Spring Data - Build where clause at runtime - spring

In Spring Data, how can I append more conditions to an existing query?
For example, I have the CrudRepository below:
public interface MyRep extends CrudRepository<MyObject, Long> {
#Query("from MyObject mo where mo.attrib1 = :attrib1")
List<MyObj> findMyObjects(String attrib1, String conditions);
At runtime, I will need to call "findMyObjects" with two params. The first param is obviously the value of attrib1. the second param will be a where clause that would be determined at runtime, for example "attrib2 like '%xx%' and attrib3 between 'that' and 'this' and ...". I know this extra where condition will be valid, but I don't know what attributes and conditions will be in it. Is there anyway to append this where clause to the query defined in the #Query annotation?

Unfortunately, no. There is no straightforward way to achieve that.
You'll want to use custom reporistory methods where you'll be able to inject an EntityManager and interact with EntityManager.createQuery(...) directly.
Alternatively, you can build dynamic queries using Specifications or QueryDsl.

I ended up injecting an EntityManager that I obtained in the rest controller. Posting what I did here for criticism:
The repository code:
public interface MyRepo extends CrudRepository<MyObject, Long> {
default List<MyObject> findByRuntimeConditions(EntityManager em, String runtimeConditions) {
String mySql = "<built my sql here. Watch for sql injection.>";
List<MyObject> list = em.createQuery(mySql).getResultList();
return list
The Rest controller code:
public class DataController {
EntityManager em;
// of course watch for sql injection
public List<MyObject> getMyObjects(#PathVariable String runtimeConditions) {
List<MyObject> list = MyRepo.findByRuntimeConditions(em, runtimeConditions);
return list;


Returning only the first 10 record - Redis OM

I’m using Redis OM for spring boot, I am having trouble querying objects because it only returns the first 10 records.
Repository Class:
public interface RedisBillerRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository<Biller, Long> {
List<Biller> findByClientIds(String clientId);
Is there a way to return ALL the objects with the specific clientId? Not the first 10 only.
The only way which i found was with the interface Page. For example your Repository would look like this:
public interface RedisBillerRepository extends RedisDocumentRepository<Biller, Long> {
Page<Biller> findByClientIds(String clientId, Pageable pageable);
And your class could look like this
public class BillerService {
RedisBillerRepository redisBillerRepository;
public List<Biller> getAllClientsById(String clientId){
Pageable pageRequest = PageRequest.of(0, 500000);
Page<Biller> foundBillers = redisBillerRepository.findByClientIds(clientId, pageRequest);
List<Biller> billersAsList = foundBillers.getContent();
return billersAsList;
You have to set the limit for now.
I'm the author of the library... #member2 is correct. RediSearch currently has a default for the underlying FT.SEARCH (https://redis.io/commands/ft.search/) method of returning the first 10 records found. To override that, the only way to do so currently is to use the Pagination constructs in Spring.
I will expose a configuration parameter in upcoming versions to set the MAX globally.

Spring mvc Service Example vs Hibernate Repository Query

I'm sorry to ask many questions these days but i'm on my own.
I would like to know exactly when I have to create a new query in repository and when I have to filter data in service.
For example to get a person by name you can do it in more than 2 differents ways.
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer> {
#Query("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE LOWER(p.name) = LOWER(:name)")
Person findOneByName(#Param("name") String name);
public class PersonService implements IService<Person,Integer>{
public Person findOneByName(String name){
Person personFilter = new Person();
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching().withIgnoreCase().withIgnoreNullValues();
Example<Person > example = Example.of(personFilter,matcher);
return personRepository.findOne(example);
I prefere use the first one because it's easier to implement when do we use Example ?
Always use the first one in the simply cases when you can do work by one JPQL (HQL) request.
If you need to build request depending on conditions use the second approach.
Something like:
if (filter.hasName()) {
if (filter.hasAge()) {

