Spring boot app cannot connect to RabbitMQ on kubernetes Cluster - spring-boot

I deployed a RabbitMQ server on my kubernetes cluster and i am able to access the management UI from the browser. But my spring boot app cannot connect to port 5672 and i get connection refused error. The same code works , if i replace my application.yml properties from kuberntes host to localhost and run a docker image on my machine.I am not sure what i am doing wrong?
Has anyone tried this kind of setup.
Please help. Thanks!

Let's say the dns is named rabbitmq. If you want to reach it, then you have to make sure that rabbitmq's deployment has a service attached with the correct ports for exposure. So you would target http://rabbitmq:5672.
To make sure this or something alike exists you can debug k8s services. Run kubectl get services | grep rabbitmq to make sure the service exists. If it does, then get the service yaml by running 'kubectl get service rabbitmq-service-name -o yaml'. Finally, check spec.ports[] for the ports that allow you to connect to the pod. Search for '5672' in spec.ports[].port for amqp. In some cases, the port might have been changed. This means spec.ports[].port might be 3030 for instance, but spec.ports[].targetPort be 5672.

Do you are exposing TCP port of rabbitMQ to outside of cluster?
Maybe only management port has exposed.
If you can connect to management UI, but not on port 5672, maybe indicate that your 5672 port is not exposed outside of cluster.
Obs: if I not understand correctly your question, please let me know.
Good luck


How to run Infinispan over ECS?

I want to run https://hub.docker.com/r/jboss/infinispan-server/ over ECS as a Service. This container has the following ports open 7600 8080 8181 8888 9990 11211 11222 57600. I want to access all these ports by connecting ALB with the target groups. I know 11222 accessible from HTTP, but I don't know how to use other ports. Could someone please help me to understand how I can do that.
For example:
infinispan.mydomain.com -> 11222 (HTTP Infispan App)
infinispan9990.mydomain.com -> 9990
How can I use all those ports in the target groups for health checks? If not, then how can I use infinispan and all its ports from another service.
I know there is an implementation over EKS but I want to use ECS. I tried it already but I didn't find any good article or way to do that.
The latest Infinispan images (10+) have been designed to run with the infinispan-operator, so Infinispan on k8s or OKD is the first option.
Maybe you can find more info on how to adapt the image on ECS in the following pages:
Infinispan Image project
ConfigGenerator for Infinispan

The Jenkins tunnel address which I specify in the Jenkins->Configure Cloud does not seem to work. Can someone help me with the same?

I have a kubernetes cluster running on GKE and a Jenkins server running on a GCP instance.
I am using the Kubernetes plugin to dynamically create pods on the kubernetes cluster. I created a pipeline(Declarative syntax) for the same.
So I am aware that the Jenkins slave agents communicates with the Jenkins master on port 50000.
A snip of the configuration
But for some reason when I viewed the logs for the JNLP container creates by Jenkins, I received an exception - tcpSlaveAgentListener not found.
A snip of the container log
According to the above image, I assume the tunneling is unsuccessful as it is trying to connect to whereas it should connect to
It was a lazy question for me to ask, but I solved the issue.
In the Manage Jenkins-> Configure Global Security settings:
For the option on setting a port for TCP inbound agents: unselect the disable option which is selected by default and then provide a port for the inbound agents to interact on (50000).
A snip of the configuration
Jenkins uses a TCP port to communicate with agents connected inbound. If you're going to use inbound agents, you can allow the system to randomly select a port at launch (this avoids interfering with other programs, including other Jenkins instances). As it's hard for firewalls to secure a random port, you can instead specify a fixed port number and configure your firewall accordingly.
Hope this helps someone.

Not able to connect to Kafka on AWS EC2

I created an Ubuntu VM on AWS EC2 and in this same VM I'm running one instance of Zookeeper and one instance of Kafka. The Zookeeper and Kafka are running just fine, I was even able to create a topic, however, when I tried to connect from my local machine (macOS) from the terminal I get this message:
Producer clientId=console-producer] Connection to node -1 (ec2-x-x-x-x.ap-southeast-2.compute.amazonaws.com/x.x.x.x:9092) could not be established. Broker may not be available. (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
Inside /config/server.properties I changed the properties listeners and advertised.listeners (see image below) as I read in many topics related to my issue, but still no way of being able to connect Kafka on EC2 from my local machine:
I really don't know what I'm missing here...
Kafka version: kafka_2.12-2.2.1
After almost 3 days of struggling I was able to find out the problem. In case someone also has the same issue, I solved it by configuring the Security Group on AWS and adding the port 9092 which is the port where Kafka is running by default.

elasticsearch transport-couchbase plugin refusing connection on port 9091

On my server I have installed elasticsearch-2.2.1 and couchbase server version 4.1.0. The aim is to transfer data from bucket x on couchbase to elastic search.
Ive installed the transport-couchbase plugin on elastic-search which will basically allow for xdcr from the server to elastic search.
As I understand it, transport-couchbase listens by default on port 9091 so in essence I'm supposed to create a cluster reference that points to that port (both couchbase and elastic search are installed on the same machine).
When I try create the reference I get an internal server error. The logs don't give me much information regarding the issue and I can ping the port. However when I try to telnet the machine on the port it refuses connection.
the server is sitting behind a proxy and i am starting to think that the issue lies within either couchbase server or elasticsearch ( transport-couchbase plugin)
Im going out on a limb here but I think maybe im supposed to configure the plugin so that it accepts requests going through tthe proxy. If this is the issue, is there a way to embed proxy settings into the plugin so that it can accept connections for xdcr?
PS: When I did this whole process on a separate machine that isnt sitting behind a proxy, everything worked fine. So I have a strong suspicion that it is proxy issues
If you can't telnet or browse to port 9091, this most likely indicates a network config issue. The plugin binds to the interface that elasticsearch binds to. The first thing to check is that the bind_host and publish_host in elasticsearch.yml is configured to bind to an interface that allows connections from wherever the proxy is located and that the proxy is really connecting on that interface.
There is a thread in github for the bug in transport plugin where it might not bind to all interfaces :
The above solutions didn't work for me, however I added this line:
to /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options and it seemed fixed the issue in my case

heroku different port for Rest service

I have a java application which exposes a port to receive data from outside. I'm wondering how to make heroku also expose this port? I now expose the port to 8170, when I tried to connect it, I always get couldn't connect to host error. I tried to change the $PORT variable, but it always says it fails to bind to port. Could anyone help me on this?
Many thanks in advance!
Per Can a Heroku app use different/multiple ports?, you can only use the default ports of 80 and 443 for apps on Heroku.
Changing $PORT is unlikely to help; this is the mechanism Heroku uses to tell your app what port to run on within the server; it then puts a proxy between the real network port and your application.
If you really, really must expose HTTP on a non-standard port, you'll need to find another deployment mechanism. My recommendation would be to try to update your REST client to not require a non-standard port.
