curious about what shell is being invoked by make, just add $(info $(SHELL)) at the beginning of your makefile. The path/name of the shell being invoked is printed to the console as soon as you run make.
I know this is an old question that has been answered, but thought I'd and my experiences for anyone still running into this. I was getting the same cryptic error Colonel Beauvel (though with the windows MOVE command, not pscp):
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, move /y foo\bar.c .\baz.c, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
Our CI was running the same Makefile and working perfectly. Turns out CI was using mingw32-make and I was using GNU make. Uninstalling GNU make (which got installed as part of an unrelated bulk package) and aliasing mingw32-make to 'make' works perfectly.
#user3869623's solution works for me. I'd like to share some details of mine to complete the picture.
My makefile contains below target:
#echo '$(OS)'
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
del /s *.o *.d *.elf *.map *.log
When I run make clean, I see this error:
Since it says something went wrong with echo, so I change my makefile target to below:
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
del /s *.o *.d *.elf *.map *.log
This time, make clean gives me this error:
I am surprised to see bash here since I am working in Windows command line.
Then I checked my %PATH%, I see this entry:
There's a bash.exe and sh.exe in that path. So I removed this entry, and it works fine now.
As to why the C:\DevTools\Git\bin shows up in my %PATH%, because I am using Sublime and it always asks me for the Git binaries:
In my case, I had git\bin in my %PATH% which contains bash.exe and sh.exe.
Removing %GIT_HOME%\bin from the PATH worked for me.
To build on user3869623's response.
In my case i had git\bin in my %PATH% which contains bash.exe and sh.exe.. Removing %GIT_HOME%\bin from the PATH worked for me
While this recommendation may allow make to run, it will likely cause issues for git, especially if the makefile is installing software from a git repository.
A better solution is to simply change %GIT_HOME%\bin to %GIT_HOME%\cmd
For those who tried removing the git bin folder from PATH and it didn't work for them, search your PATH variables for any paths containing bash.exe.
In my case I found a variable linking to cygwin bin folder C:\cygwin64\bin, removed it and it worked.
I had the same issue, and this thread really helped me solve it. In my case, it was a conflict between make and the sh.exe that was visible through my path, due to both git and mingw64. To fix my issue, without breaking Git, I added these lines to the top of my batch file that calls make:
set path=%path:git\bin=;%
set path=%path:mingw64\bin=;%
set path=%path:usr\bin=;%
This hides the extra sh.exe instances from make for that instance only.
I ran into this problem recently and this question was one of the top hits for my searches.
None of the other answers here helped me. The fix, for me, was to put the binary name in quotes:
"pscp" blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/
-"pscp" blob.txt username#hostname:/folder/ # Failure is OK, `-` in front
I'm on windows.
By explicitly setting my compiler to gcc (instead of cl?) it solved my problem.
CC = gcc
I hope some people more knowledgeable than me could explain why changing the compiler would impact the makefile parsing.

mac command line command not found

Ok so I've been trying to run some things from the command line and I'm having a 'permission denied' problem and then when I 'sudo ./(file.c' I get a 'command not found'. It's weird because other .c files in the same directory work ok.
I've downloaded and installed Xcode and command line tools. Also, I have #include some other things that are also in the same directory.
When I echo $PATH I'm getting this output:
Thanks for any help that could be provided!
You're running sudo ./file.c but file.c looks like the name of a source code file which would usually not be executable. Probably the problem you're having is that you're trying to run something which cannot be run. If you really want to force the computer to run it, you can do chmod +x file.c before trying to run it. But if it is indeed C source code, it won't do anything useful.