Multi-Column Search with Spring JPA Specifications

I want to create a multi field search in a Spring-Boot back-end. How to do this with a Specification<T> ?
The UI in the front end is a Jquery Datatable. Each column allows a single string search term to be applied. The search terms across more than one column is joined by a and.
I have the filters coming from the front end already getting populated into a Java object.
Step 1
Extend JPA Specification executor
public interface SomeRepository extends JpaRepository<Some, Long>, PagingAndSortingRepository<Some, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor {
Create a new class SomeSpec
This is where I am lost as to what the code looks like it and how it works.
Do I need a method for each column?
What is Root and what is Criteria Builder?
What else is required?
I am rather new at JPA so while I don't need anyone to write the code for me a detailed explanation would be good.
It appears QueryDSL is the easier and better way to approach this. I am using Gradle. Do I need to change my build.gradle from this ?
If you don't want to use QueryDSL, you'll have to write your own specifications. First of all, you need to extend your repository from JpaSpecificationExecutor like you did. Make sure to add the generic though (JpaSpecificationExecutor<Some>).
After that you'll have to create three specifications (one for each column), in the Spring docs they define these specifications as static methods in a class. Basically, creating a specification means that you'll have to subclass Specification<Some>, which has only one method to implement, toPredicate(Root<Some>, CriteriaQuery<?>, CriteriaBuilder).
If you're using Java 8, you can use lambdas to create an anonymous inner class, eg.:
public class SomeSpecs {
public static Specification<Some> withAddress(String address) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
// ...
For the actual implementation, you can use Root to get to a specific node, eg. root.get("address"). The CriteriaBuilder on the other hand is to define the where clause, eg. builder.equal(..., ...).
In your case you want something like this:
public class SomeSpecs {
public static Specification<Some> withAddress(String address) {
return (root, query, builder) -> builder.equal(root.get("address"), address);
Or alternatively if you want to use a LIKE query, you could use:
public class SomeSpecs {
public static Specification<Some> withAddress(String address) {
return (root, query, builder) -> builder.like(root.get("address"), "%" + address + "%");
Now you have to repeat this for the other fields you want to filter on. After that you'll have to use all specifications together (using and(), or(), ...). Then you can use the repository.findAll(Specification) method to query based on that specification, for example:
public List<Some> getSome(String address, String name, Date date) {
return repository.findAll(where(withAddress(address))
You can use static imports to import withAddress(), withName() and withDate() to make it easier to read. The where() method can also be statically imported (comes from Specification.where()).
Be aware though that the method above may have to be tweaked since you don't want to filter on the address field if it's null. You could do this by returning null, for example:
public List<Some> getSome(String address, String name, Date date) {
return repository.findAll(where(address == null ? null : withAddress(address))
.and(name == null ? null : withName(name))
.and(date == null ? null : withDate(date));
You could consider using Spring Data's support for QueryDSL as you would get quite a lot without having to write very much code i.e. you would not actually have to write the specifictions.
See here for an overview:
Although this approach is really convenient (you don’t even have to
write a single line of implementation code to get the queries
executed) it has two drawbacks: first, the number of query methods
might grow for larger applications because of - and that’s the second
point - the queries define a fixed set of criterias. To avoid these
two drawbacks, wouldn’t it be cool if you could come up with a set of
atomic predicates that you could combine dynamically to build your
So essentially your repository becomes:
public interface SomeRepository extends JpaRepository<Some, Long>,
PagingAndSortingRepository<Some, Long>, QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Some>{
You can also get request parameters automatically bound to a predicate in your Controller:
See here:
SO your Controller would look like:
class SomeController {
private final SomeRepository repository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String index(Model model,
#QuerydslPredicate(root = Some.class) Predicate predicate,
Pageable pageable) {
model.addAttribute("data", repository.findAll(predicate, pageable));
return "index";
So with the above in place it is simply a Case of enabling QueryDSL on your project and the UI should now be able to filter, sort and page data by various combinations of criteria.

How do I autowire a repository which has primitive type dependency injection?

I have three text files, they all contain data of the same type, but data is stored differently in each file.
I want to have one interface:
public interface ItemRepository() {
List<Item> getItems();
And instead of creating three implementations I want to create one implementation and use dependency injection to inject a path to the text file
and an analyser class for each text file:
public class ItemRepositoryImpl() implements ItemRepository {
Analyser analyser;
String path;
public ItemRepositoryImpl(Analyser analyser, String path) {
this.analyser = analyser;
this.path = path;
public List<Item> getItems() {
// Use injected analyser and a path to the text file to extract the data
How do I wire everything and inject the ItemRepositoryImpl into my controller?
I know I could simply do:
public class ItemController {
public List<Item> getItems1() {
ItemRepository itemRepository = new ItemRepositoryImpl(new Analyser1(), "file1.txt");
return itemRepository.getItems();
public List<Item> getItems1() {
ItemRepository itemRepository = new ItemRepositoryImpl(new Analyser2(), "file2.txt");
return itemRepository.getItems();
public List<Item> getItems1() {
ItemRepository itemRepository = new ItemRepositoryImpl(new Analyser3(), "file3.txt");
return itemRepository.getItems();
But I don't know how to configure Spring to autowire it.
You can achieve it in many different ways and it probably depends on your design.
One of them can be initialising 3 different analyzers in spring context and wiring all the three analyzers in ItemRepositoryImpl using '#Qualifier' annotation. With the help of an extra method parameter, ItemRepositoryImpl can decide which analyzer it should route the requests to.
For the path variable also you can follow a similar approach.
If your question is specific about how to wire the primitive type in the bean, check this post . It specifies how to initialize a String variable in spring context.

Return custom-typed object from JpaRepository

I have the following repository:
public interface UserRepository extends BaseDAO<User> {
Collection<User> findByEmail(#Param("email") String email);
#Query("select new com.data.CustomUser(upper(substring(u.lastName, 1, 1)) as initial, count(*)) from User u join u.chats c where c.business=:business group by upper(substring(u.lastName, 1, 1)) order by initial")
List<CustomUser> getContactsIndex(#Param("email") String email);
which is exposed with Spring Data REST. The User object is a managed entity, while CustomUser not and as you can see, it's build on-fly by using custom query.
Once I want to call that function, it fails with Persistent entity must not be a null! exception. Is there any way to implement this behavior?
P.S. Expose CustomUser with separate repository is impossible because it is not a managed entity.
One challenge with using Spring Data Rest is when you hit an edge case and you don't know whether you've hit a bug or whether you're just outside the scope of what the library is intended for. In this case I think you are at the edge of what SDR will easily do for you, and it's time to implement your own controller.
Spring Data Rest is looking for an Entity - in your case a User - as the return type for ALL methods in the repository to expose under /entities/search, and breaks when it doesn't find that entity type. The User it wants to serialize isn't there, hence the "Persistent entity must not be null".
The way around this is to write a simple #Controller that has a #RequestMapping for the exact same url exposed by the repository method. This will override the SDR generated implementation for that url, and from that you can return whatever you want.
Your implementation might look something like this:
public class CustomUserController {
private final UserRepository repository;
public CustomUserController(UserRepository repo) {
repository = repo;
#RequestMapping(value = "/users/search/getContactsIndex", method = GET, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE})
public #ResponseBody List<CustomUser> getContactsIndex(#RequestParam String email) {
return repository.getContactsIndex(email);
Be aware that there is a "recommended" way to override functionality this way. There is an open issue to document the best way to do this.
